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初中英語必考2000詞 I I→itself





初中英語必考2000詞 I I→itself

I [a? ] pron. 我

配  I'm sorry. 抱歉。I am sure. 的確,一定。I dare say. 我想,大概,可能,或許。

例  When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. 當(dāng)我上小學(xué)的時候,我和班上一個男孩大吵了一架。(2012·山西)

ice [a?s ] n. 冰

拓  ice-cream n. 冰淇淋

配  break the ice 打破沉默;打破僵局

例  Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow. 冰雪旅館里的一切都是由冰雪做成的。(2012·陜西)

ice cream [?a?skri?m ] n. 冰淇淋

例  A milkshake is made of a mix of ice cream , milk and flavoring. 奶昔是由冰淇淋、牛奶和一些調(diào)味品混合制成。(2010·蘭州)

idea [a??d?? ] n. 主意,意見,想法

配  good idea 好主意 have no idea of 對……一點也不知道,完全不知道

例  People can come up with some good ideas when walking on the shore. 人們在海岸邊散步的時候能想出一些好主意。(2012·鹽城)

I've no idea about it. 關(guān)于這件事,我不知道。(2012·深圳)

if [?f ] conj. 如果,假使

拓  whether conj. 是否

配  even if 即使 if only 要是……多好;要是

if possible 如果可能的話

例  If you get nervous, take a deep breath to calm yourself down. 如果你感到緊張,深呼吸,讓自己冷靜下來。(2012·上海)

The most basic aim of playing sports is that you can improve your health even if you are not very good at sports. 參加體育運動最根本的目標(biāo)是可以改善你的健康狀況,即使你不擅長運動。(2012·上海)

ill [?l ] a. (worse,worst)有病的,不健康的 ad. 惡劣地

拓  ill-treat vt. 虐待 ill-tempered a. 脾氣暴躁的 sick a. 有病的

配  speak ill of sb. 說(某人)的壞話

例  After hearing that her father was seriously ill , Edith returned home to look after him. 聽說父親病重后,伊迪思回家照顧他。(2011·溫州)

They say they mean you no ill . 他們說他們對你并無惡意。

illness [??ln?s ] n. 疾病

構(gòu)  ill(a. 有病的,不健康的)+ness(名詞后綴)

拓  health n. 健康

配  mental illness精神病

例  According to research, kids are developing more illness at school, such as stomachaches, headaches and sleep problems than before. 據(jù)調(diào)查,孩子們在學(xué)校比以前更容易患病,例如肚子痛、頭痛還有睡眠問題。(2011·沈陽)

Subhealth is a state between health and illness . 亞健康是處于健康和疾病之間的一種狀態(tài)。(2010·昆明)

imagine [??m???n ] vt. 想象,設(shè)想

拓  imagination n. 想象,空想

例  I can't imagine what the life on Mars will be like in the future. 我難以想象未來火星上的生活會是什么樣。(2012·鹽城)

immediately [??mi?di?tli ] ad. 立即

構(gòu)  immediate(a. 立即的)+ly(副詞后綴)

拓  at once立刻 right now立刻

例  The American businessman, for example, wants to start talking business immediately . 例如,美國商人想立即開始談?wù)隆#?011·無錫)

impolite [??mp??la?t ] a. 不禮貌的,不客氣的

構(gòu)  im(否定前綴)+polite(a. 禮貌的)

拓  polite a. 有禮貌的

例  It's impolite to ask a lady about her age in western countries. 在西方國家詢問女士的年齡是不禮貌的。(2011·南京)

importance [?m?p??tns ] n. 重要,重要性

構(gòu)  importan(t)(a. 重要的)+ce(名詞后綴)

拓  important a. 重要的

配  attach importance to sth. 認(rèn)為某事重要

put importance on sth. 認(rèn)為某事重要

例  Some people won't realize the importance of their health until they have lost it. 有些人直到他們已失去健康才意識到身體健康的重要性。(2011·江蘇宿遷)

A person who is filled with his own importance and pride is said to have his nose in the air. 自傲和自負(fù)的人常被說成拿鼻孔看人。(2011·宜昌)

important [?m?p??tnt ] a. 重要的

拓  importance n. 重要性

例  It's important to get enough sleep and eat nutritious meals.充足的睡眠,吃營養(yǎng)的食物很重要。(2012·濟(jì)南)

Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English. 閱讀也是學(xué)習(xí)外語如英語的重要方法之一。(2012·煙臺)

impossible [?m?p?s?bl ] a. 不可能的

構(gòu)  im(否定前綴)+possible(a. 可能的)

拓  possible a. 可能的

例  It's impossible to stop a hurricane or change its direction. 要停止颶風(fēng)或改變其方向是不可能的。(2011·南京)

improve [?m?pru?v ] vt. 改進(jìn),更新

拓  improvement n. 改進(jìn),改善

配  improve on 對……加以改進(jìn)

例  This film is to give humans a warning that they must not destroy the homes of animals or damage nature in order to improve their own life. 這部電影是給人一個警告,他們不能為了改善自己的生活而摧毀動物的家園或破壞大自然。(2012·大連)

Improve your ability to express yourselves and communicate better with others. 提高你的能力來表達(dá)自己和與他人更好地溝通。(2011·常州)

in [?n ] prep. 在……里;在……內(nèi) ad. 在家;在內(nèi);向內(nèi)

配  in all 總共 in a minute 馬上,立即

in the end最后

例  Jack was in charge of the sales department in a big company. 杰克在一家大公司負(fù)責(zé)銷售部。(2012·上海)

My students always share ideas in class. 我的學(xué)生總是在課堂上分享彼此的想法。(2012·上海)

inch [?nt? ] n. 英寸

配  inch by inch循序漸進(jìn)地

例  The fish can grow as large as three inches . 這種魚可以長到三英寸長。(2011·包頭)

include [?n?klu?d ] vt. 包含,包括

構(gòu)  in(詞根表示內(nèi))+clude(詞根表示關(guān))

拓  including 包括 exclude vt. 排斥,排除,不包括

例  The tour price includes six meals. 旅游價格包括六餐。(2012·廣州)

There were thirty people in the classroom, including the teacher. 教室里有30個人,包括老師在內(nèi)。(2012·鹽城)

increase [?n?kri?s ] v. & n. 增加;繁殖

拓  increased a. 增加的,增強(qiáng)的

配  on the increase 不斷增加,有增無減

increase with 隨……而增長

例  The average increase for the other three groups was only 4.3 points. 另外三組僅平均增加了4.3分。(2011·淄博)

Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability to use the English language correctly. 學(xué)生們提高他們的閱讀和寫作技巧將會增加他們的詞匯量、增強(qiáng)他們正確使用英語語言的能力。(2011·寧波)

India [??nd?? ] n. 印度

例  What gave you the idea to make a trip around India on an elephant, Chris? 克里斯,你是怎么想到騎著大象環(huán)游印度的呢?(2011·無錫)

Indian [??nd??n ] a. (美洲)印第安人的;印度人的 n. 印第安人;印度人

構(gòu)  India(n. 印度)+n(國家后面表示人或語言)

例  The records we have chosen for you today are from American country music, Indian music, pop music and so on. 今天我們?yōu)槟氵x擇的唱片有美國鄉(xiāng)村音樂、印度音樂和流行音樂,等等。(2009·武漢)

What would Indians do to solve the problem? 印度人會如何解決問題?(2010·寧夏)

indoors [??n?d??z ] ad. 在屋里,到屋里

構(gòu)  in(表示在……內(nèi))+door (s)(n. 門)

拓  outdoors n. 戶外 ad. 在戶外,在野外

例  If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a heavy desk and protect your head. 如果地震的時候你在室內(nèi),躲在重的桌子下面保護(hù)頭部。(2008·泉州)

Opening and closing ceremonies will be held indoors . 開幕式和閉幕式將在室內(nèi)舉行。(2010·蘭州)

industry [??nd?stri ] n. 工業(yè),產(chǎn)業(yè);勤勉,刻苦

拓  light industry 輕工業(yè)

例  Audrey Hepburn was active in the film industry for nearly 40 years. 奧黛麗·赫本活躍在電影行業(yè)近40年。(2012·無錫)

You may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water in developed countries. 你可能會驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn)在發(fā)達(dá)國家工業(yè)用水占59%。(2011·陜西)

influence [??nflu?ns ] n. & v. 影響

構(gòu)  in(詞根表示向內(nèi))+fluence(n. 影響)

