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Despite a terrible two years for Turkey’s tourism sector, rocked by terrorism and political uncertainty, Ertu?rul, a businessman with five hotels on the country’s Mediterranean coast, has managed to keep up with his debt repayments. During the most desperate period he sold a textile factory and cut his staff from 800 to 200 to stay afloat.


He is hopeful that a return of Russian and European visitors in the coming months will help prices to recover, but remains anxious that any increase in the 4 per cent interest rate he is paying on an $8m loan will spell trouble. “If interest rates rise it is going to make things more and more difficult for me,” he says. “If it goes above 6 per cent then it will become intolerable.”


Ertu?rul, who declined to give a surname, is far from alone. Across the emerging world, businesses, households and governments loaded up on an estimated $40tn of cheap debt during the decade of loose monetary policy in the developed world that followed the global financial crisis.


Now that period is nearing its end, and as the US continues its “normalisation” of monetary policy — with a further three or four interest rate rises expected this year — several analysts have questioned whether the emerging world’s debt pile is sustainable.


“The premise on which lenders keep lending to borrowers as they become more indebted is that the backdrop will stay benign,” says Sonja Gibbs, senior director for global capital markets at the Washington-based Institute of International Finance, an industry association. With political uncertainty on the rise around the world, she says, “it feels more like there is the potential for events to trigger volatility in emerging markets than it has done for some time”.

“銀行在借款者負(fù)債更高時(shí)繼續(xù)貸款給他們的假設(shè)是,大環(huán)境將保持良性,”總部位于華盛頓的行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)國(guó)際金融協(xié)會(huì)(IIF)的全球資本市場(chǎng)高級(jí)主管索尼婭•吉布斯(Sonja Gibbs)表示。她表示,隨著全球政治不確定性上升,“與一段時(shí)間以來(lái)相比,感覺(jué)像是各種事件更有可能觸發(fā)新興市場(chǎng)的動(dòng)蕩”。

The uncertainty that gripped global financial markets in early February — sparked, many believe, by strong US job numbers that raised the prospect of jumps in inflation and interest rates — was one sign that the backdrop may not stay benign for very much longer.


The reason for the growing concern is clear. Among a group of 21 developed markets monitored by the IIF, the combined outstanding debt of households, governments, corporations and financial institutions rose from the equivalent of about 290 per cent of their combined gross domestic product at the end of the 1990s, to 380 per cent at the end of 2008. Since then, it is broadly unchanged.


But, since the crisis, debt in emerging markets has surged. In China, it rose from 171 per cent of GDP at the end of 2008 to 295 per cent at the end of last September. The combined debts of a group of 26 large emerging markets monitored by the IIF rose from 148 per cent of GDP at the end of 2008 to 211 per cent last September.


The IMF and others argue that the pace of debt growth is often at least as significant as its overall level in signalling trouble ahead. Yet the rapid rise in emerging market debt to GDP during the past decade — by more than 40 per cent in the IIF’s 26 countries and by more than 70 per cent in China — has still to register with many people.


Instead, attention has been focused on more positive factors.


Emerging economies are growing more quickly than at any time since the crisis: many analysts expect their aggregate GDP to rise by as much as 5 per cent this year, far more than in the developed world. Causes of instability in the past, such as big current account deficits, have largely been erased. Emerging market stocks have performed well for the past two years, yet are still attractively priced compared with those in developed markets.


For the year ahead, the consensus outlook for financial markets remains sanguine, amid a belief that investors will take the gradual normalisation of US monetary policy in their stride and, crucially, that the US dollar will continue to weaken despite rising US interest rates. With the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank yet to join the US Federal Reserve in starting to tighten, global monetary conditions remain loose, meaning emerging markets are likely to remain a popular place to invest.

未來(lái)一年,人們對(duì)于金融市場(chǎng)前景的共識(shí)仍然樂(lè)觀,相信投資者將從容應(yīng)對(duì)美國(guó)貨幣政策的漸進(jìn)正?;瑫r(shí)至關(guān)重要的是,盡管美國(guó)利率上升,但人們相信美元將繼續(xù)走弱??紤]到日本央行(Bank of Japan)和歐洲央行(ECB)尚未跟隨美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)開(kāi)始收緊政策,全球貨幣條件仍然寬松,新興市場(chǎng)很可能仍將是一個(gè)受歡迎的投資地點(diǎn)。

Indeed, the continuing ability to borrow cheaply should be a boon for growth. “Emerging markets have been taking advantage of extremely favourable borrowing conditions,” says Charles Robertson, chief economist at Renaissance Capital, an investment bank focused on emerging markets. “You would hope they could support growth through investment at these interest rates.”

