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【演講者及介紹】Bright Simons




翻譯者Jessie Zhang 校對者 Yolanda Zhang


I am an ideas activist.That means I fight for ideas I believe into have their place in the sun,regardless of which side of the equator they were born.As well I should.I myself am from that part of the worldoften euphemistically referred to as either "the Global South"or "the developing world."But let's be blunt about it:when we say those words, what we really mean is the poor world --those corners of the world with ready-made containersfor the hand-me-down ideas of other places and other people.

我是一名創(chuàng)意積極分子。意思就是我為了 自己相信的創(chuàng)意而戰(zhàn),無論這些創(chuàng)意 誕生在赤道的哪一邊,都讓它們能在陽光下 有一席之地。我也應(yīng)該這么做。我自己就來自那個(gè)經(jīng)常被委婉地稱作“南半球“或者”發(fā)展中世界“的那部分世界。但是咱們說得直白點(diǎn):當(dāng)我們說那些詞的時(shí)候, 我們真正想說的是貧窮世界——那個(gè)用著別人想出來的、現(xiàn)成創(chuàng)意的世界。


But I'm here to depart a little bit from the scriptand to try and convince youthat these places are actually alive and bubbling with ideas.My real issue is: Where do I even start?So maybe Egypt, Alexandria,where we meet Rizwan.When he walks outside his souk,walks into a pharmacy for heart medicinethat can prevent the blood in his arteries from clotting,he confronts the fact that,despite a growing epidemicthat currently accounts for 82 percent of all deaths in Egypt,it is the medicines that can address these conditionsthat counterfeiters, ever the evil geniuses they are,have decided to target.Counterfeiters making knockoff medicines.

但是我來這是想另辟蹊徑,嘗試著去說服你們相信,這些地方其實(shí)很有活力、 充滿著創(chuàng)意。我真正的難題是:該從哪開始說起?也許先從埃及 的亞歷山大港,我們遇見里茲萬(Rizwan)的地方說起吧。當(dāng)他走出市場,進(jìn)了一家藥店去買能夠防止動脈血栓的心臟病藥時(shí),他面臨著這樣一個(gè)事實(shí),就是即使埃及 82% 的死亡都由一個(gè)正在擴(kuò)散的流行病造成,但是造假者們,這些邪惡的天才們,偏偏選中了能治療這些病的藥。造假者們正在造假藥。


Luckily for Rizwan,my team and I,working in partnership with the largest pharmaceutical company in Africa,have placed unique codes -- think of them like one-time passwords --on each pack of the best-selling heart medicine in Egypt.So when Rizwan buys heart medicine,he can key in these one-time passwordsto a toll-free short codethat we've set up on all the telecom companies in Egyptfor free.He gets a message -- call it the message of life --which reassures himthat this medicine is not one of the 12 percent of all medicines in Egyptthat are counterfeits.

里茲萬很幸運(yùn),因?yàn)槲液臀业膱F(tuán)隊(duì)和非洲最大的制藥公司聯(lián)合,在埃及每一包賣得最好的 心臟藥上面加上了獨(dú)特的編碼,可以把這些編碼想象成一次性密碼。所以當(dāng)里茲萬買心臟藥的時(shí)候,他可以把這些一次性密碼發(fā)送至一個(gè)免費(fèi)的短號碼,這個(gè)短號碼我們在埃及的所有電信公司都免費(fèi)設(shè)置了。然后他會收到一條短信—— 叫它生命的短信吧——確保他買的藥不是埃及所有藥中那 12% 的假藥。


From the gorgeous banks of the Nile,we glide into the beautiful Rift Valley of Kenya.In Narok Town, we meet Ole Lenku, salt-of-the-earth fellow.When he walks into an agrodealer's shop,all he wants is certified and proper cabbage seedsthat, if he were to plant them,will yield a harvest rich enoughthat he can pay for the school fees of his children.That's all he wants.Unfortunately,by the reckoning of most international organizations,40 percent of all the seeds sold in Eastern and Southern Africaare of questionable quality,sometimes outrightly fake.Luckily for Ole,once again, our team has been at work,and, working with the leading agriculture regulator in Kenya,we've digitized the entire certification processfor seeds in that country,every seed -- millet, sorghum, maize --such that when Ole Lenku keys in a code on a packet of millet,he's able to retrieve a digital certificatethat assures him that the seed is properly certified.

從尼羅河動人的岸邊,我們來到肯尼亞美麗的裂谷。在納羅克鎮(zhèn),我們遇到了歐雷·藍(lán)庫, 他屬于社會中堅(jiān)力量那一類。當(dāng)他走進(jìn)一個(gè)農(nóng)產(chǎn)品商店的時(shí)候,他想要的,不過是能買到認(rèn)證了的、 合適的卷心菜種子,讓他能種下去之后有個(gè)好收成,然后他可以給孩子交學(xué)費(fèi)。他只想要這么多。不幸的是,大多數(shù)國際組織計(jì)算出,在東非和南非售賣的所有種子中,40% 的種子有質(zhì)量問題,甚至有一些完全就是假貨。歐雷很幸運(yùn),我們的團(tuán)隊(duì)又一次行動起來了,我們和肯尼亞領(lǐng)頭 的農(nóng)業(yè)監(jiān)管組織合作,將這個(gè)國家的每一類種子——小米、高粱、玉米——的認(rèn)證過程徹底數(shù)字化了,這樣當(dāng)歐雷·藍(lán)庫發(fā)送 一袋小米種子上的編碼時(shí),他能收到一個(gè)數(shù)字證書,證實(shí)種子是經(jīng)過有效認(rèn)證的。


