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【演講者及介紹】T. Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison




翻譯者 Doris Zhang 校對者 DorisZhang


T. Morgan Dixon: I would like to tell youabout the most powerful woman you've never heard of. This is Septima Clark.Remember her name: Septima Clark. Dr. King called her the "the architectof the civil rights movement," because she created something called CitizenshipSchools. And in those schools, she taught ordinary women the practical skillsto go back into their communities and teach people to read. Because if theycould read, they could vote. Well, these women took those organizing skills,and they became some of the most legendary civil rights activists this countryhas ever seen.



Women like Diane Nash. You may know her.She orchestrated the entire walk from Selma to Montgomery. She was a cofounderof the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and they integrated lunchcounters, and they created the Freedom Rides.



Or you may remember Fannie Lou Hamer, whosat on the floor of the Democratic National Convention and talked about beingbeaten in jail cells as she registered people to vote in Mississippi.



And her most famous student, Rosa Parks.She said Septima Clark was the one who taught her the peaceful act ofresistance. And when she sat down, she inspired a nation to stand.



These were just three of her 10,000students. These women stood on the front lines of change, and by doing so, theytaught people to read in her Citizenship School model and empowered 700,000 newvoters. And that's not it. She created a new culture of social activism. PeteSeeger said it was Septima Clark who changed the lyrics to the old gospel songand made the anthem we all know: "We Shall Overcome."



Vanessa Garrison: Now, many of you may knowus. We are the cofounders of GirlTrek, the largest health organization forBlack women in America. Our mission is simple: ask Black women, 80 percent ofwhom are over a healthy body weight, to walk outside of their front door everyday to establish a lifesaving habit of walking; in doing so, ignite a radicalmovement in which Black women reverse the devastating impacts of chronicdisease, reclaim the streets of their neighborhoods, create a new culture ofhealth for their families and stand on the front lines for justice. Today, allacross America, more than 100,000 Black women are wearing this GirlTrek blueshirt as they move through their communities -- a heroic force.

凡妮莎·加里森: 現(xiàn)在,你們中有些人也許了解我們。我們是GirlTrek的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人,是美國最大的為黑人女性設(shè)立的健康組織。我們的使命很簡單:呼吁黑人女性行動,她們之中,百分之八十的人因超出健康體重 而不能通過每天走出家門散步,養(yǎng)成有益健康的步行習(xí)慣; 我們通過這個(gè)組織,發(fā)起激進(jìn)運(yùn)動,從而使黑人女性逆轉(zhuǎn)慢性病所導(dǎo)致的毀滅性的影響,幫助她們重新回到社區(qū)街道上,為她們的家庭創(chuàng)造新的健康文化,并且站在伸張公平的最前沿。在如今的美國,十萬以上的黑人女性在穿過社區(qū)街道時(shí)會穿著GirlTrek的藍(lán)色襯衣,她們是榜樣的力量。


We walk in the footsteps of Septima Clark.She gave us a blueprint for change-making. One, to have a bold idea, biggerthan anyone is comfortable with. To two: root down in the cultural traditionsof your community and lean heavily on what has come before. To three: name it-- that one thing that everyone is willing to work hard for; a ridiculously simplegoal that doesn't just benefit the individual but the village around them. Andto, lastly: never ask permission to save your own life. It is our fundamentalright as human beings to solve our own problems.

我們在賽普提瑪·克拉克所建立的基礎(chǔ)上前進(jìn)。她給我們描繪了一個(gè)變革的藍(lán)圖。首先,要有個(gè)大膽的想法,一個(gè)大多數(shù)人都不敢有的想法。然后第二步:扎根于社區(qū)的傳統(tǒng)文化并遵循先前的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。第三步:命名-- 賦予一個(gè)所有人都想為之奮斗的名字;一個(gè)再簡單不過的目標(biāo),不僅能給個(gè)人帶來利益,還能給她們所處的環(huán)境帶來益處。還有,最后:永遠(yuǎn)不要在挽救自己的生命時(shí)去征求他人的許可。解決我們自己的問題,是生而為人的最基本權(quán)利。


TMD: So to the women all out there gatheredin your living rooms, rooting for us, acting crazy on social media right now --we see you.






We see you every day. We love you. You arenot alone, and our bigger work starts now.



VG: You got us onto this stage -- yourleadership; auditing blighted streets in Detroit; working with hospitals andhealth care systems in Harlem; praying over the streets of Sacramento,Charlotte, Brooklyn, Flint and every community that has seen trauma; changingtraffic patterns, making your streets safer; and most importantly, standing asrole models. And it all started with your commitment to start walking, youragreement to organize your friends and family and your belief in our broadermission.

