But now the story of "Nessie" -- the Loch NessMonster -- may have no place to hide.
A New Zealand scientist is leading an internationalteam to the lake next month. They plan to takesome of the water and study genetic material from the lake to see what species live there.
Neil Gemmell is a professor at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. The 51-year-old researcher says he does not believe all the stories about Nessie.
But he said he wants to take people on an interesting trip and communicate some science tothem along the way.
One of the more unusual theories is that Nessie is a long-necked dinosaur that somehowsurvived after other dinosaurs died out. Another theory is that the creature is actually a largefish, such as a sturgeon or giant catfish.
Many people believe the claims of sightings are tricks or can be explained by trees floating inthe water or strong winds.
Gemmell said that when creatures move in water, they leave behind small pieces of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. DNA is found in the cells of all animals and plants. It carries their genetic information. DNA comes from their skin, hair and waste fluids.
The New Zealand researcher said his team will take water from different points around the lake and at different depths. After removing the organic material, they will take the DNA, and sequence it by using technology created for the human genome project.
Gemmell said the results of his team's DNA tests will then be compared against all known species. He said they should have answers by the end of the year.