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【演講人】Cornelia Geppert

Cornelia Geppert是Jo-Mei Games的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼創(chuàng)意負責人。



翻譯者 Jiasi Hao 校對 Jiong Guo

Have you ever felt lonely? The urge of wanting to connect with people, but you seem to have no one you really would want to contact? Or, it's a Friday night and you want to be with others, but you have no energy to go out, so instead you sit at home all evening, watch Netflix and feel more alone than ever? You feel like a monster between humans that know how to function. This is what loneliness felt like to me.

你曾感到孤獨嗎? 盡管內(nèi)心有與人聯(lián)系的強烈愿望, 卻沒有可以找的人? 或者在周五的晚上,你想找人聚聚, 卻沒有力氣出門, 于是你選擇整晚宅在家里, 刷網(wǎng)飛上的劇, 感到更加孤獨。 在一群正常人中間, 你覺得自己就是個怪物。 這就是孤獨給我的感受。

So I'm an artist, and I process my emotional world by sharing my feelings through my art. If you share your feelings with someone, and they understand and share those feelings too, you create an emotional and deep connection. This is why you can be surrounded by hundreds of people, jump from one candidate to the next, but still feel lonely. It's because these deeper connections haven't been made.

我是一名藝術(shù)家, 我通過藝術(shù)分享感受, 來表達我的情感世界。 如果你和某人分享你的感受, 他們感同身受, 并且也分享自己的感受, 你們就建立了情感上的深度聯(lián)系。 這就是為什么,盡管你身邊有很多人, 你在中間尋尋覓覓, 卻依舊感到孤獨。 因為你們沒有建立起深度聯(lián)系。

I was an always-happy child. I think we nearly have no single photo of me where I don't smile broadly or laugh or joke around. And this went on until ... well, it's still the case. But I had many friend groups up until, as a young adult, I moved to another city for my first job as a comic artist. And like so many young, thriving people all over the planet, I concentrated all my energy into my work life. But, if you spend, like, 90 percent of your daily capacity trying to succeed at work, of course there is nothing left to take care of all the other important aspects in your life, like your human relationships. Nourishing friendships as an adult is work. You need to be consistent with connecting. You need to be open, you need to be honest. And this is all I struggled with, because I tend to camouflage my real feelings by trying to appear always happy and trying to make everyone else happy, too, by trying to fix their problems. And I know a lot of us are guilty of this, because it's an easy way to not think about your own issues. Isn't it? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?

我曾是一個無憂無慮的孩子。 幾乎所有我的照片, 都面帶笑臉,或是大笑,或者搞怪。 這一直持續(xù)到—— 好吧,現(xiàn)在也依舊如此。 以前我有很多朋友圈子, 直到成年后不久,我搬到另一個城市, 開始第一份工作——漫畫家。 就像全世界無數(shù)勤奮的年輕人一樣, 我把所有精力都投入到了工作中。 但是,如果你每天把 90% 的精力 都投入工作, 顯然你沒什么余力 去關(guān)注你生活中其他重要的方面了, 比如人際關(guān)系。 成年人培養(yǎng)友誼是一項工作。 你必須持續(xù)不斷地維系。 需要開放,需要坦誠。 這是我一直在糾結(jié)的點, 因為我一直隱藏自己的真實感受, 讓自己看起來開心, 我也一直努力幫別人解決問題, 從而讓每個人也都開心。 我知道,很多人都有這個問題, 因為這是一種能讓我們 忘掉自己煩惱的簡單方法, 不是嗎? 對吧,不是嗎?





The turning point came when I fell into an emotionally abusive relationship just a few years ago. He isolated me and left me feeling more alone than ever. It was the lowest point in my life, but it was also my wake-up call, because it was the first time that I really felt loneliness.

