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2021-10-20京翰·西安交大校區(qū)·鞏固提高 一節(jié)課多少錢

燭心 (中英對照)燭心作者:不詳CandlewickBy Un Unknow Writer翻譯:付文中喬遷新居,女主人還沒收拾完畢,突然停電了,室內(nèi)一片漆黑... [查看全文]

2021-10-20京翰·鄭州外國語校區(qū)·一對一輔導 效果怎么樣

When Love Beckons YouWhen love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wi... [查看全文]

2021-10-20京翰·鄭州外國語校區(qū)·輔導怎么收費 家長口碑好不好

寂寞也好A man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their bag... [查看全文]

2021-10-20京翰·武漢光谷校區(qū)·輔導課程有嗎 是怎么收費的

真正的禮物The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.- Eric Hoffer    世... [查看全文]

2021-10-20京翰·鄭州外國語校區(qū)·怎么輔導 輔導效果如何

The Window 窗口—一種與人分享的幸福The Window 窗口—一種與人分享的幸福  Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the s... [查看全文]

2021-10-19京翰·西安小寨校區(qū)·輔導怎么收費 位置在哪里

A goodbye kissThe Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling ... [查看全文]

2021-10-19京翰·北京望京校區(qū)·輔導班有沒有 具體位置在哪聯(lián)系電話多少

馬上行動,夢想才會實現(xiàn)Dreams   To accomplish great things, you must dream great dreams. But dreaming alone isn’t ... [查看全文]

2021-10-19京翰·大連甘井子校區(qū)·一對一輔導 大概收費標準

We Are on a Journey人在旅途Henry Van Dyke    Wherever you are, and whoever you maybe, there is one thing in ... [查看全文]

2021-10-19京翰·武漢永清校區(qū)·課外補習班 家長口碑怎么樣

對那些嫉恨你的人心懷感激 If you're someone who aspires to something beyond the ordinary, you must have figur... [查看全文]

2021-10-19京翰·天津圖書大廈校區(qū)·課外輔導補習 師資力量如何

想走多遠, 就走多遠最近感想頗多.生活依舊忙碌, 各種雜事纏身, 而唯一慶幸的, 或許就是在學生做練習時我可以忙里偷閑地讀上幾頁散文或... [查看全文]