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2018-07-27雙語讀電影 《怪獸大學》第04章 :這里就是怪獸大學的‘王冠之珠’

Chapter 4From that day on, Mike studied like a monster possessed. He read stacks of books, lear... [查看全文]

2018-07-26雙語讀電影 《怪獸大學》第03章 :哇,我甚至都不知道你進去了

Chapter 3When Mike entered the small bedroom, his eye quickly adjusted to the darkness. He could... [查看全文]

2018-07-26雙語讀電影 《怪獸大學》第02章 :怪獸大學可是世界上比較好的驚嚇學校了

Chapter 2A three-eyed tour guide met the class in the huge lobby of Monsters, Inc. Serious-looki... [查看全文]

2018-07-25雙語讀電影 《怪獸大學》第01章 :今天,他們將要參觀最著名的尖叫工廠

Chapter 1One sunny morning, a bright yellow school bus rolled out of an elementary school parkin... [查看全文]

2018-07-25雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第11章 :這是極限攀登知識徽章,恭喜你

CHAPTER 11Ow! Carl laughed as the baby bird pecked at his head, grooming him. He was holding a... [查看全文]

2018-07-24雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第10章 :有什么遺言嗎,費迪遜?

CHAPTER 10Carl tossed everything out of the house. Chairs, tables, dressers, dishes, shoes, hats,... [查看全文]

2018-07-24雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第09章 :他不能眼睜睜地看著房子就這樣被燒掉,決不能!

CHAPTER 9Muntz glared at the three wet dogs standing before him. You lost them? he growled. He... [查看全文]

2018-07-23雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第08章 :似乎蒙茲幾十年來一直在尋找的是……凱文!

CHAPTER 8Wow! Carl said as he poked around Muntz’s trophyroom. It was packed with rare tre... [查看全文]

2018-07-23雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第07章 :你是查爾斯·蒙茲嗎?

CHAPTER 7A croaking frog woke Carl the next morning. He sat up and yawned. Morning, sweetheart,... [查看全文]

2018-07-22雙語讀電影 《飛屋環(huán)游記》第06章 :那你為什么不問問你爸爸怎么搭帳篷?

CHAPTER 6A bulldog sniffed greedily at the ground, following the bird’s tracks. The tracks ... [查看全文]