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初中英語(yǔ)必考2000詞 W wait→wrong





初中英語(yǔ)必考2000詞 W wait→wrong

wait [we?t ] vi. 等候,等待 n. 等待

拓  waiter n. 餐館的男服務(wù)員 waitress n. 女服務(wù)生

配  wait and see 等著瞧吧;等等看

wait for 等待,等候

wait up (for)熬夜等候

例  He always makes me wait for a long time. 他總是讓我等很久。(2010·廣西)

waiter [?we?t? ] n. 餐館的男服務(wù)員

構(gòu)  wait(v. 服侍,等待)+er(名詞后綴)

例  —What's your uncle's job?

—He's a waiter in a restaurant.



wake [we?k ] vi. (woke, woken) 醒來(lái) vt. 喚醒;激起,使認(rèn)識(shí)到

拓  waken vi. 醒來(lái) vt. 喚醒 awake vi. 醒,覺(jué)醒,領(lǐng)會(huì),覺(jué)悟 vt. 喚醒 a. 警覺(jué)的,醒的

配  wake up 醒來(lái)

wake up to 認(rèn)識(shí)到,意識(shí)到

例  A bus driver was kind enough to wake her up when she fell asleep on the ride. 她在車上睡著了,巴士司機(jī)好心叫醒了她。(2011·舟山)

walk [w??k ] vi. 走,步行 vt. 陪……走 n. 步行,散步

拓  walker n. 徒步者,常散步的人,參加競(jìng)走者

配  go for a walk 出去走走,去散步

take sb. for a walk 帶某人去散步

walk of life 職業(yè);行業(yè)

例  We can go for a walk to relax ourselves after school every day. 每天放學(xué)后,我們可以散散步來(lái)放松自己。(2011·陜西)

I met a good friend of mine while I was walking on the street. 我在街上走的時(shí)候,突然碰到了我的一個(gè)好朋友。(2011·梧州)

walkman [?w??km?n ] n. 隨身聽(tīng)

例  Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw the boy in front of turn fall over and drop all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a basketball and a walkman . 一天,馬克放學(xué)回家的路上,他看見(jiàn)隊(duì)伍前面有個(gè)男孩子摔倒了,手上拿的書全掉了,還有兩件毛衣、一個(gè)籃球以及一個(gè)隨身聽(tīng)。(2011·南京)

wall [w??l ] n. 城;城墻

拓  wall-less a. 無(wú)墻的,無(wú)城墻的

例  When Jason was painting the wall , some boys passed by and wanted to join him. 當(dāng)杰森刷墻的時(shí)候,有些男孩子經(jīng)過(guò)并想加入進(jìn)來(lái)。(2012·深圳)

wallet [?w?l?t ] n. 錢包

拓  purse n. 錢包

例  While we were waiting for our meals, we decided to use all our small change and make our wallets light. 在等餐的時(shí)候,我們決定用光所有的零錢,讓錢包輕便一些。(2011·蘇州)

want [w?nt ] vt. 想;想要

拓  wanting a. 欠缺的,沒(méi)有的,不夠格的

配  in want of 需要;缺少

want for 缺少,缺乏,需要

wanted poster 通緝公告

job wanted 求職;女生求職

例  If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice running every day. 如果你想成為一名優(yōu)秀的馬拉松運(yùn)動(dòng)員,你必須每天練習(xí)跑步。(2012·黃岡)

war [w?? ] n. 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)(狀態(tài)),斗爭(zhēng);對(duì)抗

拓  warplane n. 軍用機(jī)

配  at war 處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)

例  He went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War . 第一次世界大戰(zhàn)期間他上了前線,照顧傷員。(2011·天津)

warm [w??m ] a. 溫暖的;暖和的

拓  warmly ad. 暖和地,熱烈地,熱心地

配  warm up 變熱

例  Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm . 我和克里斯試圖生火取暖。(2012·河北)

warmth [w??mθ ] n. 暖和

構(gòu)  warm(a. 溫暖的;暖和的)+th(名詞后綴)

例  A red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 一件紅衣服在最凄涼的冬日能給人帶來(lái)溫暖和振奮。(2011·安徽)

warn [w??n ] vt. 警告;告誡 vi. 發(fā)出警告

拓  warning n. 警告,預(yù)告,通知,預(yù)兆

配  warn of 警告某人關(guān)于某事

例  Humans are warned not to damage nature . 人類被警告不要破壞大自然。(2012·大連)

wash [w?? ] v. 洗,洗滌

拓  washer n. 洗衣人,洗衣機(jī),洗碗機(jī)

配  wash up 洗餐具;洗手洗臉;洗手不干

wash away 沖走;沖垮;洗掉;沖掉

wash out 淘汰;洗凈;破產(chǎn)

