76 動名詞復合結構的用法 Track 076
a. Tom’s coming home at last was a great consolation. (作主語)
b. Do you mind my making a suggestion? (作及物動詞賓語)
c. Our discussion of earthquakes would be incomplete if we didn’t raise the possibility of their being caused by external forces.
d. Clint insisted on my reading the letter.
e. What are the chances of a sleepwalker’s committing a murder or doing something else extraordinary in his sleep?
夢游者在睡夢中實施謀殺或做出一些其他反?;顒拥目赡苄杂卸啻螅?br />
a. It’s no use Tom arguing with his boss.
b. Do you mind me making a suggestion?
c. I am annoyed about John forgetting to pay.
a. Tom’s refusing to accept the invitation upset me.
b. His refusing to accept the invitation upset me. (不宜用him refusing)
c. It was a great consolation his coming home at last. (不宜用him coming)
a. Do you mind me making a suggestion?
b. I am annoyed about John forgetting to pay.