就在幾年前我陷入了 一段糟糕的感情,精神遭到虐待, 這對我來說是一個轉(zhuǎn)折點。 他孤立我, 讓我感到了前所未有的孤獨。 那是我人生最低谷, 但也給我敲響了一記警鐘, 因為這是我第一次 真正感受到了孤獨。

Many others put their feelings into their art. There are endless books, movies, paintings, music, all filled with the real emotion of an artist. So, as an artist myself, I did the same. I shared my feelings. I wanted to help people cope with loneliness. I wanted, yeah, to make them understand it, to really experience it through my art in the form of an interactive story, a video game.

許多藝術(shù)家將他們的情感注入藝術(shù)。 有不計其數(shù)的書籍、電影、繪畫、音樂 都充滿了藝術(shù)家的真情實感。 同為藝術(shù)家的我也不例外。 我分享自己的感受。 我想要幫助人們應對孤獨。 讓他們了解孤獨, 讓他們真正地經(jīng)歷孤獨, 通過交互故事的藝術(shù)形式—— 電子游戲。

So, in our game -- we called it "Sea of Solitude" -- you are a person named Kay, who is suffering from such strong loneliness that her inner feelings -- the anger, the feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness -- turn to the outside, and she becomes a monster. The game -- well, Kay -- is actually a representation of me and the path I went through to overcome my struggles. The game plays, actually, in Kay's mind, so you walk through a world that is flooded by her tears, and the weather is changing by her mood, how her mood is changing. And, well, the only thing Kay wears, the only thing, is her backpack. It's the baggage we all carry throughout our life. And Kay doesn't know how to cope with her emotions in the right way, so her backpack becomes bigger and bigger until it bursts, and she finally is forced to overcome her own struggles.

在我們的游戲里—— 這個游戲叫《孤獨之?!贰?你是一個名叫凱的人, 承受著巨大的孤獨, 以至于她內(nèi)心的情緒—— 那種憤怒, 那種絕望,那種無用感—— 從內(nèi)向外爆發(fā)出來, 將她變成了一個怪物。 這個游戲——其實凱 —— 她的原型就是我, 也展示了我如何戰(zhàn)勝內(nèi)心掙扎的過程。 這個游戲其實發(fā)生在凱的腦海中, 所以你會穿梭在 一個被她淚水淹沒的世界 天氣也會隨著她的心情變化 而發(fā)生變化。 凱帶著的唯一一件東西, 唯一的裝備, 就是她的背包。 這是一個伴隨我們一生的行囊。 凱也不知道該如何正確處理她的情緒, 所以她的背包變得越來越大, 直到她不堪重負, 于是她不得不克服自己的困難。

In our story, we present many different manifestations of loneliness. Loneliness through social exclusion is very common. In our game, the brother of Kay got bullied in his school, and he just wants to hide and fly away. And we portray him as a huge bird monster surrounded by thick fog. The player has to actually walk through his school and experience, really feel the harm, that the brother had been through, because for a long time, nobody really listens to him. But the very moment friends and family start to listen, the first step towards overcoming this form of loneliness had been made.

在我們的故事中,我們展現(xiàn)了 孤獨的多種表現(xiàn)形式。 社會排斥所產(chǎn)生的孤獨很常見。 在我們的游戲中,凱的哥哥在學校受到霸凌, 他只想躲藏和逃離。 我們把他塑造為一只 被濃霧籠罩的巨型怪鳥。 玩家必須要穿過他的校園, 真實體驗凱的哥哥 所經(jīng)歷的傷害, 因為很長時間以來, 沒有人真正傾聽他。 但是當朋友和家人 開始傾聽的那一瞬間, 其實已經(jīng)邁出了 克服這類孤獨的第一步。

We also show loneliness in relationships, like when parents just stay together for the sake of their kids but end up hurting the entire family. We put the player literally in between the two parents while they are fighting, and you get hurt in the middle. They don't even see that their daughter, Kay, is right there until she breaks down.