例  Tom, your clothes are dirty. You'd better wash them. 湯姆,你的衣服很臟了,你最好把它們洗干凈。(2012·杭州)

waste [we?st ] vt. 浪費(fèi) n. 浪費(fèi);廢料

拓  wastebin n. 廢物箱,垃圾桶

wasteful a. 浪費(fèi)的,不經(jīng)濟(jì)的

wasteless a. 用不盡的,無(wú)窮無(wú)盡的

配  a waste of 浪費(fèi)……

例  The swill-oil is cooking oil refined from kitchen waste that has been recycled. 地溝油是反復(fù)使用的廚房廢物中提煉出來(lái)的食用油。(2011·廈門)

watch [w?t? ] v. 觀看,注視 n. 觀看,注視;手表

拓  watchful a. 警惕的,注意的,警戒的

watchroom n. 值班室

配  watch out 當(dāng)心,提防;注意

watch (one's) step 謹(jǐn)慎行事

on watch 值班,監(jiān)視

例  Both my father and I love watching basketball matches. 父親和我都喜歡看籃球比賽。(2011·廣州)

—Mr. Li, I found a watch on the playground.

—You should try to find out who is the owner of the watch .



water [?w??t? ] n. 水;(礦)泉水

拓  watery a. 水的,似水的,潮濕的

waterfall n. 瀑布 waterfront n. 濱水區(qū),濱水路

配  drinking water 飲用水

例  Finally, they find the reason why they don't have any water to drink. 最終他們找到了沒(méi)水喝的原因。(2012·大連)

watermelon [?w??t??mel?n ] n. 西瓜

構(gòu)  water(n. 水)+melon(n. 瓜)

例  The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. 老板叫他去市場(chǎng)上找到任何一個(gè)賣西瓜的人。(2012·南通)

wave [we?v ] vt. 揮動(dòng),晃動(dòng),揮手示意 vi. 飄動(dòng) n. 波浪,波濤,搖擺,揮動(dòng)

拓  waveless a. 無(wú)波的,平靜的

wavy a. 波狀的,搖擺的,起浪的

配  wave away/off 揮手告別;揮手使……離去;謝絕,拒絕

例  When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line, it means“yes”. 當(dāng)你揮舞手臂向上和向下成一條直線,這意思是“是的”。(2011·北京)

One morning, the three fish were taken to a shallow water by a big wave . 一天早上,三條魚被巨浪打到了淺水區(qū)。(2011·安徽)

way [we? ] n. 道路;方法,手段

拓  waymark n. 路標(biāo)

配  by the way 順便提一下

B. way of 經(jīng)由,通過(guò)……方式

give way 讓路,讓步

in a way 在某點(diǎn),在某種程度上

in no way 決不

in the way of 妨礙

in one's way /in the way 妨礙,阻礙

lead the way 帶路,引路

make one's way 前進(jìn),行進(jìn)

make way 開路,讓路

例  He heard the news on his way to the cinema. 在去電影院的路上,他聽(tīng)到了這個(gè)消息。(2011·陜西)

we [wi?;wi ] pron. 我們(主格)

例  No matter how old we grow, childhood will forever stay in our memory. 無(wú)論我們變得多老,童年都會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)留在我們的記憶里。(2011·佛山)

weak [wi?k ] a. 弱的;稀薄的

拓  weaken v. 削弱,(使)變?nèi)酢eakness n. 虛弱,軟弱,弱點(diǎn),缺點(diǎn) weakly ad. 虛弱地,軟弱地,有病地 a. 虛弱的,軟弱的,有病的

配  weak point 弱點(diǎn);缺點(diǎn)

例  After a few minutes there is a very weak light in the east, and then I hear a bird singing. 幾分鐘后,東方露出幾絲微微曙光,接著我聽(tīng)到了鳥兒的鳴叫。(2012·杭州)

I'd like you to help me because I'm weak in spoken English. 我想你能幫我,因?yàn)槲业挠⒄Z(yǔ)口語(yǔ)不太好。(2011·南京)

wealth [welθ ] n. 財(cái)富,財(cái)產(chǎn)

構(gòu)  weal(n. 福利,幸福)+th(名詞后綴)

拓  wealthy a. 富有的,豐裕的,充分的

wealthily ad. 富有地,豐富地

例  Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie's wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. 幾年后,我意識(shí)到,我的父親喜歡伯尼不是因?yàn)樗呢?cái)富,而是他處理財(cái)富的方式。(2011·杭州)

wear [we? ] vt. (wore, worn)穿著;磨損 vi. 穿破;耐用

拓  worn-out a. 不能再用(或穿)的,磨破的,穿舊的

配  wear off 逐漸消逝

wear out 用破,用壞,磨損;耗盡,使筋疲力盡

例  You'd better not wear sunglass in the room. 你最好別在房間里戴墨鏡。(2010·荊州)

The bike was pink, old and worn with age. 這輛自行車原本是粉色的,隨著歲月磨損它變得破舊了。(2011·寧波)

weather [?weð? ] n. 天氣;天氣預(yù)報(bào)

