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初中英語(yǔ)必考2000詞 L lab→lunch





初中英語(yǔ)必考2000詞 L lab→lunch

lab [l?b ] n. 實(shí)驗(yàn)室(laboratory[l??b?r?t?ri ]的縮略)

配  lab assistant 實(shí)驗(yàn)員

例  In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating. 泰勒宣稱,在實(shí)驗(yàn)室的測(cè)試中,他發(fā)現(xiàn)魚類在不吃東西并且離開水的情況下,可以生存66天。(2011·包頭)

Laboratory work is your chance to learn science first hand. 實(shí)驗(yàn)室作業(yè)提供你親自學(xué)習(xí)科學(xué)的機(jī)會(huì)。(2011·武漢)

labour [?le?b? ] n. (美labor)勞動(dòng)(通常指體力勞動(dòng));工作;努力

拓  labourer n. 勞動(dòng)者,勞工

配  Labour Day勞動(dòng)節(jié) labour force勞動(dòng)力

例  Man gives off heat in the course of his activity, and the harder the labor is, the greater the amount of heat is. 人們?cè)诨顒?dòng)的過程中釋放熱量。勞動(dòng)量越大,熱量釋放越多。(2009·黃岡)

lady [?le?di ] n. 女士,夫人

拓  lady-killer n. 情場(chǎng)殺手

配  lady first 女士?jī)?yōu)先

例  Grandma was a kind,well-educated old lady . 祖母是一位慈祥的、有教養(yǎng)的老人。(2012·溫州)

lake [le?k ] n. 湖

拓  lakeside n. 湖邊

配  great lakes 北美五大湖

例  She was attracted by the colour of the lake near her home. 她被家附近的湖水的顏色吸引了。(2011·南京)

lamb [l?m ] n. 羔羊

例  Old George bought the black gloves for just $35 ten years ago. They were made of lamb skin, soft and warm and very strong. 老喬治十年前買的黑色手套只花了35美元。手套是羔羊皮做的,柔軟、溫暖而強(qiáng)韌。(2012·深圳)

lamp [l?mp ] n. 燈,油燈;光源

配  electric lamp電燈

例  The desk lamp fell to the floor with a crash. 臺(tái)燈嘩啦一聲掉到地上。

land [l?nd ] n. 陸地;土地 v. 登岸,登陸;降落

拓  landlord n. 房東,地主,(旅館等的)老板

landmark n. 地標(biāo) Disneyland n. 迪斯尼樂園

配  land on(飛機(jī)等)降落于……(落下時(shí))以(身體某一部分)先著地

例  Luckily, she tried her best and swam back to the land . 幸運(yùn)的是,她用盡全身力氣,終于游回了岸。(2012·陜西)

When Chang'e I landed safely on the earth, all Chinese were cheerful. 當(dāng)“嫦娥”一號(hào)安全降落在地球上,所有的中國(guó)人都?xì)g呼起來。(2009·黃岡)

language [?l??gw?? ] n. 語(yǔ)言

配  speak the same language說同樣的語(yǔ)言;有共同的信仰和觀點(diǎn);彼此融洽相處

例  In order to find a better job, she planned to learn a second foreign language . 為了找份更好的工作,她打算學(xué)一門第二外語(yǔ)。(2012·蘇州)

landscape [?l?ndske?p ] n. 風(fēng)景、景色

構(gòu)  land(n. 陸地)+scape(詞根表示“景,景色”之義)

配  natural landscape 天然景觀

例  The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon. 長(zhǎng)城的全景像一條龍。

lantern [?l?nt?n ] n. 燈籠

配  lantern festival 元宵節(jié)

lantern festival dumplings 湯圓

例  On the day people will watch lantern shows at night and guess the riddles on the lanterns . 這天,人們會(huì)在晚上逛燈會(huì),猜燈謎。(2011·陜西)

large [lɑ?? ] a. 大的,巨大的

拓  largely ad. 主要地,大量地,很大程度上

big a. 大的 great a. 大的

配  a large number of 許多

at large 未被捕;逍遙自在

by and large 總的來說,大體上

例  Nanjing isn't so large as Shanghai, however, it's the second largest city in East China. 南京沒有上海大,但也是中國(guó)東部第二大城市。(2011·無錫)

