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麥當(dāng)勞 巨無霸不再稱霸




McDonald’s shook up its leadership this week as itstruggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes,appointing Steve Easterbrook, a veteran of UK highstreet restaurant chains, to replace Don Thompsonas chief executive.

最近麥當(dāng)勞(McDonald’s)改組了領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層。正在努力跟上消費(fèi)者口味變化的這家快餐業(yè)巨頭,任命英國商業(yè)街連鎖餐飲業(yè)老將史蒂夫•伊斯特布魯克(Steve Easterbrook)為首席執(zhí)行官,換下唐•湯普森(Don Thompson)。

FT reporters around the world take a market-by-market look at the challenges facing the company.


US: left behind by shifts in dining habits


McDonald’s faces perhaps its greatest challenge in its home market. Critics charge that thecompany has been unable to cope with fundamental shifts in the restaurant business in recentyears, writes Neil Munshi in Chicago.


Upstart rivals have been able to capitalise on consumer demand for food that is perceived ashealthier and made with fresher, natural ingredients.


McDonald’s has built a global empire based on the consistency of its products, down to thethickness of fries and the number of pickles on a sandwich. But the age of the Big Mac andfries has given way to the age of organic kale and small-batch aioli.


In a sign of how drastically the restaurant game has shifted, McDonald’s will attempt tocompete this year by expanding a customisable burger pilot programme to up to 2,000 USoutlets, or one out of every seven stores. That will give consumers the chance to add bacon ormushrooms or caramelised onions to their Quarter Pounder.


Compounding McDonald’s home market challenges are the nationwide protests that havebroken out over raising the minimum wage. The fast-food giant has become the poster childfor the fight for a $15 hourly wage — more than double the national minimum.


A top US labour regulator recently ruled that the company might be liable for how itsfranchisees treat employees, dealing a blow to the entire franchise model.




Steve Easterbrook, the incoming chief executive, confronted just such a challenge in the UK.He turned that market round through a campaign that included allowing consumers to askwhat goes into McDonald’s food and promoting the upward mobility that so-called “McJobs”afford.


But the US is a market roughly 10 times the size of the UK. Turning round the brand on itshome turf will be all the harder.


China: food safety concerns undermine brand


Food safety comes near the top of any league table of public concerns in China, soMcDonald’swas hit hard when an undercover television investigation accused the company last July ofusing a mainland supplier that relabelled expired meat, writes Patti Waldmeir in Shanghai.


McDonald’s said earlier this month that same store sales in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East andAfrica region continued to suffer the effects of the scandal, dropping 4.8 per cent in the fourthquarter, year on year.


“Consumers in China are still leery of the brand and haven’t really been convinced thatMcDonald’s has supply chain issues under control,” said Benjamin Cavender of China MarketResearch in Shanghai.

“中國消費(fèi)者對這個品牌仍抱有戒心,他們還沒有真正被說服,相信麥當(dāng)勞已經(jīng)控制了供應(yīng)鏈問題,”中國市場研究集團(tuán)(China Market Research Group)的本杰明•卡文德爾(Benjamin Cavender)在上海表示。

Foreign fast food brands such as McDonald’s and Yum’s KFC have long enjoyed a reputationfor cleanliness, quality and safety on the mainland, which has faced a string of food qualityscandals in recent years. These included the scandal of melamine in infant milk, which killed sixbabies and sickened several hundred thousand.

在中國內(nèi)地,麥當(dāng)勞和百勝餐飲集團(tuán)(Yum Brands)旗下的肯德基(KFC)等外國快餐品牌多年享有清潔、優(yōu)質(zhì)和安全的美譽(yù)。近年中國爆發(fā)一連串食品安全丑聞,包括嬰兒奶粉添加三聚氰胺,該事件造成6名嬰兒死亡,數(shù)十萬嬰兒需要就醫(yī)。

But recently, supplier scandals have hit both big US chains hard, with KFC facing severalsuccessive allegations of substandard supplier practices. Yum Brands was also targeted in theJuly expired meal allegations.


The Shanghai government responded to the media exposé by closing down the affectedfactory of Shanghai Husi Food Co, a subsidiary of US food group OSI, and detaining staff.

對于媒體曝光的事件,上海市政府的回應(yīng)是查封涉事的美國福喜集團(tuán)(OSI)子公司上海福喜食品有限公司(Shanghai Husi Food Co),并刑拘了一些員工。

Problems with food quality have also coincided with other trends that have challenged westernfast-food brands, industry analysts say. “Fast-food consumers in China have shifted away fromtheir original curiosity about western fast food, and nowadays they are pickier and morefocused on health,” said Shi Jun, catering industry analyst at Beijing-based Alliance PKUManagement.