配  weather forecast 天氣預(yù)測(cè),天氣預(yù)報(bào)

in all weathers 不論天氣如何,風(fēng)雨無(wú)阻

weather condition 天氣條件;氣象情況

例  He was late for school because of the bad weather . 由于天氣不好,他上學(xué)遲到了。(2012·濟(jì)南)

website [?websa?t ] n. 網(wǎng)站

構(gòu)  web(n. 網(wǎng))+site(n. 站點(diǎn))

配  website promotion 網(wǎng)站推廣

website development 網(wǎng)站開發(fā);網(wǎng)頁(yè)設(shè)計(jì)

例  Quickly, they made their own websites and began selling things on the Net. 他們很快建好了自己的網(wǎng)站,并開始在網(wǎng)上賣東西。(2012·黑河)

Wednesday [?wenzde?;?wenzdi ] n. 星期三

例  I've taken many photos so you'll be able to see for yourself when I come back home next Wednesday . 我照了很多照片,等我下周三回家的時(shí)候,你就可以看到了。(2011·徐州)

week [wi?k ] n. 星期,周

拓  weekday n. 平常日;工作日 weekend n. 周末

weekly a. 每星期的,一周的 ad. 每周一次 n. 周刊,周報(bào)

配  week after week 一周接一周地

例  The classroom windows are cleaned by the students every week . 學(xué)生們每周都清潔教室的窗戶。(2011·廣州)

weekday [?wi?kde? ] n. 平常日;工作日

構(gòu)  week(n. 星期,周)+day(n. 日)

例  We usually go to school on weekdays , and sometimes go to the cinema at weekends. 通常工作日我們上學(xué),周末有時(shí)去看電影。(2011·天津)

weekend [wi?k?end;?wi?kend ] n. 周末

構(gòu)  week(n. 星期,周)+end(n. 末端)

拓  weekender n. 過(guò)周末假期的人

配  on weekend 在周末

at weekend 在周末

have a nice weekend 周末玩得愉快

例  How did you spend your last weekend ? 上周末你怎么過(guò)的?(2012·陜西)

weekly [?wi?kli ] a. 每周的;一周一次的;周刊的 ad. 每周;每周一次

構(gòu)  week(n. 星期,周)+ly(形容詞副詞后綴)

配  weekly report 周報(bào)

例  Another group took weekly piano lessons. 另一組上每周一次的鋼琴課。(2011·淄博)

weigh [we? ] vt. 稱……的重量 vi. 重……

拓  weight n. 重力,重量

配  weigh light 分量輕,不重要

weigh out 稱出,量出

例  —Have you weighed yourself recently?

—Yes, 58 kg.



How much did Martin weigh at the age of five? 馬丁五歲的時(shí)候有多重?(2011·上海)

weight [we?t ] n. 體重;重量

構(gòu)  weigh(vt. 稱……的重量 vi. 重……)+t(名詞后綴)

拓  weightless a. 無(wú)重量的,無(wú)重力的

配  attach weight to sth. 重視

B. weight 按重量計(jì)算

gain/lose weight 增加[減少]體重

例  Don't eat too much ice cream. If you do, you will get a lot of weight again. 別吃太多的冰淇淋,如果那樣,你又會(huì)長(zhǎng)胖許多的。(2011·上海)

welcome [?welk?m ] vt. & n. 歡迎 a. 受歡迎的

構(gòu)  wel(l)(a. 好)+come(v. 來(lái))

配  you're welcome 不客氣

welcome party 歡迎會(huì),歡迎宴會(huì);迎新會(huì)

speech of welcome 歡迎詞

例  London is ready to welcome people from different countries. 倫敦已經(jīng)做好了歡迎各國(guó)來(lái)賓的準(zhǔn)備。(2012·溫州)

There they had a welcome party for me. 他們?cè)谀莾簽槲覝?zhǔn)備了歡迎會(huì)。(2012·徐州)

well [wel ] ad. (better, best)好;完全地;很 a. 健康的;令人滿意的 n. 井

拓  well-done a. 做得好的,完全煮熟的

配  as well 同樣的

as well as 既……又,除………外(還)

例  Many foreigners find it difficult to learn Chinese well . 許多外國(guó)人發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)好漢語(yǔ)真不容易。(2011·湖南)

There are a lot of salt wells in our country. 我國(guó)有很多鹽井。(2010·長(zhǎng)沙)

well-known [?wel?n??n ] a. 眾所周知的,出名的

拓  famous a. 出名的 noted a. 著名的

例  He is well-known for making facial expressions. 他因擅作面部表情而聞名。(2010·呼和浩特)

west [west ] n. & a. 西;西部的

拓  westward n. 西方,西部 a. 西方的,向西的 ad. 向西

配  go west 向西去;[俚]上西天,死

West Slender Lake 瘦西湖

例  So in the west , you should be brave to show your self-confidence. 所以在西方國(guó)家,你應(yīng)該勇敢秀出自信。(2012·連云港)

western [?west?n ] a. 西方的

構(gòu)  west(n. & a. 西;西部的)+ern(形容詞后綴)

