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Good morning.


Here’s what you need to know:


• Analysts are poring over new hints from North Korea that it is developing more advanced, solid-fuel ballistic missiles. Such missiles are easier to transport and hide up to the moment of launch, reducing their vulnerability to a pre-emptive strike.

• 分析人士正在仔細(xì)研究朝鮮的最新暗示,即它正在研發(fā)更為先進(jìn)的固體燃料彈道導(dǎo)彈。這樣的導(dǎo)彈更易運輸和隱藏,減少了他們遭受先發(fā)制人打擊的風(fēng)險。

The photo above, carried in the main state-run newspaper, showed what appeared to be a conceptual diagram for an “underwater strategic ballistic missile” with an extended range. Submarine launches are also harder to forestall.


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• In the Philippines, the death of 17-year-old has critics of President Rodrigo Duterte cautiously optimistic that public support for his drug war is eroding.

• 在菲律賓,一名17歲年輕人的死亡讓羅德里戈·杜特地(Rodrigo Duterte)總統(tǒng)的批評人士謹(jǐn)慎樂觀地認(rèn)為,公眾對其毒品戰(zhàn)的支持正在降低。

The Senate has opened an investigation, and Mr. Duterte has ordered that those responsible for the death be taken into custody.


“It is a much needed jolt,” one rights campaigner said.


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• President Trump’s roiled relationship with Congress reached a new low, as lawmakers absorbed his threat to shut down the government if they do not fund his promised border wall with Mexico.

• 特朗普總統(tǒng)與國會之間的動蕩關(guān)系達(dá)到了新低,立法者扛住了如果不為他在墨西哥邊境筑墻的承諾出資,就讓政府關(guān)閉的威脅。

His relationship with Mitch McConnell, who as the Senate majority leader would play a central role in pursuing Mr. Trump’s legislative agenda, has disintegrated to the point that they have not spoken in weeks.

他與參議院多數(shù)黨領(lǐng)袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)的關(guān)系已經(jīng)到了幾周沒有說話的地步,后者在推進(jìn)特朗普的立法議程中扮演著核心角色。



• The U.S. Navy removed the commander of the Seventh Fleet after four accidents in Asian waters this year, including two in the past two months that left more than a dozen sailors dead.

• 美國海軍今年在亞洲水域發(fā)生了四起事故后將第七艦隊司令撤職。四起事故包含近兩個月的兩起,它們造成十多名水兵死亡。

Vice Adm. Joseph Aucoin, pictured above in June, had been set to retire within weeks, but his superiors had lost confidence in him.

約瑟夫·奧庫安(Joseph Aucoin)中將(上圖,攝于六月)原本在數(shù)周內(nèi)退休,但上級對他已經(jīng)失去了信心。

The Navy is preparing to conduct an extremely rare suspension of ship operations worldwide for a day or two in the next week to review safety and operational procedures.


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• A long wait for South Korea ends Friday, when a verdict is expected in the blockbuster bribery trial of Jay Y. Lee, the heir to the Samsung empire.

• 韓國一個漫長的等待將于周五結(jié)束。三星帝國繼承人李在镕(Jay Y. Lee)的巨額賄賂案有可能作出裁決。

Prosecutors are under intense pressure to win a conviction. The defense insists evidence is lacking, and Mr. Lee maintains he was simply naïve in handling requests from a confidante of Park Geun-hye, the president ousted as the case exploded.

檢察官面臨很大的定罪壓力。辯方則堅持認(rèn)為缺乏證據(jù),李在镕堅稱自己處理樸槿惠(Park Geun-hye)閨蜜的請求時太幼稚。案情敗露后,總統(tǒng)遭到彈劾。

Meanwhile, Samsung’s business operations carried on, unveiling the Galaxy Note 8 for the North American market and listing its stops to avoid repeating the overheating and explosions of its Galaxy Note 7.

與此同時,三星的商業(yè)經(jīng)營未受影響,在北美市場推出Galaxy Note 8,并列出了防止Galaxy Note 7過熱爆炸現(xiàn)象重演的措施。

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• Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull denounced anti-gay campaign material, including fliers calling homosexuality “a tragedy of a family,” that have appeared in the lead-up to a nonbinding postal vote on legalizing same-sex marriage in Australia. (Registration closes today.)

