RECENTLY, I GOT A CALL from a concerned mother who’d been referred to a registered dietitian because of her son’s weight. When she and her son saw the pediatrician for an annual checkup, the doctor suggested that his weight was cause for concern. Now this mom sits across from me confused and wondering where she went wrong.
Although the American Academy of Pediatrics issued guidelines in 2016 suggesting that weight not be discussed with children and that behavioral recommendations like family meals and fun movement be the focus of patient encounters instead of weight conversations.
Here's what parents can do to promote child health:
Talk about weight inclusivity and body diversity.
Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. We can’t determine someone’s health by looking at them or by having that person step on a scale. When we learn to appreciate and respect these differences, we’re promoting weight inclusivity and body diversity.
Use supportive language during normal growth stages.
We can be their advocate when a friend or family member makes a comment about our child’s weight gain during this time. Saying something to the effect of “she’s right on target for normal development and thank you for not discussing weight in our home” can shut down an unwanted discussion in a snap.
Focus on wellness behaviors , not weight.
As much as the diet industry would like us to believe otherwise, weight is not a behavior we can control. We can focus our efforts on behaviors that impact our overall wellness like planning family meals, incorporating joyful movement, getting enough rest and limiting screen time. Gaudiani also uses this approach in her outpatient medical clinic in Denver, which cares for patients of all ages, genders and body sizes from across the United States.
She says that “Overvaluing weight is more likely to stimulate disordered eating behaviors and risks triggering future eating disorders. By contrast, when the focus is not on weight but on emotional support and eating and movement behaviors – favoring balanced, satisfying, regular meals and joyful movement according to the child's interests and abilities – children thrive and learn skills they need for the rest of their lives.”