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With all the attention Thanksgiving and Christmas get from travelers, it’s easy to overlook Halloween as a destination holiday. While a few cities provide a spooky vibe year-round, annual festivals, theme park pop-up events and other haunted happenings elsewhere have helped make the holiday a travel mini-season all its own.


New Orleans


Home to voodoo legends and year-round cemetery walks, New Orleans is among the cities that naturally harmonize with Halloween. Worth noting every October is the Krewe of Boo, happening this year on Oct. 21. The family-friendly, Mardi-Gras-inspired Halloween parade has floats devoted to themes like werewolves and vampires. Float riders throw trinkets to the crowd, including locally made candy. New Orleans hosts plenty of after-event parties, but the procession itself draws all ages in costume.

作為巫毒傳說滿天飛、全年均可進行公墓徒步的地方,新奧爾良是與萬圣節(jié)契合得天衣無縫的幾個城市之一。每年10月的Krewe of Boo游行頗為值得注意,今年的時間定在10月21日。這種適于全家人一起參加、以狂歡節(jié)為靈感之源的萬圣節(jié)大游行中,有專注于某一主題的彩車,比如狼人和吸血鬼。彩車上的人會向人群扔各種小玩意,其中包括產(chǎn)自當?shù)氐奶枪;顒咏Y束后城中將舉辦大量派對,不過游行本身便能吸引到各種扮相、各個年齡段的人。



The region most associated with Dracula — one of Gothic horror’s most famous villains — Transylvania is well worth discovering in its own right. This swath of central and western Romania is mountainous and beautiful, its ancient towns lively and well preserved and its ethnic and political history rich and complex.


But yes, there’s also that medieval clock tower in the well-preserved center of the town of Sighisoara — with a torture chamber beneath — across the street from the house where Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler of Walachia (a region that later became part of Romania) is said to have been born in 1431. He is believed by many to have inspired the fictional character of Dracula, though some dispute that. There’s also Bran Castle, which is probably the most touristy spot in Transylvania thanks to its dubious connections with both the fictional and historic Dracula.

但沒錯,在錫吉什瓦拉市保存完好的市中心——下方有一個酷刑室——還佇立著一座中世紀的鐘樓,據(jù)說,在中世紀統(tǒng)治瓦拉幾亞地區(qū)(后來成了羅馬尼亞的一部分)的穿刺公弗拉德(Vlad the Impaler),于1431年誕生在街對面的房子里。很多人都認為他是德古拉這個虛擬人物的原型,不過一些人對此表示懷疑。布蘭城堡(Bran Castle)也值得一提,得益于與虛構的以及歷史上的德古拉之間可疑的關聯(lián),它或許是特蘭西瓦尼亞最知名的旅游景點。

Whitby, England


This picturesque town on England’s Yorkshire coast can also stake claim to being the home of Dracula, though in a different way. Bram Stoker spent just a month in Whitby, but those four weeks in July and August 1890 were pivotal in the creation of his most famous book, “Dracula,” which was published in 1897. Whitby celebrated the 125th anniversary of Stoker’s visit in 2015, but this year you can see the skeletal remains of Whitby Abbey illuminated throughout the final week of October.

位于英國約克郡海岸的這個風景如畫的小鎮(zhèn),也自稱是德古拉的家,不過是以另一種方式。布萊姆·斯托克(Bram Stoker)只在惠特比待過一個月,不過,1890年七八月份的那四個星期,在他最知名的作品《德古拉》的創(chuàng)作過程中至關重要。該書出版于1897年。惠特比于2015年慶祝了斯托克到訪125周年,但在今年10月的最后一周,你可以看到燈光映襯下的惠特比修道院(Whitby Abbey)廢墟。

Salem, Mass.


Home to the infamous witch trials of the early 1690s, it should come as no surprise that this town is a hotbed for Halloween activity. One way Salem builds on its spectral past is with the monthlong Festival of the Dead. Events include psychic readings, séances, a Halloween ball, a mourning-themed tea and, on Halloween night, a witches gathering. For more, look to the city’s official website dedicated to numerous other Halloween-themed events.

