People can now use Alipay to collect points for gifts by dumping their rubbish in the right bins.
The incentive comes after Shanghai's greenery authorities teamed up with Alipay in the latest drive to spur interest in garbage sorting among young people.
The points collected can be exchanged for various coupons on Tmall supermarkets and businesses, the Shanghai Greenery and Public Sanitation Bureau said.
上海“綠色賬戶”(green account)活動是以“普及垃圾分類知識(popularize the idea of garbage sorting)、鼓勵再生資源回收(encourage recycling of renewable resources)、倡導低碳生活方式(promote low-carbon lifestyle)、助力綠色文化傳播(spread the green culture)”為主旨的社會化綠色公益活動。
該活動以專項回收活動及綠色積分累積(recycling for green points)為主要形式,宣傳垃圾分類知識,引導居民參與生活垃圾分類。市民只要每天將垃圾正確分類,就可以獲得綠色賬戶積分,積分累積后,就可以在“綠色賬戶”的網(wǎng)站平臺或微信公眾號,兌換相關(guān)資源(如公園門票、生活用品等獎品)。
此次綠色賬戶與支付寶合作,市民就可以在手機上通過支付寶賬戶獲得積分,同時,積分可兌換的抵用券也擴展到網(wǎng)絡(luò)店鋪的虛擬抵用券(virtual coupons),可兌換的商品種類也更加豐富,既方便了市民,同時也吸引更多年輕人參與。
垃圾分類 garbage sorting
分類垃圾桶 assorted dustbin
廚余垃圾 kitchen waste/garbage
可回收垃圾 recoverable garbage
不可回收垃圾 unrecoverable garbage
垃圾清理工 garbage collector
垃圾回收 garbage collection
垃圾處理場 garbage disposal plant