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WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has consistently touted the results of his North Korean diplomacy, insisting since his June summit meeting with Kim Jong Un that Pyongyang is no longer a nuclear threat and noting that its missile tests have stopped. 華盛頓——唐納德·特朗普總統(tǒng)一直在吹噓其朝鮮外交政策的成功,堅(jiān)稱自他六月與金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的峰會(huì)后,平壤就不再是一個(gè)核威脅了,并且還指出該國導(dǎo)彈試驗(yàn)已經(jīng)終止。

But like other foreign policy assertions from the White House, reality has proved more complicated. 但正如白宮的其他外交政策一樣,事實(shí)證明,現(xiàn)實(shí)要復(fù)雜得多。

North Korea has continued its work on missile and weapons programs since the leaders met, American officials say, including manufacturing new intercontinental ballistic missiles at a facility near Pyongyang, the capital, according to one Defense Department official. And North Korea continues to produce nuclear fuel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told senators last week. 美國官員表示,自兩位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人舉行會(huì)晤后,朝鮮一直在繼續(xù)導(dǎo)彈及武器計(jì)劃方面的工作,據(jù)一名國防部官員稱,這包括在首都平壤附近一處的設(shè)施中生產(chǎn)新的洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈。此外,上周國務(wù)卿邁克·龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)告訴參議員們,朝鮮仍在繼續(xù)生產(chǎn)核燃料。

Kim has little interest in giving up the North’s nuclear arsenal or rolling back its progress on ICBMs, experts who have long studied North Korea’s government and its missile programs believe. The North’s weapons work, including at a facility that creates ICBMs, has continued in the weeks after the summit between Trump and Kim, said Jeffrey Lewis, an arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey in California. 長期研究朝鮮政府及其導(dǎo)彈計(jì)劃的專家們認(rèn)為,金正恩沒什么放棄朝鮮核武庫,或是收回在洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈方面取得進(jìn)步的意思。加利福尼亞州明德大學(xué)蒙特雷國際研究學(xué)院(Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)的武器控制專家杰弗里·劉易斯(Jeffrey Lewis)表示,朝鮮的武器工作,包括一處生產(chǎn)洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈的設(shè)施,在特朗普和金正恩峰會(huì)后數(shù)周一直在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。

American officials said they have not seen an increase in work in recent weeks but have watched the programs proceed at the same pace as in previous months. In particular, work on one to two ICBMs at Sanumdong, a missile manufacturing facility on the outskirts of Pyongyang, is consistent with the facility’s activity before the summit, the Defense Department official said. The work on the new missiles was first reported by The Washington Post. 美國官員表示,他們近幾周沒有看到朝鮮的核武器工作出現(xiàn)增多,但看到這些計(jì)劃推進(jìn)的速度與此前幾個(gè)月一樣。尤其是在沙門洞進(jìn)行的一至兩枚洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈生產(chǎn)。沙門洞是平壤郊外一處導(dǎo)彈生產(chǎn)設(shè)施。新導(dǎo)彈方面的工作是由《華盛頓郵報(bào)》(The Washington Post)率先報(bào)道的。

Some Trump administration officials have been frustrated that North Korea has continued its weapons work, viewing it as a violation of the spirit of the agreement between Kim and Trump. 一些特朗普政府官員對(duì)朝鮮繼續(xù)生產(chǎn)武器表示不滿,稱此舉違背了金正恩與特朗普協(xié)議的精神。

But other American officials and outside experts said it should have been expected that North Korea would continue work at its missile facilities because Kim made no explicit agreement to halt the manufacturing of its missile systems or nuclear fuel. 但也有一些美國官員及外部專家表示,朝鮮繼續(xù)在導(dǎo)彈設(shè)施的活動(dòng)是可以預(yù)見的,因?yàn)榻鹫鳑]有明確同意暫停導(dǎo)彈系統(tǒng)或核燃料生產(chǎn)。

“They are expanding everything,” Lewis said. “And to be fair, they have never said they agreed to give up nuclear weapons. The South Koreans have said the North Koreans have agreed to give up nuclear weapons. Trump has said they have agreed to give them up. But they have never said it.” “他們?cè)谌鏀U(kuò)張,”劉易斯表示。“公平來說,他們從未說過要放棄核武器。韓國人說過朝鮮人已經(jīng)同意要放棄核武器。特朗普說過他們同意放棄。但朝鮮自己從沒這么說過。”

The North’s big investment in its nuclear program in recent years made it unlikely it would undertake an abrupt change of gears, Lewis said. Since Kim came to power, there has been a steady increase in North Korea’s investment in missile technology and nuclear arms. 劉易斯表示,朝鮮近年來在核計(jì)劃上的大量投資,使其不大可能突然做出改變。自從金正恩掌權(quán)以來,朝鮮在導(dǎo)彈技術(shù)和核武器方面的投資穩(wěn)步增加。

