孤注一擲 Bet one's bottom dollar on. Put all one's eggs in one basket. Win the horse or lose t... [查看全文]
孤陋寡聞 Who does not mix with the crowd knows nothing. eg:His opinion shows us that he is the man who... [查看全文]
沽名釣譽 Angle for praise. Court publicity. Seek the limelight. eg:Jack made concessions to fish for c... [查看全文]
茍延殘喘 Keep body and soul together. Linger on. eg:The beggar lives a miserable life just to keep bod... [查看全文]
供不應求 Supply short of demand. Demand over supply. eg:The supply of meat is short of demand as New ... [查看全文]
攻其不備 Take one off his guard. To catch a weasel asleep. eg:The sudden attack took the enemy napping... [查看全文]
功虧一簣 Give up when near success. Look back from the plough. Another course would have done it. eg... [查看全文]
功敗垂成 A slip betwixt the cup and the lip. A flash in the pan. eg: Tom is disqualified at the fina... [查看全文]
各有所好 One man's meat is another man's poison. A barley corn is better than a diamond to a coc... [查看全文]
各人自掃門前雪 Sweep before your own door. Let each tailor mend his own coat. Let every man skin his o... [查看全文]