From Kenya, we head to Noida in India,where the irrepressible Ambikais holding on very fast to her dream of becoming an elite athlete,safe in the knowledge thatbecause of our ingredients rating technology,she's not going to ingest something accidentally,which will mess up her doping testsand kick her out of the sports she loves.

從肯尼亞, 我們來到了印度的諾伊達(dá),在那里,不甘屈服的安比卡(Ambika)正堅(jiān)守著她成為 一名精英運(yùn)動員的夢想,她知道,因?yàn)槲覀兊脑显u級技術(shù),她不會意外吃下什么東西,影響到她的興奮劑檢查結(jié)果,從而把她踢出她熱愛的運(yùn)動。


Finally, we alight in Ghana,my own home country,where another problem needs addressing --the problem of under-vaccination or poor-quality vaccination.You see, when you put some vaccines into the bloodstream of an infant,you are giving them a lifetime insuranceagainst dangerous diseases that can cripple them or kill them.Sometimes, this is for a lifetime.The problem is that vaccines are delicate organisms really,and they need to be stored between two degrees and eight degrees.And if you don't do that, they lose their potency,and they no longer confer the immunitythe child deserves.Working with computer vision scientists,we've converted simple markers on the vials of vaccinesinto what you might regard as crude thermometers.So then, these patterns change slowly over time in response to temperatureuntil they leave a distinct pattern on the surface of the vaccine,such that a nurse, with a scan of the phone,can detect if the vaccine was stored properly in the right temperatureand therefore is still good for usebefore administering this to the child --literally securing the next generation.

最后,我們回到了我的祖國,加納(西非城市),在那里,另一個(gè)問題有待解決——缺乏疫苗接種,或疫苗質(zhì)量低下。要知道,當(dāng)你把疫苗 注射到一個(gè)嬰兒的血液中時(shí),你是在給他們提供一個(gè)對抗致殘或致命的危險(xiǎn)疾病的保險(xiǎn)。有時(shí)候,這個(gè)保險(xiǎn)終身有效。而問題是,疫苗是 很脆弱,易變質(zhì)的有機(jī)物,它們需要被貯存在 2 到 8 攝氏度之間。如果沒有這么做, 它們會失去效力,再也不能給予孩子們他們應(yīng)得的免疫力。我們和計(jì)算機(jī)視覺科學(xué)家合作,將疫苗藥品上的簡單標(biāo)志轉(zhuǎn)換成你可以看做是 簡易溫度計(jì)的東西。然后,溫度計(jì)上的樣式會 隨著氣溫而慢慢改變,直到它們在疫苗的表層上 留下一個(gè)明顯的標(biāo)記,這樣當(dāng)一個(gè)護(hù)士 拿手機(jī)一掃描,就可以檢測疫苗是否被 貯存在適宜的溫度下,并在將疫苗 注射到孩子的身體里前,檢測出這個(gè)疫苗是否能正常使用——真正地保護(hù)了下一代。


These are some of the solutions at work saving lives, redeeming societies,in these parts of the world.But I would remind youthat there are powerful ideas behind them,and I'll recap a few.One, that social trust is not the same as interpersonal trust.Two, that the division between consumption and regulationin an increasingly interdependent worldis no longer viable.And three, that decentralized autonomy,regardless of what our blockchain enthusiasts in the West --whom I respect a lot -- say,are not as important as reinforcing social accountability feedback loops.These are some of the ideas.

這些是來自這一部分世界的、 正在拯救著生命和社會的解決方法。但是我要提醒各位的是,這些解決方法背后 是有力的觀點(diǎn)在支撐著,我來簡單地重述一下。第一,社會信任和 人與人之間的信任不同。第二,在一個(gè)互利共生 正日益加強(qiáng)的世界里,消費(fèi)和監(jiān)管之間的分離不再可行。第三,不論西方的區(qū)塊鏈狂熱者——我非常尊重他們——說什么,分權(quán)自治都沒有加強(qiáng)社會責(zé)任反饋回路那么重要。這些就是其中的一些觀點(diǎn)。


Now, every time I go somewhere and I give this speechand I make these comments and I provide these examples,people say, "If these ideas are so damn brilliant,why aren't they everywhere?I've never heard of them."I want to assure you,the reason why you have not heard of these ideasis exactly the point I made in the beginning.And that is that there are parts of the worldwhose good ideas simply don't scalebecause of the latitude on which they were born.I call that "mental latitude imperialism."






That really is the reason.