作為1690年代臭名昭著的女巫審判的發(fā)生地,這個城鎮(zhèn)毫不奇怪地成了萬圣節(jié)活動的溫床。在長達一個月的死人節(jié)(Festival of the Dead)中,塞勒姆通過包括通靈儀式、降神會、萬圣節(jié)舞會、以悼念為主題的茶會等相關活動為其幽靈四伏的過往增光添色,萬圣節(jié)當天晚上還有女巫大聚會。要了解更多信息,可查看該市致力于介紹其他大量萬圣節(jié)主題活動的官方網(wǎng)站。

There’s also plenty to do that isn’t witch-themed, like a visit to the Peabody-Essex Museum, founded in 1799 as the East India Marine Society, a “cabinet of natural and artificial curiosities” where local captains involved in the China trade donated items from their wide-ranging travels. You can alsotour the House of the Seven Gables, made famous by Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1951 novel.

也有很多與女巫無關的事可做,比如造訪皮博迪艾塞克斯博物館(Peabody-Essex Museum) 。該博物館發(fā)端于1799年,其前身是東印度航海協(xié)會(East India Marine Society),一個“自然和人造奇觀陳列室”,在曾經(jīng)的歲月里,當?shù)貐⑴c對華貿(mào)易的船長,紛紛捐出走南闖北覓得的物件。你還可以去參觀七個尖角閣的房子(House of the Seven Gables),它因納撒尼爾·霍桑( Nathaniel Hawthorne)1951年的小說而聞名于世。

Orlando, Fla.


The home of Disney World and Universal Studios goes all-out with huge Halloween events. Universal will hold it’s 27th Halloween Horror Nights, a seasonal pop-up featuring haunted houses and “scareactors” employed to frighten visitors. For the children there’s Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on select nights through Nov. 1. Activities include trick-or-treating, Disney character encounters, a dance party and fireworks.

擁有迪士尼樂園(Disney World)和環(huán)球影城(Universal Studios)的奧蘭多,總是為大型萬圣節(jié)活動全力以赴。環(huán)球影城將舉辦第27屆萬圣節(jié)驚魂夜(Halloween Horror Nights),這一應景的快閃活動中有鬼屋以及受雇嚇唬游客的“裝神弄鬼者”。一直到11月1日,孩子們都可以參加在特定夜晚舉辦的“米奇的不那么驚悚的萬圣節(jié)派對”(Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party)。其活動包括“不給糖就搗蛋”、迪士尼角色見面會、舞會及煙花表演。

Derry, Northern Ireland


Halloween is believed by many to have its roots in the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated by Derry’s ancestors. Selected as the top Halloween destination in the world in a USA Today readers’ poll last year, Derry (or Londonderry, as it is also known) seems to do everything it can each year to earn such a reputation. About 80,000 people attended the 30th annual Derry Halloween festival last year.

很多人都認為萬圣節(jié)源于古代蓋爾人的薩溫節(jié),也就是德里居民的祖先們過的一個節(jié)日。德里(又稱倫敦德里)去年被《今日美國》(USA Today) 的讀者票選為萬圣節(jié)首選目的地,為了贏得這樣的榮譽,它似乎每年都竭盡全力。去年,約8萬人參加了每年一度的德里萬圣節(jié)慶?;顒?。

Derry has done much to overcome its tumultuous past as the birthplace of the Troubles, the three-decade-long struggle between Irish nationalists and Protestant “loyalists,” who sought to keep Northern Ireland part of the United Kingdom. The centerpiece of the town is the soaring Peace Bridge that opened over the River Foyle in 2011.

德里做了很多工作,來擺脫它作為北愛問題發(fā)源地的動蕩往昔。所謂北愛問題,是指北愛爾蘭民族主義者和尋求讓北愛爾蘭繼續(xù)隸屬于英國的新教徒“?;逝?rdquo;之間長達三十年的斗爭。德里的核心景觀是于2011年開通、高聳在福伊爾河(River Foyle)上方的和平橋(Peace Bridge)。


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