拓  influential a. 有影響的,有勢力的

配  have/exert influence on/upon 對……有影響

例  Perhaps you don't know your emotions can be influenced by the weather as well. 也許你不知道你的情緒也會被天氣影響。(2010·常州)

His life experience had a great influence on his writing style. 他的人生經(jīng)歷對他的寫作風(fēng)格產(chǎn)生了重大影響。(2012·溫州)

Now scientists have proved that how you think and feel can have an influence on the health of your body.現(xiàn)在科學(xué)家已證實你所思、所感會影響你的身體健康。(2012·濟(jì)南)

information [?nf??me??n ] n. 信息

構(gòu)  inform(v. 通知;報告;告訴)+(a)tion(名詞后綴)

拓  informational a. 報告的,情報的

配  ask for information 打聽消息

例  You can get much information about the World Expo on the Internet. 你可以在網(wǎng)上獲得許多關(guān)于世博會的信息。(2010·上海)

ingredient [?n?gri?d??nt ] n. 成分,配料

例  First ask your parents for help to decide on the menu and ingredients , and then you can go shopping, cook the meals and clean up the kitchen together. 首先向父母尋求幫助,決定菜單和配料,然后你們可以去購物,做飯吃飯,一起清理廚房。(2011·長春)

Language is an essential ingredient of abstract thought. 語言是抽象思維的主要成分之一。

injured [??n?? ] a. 受傷的

構(gòu)  injure(v. 傷害)+d(分詞)

拓  injure v. 損害,傷害 injury n. 傷害,侮辱

例  It was reported that about 6,000 people were killed and half a million were injured for this reason each year. 據(jù)報道,每年因為這個原因約6000人死亡,100萬人受傷。(2012·溫州)

Stop using the injured part of your body. Lie down if necessary. 不要用身體受傷部位,如必要的話躺下。(2011·舟山)

ink [?nk ] n. 墨水,油墨

配  (as) black as ink 前途暗淡,一片漆黑

例  Does that mean it is goodbye to the paper, and the smell of the black ink ? 這意味著和紙、黑墨水的味道告別嗎?(2010·寧夏)

inside [?n?sa?d ] prep. 在……里面 ad. 在里面

構(gòu)  in(prep. 在……內(nèi))+side(n. 側(cè),邊)

拓  outside prep. 在……外 ad. 在外面

例  When the box was opened after midnight, the things inside the box were in very good condition. 盒子在午夜后打開,盒子里面的東西都保存完好。(2012·蘇州)

Homes look different in different countries. They also have different things inside . 在不同的國家,家也是不一樣的,里面有不同的陳設(shè)。(2011·包頭)

insist [?n?s?st ] vi. 堅持,堅決認(rèn)為

構(gòu)  in(詞根表示強(qiáng)調(diào))+sist(詞根表示站著)

拓  insistent a. 堅持不懈的

insistence n. 堅持,堅決主張

配  insist on堅持;堅決主張;一定要

例  She only insisted I did it right. 她只堅持說我做得對。(2011·揚州)

She insisted on being present at all the interviews. 她堅持所有采訪自己都要在場。

instead [?n?sted ] ad. 代替,頂替

構(gòu)  in(詞根表示強(qiáng)調(diào))+stead(n. 代替)

拓  in place of 代替

配  instead of 代替,而不是;不是……(而是)

例  We've got no coffee. Let's have tea instead . 沒有咖啡了,我們喝茶吧。(2011·徐州)

What a nice day! We should go sightseeing instead of watching TV in the hotel. 天氣真好!我們應(yīng)該出去觀光游覽而不是在酒店看電視。(2011·安徽)

instruction [?n?str?k?n ] n. 說明;指導(dǎo)

構(gòu)  instruc (t)(v. 指導(dǎo),訓(xùn)練)+tion(名詞后綴)

配  give instructions to do sth. 命令做某事

例  Scientists in Hawaii have developed a sign language to give instructions to dolphins, and the results are amazing. 夏威夷的科學(xué)家開發(fā)了一套手語來給海豚指令,其結(jié)果驚人。(2011·長春)

Doing laundry correctly is important. You should first read the instructions on clothing, and then check the pockets of the clothes. 正確洗衣很重要。你應(yīng)該先閱讀衣服上的說明,然后檢查衣服的口袋。(2011·長春)

instrument [??nstr?m?nt ] n. 樂器

配  musical instrument 樂器

例  Do you play a musical instrument ? 你會演奏樂器嗎?(2011·淄博)

