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初中英語必考2000詞 M machine→myself





初中英語必考2000詞 M machine→myself

machine [m???i?n ] n. 機器

拓  machinery n. [總稱]機器,機械

例  This machine is specially designed for blind people. 這個機器是特別為盲人而設(shè)計的。(2012·無錫)

mad [m?d ] a. 發(fā)瘋的;生氣的

拓  madness n. 瘋狂,愚蠢的行為

配  be mad at 對……發(fā)怒 go/run mad 發(fā)怒,發(fā)瘋

例  I felt mad at my grandmother. 我對我祖母很生氣。(2011·黃岡)

Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad . 雖然營業(yè)員經(jīng)常說對不起,但是有時候他們也會非常生氣。(2011·武漢)

madam [?m?d?m ] n. (madame)夫人,女士

拓  madame n. 〈法〉太太,夫人

例  I'm here to help you, madam . 夫人,隨時為您效勞。(2011·廣州)

magazine [?m?g??zi?n ] n. 雜志

拓  magazinist n. 雜志(或期刊)編輯,雜志(或期刊)撰稿人

例  Books, magazines , newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us. 書籍、雜志、報紙和其他閱讀材料能幫助我們更多地了解外面的世界,從而完善我們。(2012·煙臺)

magic [?m???k ] a. 有魔力的 n. 魔法,魔術(shù)

拓  magical a. (似)魔術(shù)的;有魔力的;神秘的

magician n. 魔術(shù)師

例  After reading it, I was attracted by the magic world. 讀完這本書,我被魔法世界深深吸引了。(2011·蕪湖)

They were really surprised at the wonderful magic tricks. 他們的確對精彩的魔術(shù)感到驚訝極了。(2009·福州)

mail [me?l ] n. 郵政,郵遞 v. 〈美〉郵寄

拓  mailbox n. 郵箱 airmail n. 航空郵件 E-mail n. 電子郵件

例  In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards. 1908年,僅僅美國人就寄出了6.77億張明信片。(2011·河北)

main [me?n ] a. 主要的

拓  mainly ad. 大體上,主要地

例  The Internet is the main challenge for television now. 因特網(wǎng)現(xiàn)在是電視媒體面臨的主要挑戰(zhàn)。(2012·河北)

major [?me??? ] a. 主要的,重要的 vi. 主修

拓  majority n. 大多數(shù) minor a. 較小的,次要的

配  major in 攻讀,專修,主修

例  Chen Jun hopes to major in Engineering. 陳軍希望讀工程專業(yè)。(2012·溫州)

make [me?k ] vt. (made, made)制造,做;使得 n. 樣式;制造

拓  making n. 制造 makeup n. 化妝品

配  be made up of 由……構(gòu)成,由……組成

make sure 確保;確認

make it 達到;做成

make up for 補償,彌補

例  If you see the cartoon film, it will make you laugh. 如果你看卡通電影,它會讓你笑開懷。(2011·山東)

—I'm leaving now.

—Make sure you turn off the lights.



male [me?l ] n. 男性 a. 男(性)的,雄性的

拓  manly a. 男子氣概的

例  The pandas, a male and a female from Wolong Panda Research Center in Sichuan Province, will be“Universiade Pandas”, just like“Asian Games Pandas”and“Olympic Pandas”. 來自四川臥龍大熊貓研究中心的一只公熊貓和一只母熊貓,將命名為“大運會熊貓”,就像“亞運熊貓”和“奧運熊貓”一樣。(2011·深圳)

When you hear a bird sing in the morning, it's most probably a male bird. 如果你早上聽到了鳥兒鳴叫,那這只鳥多半是雄性鳥。(2012·杭州)

mall [m??l ] n. 購物中心

配  shopping mall 大型購物中心

例  You can buy a TV set on the seventh floor of the shopping mall . 你可以在購物中心的七樓購買電視機。(2009·長春)

man[m?n ](pl. men [men ])n. 男性;人,人類

拓  mankind n. 人類,男性,男子 manhood n. 成年 man-made a. 人工的,人造的

manly a. 男子氣概的

例  Bill, a thirteen-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man . 比爾,一個13歲的男孩,卻認為自己已經(jīng)長大成了男子漢。(2012·廣州)