By the 1940s, large numbers of African Americans moved to Chicago. 二十世紀(jì)四十年代,大量非裔美國(guó)人遷往了芝加哥。(2012·無錫)

laser [?le?z? ] n. 激光

配  laser light 激光

例  We keep a laser record. 我們保存激光唱片。

last [lɑ?st ] a. 最近剛過去的;最后的 ad. 最近剛過去;最后地 n. 最后 v. 持續(xù)

拓  lastly ad. 最后,終于

配  at last 終于

例  Hurry up! If we miss the last bus, we'll have to get home by taxi. 快點(diǎn)!如果我們趕不上末班車,就得坐出租車回家了。(2012·綿陽(yáng))

How long do you think the terrible weather will last ? 你認(rèn)為壞天氣將會(huì)持續(xù)多久?(2011·連云港)

late [le?t ] a. 遲的,晚(期)的,剛過去的,新近的 ad. 晚,遲,最近

拓  lately ad. 近來,最近

配  be late for 遲到 stay up late 熬夜,遲睡

例  He works hard till late night to pass the exam. 為了通過考試,他努力學(xué)習(xí)到半夜。(2012·濟(jì)南)

later [?le?t? ] ad. 后來,稍后 a. 更遲的,更后的

構(gòu)  lat(e)(a. )+er(比較級(jí))

拓  latest a. 最近的

配  sooner or later 遲早 see you later 再見

例  However, this year's flood seems to come later than in other years. 但今年的洪水似乎來得比往年遲。(2012·大連)

Later , he became the third black senator in US history. 后來他成為了美國(guó)歷史上第三位黑人參議員。(2009·煙臺(tái))

laugh [lɑ?f ] n. & v. 笑,大笑

拓  laughter n. 笑,笑聲

配  laugh at 嘲笑

例  The talk show on TV is very popular. It often makes people laugh . 電視脫口秀非常受觀眾的歡迎。它常使人開懷大笑。(2010·鹽城)

My friends all laughed at me, but I didn't care. 我的朋友們都嘲笑我,不過我不在乎。(2011·黃岡)

laundry [?l??ndri ] n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服

配  do the laundry 洗衣服

例  Mary is doing the laundry . 瑪麗正在洗衣服。(2009·煙臺(tái))

law [l?? ] n. 法律,法令;定律

拓  lawyer n. 律師

配  law office 律師事務(wù)所

例  About 32 countries have passed laws restricting the use of mobile phones while driving. 大約有32個(gè)國(guó)家已經(jīng)通過立法,限制開車時(shí)使用手機(jī)。(2012·溫州)

lawyer [?l??j? ] n. 律師

構(gòu)  law(n. 法律)+(y)er(后綴表示人、職業(yè))

拓  lawyeress n. 女律師

例  My brother, Jim, has become a lawyer . He's very busy every day. 我的兄弟,吉姆,成為了一名律師。他每天都非常忙碌。(2008·蘭州)

lay [le? ] vt. (laid, laid) 放,擱

拓  layoff n. 臨時(shí)解雇,失業(yè)期

配  lay down躺下 lay out展示

例  One by one, she carefully laid them out on the table. 她小心地把它們一個(gè)一個(gè)地放在桌上。(2012·濟(jì)南)

lazy [?le?zi ] a. 懶惰的,懶散的

構(gòu)  laze(n. 懶散,閑散)+y(形容詞后綴)→lazy(懶惰的,懶散的)

拓  laziness n. 怠惰 lazybones n. 懶骨頭

例  After that the boys became lazy , but the girls kept on working hard. 那以后,男孩子變得懶惰,而女孩子們?nèi)匀缓芮趭^。(2011·金華)

lead [li?d ] v. (led,led)領(lǐng)導(dǎo),帶領(lǐng)[led] n. 鉛

拓  leading a. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的,第一位的,最主要的

leader n. 領(lǐng)袖,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人

配  lead to 導(dǎo)致,通向

例  Plastic bags have led to a big waste of energy and do harm to our environment. 塑料袋不僅導(dǎo)致了能源的巨大浪費(fèi),并且非常危害我們的環(huán)境。(2008·泉州)

leader [?li?d? ] n. 領(lǐng)袖,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人