拓  westerner n. 西方人

例  This is because of cultural differences between Japanese and Western society, Which make it difficult for a Japanese to say“No”directly. 由于日本和西方社會(huì)的文化差異,日本人很難直接說(shuō)“不”。(2011·無(wú)錫)

wet [wet ] a. 濕的;未干的;雨天的 vt. 弄濕;使潮濕

拓  wetland n. 沼澤地

配  wet up 潤(rùn)濕,弄濕

all wet 大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò);毫無(wú)價(jià)值;胡說(shuō)

例  Driving home from work one evening in the heavy rain, I found a very wet , injured cat on the side of the road. 一個(gè)暴雨夜,我開車回家,發(fā)現(xiàn)路邊有只濕透了的受傷小貓。(2012·包頭)

First, wet your hand with water. 首先,用清水洗手。(2011·青島)

whale [we?l ] n. 鯨

例  Some say it may be a whale or a very large fish. Some think it's a snake. 有人說(shuō)這可能是一頭鯨魚或是一條特別大的魚,還有人認(rèn)為是蛇。(2011·徐州)

what [w?t ] pron. (疑問(wèn)代詞)什么,什么人(或事、物等)

拓  whatever pron. 無(wú)論是什么 ad. 不管發(fā)生什么

配  what about(對(duì)于)怎么樣

what if 如果……將會(huì)怎樣,即使……又有什么要緊

例  What on earth can we do to improve our environment? 我們究竟能為改善環(huán)境做些什么呢?(2011·天津)

whatever [w?t?ev? ] pron. 無(wú)論是什么 ad. 不管發(fā)生什么

構(gòu)  what(pron. 什么)+ever(ad. 以任何方式)

例  You should be full of self-confidence whatever difficulties you meet. 無(wú)論你遇到什么困難都要充滿自信。(2010·蘭州)

wheat [wi?t ] n. 小麥

拓  wheatland n. 小麥產(chǎn)地

例  Wheat did not grow well there, but potatoes did. 那兒小麥長(zhǎng)得不好,但土豆長(zhǎng)得很好。(2009·呼和浩特)

wheel [wi?l ] n. 車輪;方向盤

拓  wheelchair n. 輪椅

配  go/run on wheels 順利進(jìn)行

例  The car's body is made of potatoes, its steering wheel is made from carrots. 汽車車身由土豆做成,而輪胎是胡蘿卜做的。(2011·沈陽(yáng))

when [wen ] ad. 什么時(shí)候;何時(shí)

拓  whenever ad. 無(wú)論何時(shí);每當(dāng)

配  when it comes to 當(dāng)提到……

例  When Wen Bo grows up, he wants to be a doctor. 文波長(zhǎng)大后想當(dāng)一名醫(yī)生。(2011·湖南)

whenever [wen?ev? ] ad. 無(wú)論何時(shí);每當(dāng)

構(gòu)  when(ad. 什么時(shí)候;何時(shí))+ever(ad. 以任何方式)

例  Stress is caused whenever there is a problem or a change in your life.生活發(fā)生改變或是出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題都會(huì)導(dǎo)致壓力產(chǎn)生。(2012·濟(jì)南)

where [we? ] ad. 在哪里;往哪里

配  Where from? 打哪里來(lái)?

Where to? 上哪兒去?

例  Could you tell me where the new bus stop of Binzhou is? 你能告訴我濱州新汽車站在哪兒?jiǎn)???010·濱州)

whether [weð? ] conj. 是否

配  whether … or 是……還是,不管……還是

whether or no 不管任何情形

例  —I'm not sure whether there are living things on other planets or not.

—Even scientists aren't sure about it.



which [wit? ] pron. & a. 哪(個(gè))

拓  whichever pron. 無(wú)論哪一個(gè),任何一個(gè)

例  This film is really funny, which advises people to give up smoking. 這部電影太滑稽了,它告誡人們不要抽煙。(2010·四川)

There are so many kinds of MP3 in the shop. We can't decide which to buy. 商店里的 MP3琳瑯滿目,我們不知道買哪個(gè)。(2010·四川)

while [wa?l ] conj. 當(dāng)……時(shí)候;和……同時(shí);盡管;然而

拓  meanwhile n. 其間,其時(shí)

配  for a while 暫時(shí),一時(shí)

once in a while 偶爾,有時(shí)

after a while 過(guò)了一會(huì),不久

例  A true friend can see the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes the smile on your face. 當(dāng)其他人以為你在微笑,只有真正的朋友會(huì)留意到你眼里的悲傷。(2012·包頭)