Man 's understanding of nature is developing all the time. It never stays at the same level. 人類對于自然的了解一直在進步,從來不會止步不前。(2012·無錫)

man-made [?m?nme?d ] a. 人造的,人工的

構(gòu)  man(n. 人)+-made(v. 被制造的)

拓  artificial a. 人造的,假的

例  A Japanese company has developed a man-made fiber, it can absorb sunlight and keep the wearer up to 10℃ warmer than usual fibers. 一家日本公司已經(jīng)研發(fā)出了一種可以吸收太陽光的人造纖維,比普通的纖維來說,穿用者的體感溫度可上升10攝氏度。(2008·泉州)

manage [?m?n?? ] v. 管理;設(shè)法對付

拓  management n. 經(jīng)營,管理 manager n. 經(jīng)理

配  manage with 設(shè)法應付

例  She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, the other to Portland.她甚至設(shè)法旅游兩次,一次去荷蘭,一次去波蘭。(2010·沈陽)

Now Old West can't manage his shop and his son, Mr. West has to do it instead of him. 老韋斯特現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不能再打理商店,他的兒子,小韋斯特,接替了他的工作。(2005·寧夏)

manager [?m?n??? ] n. 經(jīng)理

構(gòu)  manag(e)(v. 管理)+er(后綴表示人,職業(yè))

拓  managerial a. 管理的

例  After they left school, Morison became the manager of a flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital. 他們自學校畢業(yè)后,莫里森當了一家花店的經(jīng)理,而菲利普成為了一名醫(yī)生。(2011·哈爾濱)

many [?meni ](比較級more,最高級most)pron. 許多人或物 a. 許多的

拓  few a. 少數(shù)的

配  a great/good many 許多,大量 many a 許多的

例  How many people are there in Tom's family? 湯姆家?guī)卓谌???012·長沙)

There are many very beautiful birds, insects and reptiles. Many of them live in the trees, more than 30 metres from the ground. 有很多漂亮的鳥、昆蟲和爬行動物。許多都生活在離地30多米高的樹上。(2012·鹽城)

map [m?p ] n. 地圖

拓  mapless a. 沒有地圖的

配  world map 世界地圖

例  You may easily lose your way in Shanghai if you don't have a map or a guide. 如果沒有地圖或向?qū)?,在上海很容易迷路。?011·衢州)

March [mɑ?t? ] n. 三月

例  Tree-planting Day is on the twelfth of March every year. 每年的3月12日是植樹節(jié)。(2007·南京)

march [mɑ?t? ] n. 游行,行進

拓  marchrally n. 游行集會

marcher n. 行進者,行軍者,游行者

配  on the march 在行軍中 march on 向前進

例  Go to any Irish city or town on 17th March and you'll see a strange sight: people dressed in green, wearing the shamrock on their clothes and marching in parades. 在3月17日,無論去愛爾蘭的哪座城市或鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn),你都能看到一個奇怪的景象:人們穿著綠色的衣服,衣服上別著三葉草,進行游行。(2009·廈門)

mark [mɑ?k ] n. 標記 vt. 標明,作記號于

拓  marked a. 有記號的,顯著的

配  mark time 原地踏步,停止不前,拖延時間

例  You shouldn't mark a book which isn't yours. 你不該在不是你的書上做標記。(2011·河南)

I feel stupid when I get bad marks and I get angry with myself — I should work harder. 成績不好時我會覺得很傻,也會生自己的氣——我應該更努力一些。(2009·大連)

market [?mɑ?k?t ] n. 市場,集市

拓  marketing n. 營銷,買賣 supermarket n. 超市

配  on the market 供應,出售

例  There are many similar dolls on the market in competition with her. 市場上有很多相似的玩具娃娃與她競爭。(2012·廣州)

marriage [?m?r?? ] n. 結(jié)婚,婚姻

構(gòu)  marr(y→i)(v. 結(jié)婚)+age(名詞后綴)