But you may counter and say, "Well, maybe it's an important problem,but it's sort of an obscure problem in parts of the world.Why do you want to globalize such problems?I mean, they are better local."What if, in response, I told youthat actually, underlying each of these problems that I've describedis a fundamental issue of the breakdown of trustin markets and institutions,and that there's nothing more global, more universal, closer to you and Ithan the problem of trust.For example, a quarter of all the seafood marketed in the US is falsely labeled.So when you buy a tuna or salmon sandwich in Manhattan,you are eating something that could be banned for being toxic in Japan.Literally.Most of you have heard of a time when horsemeat was masquerading as beefin burger patties in Europe?You have.What you don't know is that a good chunk of these fake meat pattieswere also contaminated with cadmium, which can damage your kidneys.This was Europe.Many of you are aware of plane crashes and you worry about plane crashes,because every now and then, one of them intrudes into your consciousness.But I bet you don't knowthat a single investigation uncovered one million counterfeit incidentsin the aeronautical supply chain in the US.

但是可能你會反對說, “也許這個(gè)問題挺重要的,但它只是世界部分地區(qū)的 不太顯眼的問題,為什么你要把它全球化呢?它們最好只限制在當(dāng)?shù)??!比绻一卮鹉?,事?shí)上,我所描述的每個(gè)問題,其根源都是市場和機(jī)構(gòu)的信任崩潰,而沒有任何問題能比信任問題 更具全球性、更具普遍性、更貼近你我了。比如,美國市場上的海鮮 有四分之一被貼錯(cuò)了標(biāo)簽。所以當(dāng)你在曼哈頓買了一個(gè) 金槍魚或三文魚三明治的時(shí)候,你可能正吃著日本禁食的有毒食物。真的。你們大多數(shù)人都聽說過有一陣子, 馬肉在歐洲被假裝成牛肉放在漢堡的肉餅里吧?你們聽說過。你們不知道的是, 這些假肉餅很大一部分都被鎘污染了, 而鎘能損害你的腎臟。這是在歐洲。你們很多人都知道飛機(jī)事故, 也擔(dān)心飛機(jī)失事,因?yàn)椴粫r(shí)地,有一些飛機(jī)失事 的新聞會觸動你們的神經(jīng)。但我打賭你們不知道,曾經(jīng)一次調(diào)查就揭發(fā)了 美國航空供應(yīng)鏈里的一百萬個(gè)造假事件。


So this is a global problem, full stop.It's a global problem.The only reason we are not addressing it with the urgency it deservesis that the best solutions,the most advanced solutions, the most progressive solutions,are, unfortunately, in parts of the world where solutions don't scale.And that is why it is not surprisingthat attempts to create this same verification models for pharmaceuticalsare now a decade behind in the USA and Europe,while it's already available in Nigeria.A decade, and costing a hundred times more.And that is why, when you walk into a Walgreens in New York,you cannot check the source of your medicine,but you can in Maiduguri in Northern Nigeria.That is the reality.

所以,這是一個(gè)全球性的問題, 不接受反駁。這是個(gè)全世界的問題。我們沒有抓緊著手 解決它的唯一原因,就是那些最好的解決辦法、最先進(jìn)的辦法和最進(jìn)步的辦法,不幸地存在于這些辦法 無法大規(guī)模實(shí)施的地區(qū)。也正因如此,美國和歐洲的藥物驗(yàn)證模式 要落后十年并不令人驚訝,而這樣一種模式在尼日利亞都已經(jīng)成型了。落后十年, 而且多花一百倍的錢不止。所以,當(dāng)你走進(jìn)一家紐約 的全國連鎖藥店,你是查不到藥物的來源的,但在北尼日利亞的 梅杜古里(Maiduguri),你查得到。這是事實(shí)。





That is the reality.






So we go back to the issue of ideas.Remember, solutions are merely packaged ideas,so it is the ideas that are most important.In a world where we marginalize the ideas of the Global South,we cannot create globally inclusive problem-solving models.Now, you might say, "Well, that's bad,but in such a world where we have so many other problems,do we need another cause?"I say yes, we need another cause.Actually, that cause will surprise you: the cause of intellectual justice.You say, "What? Intellectual justice? In a world of human rights abuses?"And I explain this way:all the solutions to the other problems that affect us and confront usneed solutions.So you need the best ideas to address them.And that is why today I ask you,can we all give it one time for intellectual justice?

我們回到創(chuàng)意的問題上來。記住,辦法只是被包裝的創(chuàng)意,所以創(chuàng)意才是最重要的。在一個(gè)我們把南半球的創(chuàng)意 邊緣化的世界里,我們創(chuàng)造不出全球通用的 問題解決模型。這時(shí)候,你可能會說, “那挺糟的,但是在這樣一個(gè)還有著 其它許多問題的世界里,我們需要另一個(gè)事業(yè)嗎?”我會說是的,我們需要。事實(shí)上,這個(gè)事業(yè)會讓你驚訝: 智力公正的事業(yè)。你說,“什么?智力公正? 在一個(gè)人權(quán)遭到迫害的世界?”我會這么解釋:我們面臨的一切問題都需要解決辦法。所以, 你需要最好的創(chuàng)意去解決它們。因此,我今天在這里請求各位,能否給智力公正一次機(jī)會?





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