Learning an instrument helps kids becomes better at concentrating and at memorizing things. 學(xué)一門樂器能幫助孩子更好地集中注意力和提高記憶力。(2011·淄博)

intention [?n?ten?n ] n. 意圖,目的

構(gòu)  inten (d)(vt. 打算,意指)+tion(名詞后綴)

拓  intentional a. 有意圖的,故意的

配  have no intention of doing……無意做某事

with the intention of 打算

by intention 故意

例  An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853, although that was not his intention . 一個叫克里姆的美國人在1853年發(fā)明了薯片,盡管這并非他的本意。(2011·天津)

interest [??ntr?st ] n. 興趣;利息 vt. 使感興趣

拓  interested a. 感興趣的 interesting a. 有趣的

配  show (an) interest in 對……表示有興趣

with interest 有興趣地,津津有味地

hold sb.'s interest 吸引住某人的興趣

例  He is looking for schools where students are encouraged to find and follow their own interests . 他在尋找那些鼓勵學(xué)生探尋和發(fā)揮他們興趣的學(xué)校。(2012·溫州)

Are there many famous places of interest ? 這里有很多聞名的名勝古跡嗎?(2011·包頭聽力)

She has shown interests in birds since she was a little girl. 她還是個小女孩的時候就已經(jīng)顯示出對鳥類的興趣。(2012·長沙)

interested [??ntr?st?d ] a. 感興趣的

構(gòu)  interest(n. 興趣)+ed(過去分詞,感到……)

配  be interested in 對……感興趣

例  The story is interesting and all of us are interested in it. 這個故事有趣的,我們所有人都對它感興趣。(2011·銅仁)

interesting [??ntr?st?? ] a. 有趣的

構(gòu)  interest(n. 興趣)+ing(現(xiàn)在分詞,令人……)

例  —Let's buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers' Day.

—Why not make some by hand? It's much more interesting .



international [??nt??n??n?l ] a. 國際的

構(gòu)  inter(詞根表示在……之間)+nation(n. 國家)+al(形容詞后綴)

配  international flight 國際班機(jī),國際航班

international law 國際法

例  The 15th International Film Festival will be held in Shanghai. 第15屆國際電影節(jié)將在上海舉行。(2012·濟(jì)寧)

internet [??nt??net ] n. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng),因特網(wǎng)

構(gòu)  inter(前綴表示“在一起,交互”)+net(n. 網(wǎng)絡(luò))

例  Then in the 1970s scientists and businesspeople also wanted to use the Internet to send and receive messages. 于是在20世紀(jì)70年代科學(xué)家和商人也想利用互聯(lián)網(wǎng)來發(fā)送和接收消息。(2012·大連)

interview [??nt?vju? ] n. & vt. 采訪;會見;面試

構(gòu)  inter(前綴表示“互相”)+view(v. 見)

拓  interviewer n. 面試官,會見者

interviewee n. 被接見者,被訪問者

配  have an interview with sb. 會見某人

例  Here's an interview to a pilot about his life. 這里是對一名飛行員及他的生活的采訪。(2011·青島)

Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked how she kept so young and healthy. 上周,一位雜志記者采訪了她并問她是如何保持這樣年輕健康的。(2011·重慶)

into [??ntu? ] prep. 到……里;向內(nèi);變成

配  turn into 進(jìn)入,(使)變成

change into(使)變成,兌換

例  The Soviet Union sent the first space station into space in 1971. 1971年,蘇聯(lián)將第一個空間站發(fā)射進(jìn)入太空。(2012·無錫)

You have to pay a special congestion charge to drive your car into the city centre. 開車進(jìn)入市區(qū),你必須付特殊的擁堵費。(2012·上海)

Zuck turned his small website into a world famous network. 扎克把他的小網(wǎng)站變成一個世界著名的網(wǎng)站。(2012·深圳)

introduce [??ntr??dju?s ] v. 介紹;引進(jìn)

構(gòu)  intro(前綴表示進(jìn)入,向入)+duce(詞根表示引導(dǎo))

拓  introducer n. 介紹人

例  When Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink to China, it looked for the right name. 當(dāng)可口可樂公司將軟飲料推廣到中國時,它要找個合適的名字。(2012·北京)

