A British woman in her 50s, who had tried and failed at all kinds of diets, came to Standop for help in losing weight.
“Puffy pouches at her jawline and beneath her lower lip, as well as skin slackness” told him the woman had trouble metabolizing carbohydrates when consumed with fats, and he advised her to exercise caution around the combo.
Then he looked between her eyes and could tell right away she was a lover of red wine.
“Heavy drinkers of red wine often have pronounced vertical lines between the eyes, like thinker lines but with pigmented spots between them,” Standop writes.
Those signs appeared alongside “droopy upper eyelids, lots of fine lines and enlarged pores between the eyes, a reddish cast to the cheeks and dry wrinkled skin around the cheekbones and very deep lines running from the nose to the mouth.”
Combining all this with a redness in her cheeks and leg cramps, he says he correctly deduced that the woman was deficient in magnesium, a common condition in people who drink too much alcohol.
A famous English soccer player (unnamed in the book) couldn’t give a postgame TV interview without one of his eyelids starting to blink. Doctors thought it was a nervous tic, but no one knew how to stop it.
Watching videos of his interviews, Standop grew perplexed when he noticed that the twitch only appeared when the player was interviewed after games. In other studio interviews, he was fine.
Realizing that the player’s cheeks were also red in the game-day interviews even after he had showered and cooled down led Standop to realize the player had a magnesium deficiency.
“The player threw himself into the game with intense force and concentration, so by the final whistle he had completely exhausted his magnesium stores,” Standop writes.
Standop suggested to the player’s manager that they test this theory by either having the team doctor give him a magnesium supplement after games or having the player eat magnesium-rich foods such as “pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, peanuts or even a green smoothie made with spinach and kale.”
This solved the problem. Today, Standop writes, the player has since retired and now earns his living as a television sportscaster.