行業(yè)分析師表示,食品質(zhì)量問題出現(xiàn)之際,其他潮流也對西方快餐品牌構(gòu)成了挑戰(zhàn)。“中國的快餐消費(fèi)者已不再像最初那樣對西方快餐感到好奇,現(xiàn)在他們更挑剔、更關(guān)注健康,”總部位于北京的北大縱橫管理咨詢公司(Alliance PKU Management)的餐飲業(yè)分析師史俊說。

“McDonald’s is facing more pressure from fast-casual restaurants and Chinese quick-servicechains as consumers look at alternatives that they increasingly view as more healthful andsafer,” said Mr Cavender.


KFC remains the clear market leader with 4,600 outlets, more than double the 2,000McDonald’s. But Dicos — a Taiwanese-owned fast-food chain strongest in lower-tier cities, withcheaper menus — recently eclipsed the US burger chain with 2,200 stores. It planned to havenearly 3,000 by the end of last year.


India: legal dispute eats away early advantage


McDonald’s ought to be well-positioned to profit from surging demand for convenient, cleanand affordable meals in India. The market for Western-style fast-food is still relatively small,but growing rapidly as a young population increasingly grabs meals on the go, or celebratesspecial occasions by dining out, writes Amy Kazmin in New Delhi.


An early Western arrival into India’s competitive food market, McDonald’s worked for years toovercome a fundamental problem. Its core product offering — beef burgers — is taboo forIndia’s Hindu-majority population.


Although it has finally found a recipe to appeal to Indian palates — through ample chicken andvegetarian offerings — McDonald’s is locked in a bitter legal dispute with an estranged formerpartner, which has stymied the chain’s expansion.


McDonald’s is fighting entrepreneur Vikram Bakshi for control of Connaught PlazaRestaurants, their erstwhile joint venture, which owns and operates 185 McDonald’srestaurants in north and east India.

麥當(dāng)勞正在和企業(yè)家維克拉姆•巴克希(Vikram Bakshi)爭奪雙方過去建立的合資企業(yè)Connaught PlazaRestaurants的控制權(quán)。該企業(yè)擁有并經(jīng)營印度北部和東部共185家麥當(dāng)勞餐廳。

McDonald had sought to buy Mr Bakshi out of the venture since 2008, but the two sides haddeep differences on pricing. Simmering tensions finally erupted in 2013, when McDonald’sousted Mr Bakshi from his role as managing director of the joint venture, after 18 years.


Mr Bakshi has since filed a lawsuit before India’s Company Law Board, accusing McDonald’s ofmismanagement. Last month, the Delhi High Court issued a stay order, preventing McDonald’sfrom proceeding with international arbitration in London, as the company says it is entitled todo under the terms of its joint venture agreement with Mr Bakshi.

此后巴克希在印度的公司法委員會(Company Law Board)對麥當(dāng)勞提起訴訟,指控麥當(dāng)勞管理不當(dāng)。去年12月,德里高級法院下發(fā)了一項(xiàng)暫緩令,阻止麥當(dāng)勞將案件提交到倫敦進(jìn)行國際仲裁。麥當(dāng)勞表示,根據(jù)其與巴克希簽訂的合資條款,它有權(quán)采取這一行動。

McDonald’s is expanding in India’s prosperous south and west region, where its other Indianpartner, Hardcastle Restaurants, was converted from a joint venture into a master franchiseein 2010.


But McDonald’s dispute with Mr Bakshi is allowing rivals such as Domino’s, KFC and Subway, toerode its former lead.


McDonald’s was India’s biggest Western fast-food chain in 2008 with revenues of Rs6.6bn,according to Euromonitor data. That was more than double Domino’s sales of Rs3.2bn. KFC,with revenues of Rs1.5bn, lagged far behind.


McDonald’s revenues in India hit Rs14.2bn last year. But Yum Brand’s KFC had nearly caughtup, with Rs12.5bn in sales. Domino’s, which in India is operated by Mumbai-listed JubilantFoodworks, surpassed McDonald’s with revenues of Rs16.2bn.

去年,麥當(dāng)勞在印度市場上的收入達(dá)到142億盧比。但百勝旗下的肯德基幾乎趕上了麥當(dāng)勞,銷售額達(dá)到125億盧比。達(dá)美樂比薩在印度的業(yè)務(wù)由孟買上市的Jubilant Foodworks運(yùn)營,其去年收入達(dá)到162億盧比,超過了麥當(dāng)勞。

Japan: consumer backlash against cost cuts


McDonald’s Japan had its own management shake-up in the summer of 2013 when the US headoffice brought in Sarah Casanova, a 24-year McDonald’s veteran, to run the local unit. The chainhad enjoyed nearly a decade of strong growth in its second-biggest market. But sales in Japan— with some 3,100 outlets — started slowing as consumers became disgruntled with its serviceand food offerings, writes Kana Inagaki in Tokyo.