加里森:你們把我們送上這個(gè)舞臺上——你們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)才能;你們對底特律破敗的街道進(jìn)行的審查;和哈萊姆區(qū)的醫(yī)院及保健系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行的協(xié)作;為薩克拉門托, 夏洛特, 布魯克林, 弗林特的街區(qū),和每個(gè)見證過悲傷的社區(qū)的祈禱;為了使街道更加安全而改變交通模式所做的努力;而最重要的是,你們所樹立的榜樣。這些都源自你們致力于發(fā)起的步行活動,你們愿為協(xié)調(diào)朋友和家人所做的一切,和你們對我們的使命所依托的信任。


TMD: It's important to me that everyone inthis room understands exactly how change-making works in GirlTrek. Onewell-trained organizer has the power to change the behavior of 100 of herfriends. We know that is true, because the [1,000] women blowing up socialmedia right now have already inspired over 100,000 women to walk.

狄克遜: 對我來說尤為重要的是,在座的每個(gè)人都能理解GirlTrek是具體怎樣實(shí)行變革的。一個(gè)接受過良好培訓(xùn)的組織者足以改變一百位朋友的行動。我們知道這是事實(shí),因?yàn)檫@一千位正活躍于社交媒體的女性,已經(jīng)鼓勵了十萬位女性走出來。





But that is not nearly enough. And so ourgoal is to create critical mass. And in order to do that, we have an audaciousplan to scale our intervention. A thousand organizers is not enough. GirlTrekis going to create the next Citizenship School. And in doing so, we will train10,000 frontline health activists and deploy them into the highest-needcommunities in America. Because when we do, we will disrupt disease; we willcreate a new culture of health. And what we will do is create a support systemfor one million Black women to walk to save their own lives.






And our training is unparalleled. I justwant you to imagine. It's like a revival, tent-like festival, not unlike thecivil rights movement teach-ins. And we're going to go all across the country.It is the biggest announcement this week: Vanessa and I and a team of masterfulteachers, all to culminate next year, on sacred ground, in Selma, Alabama, tocreate a new annual tradition that we are calling "Summer of Selma."

我們的訓(xùn)練模式是前所未有的。請?jiān)囅胍幌?。這就像一個(gè)在帳篷里舉行的復(fù)興節(jié)日,和民權(quán)運(yùn)動的教育模式不同。我們將要走遍全國。我們將宣布這周的最重大消息:凡妮莎和我,還有一個(gè)卓越的教師團(tuán)隊(duì)明年將會踏上 塞爾瑪,阿拉巴馬的 神圣的土地,發(fā)揚(yáng)我們稱為 “塞爾瑪之夏”的年度傳統(tǒng)。


VG: Summer of Selma will be an annualpilgrimage that will include a walk -- 54 miles, the sacred route from Selma toMontgomery. It will also include rigorous training. Picture it, as women cometo learn organizing and recruitment strategies, to study exercise science, totake nutrition classes, to learn storytelling, to become certified as outdoortrip leaders and community advocates.

凡妮莎·加里森:“塞爾瑪之夏”是一場年度之行,其中包括一項(xiàng)長達(dá) 54英里的步行活動。路線從塞爾瑪一直到蒙哥馬利。它還會涵蓋嚴(yán)苛的訓(xùn)練。試想一下,當(dāng)女性們來這里學(xué)習(xí)組織管理和招聘策略時(shí),來學(xué)習(xí)運(yùn)動學(xué)時(shí),來上營養(yǎng)課時(shí),來學(xué)習(xí)講故事時(shí),來成為合格的戶外旅行家以及社區(qū)活動倡導(dǎo)者時(shí)。


TMD: This is going to be unprecedented.It's going to be a moment in time like a cultural institution, and in fact,it's going to be the Woodstock of Black Girl Healing.









VG: And the need -- it's more urgent thanever. We are losing our communities' greatest resource. Black women are dyingin plain sight. And not only is no one talking about it, but we refuse toacknowledge that the source of this crisis is rooted in the same injustice thatfirst propelled the civil rights movement.



On December 30 of 2017, Erica Garner, thedaughter of Eric Garner, a Black man who died on the streets of New York from apolice choke hold, passed away of a heart attack. Erica was just 27 years old,the mother of two children. She would be one of 137 Black women that day --more than 50,000 in the last year -- to die from a heart-related issue, many oftheir hearts broken from trauma.

2017年的12月30日,艾麗卡·加納,埃里克·加納的女兒,這位黑人男性因被警察鎖喉而命喪紐約街頭,而他的女兒死于心力衰竭。艾麗卡那時(shí)才27歲,是兩個(gè)孩子的媽媽。她是同一天中死于心臟疾病的 137位黑人女性之一-- 去年,超過五萬名黑人女性-- 死于心臟疾病,她們其中很多人因沉重的心靈創(chuàng)傷而死去。


The impacts of stress on Black women whosend their children and spouses out the door each day, unsure if they will comehome alive; who work jobs where they are paid 63 cents to every dollar paid towhite men; who live in communities with crumbling infrastructure with no accessto fresh fruits or vegetables; with little to no walkable or green spaces --the impact of this inequality is killing Black women at higher and faster ratesthan any other group in the country. But that is about to change. It has to.