Da Wei, shall we play basketball for a while now? 大為,我們現(xiàn)在去打一會(huì)兒籃球怎么樣?(2012·山西)

white [wa?t ] a. 白色的 n. 白色

拓  whiten vt. 使白,變白,刷白,漂白 vi. 變白

whitely ad. 呈白色地,顯得蒼白地

配  call /make white black 顛倒黑白

例  I prefer white . It makes us feel calm and peaceful. 我更喜歡白色。白色讓我們覺(jué)得和平寧?kù)o。(2012·徐州)

Last week our class had a discussion on whether it is OK to tell white lies. 上周我們班就該不該說(shuō)善意的謊言進(jìn)行了討論。(2012·連云港)

who [hu? ] pron. 誰(shuí)

拓  whoever pron. 任何人,無(wú)論誰(shuí)

配  who's who 名人錄

例  Friends are those who make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. 朋友就是使你微笑,始終以誠(chéng)相待,始終鼓勵(lì)你的人。(2010·河南)

whole [h??l ] a. 全部的;整個(gè)的;完整的

拓  wholehearted a. 全心全意的;全神貫注的

配  on the whole 總的來(lái)說(shuō)

例  My whole life would improve if I had a new car. 如果我有輛新車,整個(gè)生活都會(huì)得到改善。(2012·鹽城)

I shut myself in my room for a whole week. 整個(gè)星期我把自己關(guān)在房間里。(2012·上海)

whom [hu?m;h?m ] pron. 誰(shuí)(who 的賓格)

例  —Do you know the kid with whom Bob is talking over there?

—Yes, it's my cousin.



whose [hu?z ] pron. 誰(shuí)的

拓  whosever pron. 無(wú)論是誰(shuí)的東西 a. 無(wú)論是誰(shuí)的

例  Confucius was a great thinker whose words still have a great effect on millions of people around the world today. 孔子是偉大的思想家,他的言論至今仍然影響著全世界數(shù)百萬(wàn)人。(2011·哈爾濱)

why [wa? ] ad. 為什么

配  why not?為什么不……

例  The park is quite near, why not go there on foot?公園很近,為什么不肯走過(guò)去呢?(2010·廣西)

wide [wa?d ] a. 寬的;寬闊的;廣泛的

拓  widely ad. 廣泛地;普遍地;廣泛的

widen v. 加寬,放寬,擴(kuò)展

配  wide and far 到處,四面八方,廣泛地

例  The Opera House is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide . 悉尼歌劇院長(zhǎng)185米,寬120米。(2012·福州)

He was well-known for his wide knowledge. 他因知識(shí)淵博而聞名。(2012·泰安)

widen [?wa?dn ] v. 拓展

構(gòu)  wid(e)(a. 寬的)+en(動(dòng)詞后綴)

拓  widening n. 拓展

例  Wage differences in the two areas are widening . 兩個(gè)地區(qū)的工資差距正在拉大。

wife [wa?f ] n. 妻子

拓  housewife n. 主婦,家庭主婦

配  take /have sb. to wife 娶某人為妻

例  The thief made a noise and woke up the old man and his wife . 小偷發(fā)出的響聲,驚醒了老人和他的妻子。(2012·長(zhǎng)沙)

wild [wa?ld ] a. 魯莽的,輕率的,發(fā)怒的,狂熱的,野生的

配  go wild(氣得或喜得)發(fā)狂

例  There were many wild animals near the caves —lions, tigers, bears and elephants. 有許多野生動(dòng)物在洞穴附近出沒(méi),如獅子、老虎、熊還有大象。(2012·鹽城)

In the wild , it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. 在野外,動(dòng)物不是總能找到食物,所以有時(shí)候它們得挨餓了。(2011·上海)

wildlife [?wa?ldla?f ] n. 野生生物

構(gòu)  wild(a. 野生的)+life(n. 生命)

配  wildlife conservation 野生生物資源保護(hù)

例  Care for other visit ors and wildlife , and do keep quiet wherever you go. 關(guān)照其他游客和野生動(dòng)植物,并且無(wú)論去哪兒請(qǐng)保持安靜。(2012·河北)

will [w?l ] n. 意志,決心 v. aux. (would) 將,愿意,必須

拓  strong-willed a. 意志堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的,固執(zhí)己見(jiàn)的

weak-willed a. 意志薄弱的

配  will power 意志力,自制力,毅力

例  Mr Brown has been away from Wuxi for more than three months. He will come in a week 布朗先生已經(jīng)離開無(wú)錫三個(gè)多月了,他將于一周后返回。(2011·無(wú)錫)

Where there is a will , there is a way. 有志者事竟成。(2012·深圳)

willing [?w?l?? ] a. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

構(gòu)  will(v. 將,愿意)+ing(形容詞后綴)