構(gòu)  lead(v. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo),帶領(lǐng))+er(后綴表示人)

拓  leadership n. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)階層

例  I am going to be a leader of a band. 我即將成為樂隊(duì)指揮。(2012·濟(jì)南)

The leader believes strongly in the school volunteer project. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)非常支持學(xué)校志愿者項(xiàng)目。(2012·煙臺(tái))

leaf [li?f ](pl. leaves) n. (樹,菜等的)葉

拓  leaflet n. 小葉,傳單

配  leaf through 迅速翻閱

例  People in Britain love trees. If it is autumn and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall because they think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky month in the following year. 英國(guó)人喜歡樹。秋天樹葉落下的時(shí)候,一些人會(huì)試圖在樹葉落下時(shí)接住它們,因?yàn)樗麄兿嘈琶恳黄麄兘幼〉臉淙~會(huì)在來年帶給他們一個(gè)月的好運(yùn)。(2011·舟山)

learn [l??n ] vt. (learnt,learnt)學(xué),學(xué)會(huì)

拓  learned a. 有學(xué)問的,學(xué)術(shù)上的

learner n. 學(xué)習(xí)者 learning n. 知識(shí),學(xué)問,學(xué)習(xí)

配  learn from 向……學(xué)習(xí)

learn by heart 記住

例  Some students really learn better with the help of these notes. 一些學(xué)生借助筆記的確學(xué)得好一些。(2012·大連)

And the most important thing I've learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit. 這次旅行中我最大的收獲是了解了團(tuán)隊(duì)精神的重要性。(2012·河北)

least [li?st ] a. & ad. & pron. 最?。蛔钌?/b>

拓  most ad. 最多的

配  at (the) least 至少,起碼;無論如何

例  She asks us to spend at least an hour a day learning English. 她要求我們每天至少花一小時(shí)學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)。(2011·蘇州)

The English people are the world's biggest fans of fast food, while the French are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey done last year. 根據(jù)去年的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查顯示,世界上對(duì)快餐最感興趣的是英國(guó)人,而法國(guó)人對(duì)快餐最不感興趣。(2009·重慶)

leave [li?v ] vt. (left,left)離開;把……留下,剩下 n. 假期

拓  leaving n. 離開

配  leave for到,去,出發(fā)前往 on leave 休假

sick leave病假

例  It leaves students feeling failures even if they are very bright. 即使學(xué)生們都很聰明,但這也讓他們嘗到了失敗的滋味。(2012·北京)

Daphne always turns off the lights and the computer as soon as she leaves her office. 達(dá)芙妮離開辦公室時(shí)總是會(huì)關(guān)掉燈和電腦。(2011·寧波)

left [left ] a. 左邊的 ad. 向左 n. 左,左邊

拓  left-hand a. 左側(cè)的,左手的

right a. 右邊的 n. 右邊

配  left bank n. 左岸

例  Turn left and you will see the library between the supermarket and bank. 左拐,你會(huì)看到圖書館就在超市和銀行中間。(2012·溫州)

On the left , there were over one hundred different clocks. 左邊有一百多只各種各樣的鐘。(2012·陜西)

leg [leg ] n. 腿;支柱

拓  arm n. 手臂

例  Though he has only one leg , he can dance wonderfully. 雖然他只有一條腿,但他舞跳得非常好。(2011·湘潭)

lemon [?lem?n ] n. 檸檬

例  It is made by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. 它是由檸檬汁、水和糖混合而成。(2010·蘭州)

lemonade [lem??ne?d ] n. 檸檬水

構(gòu)  lemon(n. 檸檬)+ade(n. 果汁飲料)

例  Lemonade is the commonest of all American summer drinks. 檸檬水是美國(guó)人夏天最常喝的飲料。(2010·蘭州)

lend [lend ] vt. (lent,lent)借(出),把……借給

拓  lender n. 出借人,貸方

配  lend out 借出(書等)

lend a (helping) hand 伸出援助之手,助一臂之力

例  I really like the book you lent me yesterday. 我真的喜歡你昨天借給我的那本書。(2011·廣東)

less [les ] a. 更少的,較少的

拓  more a. 更多的

配  less and less 越來越少的,更少的

less than 小于,決不

more or less 或多或少

例  We can have a bluer sky if we create a less polluted world.如果我們創(chuàng)造一個(gè)少污染的世界,我們可以有一個(gè)更藍(lán)的天空。(2010·蘇州)