拓  marriageable a. 達到結(jié)婚年齡的,適宜結(jié)婚的

配  marriage certificate 結(jié)婚證書

marriage agency 婚姻介紹所

例  Elizabeth felt sorry for her sister for her unsuccessful marriage . 伊麗莎白為她姐姐不幸的婚姻感到難過。(2012·深圳)

marry [?m?ri ] v. (使)成婚,結(jié)婚

拓  married a. 已婚的,婚姻的

divorce n. 離婚 vt. 使離婚

例  Mary was broken-hearted and decided not to marry again. 瑪麗傷透了心,決定不再結(jié)婚。(2011·廣州)

master [?mɑ?st? ] vt. 精通,掌握 n. 主人;大師;碩士

拓  masterpiece n. 杰作;名作 headmaster n. 校長

配  master's degree 碩士學位

B. master of 掌握,控制

例  Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating and consciously taking pleasure in what you already have. 幸福源自精通欣賞的藝術(shù)和自覺對已經(jīng)擁有的一切感到喜悅和滿足。(2012·鹽城)

match [m?t? ] vt. 使相配,使成對 n. 比賽;火柴

拓  matchmaker n. 媒人 matchstick n. 火柴桿

matchup n. 火柴,比賽,競賽,匹配

配  make a match 做媒

match against /with 使與……相競爭

match up to 與……相符,符合,比得上

例  Both my father and I love watching basketball matches . 父親和我都喜歡看籃球比賽。(2011·廣州)

Do you think that the cartoon picture matches the article in today's newspaper? 你認為今天報紙上的那幅卡通畫與文章相配嗎?(2011·無錫)

math [m?θ ] n. 數(shù)學

拓  maths n. (mathematics的縮寫形式)數(shù)學

mathematics n. 數(shù)學

例  They must spend so much time solving math problems and doing grammar exercises. 他們必須花這么多時間解數(shù)學題和做語法練習。(2011·淄博)

mathematics [?m?θi?m?t?ks ]/maths n. (通常用作單數(shù))數(shù)學

拓  mathematician n. 數(shù)學家

mathematical a. 數(shù)學的,精確的

例  Although teachers have stopped giving after-school homework to primary school children, parents have been forcing their kids to take part in different kinds of extra-curricular training courses — learning English, painting, music instrument, weiqi,“Olympic mathematics ”and so on, every Saturday and Sunday. 雖然老師們不再給小學生布置課后作業(yè)了,但是家長迫使孩子們每周六和周日參加各種各樣的課外培訓班——英語、畫畫、樂器、圍棋和奧數(shù),等等。(2009·寧夏)

matter [?m?t? ] n. 事情,問題;麻煩事,毛病 vi. 重要,要緊,有關(guān)系

拓  matter-of-fact a. 實質(zhì)的,事務性的

配  a matter of(關(guān)于……的)問題;大約

as a matter of fact 其實,事實上

no matter how(what,when … etc.) 無論怎樣(什么,何時……等)

例  —I'm sorry to trouble you, Miss White.

—It doesn't matter .



In fact, no matter how old you are, you can make it. 事實上,無論你年紀多大,你都能成功。(2011·重慶)

may [me? ] v. 可以;也許,可能

拓  maybe ad. 可能,大概,也許 can v. 可以,可能

配  may as well 最好

例  —Have you decided which senior high school to choose?

—Not yet. I may go to Moonlight School.



May [me? ] n. 五月

配  May Day 五一勞動節(jié)

例  May is the fifth month of a year. 五月是一年中的第五個月。(2012·湖北)

maybe [?me?bi? ] ad. 可能,大概,也許

拓  perhaps ad. 或許,多半

例  Maybe we will discover Earth Ⅱ some day.也許哪天我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)第二個地球。(2012·濟南)

mayor [?me? ] n. 市長

拓  mayoral a. 市長的

mayorship n. 市長職位(或頭銜)

配  deputy mayor 副市長

例  The mayor gave a speech. 市長發(fā)表了演講。(2011·南京)

me [mi? ] pron. 我(賓格)

拓  me-tooism n. 模仿,追隨

配  Me too. 我也是。

例  Peter is my best friend. He often helps me with science. 彼得是我最好的朋友。他經(jīng)常幫助我學習科學。(2012·溫州)

meal [mi?l ] n. 一餐(飯)

拓  mealtime n. 進餐時間

配  have /take a meal 進餐,吃飯

a good/hearty meal 飽餐一頓

例  Just when he wanted to pay for the meal , the waiter came. 正當他想要結(jié)賬,服務員來了。(2012·廣州)

