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ROME — For many of his days over the past four years, Paolo Borrometi has lived in isolation, though he is barely ever alone. He has not walked through a park or by the beach in his native Sicily for years. He cannot go to a restaurant freely, or to a concert or the movies. He can’t drive a car alone, go shopping alone, or go out for dinner by himself.

羅馬——過去四年里,保羅·博羅梅蒂(Paolo Borrometi)很多時候都生活在孤獨中,盡管很少有獨處的時候。他已經很多年沒去過家鄉(xiāng)西西里島的公園或海灘了。他不能隨意去餐廳、聽音樂會或看電影,也不能獨自開車、獨自購物或獨自外出去吃飯。

Before heading to work as a reporter covering the Mafia, he starts each morning with an espresso, a cigarette — and his police escort.


Angering the Mafia as a journalist in Italy makes for a lonely life. And yet Borrometi, 35, is in good company. Almost 200 reporters in Italy live under police protection, making it unique among industrialized Western countries, advocacy groups say.


“None of us wants to be a hero or a model,” Borrometi told an assembly of high school students on a recent morning in Rome, where he now lives. “We just want to do our job and our duty, to tell stories.”


Yet murders connected to organized crime are rising in Italy, authorities say, and international observers consider criminal networks the principal threat to journalists in Europe.


“Don’t stop writing, Paolo,” read an email Borrometi received two days after he was assaulted in 2014 outside his family’s country home in Sicily by two men wearing balaclavas. “Our countries need free and investigative journalism. You have my respect.”


The note came from Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese investigative journalist who was killed in a car-bomb attack last year, after exposing her island nation’s links to offshore tax havens and reporting on local politicians’ crimes for decades. When she died at 53, she had 47 lawsuits pending against her, including one from the country’s economy minister.

發(fā)件人是馬耳他的調查記者達夫妮·卡魯阿納·加利齊亞(Daphne Caruana Galizia)。去年,在數十年里一直堅持揭露島國馬耳他與離岸避稅港的關系、報道該國政界人物罪行的卡魯阿納·加利齊亞,在一場汽車炸彈襲擊中喪生,終年53歲。她去世時,仍有47樁以她為被告的案件未結案,其中包括該國經濟部長提起的一樁訴訟。

In addition to Caruana Galizia, who was killed in October, a 27-year-old reporter, Jan Kuciak, was killed along with his fiancee in Slovakia in February. He had also been investigating corruption with suspected ties to Italian mobsters.

除了去年10月遇害的卡魯阿納·加利齊亞外,今年2月,27歲的記者揚·庫恰克(Jan Kuciak)和未婚妻在斯洛伐克被殺。他也在調查疑似與意大利黑幫分子有關的腐敗行為。

“There have already been two journalists killed by the Mafia inside the European Union, both investigating Mafia stories and stories that domestic governments were not looking into,” said Pauline Adès-Mével, who is responsible for the European desk at Reporters Without Borders, an advocacy group for press freedom.

“歐盟境內已有兩名記者被黑手黨殺害,兩人生前都在調查黑手黨以及國內政府沒有在調查的故事,”新聞自由倡導組織無國界記者(Reporters Without Borders)歐洲編輯部負責人保利娜·阿德斯-梅韋爾(Pauline Ades-Mevel)說。

“Italy is historically the country that has felt the Mafia the most, and has a dozen of journalists under 24-hour police protection,” Adès-Mével said. “That doesn’t happen in other countries.”


For Borrometi, it took just a year of reporting on the secret businesses and clandestine political ties of the Mafia in southeastern Sicily for his independent news website, La Spia (The Spy), before criminals menaced him. In five years, he got hundreds of death threats from local mobsters.

以博羅梅蒂為例,在自己的獨立新聞網站“間諜”(La Spia)上對黑手黨在西西里島東南部隱秘企業(yè)和政治關系才進行了一年的報道,他就已經受到了犯罪分子的恐嚇。在五年里,他收到當地黑幫的數百次死亡威脅。

At first, his articles prompted vandalism against him and late night phone calls. But things got physical after he began writing a series of stories that showed how Sicily’s largest fruit and vegetable market was controlled by mobsters.


He was feeding his dog outside his country home, when two men jumped him, grabbed his right arm, and twisted it behind his back until his shoulder muscles tore in three places.


“The only words the attackers told me that day were, ‘Mind your own business,’ or ‘This is only the first warning,’ or a Sicilian, less polite, version of it,” Borrometi recalled.


Almost five years later, he still can’t move his shoulder properly.


That didn’t stop him from continuing to report on the Mafia and taking a number of the Mafiosi who threatened him to court. One night, after a fire attack almost burned down his apartment, police decided to put him under full-time protection.


The Mafia wasn’t cowed.


“We’ll cut your head off, even inside a police station,” the local Mafia boss said in a public post on social media.


His reporting — and police investigations — have by now exposed a wider network of Mafia affiliates who move produce from the fruit and vegetable market in Vittoria, Sicily, to the rest of Italy and Europe, in affiliation with other criminal groups.


He found out that one of the companies growing the famed Pachino tomato, a special cherry tomato certified by Italy’s Agriculture Ministry, was owned by the sons of two prominent mobsters. One of them had spent more than two decades in jail for Mafia ties, and was now working for his son’s company.


The news spread, and the ministry took notice and cut the company off from the list of businesses that can sell Pachino tomatoes. Not only did the mobsters feel under attack by a reporter, they were out millions of euros in lost revenue.


Last month, the mobsters decided to scale up their threats. Police say they intercepted a Sicilian mobster while he was discussing a plot with his sons to kill Borrometi with a car bomb.


“We need a ‘firework’ like those in the 1990s, when one couldn’t even walk on the streets,” said the man, who was caught on a police wiretap. “A death every once in a while is useful, so that all the whippersnappers calm down a little.”


The reference was to the tense years when two Palermo prosecutors, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, were brutally murdered alongside their bodyguards, and car bombs exploded around Italy, killing bystanders and damaging historic buildings.

他們指的是兩名巴勒莫檢察官喬瓦尼·法爾科恩(Giovanni Falcone)和保羅·博爾塞利諾(Paolo Borsellino)與身旁的警衛(wèi)一同被殘忍謀殺的那段緊張時期,當時意大利到處都有汽車炸彈爆炸,殺死路人,毀壞歷史建筑。

In the wiretapped conversation, the man was advocating for a return to that bloody time of overt intimidation of authorities and citizens alike. There hasn’t been a Mafia car bomb in Italy since then.


“This shows how much investigative journalism angers the Mafia, which thrives with its business in silence,” Nino Di Matteo — a prominent Mafia prosecutor, hence also a prime target — said on national television a few days after police arrested those said to be planning the attack against Borrometi.

警方逮捕了那些據稱正計劃對博羅梅蒂發(fā)起襲擊的人們,幾天后,著名黑手黨檢察官——因此也成了他們的頭號目標——尼諾·迪·馬迪歐(Nino Di Matteo)在全國電視上說:“這證明了這些秘密發(fā)展生意的黑手黨被調查新聞激怒到了什么地步。”

“Journalism has a fundamental role in the fight against the Mafia, especially in a moment like this,” said Di Matteo, who also travels with bodyguards. “I believe we are underestimating a bit of the danger that the Mafia represents to the country and to our democracy.”



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