However, the situation seems worse because the water is becoming less and less . 但是,情況似乎更糟糕了,因?yàn)樗呀?jīng)越來越少。(2012·大連)

lesson [?lesn ] n. 一節(jié)課,功課,教訓(xùn)

拓  course n. 課程

配  give sb. a lesson 教訓(xùn)某人

learn one's lesson 得到教訓(xùn)

例  I do not even remember what the man's face looked like, but he taught me a lesson —people are more important than things. 我甚至沒記住他的臉長(zhǎng)什么樣子,但是他教給了我一課——人比事重要得多。(2011·舟山)

Though it snowed heavily yesterday, nobody in our class missed the lesson . 盡管昨天下大雪,我們班沒有一人缺課。(2010·沈陽(yáng))

let [let ] vt. & vi. (let,let) 讓

拓  allow v. 允許,讓

配  let down 放下,使失望,辜負(fù)

例  Make sure the main outside door is always locked and do not let anyone in to the main building unless you know who they are. 要確保主大門一直是鎖著的,不要讓任何人進(jìn)入主樓,除非你認(rèn)識(shí)他們。(2012·杭州)

She is clever and can speak English really well. She will not let us down. 她很聰明,英語(yǔ)說得很好。她不會(huì)讓我們失望的。(2011·黃岡)

letter [?let? ] n. 信;字母

拓  letterbox n. 郵筒,郵政信箱

配  by letter 以書信形式

例  One day Fred wrote to Bob and in the letter he said, “I still miss my old friends.”一天,弗雷德給鮑勃寫了封信。信上寫道:“我仍然懷念老朋友。”(2012·濟(jì)南)

The topics are usually listed from letter A to letter Z. 標(biāo)題一般按A到Z字母列出。(2008·成都)

lettuce [?let?s ] n. 萵苣,生菜

例  Get some lettuce and tomatoes so I can make a salad. 買些萵苣和西紅柿,我好做色拉。

level [?levl ] n. 水平線,水平 a. 平的 v. (使)變平,(使)成水平

配  level off 達(dá)到平衡或穩(wěn)定

例  Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language. 當(dāng)然,如果你想要在這里學(xué)習(xí),首先你的英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言水平要達(dá)到一定程度。(2011·昆明)

librarian [la??bre?ri?n ] n. 圖書館管理員

構(gòu)  librar(y)(n. 圖書館)+ian(后綴表示人)

拓  library n. 圖書館

例  Please note that there is no pay for this job. However, the librarians who work for us will receive book vouchers(代金券)worth $500. 請(qǐng)注意這份工作是沒有酬勞的。但是,我們的圖書管理員將收到價(jià)值500美元的購(gòu)書券。(2009·沈陽(yáng))

library [?la?br?ri ] n. 圖書館

拓  librarian n. 圖書館管理員

配  library card 借書證

例  Our school library is still open during the summer holidays. 我們學(xué)校的圖書館暑假也依舊開放。(2009·沈陽(yáng))

license [?la?sns ](licence) n. 執(zhí)照,許可證

拓  licensed a. 得到許可的

配  driving license 駕駛執(zhí)照

例  I never drink when I'm working, otherwise I'd lose my license . 我工作時(shí)從不喝酒,否則我會(huì)被吊銷執(zhí)照。(2011·無錫)

lie [la? ] n. 謊言 vi. 說謊 v. (lay, lain)躺;臥;位于

拓   liar n. (慣于)說謊者

配   tell a lie 撒謊  white lie 善意的謊言

例   Some dishonest people can lie without a red face. 有些不誠(chéng)實(shí)的人撒謊不會(huì)臉紅。(2011·陜西)