這種壓力影響著很多黑人女性,使她們每天擔(dān)心出門在外的孩子或配偶,是否能活著回來。她們做著薪水63美分,而白人能賺一美金的工作;她們住在設(shè)施陳舊的社區(qū)里,買不到新鮮的水果和蔬菜;幾乎沒有地方散步,也沒有綠地-- 在這個(gè)國家,相比其他種族,黑人女性因此種不公正更高頻更快速地被抹殺。但現(xiàn)狀將有所改變。它必須改變。


TMD: So let me tell you a story. Aboutthree weeks ago -- many of you may have watched -- Vanessa and I and a team of10 women walked 100 miles on the actual Underground Railroad. We did it in fivedays -- five long and beautiful days. And the world watched. Three millionpeople watched the live stream. Some of you in here, the influencers, sharedthe story. Urban Radio blasted it across the country.

狄克遜:我來向你們分享一個(gè)故事。大概三周前-- 很多人也許已經(jīng)見證過了——凡妮莎,我,和一個(gè)由十位女性組成的小組沿著“地下鐵路”的原址走了一百英里。我們用了5天走完全程-- 漫長卻美麗的5天。全世界都看到了。三百萬人觀看了直播。在座的部分人,影響者,分享了這個(gè)故事。城市廣播電臺向全國播報(bào)了這個(gè)事件。


VG: Even the E! News channel interrupted astory about the Kardashians -- which, if you asked us, is just a little bit ofjustice --






to report that GirlTrek had made it safelyon our hundred-mile journey.






TMD: People were rooting for us. And theywere rooting for us because in this time of confusion and contention, thisjourney allowed us all to reflect on what it meant to be American. We sawAmerica up close and personal as we walked. We walked through historic towns,through dense forest, past former plantations.



And one day, we walked into a gas stationthat was also a café, and it was filled with men. They were wearing camo andhad hunting supplies. And out front were all of their trucks, and one had aConfederate flag. And so we left the establishment. And as we were walkingalong this narrow strip of road, a few of the trucks reared by us so close, andout of their tailpipe was the specter of mob violence. It was unnerving.



But then it happened. Right on the borderof Maryland and Delaware, we saw a man standing by his truck. The tailgate wasdown. He had on a brown jacket. He was standing there awkwardly. The first twogirls in our group, Jewel and Sandria, they walked by because he lookedsuspicious.






But the bigger group, we stopped to givehim a chance. And he walked up to us and he said, "Hi, my name is JakeGreen. I heard you on Christian radio this morning, and God told me to bringyou supplies." He brought us water, he brought us granola, and he broughtus tissue. And we needed tissue because we had just walked through anor'easter; it was 29 degrees, it was sleeting on our faces. Our sneakers andour socks were frozen and wet and frozen again. We needed that tissue more thanhe could have possibly understood.



So on that day, in that moment, Jake Greenrenewed my faith in God for sure, but he renewed my faith in humanity.



We have a choice to make. In America, wecan fall further into the darkness of discord, or not. And I am here to tellyou that the women of GirlTrek are walking through the streets with a lightthat cannot be extinguished.



VG: They are also walking through thestreets with a mission as clear and as powerful as the women who marched inMontgomery: that disease stops here, that trauma stops here. And with yoursupport and in our ancestors' footsteps, these 10,000 newly trained activistswill launch the largest health revolution this country has ever seen. And theywill return to their communities and model the best of human flourishing. Andwe -- we will all celebrate. Because like Jake Green understood, our fates areintertwined.



Septima Clark once said, "The air hasfinally gotten to a place where we can breathe it together." And yet, thehaunting last words of Eric Garner were: "I can't breathe." And hisdaughter Erica died at 27 years old, still seeking justice. So we -- we'regoing to keep doing Septima's work until her words become reality, until Blackwomen are no longer dying, until we can all breathe the air together.

賽普提瑪·克拉克曾說,“終于到了我們同呼吸共命運(yùn)的時(shí)候。” 然而,埃里克·加納的那句 無法釋懷的遺言是:“我無法呼吸”。他的女兒艾麗卡,27歲去世的時(shí)候仍然在尋求正義。所以我們——我們將要延續(xù)賽普提瑪?shù)氖姑?,直到她的話語成為真實(shí),直到黑人女性不再命懸一線,直到我們所有的人都能夠同呼吸、共命運(yùn)。


Thank you.






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