You should learn how to cook a few of your favorite meals . 你應該學著做幾個你愛吃的菜。(2011·長春)

mean [mi?n ] vt. (meant, meant)意思是,意指

拓  meaning n. 意思,含義

meanwhile (=meantime) n. 其間

配  by all means 無論如何,必定

by means of 借助于,用 by no means 決不

例  You mean the one with long blond hair? That's Jack's daughter. 你指的是留著長發(fā)的那個女孩?她是杰克的女兒。(2012·貴州)

Although people usually know what the word means , it sometimes has no exact translation. 雖然人們知道這個詞的意思,但有時無法準確地翻譯。(2011·包頭)

meaning [?mi?n?? ] n. 意思,含義

構(gòu)  mean(vt. 意思是,意指)+ing(名詞后綴)

拓  meaningful a. 意味深長的

meaningless a. 無意義的

例  The purpose of this program is not just to keep busy. It is also to find meaning and enjoyment in work. 這個節(jié)目的目的不僅僅是讓你忙不停,也是找尋工作的意義和快樂。(2009·達州)

meat [mi?t ] n. (豬、牛、羊等的)肉

拓  meatball n. 肉丸

配  meat and drink 飯食;樂趣

例  The meat smells bad. Throw it away. 肉聞起來壞了,扔了它吧。(2012·江蘇)

medical [?med?kl ] a. 醫(yī)學的,醫(yī)療的

拓  medicine n. 藥

配  medical examination 體格檢查

medical care system 醫(yī)療保健制度

例  I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. 我認識一個70歲時進入醫(yī)學院學習的人。(2011·重慶)

As tele-medicine develops well, its costs will be lower and it will become very popular in the medical field. 隨著遠程醫(yī)療的順利發(fā)展,它所需費用會降低,在醫(yī)學領(lǐng)域?qū)质軞g迎。(2011·河北)

medicine [?med?s?n ] n. 藥

拓  medical a. 醫(yī)學的,醫(yī)療的

配  take medicine 吃藥

例  Rainforest give us wood, fruits, medicines and so on. 熱帶雨林為我們提供了木材、水果、藥品等等。(2009·青海)

medium [?mi?d??m ] a. 中等的,適中的 n. 方法,媒介

例  He was a medium build. 他中等身材。(2011·淄博)

Television can be an excellent medium for education. 電視會是一種絕好的教育手段。

meet [mi?t ] vt. (met, met)n. 遇見,見到

拓  meeting n. 會;集會;會見;匯合點

配  meet by chance/accident 偶然遇見

meet one's need 滿足某人的需要

meet with 偶遇,遭受

例  He met with an old schoolmate of his by accident/ chance at the railway station. 他在火車站偶然遇到了他的一位老校友。(2012·煙臺)

meeting [mi?t?? ] n. 會;集會;會見;匯合點

構(gòu)  meet(vt. 遇見,見到)+ing(名詞后綴)

配  have a meeting 開會

例  I left home twenty minutes earlier than usual so that I would not be late for the meeting . 為了開會不遲到,我比平常早了20分鐘出門。(2012·無錫)

member [?memb? ] n. 成員,會員

拓  membership n. 成員資格,成員人數(shù)

例  Last weekend, the four members of my family spent an enjoyable holiday at the Magic Kingdom — Disneyland. 上周末,我們四個家庭成員,在魔幻王國——迪斯尼樂園度過了一個開心的假期。(2012·上海)

memorize [?mem?ra?z ] vt. 記住,熟記

構(gòu)  memor (y)(n. 回憶,記憶)+ize(動詞后綴)

拓  memorization n. 記住,默記

例  You must memorize the new words. 你必須要把新單詞熟記在心。(2010·深圳)

memory [?mem?ri ] n. 回憶,記憶

拓  memorable a. 值得紀念的,難忘的

配  in memory of 紀念

例  Most people have short memories . 大多數(shù)人記憶力不好。(2012·長沙)

People lighted candles in memory of the dead. 人們點燃蠟燭,悼念死者。(2008·蘭州)

mend [mend ] v. 修理,修補

拓  mendable a. 可修理的 repair v. 修理,修補

配  mend matters 改善情況

mend one's fences 修補籬笆,改善關(guān)系

例  There is something wrong with my computer. Could you help me mend it? 我的電腦壞了,你能幫我修一下嗎?(2007·北京)

mention [?men?n ] n. 提及;記載 vt. 提到,說起

構(gòu)  men(源自拉丁詞根 mens=mind,從心里發(fā)出來)+tion(名詞后綴)