The McDonald’s brand became synonymous with cost cuts and a push for efficiency,highlighted by the backlash in late 2012 when Japanese stores pulled menus from its countersto shorten the time taken by customers placing orders. Angry consumers punished the chainby dragging its sales down for almost all of 2013, excluding May and June.


But instead of stemming the slide in sales, Ms Casanova’s term has been plagued by a series oftroubles that began with a chicken safety scare at its China-based supplier last July. Delays inimports of US potatoes forced the chain to ration sales of its French fries in December.


The problems were capped by a flood of complaints that came to light this month when objects— from a human tooth to pieces of vinyl and a bracelet — were found inside its products.McDonald’s Japan, which is half owned by the US group, now expects its first annual loss in 11years, totalling Y17bn ($144m), after sales tumbled by double-digits since July.


“McDonald’s is already no longer a must-go place. They must regain consumer trust or elsepeople would just not be interested in them any more,” said Nomura analyst KyoichiroShigemura.

“麥當(dāng)勞不再是必去之地。他們必須重新贏得消費(fèi)者的信任,否則人們將不再對他們有興趣,” 野村證券(Nomura)分析師重村京一郎(Kyoichiro Shigemura)說。

Ms Casanova has promised steps to ensure food safety through increased audits of suppliers.McDonald’s Japan also plans to remodel its stores and offer a wider line-up of menus, withbetter pricing.


But analysts say it will be a hard road ahead to restore confidence in a market known for itsfinicky and picky consumers. When Ms Casanova appeared at a news conference in July, shewas criticised for failing to appear apologetic enough. Three months later when she spokeagain, she wore a dark suit with her hairstyle in a tight updo.


“A new start is always a good thing,” she said.


Russia: burger business caught up in geopolitics


McDonald’s has long been portrayed as a success story in Russia, but over the past six monthsthe fast food company has fallen foul of deteriorating relations between Moscow and the US,writes Courtney Weaver in Moscow.


In late July, as the EU prepared its strongest sanctions against Russia to date, a regionalbranch of Russia’s consumer protection agency suddenly announced that certainMcDonald’s items ranging from its cheeseburgers to Caesar wraps did not meet Russia’s healthsafety standards. This was either because they contained evidence of E-coli or because theycontained more carbohydrates and calories than the menu stated, according to the agency.


In late August, the agency’s federal branch went further, temporarily shutting down fourMcDonald’s outlets, including its flagship location on Moscow’s Pushkin Square — McDonald’sfirst ever restaurant in Russia and one of its biggest locations by sales in the world.


By October, 200 out of McDonald’s 440 Russian restaurants were under governmentinvestigation, with as many as nine McDonald’s outlets closed during the period.


The Russian agency, known as Rospotrebnadzor, has since finished its inspections and all theMcDonald’s outlets that were closed have been reopened. However, the difficulties forMcDonald’s in Russia are continuing.


The fast-food group is now the subject of dozens of Russian court cases related to theagency’s findings, the FT’s Russian sister paper Vedomosti reported on Thursday.


Some of the court complaints relate to McDonald’s lack of a centralised laundromat for itsemployees’ uniforms, while others take issue with the layout of McDonald’s kitchens and theseparation of different food products. McDonald’s counters that the layout required byRospotrebnadzor does not reflect modern food industry standards when many food productsare processed.


Other court cases relate to McDonald’s alleged mislabelling of its food products.


Russia’s consumer protection agency and health ministry have repeatedly insisted that theMcDonald’s investigations have nothing to do with the geopolitical backdrop.


But in the past few months, McDonald’s has figured in close to 100 Russian court cases,Vedomosti reports. In the previous seven years, it only figured in 10.


Latin America: regional woes hit revenues


Paula, a McDonald’s worker in São Paulo, says she cannot think of anything worse than eatinghamburgers for lunch every day, writes Samantha Pearson in São Paulo.


“You saw what happened to the man in that documentary from America, right?” she said,referring to Super Size Me, the 2004 documentary in which film-maker Morgan Spurlock eatsonly at McDonald’s for a month.

“你也看到那部美國紀(jì)錄片里的人怎樣了,對吧?”她說。她指的是2004年的紀(jì)錄片《超碼的我》(Super SizeMe),攝制該片的摩根•斯普爾洛克(Morgan Spurlock)在一個月里只吃麥當(dāng)勞。

However, after a string of complaints, Paula and the rest of Brazil’s McDonald’s employees nowhave the option of eating a typical Brazilian meal of rice, beans and beef in their breaksinstead.