As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without legs. 當(dāng)我躺在那里血直流時(shí),我意識(shí)到,余下的人生我將沒有腿了。(2012·鹽城)

life[la?f ](pl. lives [la?vz ])n. 生命;生活;人生

拓   lifeless a. 無生命的,無生氣的  lifetime n. 一生,終生  wildlife n. 野生動(dòng)植物

配   bring/come to life 使蘇醒,使恢復(fù)知覺,復(fù)活

all one's life 一輩子;一生

例   When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life that a group of people have in common. 當(dāng)我們談到文化,我們是指一個(gè)群體普遍都存在的一種生活方式。(2012·山西)

The doctors saved her life . 醫(yī)生救了她的命。(2012·陜西)

lifeless [?la?f?s ] a. 無生命的,無生物生長(zhǎng)的

構(gòu)   life(n. 生命;生活;人生)+less(形容詞后綴表示無)

例   Without health, life is not life, life is lifeless . 如果沒有健康的身體,生活就不成為生活,人生也毫無生氣。

lifetime [?la?fta?m ] n. 一生,終生

構(gòu)   life(n. 生命;生活;人生)+time(n. 時(shí)間)

配   actual lifetime 實(shí)際壽命

例   Without life goals, we may waste our lifetime . 如果沒有生活目標(biāo),我們可能會(huì)浪費(fèi)生命。(2011·哈爾濱)

Some Americans move house several times during their lifetime . 一些美國(guó)人一生中要搬幾次家。(2011·包頭)

lift [l?ft ] v. 舉起,抬起;(云、煙等)消散 n. 〈英〉電梯

拓  lifter n. 升降機(jī),舉重運(yùn)動(dòng)員

配  give a lift 搭便車

例  When my mum wants to give me a lift , I always refuse, as I can get there quickly by bus. 媽媽想要順路送我的時(shí)候,我總是拒絕,因?yàn)槲易嚭芸炀湍艿侥莾骸#?012·山西)

He lifted one hand and pointed at a picture of the mountain. 他舉起一只手,指了指一副描繪大山的畫。(2011·杭州)

light [la?t ] n. 光,光亮;燈光 vt. (lit/lighted, lit/lighted)點(diǎn)火,點(diǎn)燃 a. 明亮的;輕的;淺色的

拓  lighter n. 點(diǎn)火者,打火機(jī) sunlight n. 陽(yáng)光

starlight n. 星光 moonlight n. 月光

配  traffic light 交通指揮燈

例  The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer. 交通燈由一臺(tái)中央電腦控制。(2012·鹽城)

But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was wet. 但是我們無法點(diǎn)火,因?yàn)闁|西都被淋濕了。(2012·河北)

like [la?k ] prep. 像,跟……一樣 vt. 喜歡,喜愛

拓  dislike vt. 討厭,不喜歡

unlike a. 不同的 prep. 不像……,和……不同

配  look like 看起來像

feel like 想要,愿意,有……的感覺

if you like 如果你愿意的話

例  Bill likes playing basketball, but he doesn't like playing the piano. 比爾愛打籃球,卻不愛彈鋼琴。(2012·齊齊哈爾)

She looked more like today's pop stars with heavy makeup and miniskirts. 她看起來更像如今的流行明星,穿著超短裙,濃妝艷抹。(2012·廣東)

likely [?la?kli ] a. 很可能的,有希望的

構(gòu)  like(v. 喜歡,希望)+ly(形容詞、副詞后綴)

拓  unlikely a. 未必的,不太可能的

配  It is likely that… 很可能……

例  It can weaken your body's protection so that you are more likely to catch diseases.它能降低你身體的抵抗力,容易讓你生病。(2012·濟(jì)南)

line [la?n ] n. 線;排;線路 v. 畫線于;(使)成行

拓  online n. 在線

配  be in line 排成一行 line up 排隊(duì)

例  Apple asks Samsung to stop copying, and hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 4S. 蘋果要求三星停止侵權(quán),成百上千的人排隊(duì)購(gòu)買 Iphone 4S.(2012·黃石)