配  not to mention 更不用說

(not) worth mentioning(不)值得一提

例  He thinks it necessary to mention his sister in his speech, who has supported him in his university study. 他認為,在演講中提及他的姐姐很有必要,是姐姐支持了他的大學學業(yè)。(2011·青島)

menu [?menju? ] n. 菜單

例  You look at the menu on the wall and then go to order your food. 先看掛在墻上的菜譜,再去點菜。(2009·沈陽)

message [?mes?? ] n. 消息,音信

拓  messenger n. 報信者,使者

配  leave a message 留口信

例  And teenagers nowadays seem to prefer communicating with their friends by sending text messages rather than actually speaking to them. 現(xiàn)在的青少年似乎更喜歡發(fā)短信來與朋友交流,而不是與之當面交談。(2012·蘇州)

metal [?metl ] n. 金屬 a. 金屬制成的

拓  medal n. 獎章

例  We can recycle to reduce the rubbish and save natural resources such as trees, oil and metals . 我們可以用回收的方式來減少垃圾,并節(jié)約樹木、石油和金屬等自然資源。(2010·南寧)

In 1964, Douglas Engelbart made the first computer mouse. The computer mouse had a wooden shell with two metal wheels. 1964年,道格·恩格爾巴特發(fā)明了第一只鼠標。鼠標由一木殼裝有兩個金屬滾輪。(2012·煙臺)

method [?meθ?d ] n. 方法,辦法

拓  way n. 方法

例  Every method was tried and none worked.所有的辦法都試過了,都不起作用。(2010·哈爾濱)

metre [?mi?t? ](美 meter)n. 米,公尺

拓  kilometer n. 公里

例  The boy is more than 2 metres in height and he is good at playing basketball. 這個男孩子身高超過了2米,他很擅長打籃球。(2012·鹽城)

middle [?m?dl ] a. 中等的,中間的 n. 中間

拓  middle-aged a. 中年的,具有中年人特點的

middle-sized a. 中號的

配  in the middle of 在……間;在……的中途

例  New rules and behavior standards for middle school students came out in March.針對中學生的新規(guī)章制度和行為守則在三月份出臺。(2012·濟南)

might [ma?t ] v. aux. (may 的過去式;助動詞)可能,也許

配  might as well 不妨,還是……的好

例  — What will the weather be like tomorrow?

—It might be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows?



mile [ma?l ] n. 英里

拓  mile meter n. 里程計

例  Mr. Brown's house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every day for lunch. 布朗先生的家離辦公室不到兩英里,他每天可以駕車回家吃午餐。(2009·遼寧)

milk [m?lk ] n. 牛奶 vt. 擠奶

拓  milkshake n. 奶昔 milkman n. 送奶工,擠奶工

配  cry over spilt milk 為不可挽回的失誤難過

例  It's said that many babies have died from melamine in milk powder. 據(jù)說,奶粉中所含的三聚氰胺造成了許多嬰幼兒死亡。(2009·黃岡)

One morning, his parents gave him some money to buy some milk for them. 一天早上,父母給他錢為他們買牛奶。(2012·廣東)

million [?m?lj?n ] num. 百萬 n. 百萬

拓  millionaire n. 百萬富翁,大富豪

配  make a million 發(fā)大財

例  What would you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百萬你將會干什么?(2011·廣西)

mind [ma?nd ] n. 思想;想法 v. 介意;關(guān)心

配  bear/keep in mind 記住

have in mind 記住,考慮到,想到

make up one's mind 下決心

never mind 不要緊,沒關(guān)系

例  I'm patient. I don't mind waiting for people. 我很耐心。我不介意等人。(2011·徐州)


mine [ma?n ] pron. 我的(名詞性物主代詞)n. 礦

拓  miner n. 礦工

例  Could you please lend me some money? I've run out of mine . 你能借給我一些錢嗎?我的錢已經(jīng)用完了。(2010·孝感)