的確,保持廉價(jià)借入資金的能力對(duì)于增長(zhǎng)而言應(yīng)該是一個(gè)利好。“新興市場(chǎng)一直在利用極為有利的借款條件,”專注新興市場(chǎng)的投行晉新資本(Renaissance Capital)的首席經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家查爾斯•羅伯遜(Charles Robertson)表示,“你會(huì)希望,在這種利率水平上,他們可以通過(guò)投資來(lái)支持增長(zhǎng)。”

Markets wobbled again last week when Jay Powell, the new chairman of the Fed, hinted at a faster pace of US interest rate rises this year.

最近市場(chǎng)再次動(dòng)蕩,當(dāng)時(shí)美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)新主席杰伊•鮑威爾(Jay Powell)暗示,今年加息速度可能加快。

Nevertheless, bond issuance by governments and companies in emerging markets continues at a fast pace, at more than $1tn for each of the past two years, with investors apparently undeterred by Mozambique’s renegotiation of its debt two years ago or by the prospect that Angola may soon follow suit. “People will buy anything so long as it offers them yield and diversification,” one banker told the Financial Times.


Some urge caution and suggest that emerging markets would be wise not to assume that financial conditions will continue to be as easy as they are today. Paul Greer, emerging markets debt portfolio manager at Fidelity International, says differences in interest rate expectations between the US and Europe suggest the dollar has become undervalued against the euro during the past six to nine months and is overdue for a correction.

一些人敦促要謹(jǐn)慎,并提出,新興市場(chǎng)最好不去假設(shè)金融狀況將繼續(xù)像現(xiàn)在這樣寬松。富達(dá)國(guó)際(Fidelity International)新興市場(chǎng)債務(wù)投資組合經(jīng)理保羅•格里爾(Paul Greer)表示,美歐之間的利率預(yù)期差距似乎表明,過(guò)去6到9個(gè)月,美元兌歐元匯率已變得低估,調(diào)整早該出現(xiàn)了。

He also points to changing financial conditions in emerging markets themselves.


Weighted in line with the members of the JPMorgan GBI-EM global diversified bond index, there has been a downward trend for inflation in emerging markets over the past six years and it is still falling. But measured in the same way, inflation expectations have been heading upwards since November. While inflation will continue to fall in some countries, Mr Greer expects it to turn positive for emerging markets as a whole.


He warns that buyers of local currency emerging market bonds, who have done well in the rally of the past two years as investors have sought to take advantage of the improving growth outlook, “are going to lose out”.


Others argue that if quantitative easing was the driver of rising global asset prices, it makes sense that quantitative tightening, already under way in the US and soon to come elsewhere, should have the opposite effect. 其他人辯稱,如果說(shuō)量化寬松政策推動(dòng)了全球資產(chǎn)價(jià)格不斷上漲,那么量化收緊(美國(guó)已經(jīng)啟動(dòng),其他地方不久也將跟進(jìn))應(yīng)該會(huì)造成相反影響的說(shuō)法是有道理的。

Most argue that emerging markets are much better prepared to face these shocks than they were in the past, and not only thanks to their better current account balances. Many governments have weaned themselves off foreign currency debt and have tapped deeper capital markets at home by issuing bonds in their own currencies, giving them a greater degree of control if conditions turn bad.


Yet the amount of debt issued in foreign currencies, while it has fallen as a share of the total, has continued to rise in relation to emerging market GDP and now stands at about 30 per cent. Many borrowers are exposed to the danger of having to pay foreign currency debt out of revenues in weakening local currencies, should the US dollar strengthen.


“Investors should be asking questions about the weak dollar,” says Mr Robertson at Renaissance Capital. “If we see higher US interest rates and a strong US dollar, that will be a double whammy to those who have taken out this much dollar debt.”


Ms Gibbs says that of most concern is the sovereign debt of some African countries. But she adds that there are also “exotic” newcomers to the bond market which have taken advantage of investors’ risk appetite to issue bonds that would have struggled to find buyers in less exuberant times.


Nor should investors be complacent about the rise of local currency debt, that now adds up to 181 per cent of GDP among emerging borrowers. As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff noted in their 2009 book This Time is Different — an analysis of the causes of the global financial crisis — governments often restructure or default on foreign debts at surprisingly low levels because of their large levels of domestic debt, often unseen and therefore not factored in to calculations by lenders.

投資者也不應(yīng)該對(duì)本幣債務(wù)越來(lái)越多持無(wú)所謂的態(tài)度,如今新興市場(chǎng)本幣債務(wù)與GDP之比達(dá)到了181%。卡門•萊因哈特(Carmen Reinhart)和肯尼斯•羅格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)在2009年出版了《這一次不一樣》(This Time is Different),對(duì)全球金融危機(jī)的原因進(jìn)行了分析。正如該書(shū)所指出的那樣,各國(guó)政府往往在低得令人意外的水平對(duì)外債進(jìn)行重組或違約,原因就在于其龐大的國(guó)內(nèi)債務(wù)水平,而外界往往看不到這一點(diǎn),因此沒(méi)有被貸款人考慮在內(nèi)。

In parallel, many emerging markets have reduced the level of government debt as a share of their total, with more taken out by the private sector. The shift is broadly welcomed for distancing debt from public policy and spreading risk across a national economy.