我們也展現(xiàn)了感情中的孤獨, 比如家長為了孩子 而勉強在一起, 但最終傷害了整個家庭。 父母在吵架的時候, 我們把玩家放在他們中間, 你在其中會受到傷害。 他們甚至看不見女兒凱就在邊上, 直到她崩潰。

We also show loneliness through mental health issues, with the boyfriend of Kay, who suffers from depression and shows that sometimes it is most important to focus on your own well-being first. The boyfriend also tends to camouflage his feelings, so he appears like a lone, shiny white wolf. But the moment he starts to interact with his girlfriend, Kay, the mask falls off, and we see the black dog beneath it: depression.

我們也通過心理健康問題來展現(xiàn)孤獨, 例如凱的男友,遭受抑郁癥折磨, 其實有些時候 首先關(guān)注自己的健康最為重要。 她的男友也傾向于隱藏自己的感受, 所以他的形象是一只孤獨卻閃亮的白狼。 但在他開始和女友凱互動的瞬間, 偽裝消失了, 我們可以看到隱藏其中的 一只黑狗的形象: 抑郁癥。

Sometimes we put on a smile instead of dealing with the issues at hand, and that can ultimately make it worse, affect the people around us and damage our relationships.

有時我們面帶微笑, 而不去處理手中的問題, 最終會讓事情變得更糟, 影響我們身邊的人, 破壞我們之間的關(guān)系。

So Kay herself we portray as ripped apart into her basic emotions. Some help you, some are trying to stop you. Self-Doubt is a huge creature, always telling Kay how worthless she is and that she should just give up. Like in real life, Self-Doubt is blocking the path, and it seems impossible to overcome it. Destroying the omnipresence of Self-Doubt is a slow process. But in the game, you can slowly, like, shrink her, so she turns from self-doubt to actually healthy doubt, and you can finally trust her advice. We also show Self-Destruction. It's a huge monster always lurking nearby under the water's surface. Self-Destruction is actually the main antagonist of the game, and she is always trying to drown you in the ocean of tears. But, when she actually drowns you, you wake up just a few moments [before], and you have a chance to progress again. We wanted to show that we all go through hardships in our life, we all do. But if you at least, like, stand up and try to move forward, you are very likely to make it through your struggle, step by step.

因此我們把凱 塑造為一個被自己的情緒左右的人。 有些情緒能幫到你, 而有些卻在阻撓你。 自我懷疑是一種強大的存在, 它總是讓凱覺得自己是多么的無用, 她應該就這么放棄。 就像在現(xiàn)實生活中, 自我懷疑阻礙著你前進的道路, 看起來無法被戰(zhàn)勝。 消滅日常出現(xiàn)的自我懷疑 是一個緩慢的過程。 但在游戲中, 你可以慢慢地縮小她, 于是她能從自我懷疑 轉(zhuǎn)化為合理的懷疑, 到最后你可以相信她的建議。 我們也展現(xiàn)了自我毀滅。 它是一個巨大的怪物, 總是隱藏在附近的水面下。 “自我毀滅”實際上是游戲中的 主要反派角色, 她總是想把你拖進“淚之?!?。 但是,每當她快要淹死你時, 你會回到幾分鐘前醒來, 獲得一個再來一次的機會。 我們想要展現(xiàn)的是, 所有人都在生活中 經(jīng)歷了許多磨難,無人例外。 但如果你哪怕能站起來, 嘗試繼續(xù)前進, 你就非常有可能,挺過這些磨難, 一步一步地。

Joy is something that Kay cannot really embrace or touch. It's always something in the distance. We portrayed Joy as a child version of Kay, with a yellow raincoat, so she is invulnerable to the ocean of tears. But Joy can also turn into obsession and start to be actually harmful for Kay, like when she starts obsessing over her boyfriend. Joy will not turn back to normal until Kay realizes that her happiness should not depend on anybody else but herself.