The loser would go down into the mines and, with his earnings, support his brother studying at the college. 輸?shù)囊环骄腿ッ旱V工作,賺的錢來支持他兄弟(贏的一方)在大學學習的費用。(2009·寧波)

minute [?m?n?t ] n. 分鐘;一會兒,瞬間

拓  second n. 秒

配  in a minute 馬上,立刻

to the minute 準時,一分不差,恰好

at the last minute 在緊要關(guān)頭

例  The feeling of happiness may disappear in a minute . 幸福的感覺或許稍縱即逝。(2009·哈爾濱)

mirror [?m?r? ] n. 鏡子

例  If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the body is the mirror of our feelings. 如果說,眼睛是心靈的窗戶,那么身體便是情緒的鏡子。(2011·十堰)

miss [m?s ] vt. 失去;錯過;思念

拓  missing a. 不見的,缺少的

例  Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. 在課堂記筆記時別試圖記下每一個詞,否則會錯過一些重點。(2012·大連)

I really miss my parents and I hope I can afford to go to school in Shanghai. 我真的很想念我的父母,希望我能支付得起去上海上學的費用。(2012·廣州)

Miss [m?s ] n. 小姐,女士(稱呼未婚婦女)

例  Hello! May I speak to Miss Green? 你好!請讓格林小姐接電話可以嗎?(2011·貴陽)

mistake [m?s?teik ] n. 錯誤vt. (mistook, mistaken)弄錯

構(gòu)  mis(前綴表示“壞,錯誤,否定”)+take(v. 拿)

拓  mistaken a. 犯錯的,錯誤的

配  make mistakes 犯錯誤 by mistake 錯誤的

mistake sth. for sth. 把……誤認為

例  In other words, they allow themselves to make mistakes , so they remain energetic. 換句話說,他們允許自己犯錯誤,這樣他們能一直保持活力。(2012·武漢)

mix [m?ks ] vt. 混合,摻和 n. 混合,混合物

拓  mixed a. 混合的 mixing n. 混合

mixture n. 混合物

配  mix up 混合;混淆,搞糊涂

例  When these gases mix with rain, acid rain forms. 當這些氣體與雨混合,就形成了酸雨。(2011·蘇州)

Milkshakes have a long history in America. It is made of a mix of ice cream, milk and flavoring. 奶昔在美國有很長的歷史了。它是由冰淇淋、牛奶和調(diào)味品調(diào)制而成。(2010·蘭州)

mixture [?m?kst?? ] n. 混合物

構(gòu)  mix(vt. 混合,摻和)+ture(名詞后綴)

例  Later he decided to taste the hot mixture . It was quite delicious. 然后他決定嘗一下這杯熱的混合飲料。味道很不錯。(2009·黃岡)

model [?m?dl ] n. 模型;范例

配  model after/on 仿造,模仿

例  He points to the Danish system(體制) of education as a better model . 他指出,丹麥的教育體制是個最好的范例。(2012·北京)

He is busy making a model plane. 他忙著做一架飛機模型。(2010·蘭州)

modern [?m?dn ] a. 現(xiàn)代的

拓  modernize v. 使現(xiàn)代化 modernization n. 現(xiàn)代化

例  Modern technology helps us make teaching and learning more interesting and interactive. 現(xiàn)代科技可以幫助我們使教學和學習更有趣和互動。(2010·常州)

Mom=Mum [m?m ] n. 媽媽

配  mom and pop store [美]小零售鋪,夫妻店

例  Don't be worried about me, Mom . I've grown up. 別為我擔心,媽媽。我已經(jīng)長大了。(2010·定西)

moment [?m??m?nt ] n. 片刻,瞬間

拓  momently ad. 片刻地,時時刻刻地,暫時地

配  at the moment 現(xiàn)在,此刻

for a moment 片刻,一會兒

for the moment 現(xiàn)在,暫時

in a moment 立刻,馬上

the moment (that) 一……就

例  It's not wise of you to give up at this moment . 你在這個時候放棄是不明智的。(2012·無錫)

