Let’s start with the basics. These are self-care practices you can do daily. Many take very little time or energy, and most can be done in less than five minutes, some in less than one.
1. Breathe
Deep breathing increases circulation by bringing oxygen to your muscles and brain. This increased oxygen content leads to greater energy and healthier muscles, organs and tissues.
2. Eat Well
Your body is a machine and food is your fuel. Simple as that. I’ve learned two main things studying diets over the years and working with top health doctors:
First, focus on eating real, whole, nutrient-dense food; avoid processed foods and refined sugars.Secondly, find what works for you. There are lots of options out there – pale0, Mediterranean, plant-based, you name it.
3. Stay Hydrated
The human body is composed of 50-65% water. Some parts of our bodies, like our brain, heart and lungs, are more than 70%. Drinking water is a simple, effective way to take care of yourself.
4. Sleep
I used to wear it as a badge of honor that I didn’t sleep much. However, increasingly more studies are coming out on the importance of getting enough quality sleep[1] and, more importantly, the consequences when you don’t. Make sleep a priority. Your mind and body will thank you.
5. Express Gratitude
In order to live a life we love, we must first love the life we live. Research continues to surface on the science and benefits of gratitude.
6. Hug Your Kid, Spouse or Pet
Hugging boosts your oxytocin levels (the love hormone), increases serotonin (elevates mood and creates happiness), strengthens the immune system, boosts self-esteem, lowers blood pressure, balances the nervous system and releases tension. Only a few seconds can put you in a positive mood.
7. Spend Time with Those You Love
Schedule a date night with your partner, a special day with your kiddo or happy hour with your BFF. We are biologically hardwired for relationships and connection.
Studies prove that people who socialize often have higher levels of happiness. This doesn’t have to be face-to-face; sometimes a phone call is all you need (and can fit in!).
8. Spend Time in Nature
Studies have shown spending time in nature has a wide range of health benefits including lowering your stress hormone levels.
Get outside. Head to the forest, hit the beach or take a hike. Walking barefoot and ‘grounding’ can be especially healing.
圖片來源:Tracy Kennedy