• 澳大利亞總理馬爾科姆·特恩布爾(Malcolm Turnbull)譴責(zé)了反同性戀運動的宣傳材料,包括將同性戀者稱為“家庭悲劇”的傳單。這些材料是在澳大利亞即將舉行同性婚姻合法化無法律效力的郵寄投票之前出現(xiàn)的(投票注冊今日截止)。

The fliers, which circulated this week in Melbourne and Sydney, are the latest salvo in a heated national debate that has involved politicians, religious leaders and rallies, like the one above this month in Sydney.




• Great Wall Motor isn’t the only Chinese company interested in Fiat Chrysler’s Jeep unit. Our business team has learned that the Italian-American automaker has been in talks with a number of others for months, on both Jeep and the Ram pickup division.

• 長城汽車并非唯一對菲亞特克萊斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的吉普(Jeep)品牌感興趣的中國公司。我們的商業(yè)記者團(tuán)隊了解到,這個意大利—美國汽車制造商幾個月來已經(jīng)就吉普和公羊皮卡(Ram pickup)與多家公司舉行了洽談。

• Researchers found that Exxon Mobil “misled the public” about climate change even as its own scientists were recognizing greenhouse gas emissions as a risk to the planet.

• 研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),??松梨诠?Exxon Mobil)在氣候變化問題上“誤導(dǎo)大眾”,即使是該公司自己的科學(xué)家都認(rèn)定,溫室氣體排放對地球而言是一個風(fēng)險。

• Dear iPhone: With Apple’s 10th anniversary event nearing, our tech columnist looked at why the iPhone still has so many of us in its grip.


• U.S. stocks were slightly down. Here’s a snapshot of global markets.


In the News


• India’s railway minister accepted “full moral responsibility” and the chairman of India’s railway board resigned after two train derailments in five days injured scores and left at least 23 dead. [BBC]

• 印度五天內(nèi)發(fā)生兩起火車脫軌事故,導(dǎo)致多人受傷,至少23人死亡。印度的鐵道部長稱承擔(dān)“所有的道義責(zé)任”,印度鐵路董事長辭職。(BBC)

• President Trump invited Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia to the White House in September, despite Mr. Najib’s involvement in a billion-dollar corruption scandal. [The New York Times]

• 盡管馬來西亞總理納吉布·拉扎克(Najib Razak)涉嫌一起10億美元的腐敗丑聞,特朗普總統(tǒng)仍邀請他九月訪問白宮。(《紐約時報》)

• The Trump administration denied Egypt $96 million in aid and delayed $195 million in military funding over concerns about Egypt’s human rights record and its relationship with North Korea. [The New York Times]

• 特朗普政府因?qū)Π<叭藱?quán)紀(jì)錄的擔(dān)憂及其與朝鮮的關(guān)系,而拒絕對埃及提供9600萬美元的援助,并延遲了1.95億美元的軍費撥款。(《紐約時報》)

• A court in Brisbane holds the first hearing on Australian parliamentarians who hold dual citizenship, amid pressure for the country’s High Court to weigh in soon. [ABC]

• 布里斯班(Brisbane)一個法庭對澳大利亞國會議員擁有雙重國籍一事舉行首場聽證會,向該國的最高法院施壓,促使其盡快做出權(quán)衡。(ABC)

• Cambodia ordered foreigners working for a U.S. nonprofit, the National Democratic Institute, to leave the country. [The New York Times]

• 柬埔寨命令為美國非營利機(jī)構(gòu)國際民主研究院(National Democratic Institute)工作的外國人離開該國。(《紐約時報》)

• Astana, Kazakhstan, is holding Expo 2017, a world’s fair that seems to be focused on future energy, and dancing. Plus, you can get horse meat on pizza. [The New York Times]

• 哈薩克斯坦阿斯塔納正在舉行2017年世博會。這是一個世界級的展會,它似乎聚焦在未來能源和舞蹈上。此外,你還能吃到馬肉匹薩。(《紐約時報》)

Smart Living


Tips, both new and old, for a more fulfilling life.


• Avoid the common pitfalls of being a roommate.

• 避免作為室友的常見問題。

• The best running stride? Your natural gait.