Monday [?m?nde? ] n. 星期一

拓  Mondays ad. [美]每星期一;在任何星期一

配  Black Monday 復活節(jié)后的星期一;[學生俚語]倒霉的星期一

blue Monday 煩悶的星期一;精神沮喪的時間

例  Last Monday , when Tom played basketball again, the playground was wet. 上周一,當湯姆又一次去打籃球的時候,籃球場的地濕了。(2010·寧夏)

money [?m?ni ] n. 錢;貨幣

拓  moneylender n. 放債的人

moneymaker n. 會賺錢的人

配  make/earn money 賺錢,發(fā)財

out of money 手頭沒錢

例  In the past three years, his parents stayed in Shenzhen and worked to make money . 在過去的三年里,他的父母在深圳工作賺錢。(2012·長沙)

monitor [?m?n?t? ] n. (班級內(nèi)的)班長;監(jiān)視器

拓  monitoring n. 監(jiān)視,控制

配  monitor screen 監(jiān)視屏

monitored instruction 監(jiān)視指令

例  What should I do now, to give up or not to give up as class monitor ? 現(xiàn)在我該怎么辦?該不該放棄當班長呢?(2011·黃岡)

monkey [?m??ki ] n. 猴子

例  A newborn monkey cannot walk. 新生的小猴無法行走。(2011·舟山)

month [m?nθ ] n. 月,月份

拓  monthly a. 每月的 ad. 每月一次 n. 月刊

配  month after month 一月又一月

month by month 逐月,月月

例  Last month there was a sports meeting in his school. 上個月,他的學校里舉行了一場運動會。(2012·黃石)

moon [mu?n ] n. 月球;月狀物

拓 moonlight n. 月光

moonflight n. [空]月球飛行

配  moon cake 月餅

例  There is no living thing on the moon . 月球上沒有生命存在。(2012·福州)

We usually eat moon cakes on that day.(中秋節(jié))那天我們通常會吃月餅。(2011·蕪湖)

more [m?? ] a. & ad. (much或many的比較級)另外的;較多的;而且;更 n. 更多的量;另外的一些

拓  less, fewer a. 較少的

配  more and more 越來越多

more or less 或多或少;幾乎

no more 不再

no more than 不過,僅僅,和……一樣不

例  In the country of China, there are more than 20 million children staying at home without their parents. 在中國農(nóng)村有超過兩千萬的留守兒童。(2012·長沙)

The longer the holidays are, the more homework I get. 假期越長,我的作業(yè)越多。(2012·廣東)

morning [?m??n?? ] n. 早晨,上午

構(gòu)  morn(n. 〈詩〉早晨)+ing(名詞后綴)

配  in the morning 在上午,早上

Good morning! 早上好

例  What does Mary do at six o'clock in the morning ? 瑪麗早上六點鐘做什么?(2010·茂名)

most [m??st ] a. & ad. (much或many的最高級)最多 n. 大部分,大多數(shù)

拓  mostly ad. 主要地,大多

配  at most /at the most 最多,至多,不超過

make the most of 充分利用

例  Most of them hadn't seen each other since 1949. 他們中絕大多數(shù)自1949年以來再沒見過面。(2012·無錫)

They can be bought at most small convenient stores. 這些可以在很多小的便利店里買到。(2010·蘭州)

mostly [?m??stli ] ad. 主要地,大多

構(gòu)  most(a. 最多的)+ly(副詞后綴)

拓  mainly ad. 大體上,主要地

例  The singers played others' songs before, but now they play mostly their own songs. 歌手們以前表演別人的歌曲,而現(xiàn)在他們更多地是演唱自己的歌。(2009·包頭)

mother [?m?e? ] n. 母親

拓  mother-in-law n. (pl. mothers-in-law)婆婆,岳母 motherland n. 祖國

例  However, the kid's mother didn't think he did wrong. 然而,孩子的母親認為孩子沒有做錯。(2012·廣東)

motorbike [?m??t?ba?k ] n. (=motorcycle)摩托車

構(gòu)  motor(n. 發(fā)動機,電動機)+bike(n. 腳踏車)

例  —How long have you had the motorbike ?