快樂是凱無法真正觸及的東西, 它一直在遠處。 我們把快樂用小時候的凱來表示, 她穿著件黃色的雨衣, 所以“淚之?!睙o法傷害到她。 但是快樂也會轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榘V迷, 從而對凱造成傷害, 比如當她開始癡迷于她的男友。 癡迷無法變回快樂,直到凱能意識到, 她的幸福不應該靠別人, 而只能靠自己。

So our monsters appear huge and scary, but if you overcome your reluctance and approach them, you soon see that they are no monsters at all, but just fragile beings that are simply overwhelmed by what life throws at them.

所以我們的怪獸看起來巨大又可怕, 但如果你克服了自己的猶豫, 并靠近它們, 你就會發(fā)現(xiàn),它們根本不是怪獸, 只是被生活壓垮的脆弱生命。

All of those emotions, be it self-doubt or even self-destruction, don't completely vanish in our game. The key message is to not only chase for joy or happiness but to embrace all your emotions and bring them into balance, being OK with sometimes not being OK.

所有的這些情緒, 自我懷疑,或甚至自我毀滅, 在我們的游戲中不會完全消失。 游戲的精髓不只是“追逐快樂或幸?!?, 同時也是“擁抱你所有的情緒” 并“讓它們維持平衡”, 允許一些不好的情緒存在,才是真的好。

Everyone has their own loneliness story to tell. This realization changed everything for me. Being much more open with my emotions and concentrating much more on my private life, my friends, my family. When we released the game, literally thousands of fans wrote us, all sharing their stories with us and telling us they felt not so alone anymore just because they played our game. Many people wrote us that they felt hope for a better future for themselves for the first time in decades. Many wrote us that they seek therapy now, just because they played our game and felt hopeful to overcome their own struggles. Our game is not a therapy. It's not meant to be a therapy. It's just my friends and me sharing our stories through our art, video games. But we are so deeply thankful for every single message that people feel better, just because we shared our story with them.

每個人都有孤獨的時候。 認識到這一點改變了我的一切。 我坦然面對自己的情緒 也更多關(guān)注我的生活, 我的朋友,我的家庭。 在我們推出這款游戲后, 成千上萬的粉絲給我們來信, 分享他們的故事, 告訴我們,他們不再感到那么孤獨, 因為他們玩了我們的游戲。 許多人寫到:幾十年來第一次, 他們對自己更美好的未來,充滿了希望。 許多人寫到:他們開始尋找心理療法, 因為他們玩了我們的游戲, 對克服自己的困難,充滿了希望。 我們的游戲不是一種療法。 它本不應該是一種療法。 它只是我和我的朋友們 通過電子游戲這種藝術(shù)形式, 在分享我們的故事。 但對于每一條信息,我們都心懷感激, 因為我們分享了自己的故事, 讓大家感覺好多了。

So ... I didn't completely overcome my urge to help others. But I don't want to overcome it anymore. I love it. I just needed to bring it to a healthy size, so it doesn't stand in the way of deeper relationships anymore, but even help me to connect with people.

所以…… 我還是沒能完全克服 想要幫助他人的沖動。 但我不想再克服它了。 我愛做這件事。 我只需要把握好一個度, 讓它不再成為建立深度聯(lián)系的絆腳石, 而是幫助我更好地與人相處。

So, if you have an inner monster that is born out of negative emotions, it is not only the goal to kill that monster but to understand that we humans are complex beings. Look at what part of your life is so big that others fall short. Look at what emotions you barely feel or maybe feel too much and move towards lowering those peaks. Most of all, it's about understanding that all the wide range of emotions and struggles makes us what we are: humans.

所以,如果你心里有一個怪物, 充滿了負面情緒, 消滅這個怪物不是唯一的目標, 而是要理解,我們?nèi)祟愂菑碗s的生命體。 看看什么東西占據(jù)了你生活的大部分, 影響到了其他。 看看哪些情緒你覺察不到, 或者哪些情緒太強烈, 然后控制這些太過強烈的情緒。 最重要的是要理解, 正是所有這些各式各樣的情緒和苦難 才造就了我們: 人類。

Thank you.





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