Times change — and people change with them. Which is why it's important that we revisit conventional wisdom, the stuff we think we know. For example, being single now is a different experience today than it was in the past.
Having a wedding ring doesn't mean a life of good health. (Photo: Leon Rafael/Shutterstock)
Today, a much greater percentage of the population is single, and even those people who do eventually cohabit and/or marry will spend a greater part of their lives on their own. At the same time, the nature of work has changed for many, and the concept of community has also shifted. My community includes childhood friends located 3,000 miles away who I text several times a week; people I see weekly at yoga class; and editors and fellow writers who I chat with daily on Facebook or via email. Only one of the things on my list is similar to what someone would have qualified as community 40 years ago.
When how we live changes this much, that impacts other parts of our lives. For example, while research from the 1960s and 1970s showed correlations between better health (especially for men) and marriage, more recent studies show something different. That doesn't mean those older studies were necessarily wrong, it might just mean that singlehood and marriage have changed alongside other cultural mores, so it would make sense that their effects on health did, too.
In a 2019 study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers looked at seven different benchmarks of well-being. They found that people in relationships were better off than single people in only one way. People who were in relationships were better off only when they reported that those relationships were exceptional. Being single, they found, was better than being in a "neutral" relationship.
A Swiss study found that marriage might even have negative health effects: In analyzing the effects of 16 years of data, they found a "very small" uptick in health protection among married people, but that was obliterated by the three times stronger negative health impact of divorce. Overall, the scientists wrote that their findings about marriage and its relationship to health, "...cast doubts about the theory of health protection."
Positive effects of being single
Single people are typically more active and spend more time in the community volunteering. (Photo: Syda Productions/Shutterstock)
Marriage is still highly rewarded in our culture (not just during and following a wedding, but by the government via tax breaks and other perks like free or low-cost health care for wives or husbands). Most people still see marriage as a goal that's part of being an adult. This leads to a sometimes-subtle effect: Unmarried people are looked down on, and they may question their happiness. Conversely, married people might assume they must be happy because they're filling a socially prescribed role. That cultural bias could explain some of the modest effects found between marriage and personal happiness. Most people feel good about themselves when they fulfill others' ideas of how they should live. Or it could be that happier people tend to marry, not that marriage causes happiness.
In my mind, this data all points to at least one solid conclusion: That one relationship style isn't right for everyone — some people will probably be happier and healthier being married, while others are better off on their own. There's no good reason for all of us to follow the same life script anymore; we live in a wonderful time that allows us to make the choices that are truly the best for us, which sounds like a healthy way to live.