If people at the party don't know each other, make sure you introduce everyone. 如果人們在聚會上不認(rèn)識彼此,你要務(wù)必介紹每個人。(2011·淄博)

introduction [??ntr??d?k?n ] n. 引進(jìn),介紹

構(gòu)  introduc(e)(v. 介紹;引進(jìn))+tion(名詞后綴)

例  I have read the film introduction of Ye Wen . It tells the Kung Fu master's story in Foshan. 我已經(jīng)看過《葉問》這部影片的介紹。影片講述的是佛山一位功夫大師的故事。(2010·佛山)

invent [?n?vent ] vt. 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造

拓  inventor/inventer n. 發(fā)明家

例  Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. 紙張是人類最重要的發(fā)明之一。(2011·昆明)

There are even naming companies that specialize in inventing product names. 甚至有命名公司專門為產(chǎn)品取名。(2012·北京)

invention [?n?ven?n ] n. 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造

構(gòu)  invent(vt. 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造)+(t)ion(名詞后綴)

拓  invent vt. 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造

例  What's the most useful invention in the 20th century? 什么是20世紀(jì)最有用的發(fā)明?(2010·泰安)

But it was a pity that he didn't see the wide use of his invention . 但是可惜的是,他沒有看到他的發(fā)明得到廣泛運用。(2012·煙臺)

invitation [??nvi?te??n ] n. 邀請,請?zhí)?/b>

構(gòu)  invit(e)(vt. 邀請,招待)+(a)tion(名詞后綴)

例  To refuse an invitation or a request with “No”is felt to be impolite. 以“不”來拒絕邀請或請求,被認(rèn)為是不禮貌的。(2011·無錫)

If you invite guests to your party, how should you send your invitation ? 如果你邀請客人來參加你的派對,你應(yīng)如何發(fā)請?zhí)兀浚?011·淄博)

invite [?n?va?t ] vt. 邀請,招待

拓  invitation n. 邀請,請?zhí)?/p>

例  Mary didn't go to John's birthday party because she wasn't invited . 瑪麗沒有去參加約翰的生日聚會因為她沒有被邀請到。(2011·株洲)

iron [?a??n ] n. 鐵;熨斗 vt. 熨燙

配  iron out 燙平

例  Strike the iron while is hot. 趁熱打鐵。

island [?a?l?nd ] n. 島

拓  isle n. 小島,島

例  Taiwan is China's biggest island . 臺灣是中國最大的島嶼。(2009·達(dá)州)

I have been to Hainan Island with my cousins. 我和我的堂兄堂姐去過海南島。(2009·山西)

it [?t ] pron. 它

拓  its pron. 它的 itself pron. 它本身,它自己

例  It 's our duty to protect animals. 保護(hù)動物是我們的責(zé)任。(2012·大連)

I guess more and more people will give up smoking because it 's not allowed in public. 因為公共場所禁止吸煙,我相信越來越多的人將會戒煙。(2011·鹽城)

Italian [??t?li?n ] a. 意大利的;意大利人的;意大利語的 n. 意大利人;意大利語

構(gòu)  Ital(y)(n. 意大利)+ian(后綴表示……人,……語)

例  He also found that many people spoke English but not Italian . 他還發(fā)現(xiàn)許多人講英語而不是意大利語。(2011·武漢)

He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. 他想一定是那個意大利人拿了他的表。(2008·泉州)

Italy [??t?li ] n. 意大利

例  In 1608 an Englishman named Thomas Coryate traveled in Italy . 1608年,一個叫托馬斯·科瑞特的英國人在意大利旅行。(2012·濟(jì)南)

its [?ts ] pron. 它的

例  The watch is very important to me, not because of its price, but because of the lesson that I learned from it. 這塊表對我來說非常重要,不是因為它的價格,而是我從經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)中學(xué)到了很多。(2012·煙臺)

itself [?t?self ] pron. 它自己

構(gòu)  it(pron. 它)+self(n. 自己)

配  by itself 獨自,單身

in itself 本身

例  The story itself is interesting, but it's a little difficult for children. 故事本身有趣,但是對孩子們有點難。(2011·南京)

The earth could be getting warmer by itself . 地球本身可以變暖。(2010·南寧)


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