拓  willingness n. 愿意

配  be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事

例  Many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams come true. 許多學(xué)生說(shuō)他們?cè)敢馀ぷ饕赃_(dá)成夢(mèng)想。(2011·貴陽(yáng))

win [w?n ] v. (won, won)獲勝,贏

拓  winner n. 勝利者

配  win through 完成,脫離困境,克服障礙

例  If Tom wins the game, we'll give him a surprise. 如果湯姆能贏,我們會(huì)給他一個(gè)驚喜。(2011·濰坊)

wind [w?nd ] vi. 彎曲;蜿蜒 vt. 纏繞[waind ] n. 風(fēng)

拓  windy a. 有風(fēng)的,刮風(fēng)的

例  There is a strong wind today. 今天大風(fēng)。(2011·南京)

window [?w?nd?? ] n. 窗

拓  window-shop vi. 只看櫥窗而不購(gòu)物地逛商店

配  a window on the world 世界之窗,了解世界的手段,與外國(guó)接觸的工具

例  The boy broke the window when he played football yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午男孩子踢足球時(shí)把窗戶打碎了。(2012·濟(jì)南)

windscreen [?w?ndskri?n ] n. 擋風(fēng)玻璃

構(gòu)  wind(n. 風(fēng))+screen(n. 屏)

配  windscreen wiper 雨刮器

例  The windscreen was covered with snow. 擋風(fēng)玻璃上有積雪。

windy [?w?ndi ] a. 有風(fēng)的,多風(fēng)的

構(gòu)  wind(n. 風(fēng))+y(形容詞后綴)

例  It's too windy . Could you please close the window? 風(fēng)太大了。請(qǐng)問(wèn)你能關(guān)上窗戶嗎?(2010·長(zhǎng)春)

wine [wa?n ] n. 酒;葡萄酒

拓  winebottle n. 酒瓶

wineglass n. 葡萄酒杯,玻璃酒杯

配  wine and dine 以好酒好菜款待

例  You've drunk so much wine . You mustn't drive. 你喝了太多酒,不準(zhǔn)開車。(2012·杭州)

wing [w?? ] n. 翅膀,翼

拓  winged a. 有翼的,迅速的,飛行的

配  be on the wing 飛翔,在浮動(dòng)中;十分忙碌

under the wing of 在……保護(hù)下,受某人的照料

例  Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae. 然后他們選擇最優(yōu)良的蟑螂,拔掉它的翅膀和觸須。(2012·蘇州)

winner [?w?n? ] n. 獲勝者;優(yōu)勝者

構(gòu)  win(n)(v. 贏)+er(名詞后綴)

拓  loser n. 失敗者,輸者

配  gold medal winner 金質(zhì)獎(jiǎng)?wù)芦@得者,冠軍,第一名

overwhelming winner 取得壓倒性勝利的運(yùn)動(dòng)員

silver medal winner 銀質(zhì)獎(jiǎng)?wù)芦@得者,亞軍,第二名

例  The winner would be on the team and the loser would be the backup. 獲勝者上場(chǎng),失敗者做后援。(2012·北京)

winter [?w?nt? ] n. 冬,冬季

配  green winter 暖冬,溫和無(wú)雪的冬天

severe winter 嚴(yán)冬

例  In the winter it's very cold and in the summer it can be 40℃. 這里冬天非常寒冷,而夏天的氣溫可高達(dá)40度。(2011·北京)

wise [wa?z ] a. 明智的,有學(xué)問(wèn)的,聰明的

拓  wisely ad. 聰明地,精明地 wisdom n. 智慧

配  wise guy 自作聰明的人

例  Don't do everything for teenagers. They are wise enough to deal with their own problems. 別為青少年代勞所有的事。他們很聰明,會(huì)想辦法自己解決問(wèn)題。(2012·連云港)

wisdom [?w?zd?m ] n. 智慧

構(gòu)  wis(e)(a. 聰明的)+dom(名詞后綴表性質(zhì)或狀態(tài))

例  But Betty manages to do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom . 但是貝蒂試圖憑借努力工作和聰明迷人而出類拔萃。(2012·泰州)

wish [w?? ] vt. & n. 祝愿;希望 vi. 希望

拓  wishful a. 希望得到的

配  to one's wish 按照自己的愿望;如愿以償?shù)?/p>

wish for 希望得到,渴望

例  I just want to give you my best wishes . 我只想給予你我最美好的祝福。(2011·長(zhǎng)春)

If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important things to remember about speed of reading. 如果你希望成為更好的讀者,這里有四個(gè)關(guān)于閱讀速度的重要事項(xiàng)需要銘記。(2011·無(wú)錫)

with [w?ð ] prep. 和……在一起;(接使用的工具、手段等)用

配  with the help of 在……的幫助下

with satisfaction 滿意地

with the purpose of 以……為目的

例  Bill has made great progress with the help of his teachers. 在老師的幫助下比爾取得了巨大的進(jìn)步。(2012·福州)

—Who did you go to the movie with ?

