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精彩對白 Wilson: How were all these people chosen? Anheuser: Same way your Art was. By experts from all over the world. We had geneticists determine the perfect gene pool we need to repopulate . Adrian: These people were chosen by genet [查看全文]


精彩對白: Anheuser: You just said that, Mom. You just said that. You don't remember that you just said that? That's okay. Listen, Mom. I'll call you next week, same time. Okay? Take care now. Take care of yourself. Adrian: Sir. I thin [查看全文]


精彩對白 Jackson: Adults get hurt feelings too. Charlie: ...tell the truth. Thank you, Bill. What is your question? Bill: I wanted to know, where is all this gonna start? Charlie: Well, something like this could only originate in Hollyw [查看全文]


精彩對白 Girl: Daddy, where are we going? Jackson: Going to a relly special place I know. Actually, it's a place where your mom and I used to hang out a lot. Boy: I don't want to know where you and mom had sex. I'm not ready for that, J [查看全文]


第一頁:片段欣賞 第二頁:巧學口語 第三頁:小小翻譯家 第四頁:精彩劇情 本片段劇情:2012年世界末日到來之前,地殼活動頻繁,多處地區(qū)出現(xiàn)了裂縫。雖然有人對此引起了警覺, [查看全文]


精彩對白 Amelia: Here we are. Ghost Writer: Oh, here we are. Amelia:I'm sorry.I think I'm over it , and then suddenlyI realize I'm not. Ghost Writer: Are you sure this is all right? Amelia: Of course. My invitation said plus one . Ghost [查看全文]


精彩對白 Waiter: Good evening, sir. Hatherton welcomes you aboard. Ghost Writer: Thank you.It's my first time in a private jet. Amelia: Well, let's hope it's not your last. Lang:Hi, man. Take your seat. Ghost Writer: Thanks. Lang: Hey, [查看全文]


精彩對白 Ruth: Perfect fit. Now all you need is a drink. Ghost Writer: What are we having? Ruth: Biodynamic white wine from the Rhinehart Vinery in the Napa Valley. Ghost Writer: Rhinehart. He doesn't own a distillery ,I suppose? Ruth: [查看全文]


精彩對白 Ghost Writer: Hello? Amelia: You need to check out of the hotel immediately. Things have changed. A car is on its way. See you then. Ghost Writer: Hello? Woman:Just check on that. Okay? Reporter: It's getting big, huh? Ghost [查看全文]


精彩對白 Lang: Hi, darling. Ruth: How was New York? Lang: Short and sweet.Hi, Barry. Hi, Amelia.Hello. Who are you? Ghost writer: I'm your ghost . Lang:Right. Ruth: Don't worry. He isn't always such a jerk . Ghost writer: This place rea [查看全文]