Yet this view, too, is likely to be tested in times of difficulty. As Mrs Reinhart and Mr Rogoff also noted, corporate defaults have frequently been precursors to government defaults, “as governments have tended to shoulder private sector debts”. When things go wrong, in other words, each country has just the one balance sheet.


The recent blurring of lines between the public and private sectors and between financial and non-financial corporations has made the issue more urgent. Recent work by the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements — the so-called central bank of central banks — highlights the expanding role of businesses not only as borrowers, but also as lenders.


A BIS paper published in February points to the growing role of cash-rich Chinese companies, both private and state-owned, as suppliers of credit into the country’s shadow banking system. The report says the amount of credit supplied by the corporate sector into the shadow banking system roughly doubled between 2013 and 2016, from Rmb7.2tn to Rmb14tn ($1.1tn to $2.2tn at current prices).


In a separate paper last year, Hyun Song Shin of the BIS and Valentina Bruno of American University in Washington examined the rise in foreign-currency bond issuance by companies in emerging markets and found that such companies tend to borrow more in US dollars when they already hold large amounts of cash. The proceeds typically go into bank deposits and money market instruments to capture the difference between US and local interest rates, adding to the amount of lending available locally.

在去年的另一篇論文中,國(guó)際清算銀行的申鉉松(Hyun Song Shin)和華盛頓美國(guó)大學(xué)(American University)的瓦倫丁娜•布魯諾(Valentina Bruno)研究了新興市場(chǎng)公司發(fā)行外幣債券的增長(zhǎng)情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)這些公司往往在已經(jīng)持有大量現(xiàn)金的時(shí)候借入更多的美元。所得款項(xiàng)通常進(jìn)入銀行存款賬戶和貨幣市場(chǎng)工具,以套取美國(guó)和當(dāng)?shù)氐睦?,從而增加?dāng)?shù)乜捎玫姆刨J資金。

Other recent work by the BIS points to the role of the weak dollar in encouraging investment in emerging markets, because it makes finance cheaper and more abundant. It can even support emerging market exports — a counterintuitive proposition based on the premise that exports increasingly depend on long and complex supply chains, which also rely on cheap and abundant credit.


All of this would be at risk should the dollar begin to strengthen.


Brazil, which last year emerged from the deepest recession in its history, has been a darling of foreign investors for at least the past year on the basis that things can only get better. Yet Nick Dunbar, founder of the website Risky Finance, noted in January that the country — which holds elections in October — will have financing needs equal to 15 per cent of GDP this year. The private sector is not immune: the scandal-hit construction company Odebrecht is struggling to meet bond payments.

去年開(kāi)始擺脫史上最嚴(yán)重衰退的巴西,至少在過(guò)去一年時(shí)間里成為外國(guó)投資者的寵兒,其依據(jù)是形勢(shì)只會(huì)向好的方向發(fā)展。然而,Risky Finance網(wǎng)站的創(chuàng)始人尼克•鄧巴(Nick Dunbar) 1月指出,將于10月舉行大選的巴西今年的融資需求相當(dāng)于GDP的15%。私營(yíng)部門也不能幸免:丑聞纏身的建筑公司Odebrecht將很難兌付債券。

According to Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz: “We are not in a stable and good equilibrium. We are seeing the end of an increasingly unstable paradigm between finance and economics.”

安聯(lián)(Allianz)首席經(jīng)濟(jì)顧問(wèn)穆罕默德•埃爾-埃利安(Mohamed El-Erian)表示:“我們目前并非處于穩(wěn)定而良好的平衡狀態(tài)。我們正在看到金融和經(jīng)濟(jì)之間一個(gè)日益不穩(wěn)定的范式的終結(jié)。”

He sees two potential outcomes: one in which emerging market debt becomes less of a problem because growth is maintained; and another, less benign, future in which developed markets do not maintain their pick-up in growth, “and we get policy mistakes [in emerging markets] and the system fragments more quickly”.


Ms Gibbs at the IIF shares that view. “It feels like we are at an inflection point,” she says. “We have gone for so long with a sense of underlying calm, but now the Fed is more hawkish, the ECB and BoJ are less dovish, and consensus views are being shaken across the board.”


Additional reporting by Laura Pitel in Ankara

勞拉•皮特爾(Laura Pitel)安卡拉補(bǔ)充報(bào)道


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