"Chan" is short for "Channa", the Chinese transliteration of Jhāna (S. Dhyāna), meaning meditation or contemplation in tranquillity, also known as Chanding (Samādhi practice). This practice is to make the mind concentrate on one point of an object, and keep contemplating in order to become aware of the true nature of one's own mind. It is known as "Can Chan" in Chinese, so this school is called the Chan School, or Jhāna School. There are a number of types of "Chan", including Sāvaka Jhāna, Bodhisatta Jhāna, Step by Step Jhāna and Jhāna of Immediate Enlightenment. In Jhāna studies, there is a special Chinese subsect different from others, that is the Chan Sect, which claim "transmission of Dhamma without recourse to the scriptures". It is not the traditional gradual Jhāna, but the Jhāna of the Patriarch, which emphasizes "Direct pointing at the mind of the man, and the attainment of immediate enlightenment".