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Dear Editor:

[引出話題]I’m a senior three student.I’m writing to tell you my opinion onwhethermiddle school students can go to school with mobile phones.[贊成]I think they can do that.Because students can keep in touch with their friends and family wherever they are. Besides, the mobile phone is a way to have fun.

[反對(duì)] However, every coin has 2 sides. There are some problems with using mobile phones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. What's more, some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages.

[個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)] In conclusion, I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Also, as it is expensive, the owner should take good care of it.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



[調(diào)查內(nèi)容] A survey is taken onpublic opinions of the fact thatmany parents spend a large amount of money sending their children to study abroad, some of whom are middle school students.

[調(diào)查結(jié)果]From it we can see that38 percent of those surveyed thinkit is worth the money letting children study abroad to get a better education so that they can get pay in return in the future.However,not all are for it / some are against it.62% of themhold the view thatit is difficult for young people to live and study in a foreign country. It’s easy for them to fall / get into some bad habits and the cost of education in another country is ten times as much as that at home.

[解決措施]The survey shows thatthe government should set up different kinds of schools to meet the demands of different children.(句型do something /take measures / steps about sth.to do sth)


Middle school students have some ideas about their future jobs.

The most striking contrast isin teaching: 30percent of the girlswould like tobecome teachers while only 5percent of the boys want to do the job. 20 percent of the boyswant todo business and another 20 percent want to become lawyers, while girlsmake up15percent in these two fields. What boys like to do mostis tobecome managers and the second largest group would like to be scientists.Besides teaching, the second choice for girls isto be scientists and managers. The number is not small. Girlsalso expect toshow their abilities in these two fields.


Dear editor,

I’m a middle school student.I once had a very happy family, but everything has changedbecause of my father.

Heused tobe a very good doctor and was often praised by his patients. He took good care of the family and shared thehousework with my mother everyday.

However, he isnowquite a different person. He plays mahjong all night and often quarrels with my mother. I just can’t concentrate on my studies and my grades are coming down. I’m very much worried and I’m afraid it will destroy my family as well as my father.

Could you tell me what to do? I’m looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.


Li Hua



One day during the summer holidays, I met my classmate Li Ming, whose nickname is Tao taopi. We chatted for a while as we walked. I asked him where he would go during the holidays. He replied that he had to stay at home studying. Then I’d like to know why he didn’t go out for a tour.Much to my surprise, he told me that it was just because he failed to be accepted by key universities.

In my opinion/Personally/ I think, traveling during the holidays not only increase a student’s knowledge of his or her motherland but also makes life meaningful.What’s more, at the present time, we students are suffering a lot both at home and school. Why not go out to get relaxed.


We want our schoolbags lighter

[圖畫內(nèi)容]The picture shows usa schoolboy and a big woman. The boy is wearing a pair of glasses and carrying a big heavy bag. The woman is taking some exercise. The boy is saying to the woman jokingly: “Mum, if you carry the schoolbag for me, I’m sure you will easily lose weight….”

[社會(huì)實(shí)際]It’s quite common thatChinese students are overburdened with the lessons and homework. What we do every day is to listen to the teachers’ lectures, take notes and do our homework which seems endless.

[個(gè)人想法]We do hopeour teachers will help us get more knowledge with fewer lectures, exercises and less homework. Only in this way can we have time to do sports every day. Then we will be mentally and physically healthy.


Yesterday afternoon I went to the park. It so happened that I saw a touching event.

At that time there were some people boating on the lake. A girl and her parents were taking photos. All of a sudden, the little girl fell into the lake as a result of carelessness. Obviously she couldn’t swim and was struggling in the water. Her parents cried for help. Hearing the cry, a young man immediately rushed to the bank and jumped into the water without taking off his clothes. He swam to the drowning girl and managed to push her to the bank.At last the girl was saved. The girl’s parents were very grateful to the young man. Many people were greatly moved by the young man’s deeds.

What a kind and brave young man!


Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please?At the end of 2004, a strong earthquakehitthe west part of Indonesia, which brought on a terrible tsunami to some areas of western Asia. This disaster has caused millions of deaths and destroyed many beautiful cities. How terrible things are!Besides, millions more who have become homeless are in great need of help now.

At present many countries all over the world including China have sent rescue teams there and thousands of people in every corner of the world are donating money to show their concern for them.

It is true that many natural disasters can’t be avoided sometimes. But at least we can do something to help the people in the tsunami-hit areas. So let’s offer our pocket money to them!Thank you.



Tohelp students learn more about computers, we have invited Professor Wang from the Computer Department of Qinghua University to give us a lecture on Saturday, December 22nd. Professor will talk about the use of computer and how to learn through the Internet.

The lecture begins at 2;00pm in Room 204 of the Library Building. Any computer-loveris welcome toattend the lecture. Please bring your questions in computer learning. Professor Wang will leave you time for questions.

Don’t forget to be on time.

the Students’ Union

Dec. 19th, 2004


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our school! Now let me introduce something aboutthe changes that have taken place in our class.

We used to listen and take notes in class, but had no time to think for ourselves. Because we were not interested in the lessons, we often felt sleepy while listening. After school we had to finish much homework, unable to have some sports.

However, things are different now.With the help of computers, the lessons are so lively and interesting that the students are active to answer the questions instead of falling asleep. As a result, we have made greater progress than before, though we spend less time doing our homework. And we can enjoy ourselves after class.

The good teaching method is popular with all of us. We will try our best to study even harder.

That’s all. Thank you!



































Love me, love my dog.

2. 百聞不如一見

Seeing is believing.

3. 笨鳥先飛

A slow sparrow should make an early start.

4. 國泰民安

The country flourishes and people live in peace.

5. 功夫不負(fù)有心人

Everything comes to him who waits.

6. 好事不出門惡事傳千里

Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

7. 和氣生財(cái)

Harmony brings wealth.

8. 活到老學(xué)到老

One is never too old to learn.

9. 金無足赤人無完人

Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

10. 金玉滿堂

Treasures fill the home.

11. 腳踏實(shí)地

Be down-to-earth.

12. 腳踩兩只船

Sit on the fence.

13. 留得青山在不怕沒柴燒

Where there is life, there is hope.

14. 馬到成功

achieve immediate victory; win instant success

15. 名利雙收

gain in both fame and wealth

16. 沒有規(guī)矩不成方圓

Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.

17. 謀事在人成事在天

The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven.

18. 巧婦難為無米之炊

One can't make bricks without straw.

19. 千里之行始于足下

A thousand-li journey begins with the first step.

20. 人之初性本善

Man's nature at birth is good.

21. 人逢喜事精神爽

Joy puts heart into a man.

22. 世上無難事只要肯攀登

Where there is a will, there is a way.

23. 歲歲平安

Peace all year round.

24. 塞翁失馬焉知非福

Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

25. 三十而立

A man should be independent at the age of thirty.

26. 說曹操,曹操到

Talk of the devil and he comes.

27. 天有不測風(fēng)云

Anything unexpected may happen.

28. 團(tuán)結(jié)就是力量

Unity is strength.

29. 物以類聚,人以群分

Birds of a feather flock together.

30. 望子成龍

hold high hopes for one's child

31. 屋漏又逢連陰雨

Misfortunes never come singly.

32. 無源之水,無本之木

Water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots.

33. 無中生有

create something out of nothing

34. 無風(fēng)不起浪

There's no smoke without fire.

35. 新官上任三把火

A new broom sweeps clean.

36. 虛心使人進(jìn)步,驕傲使人落后

Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

37. 蓄勢而發(fā)

accumulate strength for a take-off

38. 心想事成

May all your wishes come true.

39. 先入為主

First impressions are firmly entrenched.

40. 像熱鍋上的螞蟻

like an ant on a hot pan

41. 一路平安,一路順風(fēng)

speed somebody on their way

42. 有情人終成眷屬

Jack shall have Jil.