—Nobody. I went alone.



without [wi?ða?t ] prep. 無(wú),沒(méi)有;缺少

構(gòu)  with(prep. 和……在一起)+out(a. 外面)

配  without doubt 毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)地

without difficulty 容易地,毫不費(fèi)力地

例  We couldn't finish our work so early without your help. 如果沒(méi)有你的幫助,我們就不能這么早完成工作。(2011·金華)

wolf [w?lf ] n. 狼

拓  wolfskin n. 狼皮

配  (as)greedy as a wolf 非常貪婪,貪得無(wú)厭

eat like a wolf 貪婪地吃,狼吞虎咽

例  He likes watching Pleasant Sheep and Big Wolf . So does my little brother. 他很喜歡看《喜羊羊和灰太狼》。我弟弟也是的。(2011·黃石)

woman [?w?m?n ] n. 婦女;(pl. women) 女人

拓  womankind n. 婦女們,女性

例  The woman was a person with a strong mind. 這個(gè)女人有著堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的意志。(2012·包頭)

wonder [?w?nd? ] vt. 對(duì)……感到驚訝(或疑慮);想知道 vi. 感到驚訝或疑慮 n. 奇跡;奇怪

拓  wonderful a. 令人驚奇的,奇妙的,極好的,令人愉快的

配  no wonder 難怪

例  No wonder you are so energetic. 難怪你如此精力充沛。(2012·山西)

Some people may wonder why Linda and I are best friends because we are totally different, but I think this is why we are such good friends. 一些人可能想知道為什么我和琳達(dá)能成為好朋友,因?yàn)槲覀儍蓚€(gè)完全不像,但是正因此我們才能成為這么好的朋友。(2011·北京)

wonderful [?w?nd?f ] a. 極好的;精彩的

構(gòu)  wonder(n. 奇跡)+ful(形容詞后綴)

拓  wonderfully ad. 極好地,精彩地

例  The movie Kung fu Panda 2 is so wonderful that many children enjoy watching it. 《功夫熊貓2》如此精彩以至于許多孩子都喜歡看。(2011·福建)

wood [w?d ] n. 木材;木頭

拓  wooden a. 木(質(zhì))的

配  touch wood 但愿老走這種好運(yùn)

例  If you can't find any wood , use earth. 如果你找不到任何木頭,用泥土。(2011·北京)

word [w?:d ] n. 詞,單詞;言辭;話

拓  wordless a. 無(wú)言的,沉默的,未表達(dá)的

配  in a word 總而言之

in other words 換句話說(shuō),也就是說(shuō)

keep one's word 守信用

word for word 逐字地

例  In a word , microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people. 簡(jiǎn)而言之,微博在中國(guó)人的生活中發(fā)揮了新的作用。(2012·福州)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words . Then listen again and check your answers. 用正確的詞填空。然后再聽(tīng)一遍,核對(duì)答案。(2012·杭州)

work [w?:k ] n. 工作;著作,作品 vi. 工作,勞動(dòng) vt. 使工作;使勞動(dòng)

拓  worker n. 工人 workday n. 工作日

workplace n. 工作場(chǎng)所,車間

配  at work 在工作,忙于

out of work 失業(yè)

work out 解決,算出;設(shè)計(jì)出,制定出

work up 引起,激起;逐漸上升,向上爬

例  We worked out the math problem in the end. 最后我們算出了那道數(shù)學(xué)題。(2010·四川)

Jim has worked in Zhuzhou since he finished his college. 吉姆自從大學(xué)畢業(yè)以來(lái)一直在株洲工作。(2011·株洲)

workday [?w?:kde? ] n. 工作日,平日

構(gòu)  work(n. 工作)+day(n. 日)

拓  weekday n. 平日

例  What was your typical workday like at the firm? 在公司上班的典型的工作日是什么樣的?

worker [?w?:k? ] n. 工人

構(gòu)  work(n. 工作)+er(名詞后綴)

配  migrant worker 農(nóng)民工;外來(lái)工;移民工人

social worker 社會(huì)服務(wù)人員

例  Several years later, however, the boss promoted Bobby to manager but John was still a worker . 幾年過(guò)去了,老板提拔鮑比當(dāng)了經(jīng)理,而約翰還是個(gè)普通工人。(2012·南通)

works [?w?:ks ] n. 著作

構(gòu)  work(n. 工作)+s(n. 名詞后綴)

配  fire works 花火;鞭炮;煙火;焰火

works of art 藝術(shù)品

selected works 選集

例  Her paintings were very special. People loved her works . 她的畫十分特別。人們很喜愛(ài)她的作品。(2012·陜西)

world [w?:ld ] n. 世界,地球,天下

拓  world-wide a. 全世界(范圍)的

world-famous a. 聞名世界的

配  in the world 到底,究竟

例  The development of science has changed our world a lot. 科技的發(fā)展極大地改變了世界。(2012·鹽城)

worried [?w?r?d ] a. 焦慮的擔(dān)心的

構(gòu)  worr (y→i)(vi. 擔(dān)心,發(fā)愁)+ed(形容詞后綴)