• 最佳跑步步幅?你的自然步態(tài)。

• Recipe of the day: Salmon with sesame and herbs hits all the right notes: salty, sweet and sour.

• 今日食譜:芝麻香草三文魚,口味搭配得如此完美——咸、甜、酸。



• The war in Afghanistan has vexed three American presidencies and outlasted a dozen U.S. military commanders. Times photographers chronicled the 16-year conflict, and this graphic shows the areas of Taliban control.

• 阿富汗戰(zhàn)爭讓三屆美國總統(tǒng)為難,比十幾任美軍指揮官的任期都要長。時報攝影師記錄了這16年來的沖突,這幅圖像展現(xiàn)了被塔利班控制的地區(qū)。

On our podcast “The Daily,” Matt Rosenberg, who covered Afghanistan from 2008 to 2014, explains the theory behind U.S. nation-building there.

• 在我們的播客“每日新聞(The Daily)”中,曾在2008年至2014年報道阿富汗的記者馬特·羅森博格(Matt Rosenberg)解釋了美國在那里建立國家背后的理論。

• In memoriam: Colin Meads, 81, one of New Zealand’s greatest and most revered rugby players. “It was as if God had distilled in him the essence of competition,” a journalist once wrote.

• 紀(jì)念:科林·米茲(Colin Meads)是新西蘭最偉大、最受尊敬的橄欖球運動員,享年81歲。一位記者曾經(jīng)這樣寫道,“就好像上帝在他身上注入競爭的精髓。”

• Aha School, a Shanghai-based education start-up, is taking children from more than 180,000 Chinese households on a virtual tour of 10 of the world’s most famous museums. A rural teacher enthused: “For many of them, even going to the closest town is difficult because their families don’t have money for travel.”

• 一間位于上海的教育創(chuàng)業(yè)公司Aha School吸引超過18萬中國家庭的孩子通過虛擬方式參觀世界十個最著名的博物館。一位農(nóng)村教師激動地說:“對他們許多人而言,就算去最近的城鎮(zhèn)都很困難。他們家里沒有錢讓他們旅行。”

• The hashtag is celebrating its 10th birthday.

• 主題標(biāo)簽(hashtag)正在慶祝它10歲的生日。

• And 40 years ago, a pair of Voyager probes were dispatched to explore outer space. Back then, our science reporter writes, the dream of distant worlds was magic.

• 40年前,一對Voyager探測器被派去探索外層空間。當(dāng)時我們的科學(xué)記者寫道,對遙遠(yuǎn)世界的夢有如魔術(shù)。

Back Story


We often go back in history for our back stories, but today we’re going way back.


Mount Vesuvius erupted on this day in 79 A.D., burying the Roman town of Pompeii under a heap of ash, rocks and pumice.

公元前79年的今天,維蘇威火山(Mount Vesuvius)爆發(fā),將羅馬小城龐貝掩埋在灰燼、巖石和浮石之下。

Most of what we know of the event we owe to Pliny the Younger, who described it in a letter to the Roman historian Tacitus. According to the account, in the early afternoon that day, Pliny’s mother told his uncle, Pliny the Elder, that “a cloud which appeared of a very unusual size and shape” was approaching.

我們對這一事件的了解主要仰賴于小普利尼(Pliny the Younger),他在給羅馬歷史學(xué)家塔西陀(Tacitus)的信中描述了此事。據(jù)記載,當(dāng)天下午稍早時,小普利尼的媽媽告訴他的叔叔老普利尼(Pliny the Elder),“一片看起來大小和形狀都十分怪異的云彩”正在飄來。

“I cannot give you a more exact description,” Pliny the Younger wrote of the cloud, “than by likening it to that of a pine-tree, for it shot up to a great height in the form of a very tall trunk, which spread itself out at the top into a sort of branches.”

“我給不出更準(zhǔn)確的描述了,” 小普利尼寫到這片云時說,“它像是一棵松樹,樹干長得極高,頂部像枝葉一樣散開。”

Pliny the Elder set off by boat to explore the cloud’s source, encountering “black pieces of burning rock” along the way. Yet he continued onward, reportedly telling his pilot, “Fortune favors the bold.”


The maxim, however — at least that day — proved false.


“He suffocated,” his nephew wrote, “by some gross and noxious vapor.”



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