43. 有錢能使鬼推磨

Money talks.

44. 有識(shí)之士

people of vision

45. 有勇無謀

use brawn rather than brain

46. 與時(shí)俱進(jìn)

advance with times

47. 因材施教

teach students according to their aptitude

48. 欲速則不達(dá)

Haste does not bring success.

49. 優(yōu)勝劣汰

survival of the fittest

50. 英雄所見略同

Great minds think alike.

51. 冤家宜解不宜結(jié)

Better make friends than make enemies.

52. 一言既出,駟馬難追

A real man never goes back on his words.

53. 招財(cái)進(jìn)寶

Money and treasures will be plentiful.

54. 紙上談兵

be an armchair strategist

55. 紙包不住火

Truth will come to light sooner or later.

56. 左右為難

between the devil and the deep blue sea


1. a big headache令人頭痛的事情

2. a fraction of 一部分

3. a matter of concern 焦點(diǎn)

4. a series of 一系列,一連串a(chǎn)bove all 首先,尤其是

5. absent from不在,缺席

6. abundant in富于

7. account for 解釋

8. accuse sb. of sth.控告

9. add to增加(addupto)

10. after all 畢竟,究竟

11. agree with同意

12. ahead of time / schedule提前

13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)

14. alien to與...相反

15. all at once 突然,同時(shí)

16. all but 幾乎;除了...都

17. all of a sudden 突然

18. all over again 再一次,重新

19. all over 遍及

20. all right 令人滿意的;可以

21. all the same 仍然,照樣的

22. all the time 一直,始終

23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生氣,憤怒

24. anxious about/for憂慮,擔(dān)心

25. anything but 根本不

26. apart from 除...外(有/無)

27. appeal to 吸引,申訴,請(qǐng)求

28. applicable to適用于

29. apply to適用

30. appropriate for/to適當(dāng),合適

31. approximate to近似,接近

32. apt at聰明,善于

33. apt to易于

34. around the clock夜以繼日

35. as a matter of fact 實(shí)際上

36. as a result(of) 因此,由于

37. as a rule 通常,照例

38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

39. as far as 遠(yuǎn)至,到...程度

40. as follows 如下

41. as for 至于,關(guān)于

42. as good as 和...幾乎一樣

43. as if 好像,防腐

44. as regards 關(guān)于,至于

45. as to 至于,關(guān)于

46. as usual 像平常一樣,照例

47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又

48. as well 同樣,也,還

49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊

50. aside from 除...外(還有)

51. ask for the moon異想天開

52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

53. at a time 一次,每次

54. at all costs 不惜一切代價(jià)

55. at all events 不管怎樣,無論如何

56. at all times 隨時(shí),總是

57. at all 絲毫(不),一點(diǎn)也不

58. at any rate 無論如何,至少

59. at best 充其量,至多

60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起來

61. at first 最初,起先

62. at hand 在手邊,在附近

63. at heart 內(nèi)心里,本質(zhì)上

64. at home 在家,在國內(nèi)

65. at intervals 不時(shí),每隔...

66. at large 大多數(shù),未被捕獲的

67. at last 終于

68. at least 至少

69. at length 最終,終于

70. at most 至多,不超過

71. at no time 從不,決不

72. at one time 曾經(jīng),一度;同時(shí)

73. at present 目前,現(xiàn)在

74. at someone's disposal 任...處理

75. at the cost of 以...為代價(jià)

76. at the mercy of 任憑...擺布

77. at the moment 此刻,目前

78. at this rate 照此速度

79. at times 有時(shí),間或

80. aware of意識(shí)到

81. back and forth 來回地,反復(fù)地

82. back of 在...后面

83. backup后備,支援

84. bare of幾乎沒有,缺乏

85. be able to do能夠

86. be around差不多

87. be available to sb.可用,可供

88. be bound to一定

89. be capable of doing能夠

90. be concerned with 關(guān)心…,涉足…



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