-aud-, -audit- :hear
e.g. audience
-dic-, -dict- : say; speak
e.g. dictionary
-gram-: write; writing
e.g. program
-log-, -ology-: study; the science of
e.g. apology
-phone-: instrument for sound
e.g. telephone
-scope-: instrument for seeing or observing
e.g. telescope
-spect-: look at, see
e.g. respect
-scrib-, -script-: write
e.g. describe
-ced-: go, move
e.g. procedure
-duc-: lead
e.g. produce
-flect-: bend
e.g. reflect
-miss-: send
e.g. admission
-port-: carry
e.g. support
-sequ-: follow
e.g. sequence
-tele-: far
e.g. telegraph
-vent-: come
e.g. adventure
-voc-, -vok-: call
e.g. voice
-anthro-: man
e.g. anthropology
-man-, -manu-: hand
e.g. manual
-pathy-: feelings, suffering
e.g. empathy
-aster-, -stellar-: star
e.g. constellation
-cycle: circle
e.g. recycle
-mort-: death
e.g. immoral
-psych-: mind
e.g. psychology
-capit-: head
e.g. capital
-corp-: body
e.g. corpse
-geo-: earth
e.g. geology
-hydro-. –hydr-: water
e.g. hydrobiology
-pod-, -ped-: foot
e.g. pedal
-therm-, -thermo-: heat
e.g. thermic
-phil-: love
e.g. philosophy