—For about two weeks.



mountain [?ma?nt?n ] n. 山,山脈

拓  hill n. 小山

例  What an exciting sport it is to climb the mountains ! 登山是一項多么刺激的運動?。。?010·上海)

mouse [ma?s ](pl. mice)n. 鼠;(計算機)鼠標

拓  rat n. 老鼠

配  as poor as a church mouse 一貧如洗

例  One day when some government officials were rebuilding a barn, they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. 一天,政府公務員重建谷倉的時候,發(fā)現(xiàn)在角落里有老鼠洞。他們用煙熏,想迫使里面的老鼠逃出來。(2009·武漢)

mouth [ma?θ ] n. 嘴,口

拓  lip n. 嘴唇

配  keep one's mouth shut /closed 保持緘默,守口如瓶

例  When you cough or sneeze, please turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. 當你想咳嗽或打噴嚏的時候,請把頭轉(zhuǎn)過去,用手捂住嘴。(2011·蘇州)

move [mu?v ] v. 移動;搬家;感動 n. 移動;搬家

拓  moveable a. 可移動的,活動的

movement n. 運動,運轉(zhuǎn)

配  move about/around 到處走 move away 離開,搬走 move in 遷入

例  After finals, I was ready to move out. 期末考試后,我準備搬出去了。(2010·青島)

I am also deeply moved by its stories. 我被這個故事深深地感動了。(2012·廣州)

movie [?mu?vi ] n. 電影

拓  moviemaker n. 電影制作人

配  movie theater 電影院

例  Yesterday I downloaded a new program from the Internet. Now I can watch TV and movies on my computer. 昨天我從網(wǎng)上下載了一個新軟件。現(xiàn)在我可以在電腦上看電視和電影了。(2012·蘇州)

Mr. [?m?st(?) ] n. (mister[?m?st? ])先生(用于姓名前)

配  Mr. Right 真命天子,白馬王子

例  — Is Mr. Franco Hollande an honest and capable man?

—Yes. And that is why he was chosen president of France.



Mrs. [?m?s?z ] n. (mistress[?m?str?s ])夫人,太太(稱呼已婚婦女)

例  Mrs. Chen told us to write as carefully as we could. 陳小姐叮囑我們寫字要盡量認真仔細。(2011·河北)

Ms. [m?z ] n. 女士(用在婚姻狀況不明的女子姓名前)

例  Lily, what should I get for Ms. Ning for the coming Teachers' Day? 莉莉,我應該給寧老師買什么教師節(jié)禮物呢?

much [m?t? ](比較級more,最高級most) a. 許多的,大量的 ad. 非常;更加 n. 許多,大量;非常

拓  less, little a. 少的

配  as much as 多達,達到……那種程度

How much? 多少錢?多少?

so much 這樣多;極,非常

例  If you compare her homework with his, you'll find hers is much better. 要是把她和他的家庭作業(yè)比較一下,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)她的作業(yè)要好得多。(2012·蘇州)

murder [?m??d? ] n. & vt. 謀殺

拓  murderer n. 殺人犯,兇手

配  an attempted murder 殺人未遂

a case of murder 兇殺案

例  The police could not find a motive for the murder . 警方未能找出謀殺者的動機。

He murdered the song by poor singing. 他唱得很糟,糟蹋了這支歌曲。

museum [mju??z??m ] n. 博物館,博物院

配  the Palace Museum 故宮

British Museum 大英博物館

例  One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. 下午我去美術(shù)館參觀,同時也等著我丈夫開完商務會議。(2012·武漢)

music [?mju?z?k ] n. 音樂,樂曲

構(gòu)  mus(e)(掌管文藝、美術(shù)、音樂等的繆斯女神)+ic(名詞后綴)

拓  musical a. 音樂的,悅耳的 musician n. 音樂家

例  Listen to a piece of music that you like. 聽一首你愛聽的曲子吧。(2012·杭州)

must [m?st ] v. & aux. 必須,應當;必定是

拓  be obliged to 不得不

例  This pair of shoes must belong to Jack. He likes this kind very much. 這雙鞋一定是杰克的。他非常喜歡這種款式。(2010·銅仁)

my [ma? ] pron. 我的

配  My goodness! 天呀! Oh, my! 哎呀!

例  I liked to walk in fields on snowy days and to see my footprints left behind. 我喜歡在下雪天去外面雪地里散步,看自己身后的一串串腳印。(2012·上海)

myself [ma??self ] pron. 我自己

構(gòu)  my(pron. 我的)+self(n. 自己)

配  (all) by myself 我獨自地

例  All at once, I lost myself in the beauty of nature. 就在一剎那,我沉浸在自然的美中。(2012·陜西)


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