There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair. 他把石頭排成了排,然后坐在了椅子上。(2011·包頭)

lion [?la??n ] n. 獅子

配  great lion 有名氣的人,大受歡迎的人

例  A huge lion was chasing her. 一只巨大的獅子正在追趕著她。(2010·武漢)

list [l?st ] n. 一覽表,清單 vt. 把……列入一覽表或目錄;列舉

配  stand first on the list 名列第一

white list 白名單 black list 黑名單

例  Make a list of those things that are making you nervous. 列出使你焦慮的事情的清單。(2011·廣州)

listen [?l?sn ] vi. 聽,仔細(xì)聽

拓  listener n. 聽眾

配  listen to 傾聽,收聽

例  Listen up, everyone! Don't make noise in the museum. 同學(xué)們請(qǐng)注意,在博物館里不要喧鬧。(2012·大連)

litre [?li?t? ](liter)n. 升(容量單位)

拓  kilolitre n. 公升,千升(容量單位)

例  He emptied his glass and ordered another half litre of wine. 他喝干了杯里的酒又要了半升酒。

little [?l?tl ](比較級(jí) less,最高級(jí) least) a. 小的;少的 ad. 很少地,稍許 n. 沒有多少,一點(diǎn)兒

拓  a few 少許,少數(shù) few n. 幾乎沒有

配  a little 一點(diǎn)兒 little by little 漸漸

例  Her brother is very busy with his work now, so he has little time to read newspaper. 她的哥哥現(xiàn)在工作非常忙,所以沒有時(shí)間看報(bào)紙。(2011·瀘州)

She feels a little better every time she sees the photo. 每次看到照片,她便感覺好一點(diǎn)。(2012·山西)

live [l?v ] vi. 生活;居住 a. 活(著)的;實(shí)況的

拓  living n. 生活,生計(jì) a. 活的

lively a. 活潑的,充滿生氣的

配  live on 繼續(xù)生活,以……為主食,靠……生活

live by 以……為生

live up to 遵從,做到

例  The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008, they have lived there for three years since then. 史密斯一家2008年來到上海,自那時(shí)起他們住在那兒已經(jīng)三年了。(2011·百色)

The kind of real, live conversation that was common when I was growing up, but which seems all too rare these days. 在我成長(zhǎng)的過程中,真實(shí)而直接的談話很常見,但是現(xiàn)在,似乎這些談話太少了。(2012·蘇州)

lively [?la?vli ] a. 活潑的,充滿生氣的

構(gòu)  live(a. 活的,生動(dòng)的)+ly(形容詞后綴)

例  His lively shows were so hot that tickets sold out in minutes. 他的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)秀太火爆,以至于門票幾分鐘就被一售而空。(2011·臨沂)

lock [l?k ] n. 鎖 vt. 鎖,鎖上 vi. 鎖上

拓  unlock vt. 開鎖,開啟

配  lock in 禁閉 lock out 把……關(guān)在外面 lock up 鎖上

例  Sharon, remember to lock the door before leaving the house. 莎倫,離開家記得鎖門。(2010·上海)

London [?l?nd?n ] n. 倫敦

拓  Londoner n. 倫敦人

例  Chinese national teams are actively preparing for London Olympic Games. 中國(guó)國(guó)家隊(duì)正在積極準(zhǔn)備倫敦奧運(yùn)會(huì)。(2012·鹽城)

lonely [?l??nli ] a. 孤獨(dú)的,寂寞的

構(gòu)  lone(a. 孤獨(dú)的,無伴的)+ly(形容詞后綴)

拓  alone a. & ad. 孤獨(dú)的,單獨(dú)的,獨(dú)自的

例  He was refused to be their friends, so he always felt lonely . 他們拒絕和他做朋友,所以他總是感到寂寞。(2011·舟山)

long [l?? ] a. 長(zhǎng)的,遠(yuǎn) ad. 長(zhǎng)久 vi. 渴望

拓  length n. 長(zhǎng)度,長(zhǎng)

配  so long as 只要 no longer 不再 long for 渴望

例  People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. 很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間以來,人們一直在試圖了解人類的身體。(2012·煙臺(tái))

look [l?k ] n. 看;臉色;表情 vi. 觀看;顯得

拓  looker-on n. 觀看者,旁觀者

配  look down on/upon 看不起

look for 尋找

look after 照顧

look on/upon sth. as 把……看作

look through 看穿,審核,瀏覽

look forward to 盼望,期待

例  My sister is ill. I have to look after her at home. 我妹妹生病了,我不得不在家里照顧她。(2012·黔西南)