The option is even available to customers for R$23 (US$9) if they look hard enough, she said,pointing to the small print at the bottom of the menu.


Catering to local tastes in the region, however, is not the only challenge for Arcos Dorados,the Buenos Aires-based company that owns the exclusive right to operate McDonald’srestaurants in 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries.

迎合當(dāng)?shù)厝说目谖恫⒉皇茿rcos Dorados面臨的唯一挑戰(zhàn)。這家總部位于布宜諾斯艾利斯的公司擁有20個拉美和加勒比國家麥當(dāng)勞餐廳的獨(dú)家運(yùn)營權(quán)。

In the three months to September 30, the company recorded consolidated revenues of $904m,down 11.5 per cent from the previous year. Arcos accounts for only about 6 per cent ofMcDonald’s global sales.


The problems at Arcos are largely related to local competition and the macroeconomicenvironment of its five main markets, said Martha Shelton, equity analyst at Itaú BBA.

Itaú BBA的股票分析師瑪莎•謝爾頓(Martha Shelton)說,Arcos面臨的問題大多與5個主要市場的當(dāng)?shù)馗偁幒秃暧^經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢有關(guān)。

Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Venezuela make up 80 per cent of the company’ssales, in that order, she said.


In Venezuela, Arcos has been hit by the country’s deepening economic crisis and shortfalls ofbasic goods — McDonald’s restaurants across the country even ran out of fries this month,according to local media. In Argentina, high inflation has weighed on profits.


“We expect Arcos Dorados’ growth strategies to reflect efforts in minimising exposures tothese two countries,” said Moody’s in a note.

“我們預(yù)期,Arcos Dorados的增長戰(zhàn)略將反映出把這兩個國家的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)敞口降到最低的努力,”評級機(jī)構(gòu)穆迪(Moody’s)在一份簡報(bào)中表示。

In Brazil, which accounts for more than half of Arcos’s sales, currency depreciation and aslowdown in consumption, even during the World Cup last year, have eroded profits.


In Mexico, Arcos has also struggled to compete with the informal market — the man sellingtacos on the street corner who even extends credit to his best customers. “That will alwayscause difficulties for hamburger chains,” said Itaú’s Ms Shelton.

在墨西哥,Arcos還要竭力與非正規(guī)市場展開競爭——街角賣墨西哥卷的小販甚至愿意讓關(guān)系最好的客人賒賬。“這總會給漢堡連鎖品牌造成許多困難,”Itaú BBA的謝爾頓說。

Europe: ideas laboratory hit by economic downturn


Steve Easterbrook’s reward for his successful stint at the head of the UK division was to beappointed president of McDonald’s Europe. When he quit in 2011 to head PizzaExpress, Europewas MacDonald’s fastest-growing region, writes Roger Blitz in London.


Commonly a laboratory for the company’s new ideas, McDonald’s Europe was attractingcustomers with high-end beef, breakfast and garden wraps.


Mr Easterbrook’s strategy suited recession-hit Europe. Cash-poor Europeans swallowed theirmisgivings about the godfather of American-imported fast-food culture and stepped gingerlyinside McDonald’s restaurants — lured by some tailored offerings.


France got a McBaguette, and gave McDonald’s its most profitable international market. Salesacross more than 1,200 restaurants in France topped $5bn.


But its most recent results suggest that, as in other markets, many European consumers arenow spoilt for choice when it comes to fast food. Fourth-quarter same-store sales dropped 1.1per cent and operating income was down 14 per cent.


While the UK was doing well, the company was suffering from “consumer confidence issues” inRussia and Ukraine and weakness in France and Germany.


Competition comes from top-end burger chains, plus fast-food businesses focusing onspecialities such as Japanese and Mexican food.


McDonald’s is still expanding across Europe, pushing up actual sales. But the decline in like-for-like sales means that the performance overall is “fragile”, said Euromonitor analyst KarlaRendle.

麥當(dāng)勞依然在歐洲市場擴(kuò)張,這推高了實(shí)際銷售額。但是歐睿分析師卡拉•倫德爾(Karla Rendle)說,同店銷售額的下滑表明,麥當(dāng)勞的總體表現(xiàn)比較“脆弱”。

“The poor economic climate in countries such as Greece and Italy will have also impactedMcDonald’s sales,” she added.


“McDonald’s three main challenges — brand image, market positioning and menu changes —are the same for Europe as they are for the US and the rest of the world.”



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