拓  worriedly ad. 擔(dān)心地,焦慮地

配  feel worried 感到擔(dān)憂;感到憂慮

例  Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as worried . 今天是我全新生活的第一天。看著全新的書本,核查著新學(xué)年的所有事務(wù),我既興奮又焦慮。(2012·蘇州)

worry [?w?ri ] vi. 擔(dān)心,發(fā)愁 vt. 使擔(dān)心,使發(fā)愁 n. 發(fā)(憂)愁

拓  worrying a. 焦慮的,煩惱的,令人擔(dān)心的

worried a. 焦慮的 擔(dān)心的

配  worry about 擔(dān)心

例  Don't worry about me, mom. I can take care of myself. 媽媽,別擔(dān)心我。我能照顧好自己。(2011·寧波)

Parents worry that these may hurt their children's study habits.父母?jìng)儞?dān)心這對(duì)孩子的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣有害。(2011·沈陽(yáng))

worse [w?:s ] ad. 更壞更糟 n. 更壞的事

拓  worsen v. (使)變得更壞,惡化,損害

配  for better (or) for worse 不論好壞,禍福與共

worse and worse 越來(lái)越壞,每況愈下

so much the worse 那就更糟了

例  It was even worse that our small compass showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way! 更糟糕的是,我們的小指南針顯示,我們走錯(cuò)了路。我們已經(jīng)迷路了!(2012·河北)

worst [w?:st ] a. 最壞的,最差的,最惡劣的

拓  best a. 最好的

配  at (the) worst 在最壞的情況下

make the worst of 對(duì)……做最壞的打算

worst of all 最最;特別(最糟糕的是)

例  The worst is that they often break the rules in public. 最糟糕的是他們經(jīng)常公開違反規(guī)定。(2012·廣州)

It was the worst day of Jordan's young life. 那天是年輕的喬丹所經(jīng)歷的最糟糕的一天。(2010·大連)

worth [w?:θ ] prep. 值……錢;值得……的 n. 價(jià)值;值(或相當(dāng)于)……的數(shù)量

拓  worthful a. 有價(jià)值的,寶貴的

worthwhile a. 值得做的,值得出力的

worthy n. 杰出人物,知名人士 a. 有價(jià)值的,應(yīng)……的,可敬的,值得的,相稱的

worthless a. 無(wú)價(jià)值的,無(wú)益的

配  worth it/doing sth, 值得花費(fèi)時(shí)間、精力,值得一干,有必要

of great worth 價(jià)值很高的

of little worth 價(jià)值很少的,不足道的

例  I think his idea is worth considering. 我覺(jué)得他的想法值得考慮。(2012·徐州)

would [w?d ] v. & aux. (will的過(guò)去式,表示過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí))將來(lái);(表示意愿)愿,要

配  would rather…than 寧愿,寧可……也不

would rather do sth. 倒更希望,更喜歡

例  He said that he would give her the present as soon as she came back. 他說(shuō)等她一回來(lái)就把禮物送給她。(2010·蘭州)

wound [wu?nd ] n. 創(chuàng)傷;傷害,苦痛

配  wound healing 創(chuàng)傷修復(fù),愈合;傷口愈合

例  Allan ran over and saw a small red wound on Henry's leg. 艾倫跑過(guò)去,看到了亨利腿上的紅色的小傷口。(2011·長(zhǎng)沙)

write [ra?t ] v. (wrote, written)寫下,記下

拓  writer n. 作者,作家,復(fù)寫器

writing n. 筆跡,作品,著述

配  write down 寫(記)下來(lái)

例  Richard turned off the computer after he had finished writing the email. 寫完郵件后,理查德關(guān)了電腦。(2010·上海)

writer [?ra?t? ] n. 作者,作家

構(gòu)  writ(e)(v. 寫下,記下)+er(名詞后綴)

配  type writer 打字機(jī)

freelance writer 自由撰稿人

例  Jack is a famous writer . His new book is very popular. 杰克是一位著名的作家,他的新書很受歡迎。(2011·沈陽(yáng))

wrong [r??? ] a. 錯(cuò)的;不正當(dāng)?shù)?n. 錯(cuò)誤;壞事

拓  right a. 對(duì)的

配  go wrong 發(fā)生故障,出毛病

例  I wrote something wrong just now. May I use your eraser? 我剛寫錯(cuò)了??梢越栌媚愕南鹌げ羻??(2011·邵陽(yáng))

When something goes wrong , most parents don't believe in their children. 一旦做錯(cuò)了,大多數(shù)父母不會(huì)信任自己的孩子。(2011·海南)

X x-ray

X-ray [eksre? ] n. X射線;X光

配  x-ray therapy X 光治療法(多用于癌癥病患)

例  I would need X-rays to know how serious the damage is. 我需要照 X 光才知道傷勢(shì)有多嚴(yán)重。(2012·包頭)


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