From her sad look , Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith must have cried for a long time. 從史密斯夫人憂傷的表情來看,蘇茜注意到她一定哭了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。(2012·山西)

lose [lu?z ] vt. (lost, lost)失去,丟失 vi. 受損失;輸?shù)?/b>

拓  loser n. 失敗者,輸者

配  be lost 迷路

lose oneself in. 專心于某事,埋頭干某事

例  We don't know how important something is until we lose it. 直到我們失去才知道它的重要。(2010·雞西)

Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost ? 當(dāng)你們籃球隊(duì)輸了的時(shí)候,你有和隊(duì)友爭(zhēng)吵嗎?(2012·濟(jì)南)

lot [l?t ] n. 許多,好些 ad. 〈口〉很,非常

配  a lot of 許多 lots of 許多 a lot 非常多 parking lot 停車場(chǎng)

例  In the past two years, the bad living environment they were used to has been improved a lot . 在過去的兩年,他們習(xí)慣了的艱苦生活條件得到了很大的改善。(2011·十堰)

He cooked the food with lots of fruit and vegetables. 他用很多水果蔬菜來烹制食物。(2011·成都)

loud [la?d ] a. 大聲的

拓  loudly ad. 大聲地 loudspeaker n. 揚(yáng)聲器

例  He answered in a loud voice. 他大聲回答。(2012·山西)

love [l?v ] n. & vt. 愛,熱愛,很喜歡

拓  lover n. 愛人,愛好者

配  fall in love (with) 愛上

in love (with) 熱愛,喜歡

例  —Will you be able to come and help us clean the room?

—I'd love to, but I'm doing my homework.



—Then how about the film Shadows of Love ?

—It is a love story.



lovely [?l?vli ] a. 美好的,可愛的

構(gòu)  love(n. & vt. 愛,熱愛,很喜歡)+ly(形容詞后綴)

例  Is this a photo of your daughter? She looks lovely in the pink dress! 這是你女兒的照片嗎?她穿著粉紅色的裙子真可愛?。?010·上海)

low [l?? ] a. & ad. 低;矮

拓  lower a. 較低的,下級(jí)的 v. 降低,減弱,放下

例  You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you are very defensive. 你自我感覺不好,經(jīng)常保護(hù)自己不受傷害。因此你自我保護(hù)意識(shí)很強(qiáng)。(2011·河南)

A six-month English course for students of all levels at very low cost: 60 yuan for 12 hours per week. 面向不同水平學(xué)生的為期六個(gè)月的英語(yǔ)課程費(fèi)用很低:每周12學(xué)時(shí),共60元。(2011·揚(yáng)州)

luck [l?k ] n. 運(yùn)氣,好運(yùn)

配  Good luck. 祝您好運(yùn)!

out of luck 運(yùn)氣不好 try one's luck 碰運(yùn)氣

例  Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck . 每件事的發(fā)生都有原因,沒有偶然,也無所謂好運(yùn)或背運(yùn)。(2011·河南)

luckily [?l?k?li ] ad. 幸運(yùn)地

構(gòu)  luck(y)(a. 幸運(yùn)的)+(i)ly(副詞后綴)

拓  unluckily ad. 不幸地

例  Luckily , the car didn't hit him. 幸運(yùn)的是,車沒有撞到他。(2009·廈門)

lucky [?l?ki ] a. 幸運(yùn)的

構(gòu)  luck(n. 運(yùn)氣,好運(yùn))+y(形容詞)

拓  luckiness a. 幸運(yùn),好運(yùn)

例  We may be lucky enough to find different prices for the same thing in different shops. 也許我們足夠幸運(yùn)能在不同的商店找到不同價(jià)格的同樣的商品。(2011·鹽城)

lunch [l?nt? ] n. 午餐,午飯

拓  lunchtime n. 午餐時(shí)間

配  have lunch 吃中飯

例  When others had Cokes and candy for lunch , I had to eat a sandwich. 別人午飯有可樂和糖果,我只能啃三明治。(2011·黃岡)


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