您好,關(guān)于您的報道《日本銀行擬推出“J幣”對抗支付寶》,支付寶(Alipay)母公司螞蟻金服(Ant Financial)希望就我們的國際業(yè)務(wù)和在日本提供的服務(wù)對讀者進行一些澄清。
Today, Alipay serves Chinese tourists who travel to Japan and use the Alipay app to pay for goods and services. Alipay is a mobile payment and lifestyle application used by millions of Chinese individuals. When they travel abroad, including trips to Japan, they are able to use the same convenient application to pay for goods and services purchased abroad. Alipay partners with many Japanese acquirers and merchants to enable its customers to use the Alipay app to complete purchases in Japan. This has led to increased sales by Japanese merchants to Chinese consumers. We do not yet offer a local mobile payment product for local Japanese. If we were to offer a local mobile wallet in Japan, it would abide by all local data privacy and protection rules.
Indeed, Ant Financial itself and through its partnerships adheres to consumer data and privacy protection rules around the world. Customer trust has been the centrepiece of our company’s philosophy and operations since our inception.
Douglas Feagin
道格拉斯•費根(Douglas Feagin)
President of International Business, Ant Financial