That shows you how my mind works — quick, and away from the point. I read simply voraciously, and can drum up an opinion afterwards.
Since I have bought an India print, and a large number of phonograph records from a Mr. Nussbaum who picks them up, and a Cezanne Bathers one inch long (that shows you I read e. e. cummings I hope), I am anxious to have an apartment, not to mention a small portable phonograph. How I would like to work for you! A little paragraph each morning — a little paragraph each night, if you can't hire me from daylight to dark, although I would work like a slave. I can also draw like Mr. Thurber, in case he goes off the deep end. I have studied flower painting.
我最近買了一幅印度版畫,從一位名叫努斯鮑姆的先生那里買了許多他收集的唱片,還買了幅一英寸長的塞尚的《沐浴者》(Cezanne's Bathers)[我希望這能讓你們知道,我讀e.e. 卡明斯(e. e. Cummings)],所以我迫切需要一間公寓,更急需一臺手提小唱片機。我多么希望為你們工作!每天早上寫一小篇文章—如果你們不能全職雇用我,那就每天晚上寫一篇小文章,我愿意像奴隸一般拼命工作。我可以模仿詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber)的畫風,以防他哪一天畫出突發(fā)奇想的作品。我學過畫花卉。
There is no telling where I may apply, if you turn me down; I realize this will not phase you, but consider my other alternative: the U of N.C. offers for $12.00 to let me dance in Vachel Lindsay's Congo. I congo on. I rest my case, repeating that I am a hard worker.
如果貴刊拒絕了我,我不知道會去何處求職。我明白這不能影響你們的決定,但是請考慮我的另一個選擇:北卡羅來納大學出價12 美元,讓我在韋切爾·林賽(Vachel Lindsay)的《剛果河》(Congo )里起舞?!秳偣印分虏辉儋樖?,就此擱筆。多說一次,我工作很努力。
Truly yours,
Eudora Welty