Trump has played up the results of his meeting with Kim, posting on Twitter afterward: “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” Since then, Trump has said that North Korea has made progress in the promises Kim made to him. 特朗普夸大了與金正恩的會(huì)談結(jié)果,會(huì)面結(jié)束后他在Twitter上發(fā)帖稱:“朝鮮不再構(gòu)成核威脅。”自那以后,特朗普一直說,在金正恩對(duì)他作出的承諾上,朝鮮取得了進(jìn)展。

But diplomacy between the two nations has been halting. Weeks after the summit, North Korea accused the United States of making “gangster-like” demands. 但兩國之間的外交關(guān)系一直停滯不前。在峰會(huì)幾周后,朝鮮就指責(zé)美國提出了“流氓般”的要求。

Pompeo is expected to try to shore up the relationship by continuing diplomatic work with North Korea this week at the ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore. State Department officials said denuclearization will be discussed in a multinational setting, but would not say whether Pompeo and North Korean officials would meet directly for discussions. 預(yù)計(jì)龐皮歐本周將在新加坡舉行的東盟地區(qū)論壇(ASEAN Regional Forum)上繼續(xù)對(duì)朝鮮做外交工作,以此來鞏固兩國關(guān)系。國務(wù)院官員表示,無核化問題將在多國會(huì)談中討論,但不愿說龐皮歐和朝鮮官員是否會(huì)直接會(huì)面進(jìn)行討論。

Testifying before the Senate last week, Pompeo said North Korea continues to make “fissile material,” in essence the fuel for nuclear weapons. 龐皮歐上周在參議院作證時(shí)表示,朝鮮在繼續(xù)制造“可裂變物質(zhì)”,實(shí)質(zhì)上就是核武器的燃料。

Still, Pompeo echoed Trump, touting North Korea’s lack of missile tests and highlighting its dismantling of a missile engine test facility as evidence of Kim’s commitment. While there is a long way to go with North Korea, Pompeo said, the work to shut down the engine test facility amounts to “steps forward.” 不過,龐皮歐也附和了特朗普的說法,拿朝鮮沒有在進(jìn)行導(dǎo)彈試驗(yàn)做文章,并強(qiáng)調(diào)它拆除了一處導(dǎo)彈發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)測(cè)試設(shè)施,以此作為金正恩信守承諾的證據(jù)。龐皮歐說,盡管朝鮮還有很長的路要走,但關(guān)閉發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)測(cè)試設(shè)施的工作是在“向前邁進(jìn)”。

Democrats challenged Pompeo, saying Pyongyang had only rid itself of an obsolete facility. And outside experts have taken issue with Trump’s and Pompeo’s insistence that diplomacy is on track and the threat of conflict is substantially diminished. 民主黨人對(duì)龐皮歐提出了質(zhì)疑,稱平壤方面不過是把一處廢棄的設(shè)施拆除了。外界專家對(duì)特朗普和龐皮歐堅(jiān)持與朝外交正在步入正軌,以及沖突威脅大大減弱的說法持有異議。

The Trump administration’s foreign policy has repeatedly been at odds with pronouncements by the president. 特朗普政府的外交政策一再與總統(tǒng)的聲明不一致。

As for North Korea, scholars have also cast doubt on the government’s true intentions, and the new disclosures have sown further doubts about the Trump administration’s progress in stripping the country of its nuclear weapons. 至于朝鮮,學(xué)者們也對(duì)其政府的真實(shí)意圖表示懷疑,而新披露的信息,令人對(duì)于特朗普政府在朝鮮無核化方面的進(jìn)展產(chǎn)生了進(jìn)一步質(zhì)疑。

Lewis said his organization has examined 40 images of the Sanumdong facility since January. They show work continuing at the facility that was used to develop the ICBMs possessed by North Korea that have the capability to strike the United States. 劉易斯說,自今年1月以來,他的組織研究了沙門洞設(shè)施的40幅照片。結(jié)果顯示,該設(shè)施仍在繼續(xù)運(yùn)行,這里是朝鮮開發(fā)能夠打擊美國的洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈的地方。

“They keep working,” Lewis said. “You can’t see in the building, but it is a missile facility, and shipping containers keep showing up.” “他們一直在工作,”劉易斯說。“你看不到大樓內(nèi)部的情況,但這是一處導(dǎo)彈設(shè)施,不斷有集裝箱出現(xiàn)。”

At the Senate hearing, Pompeo told lawmakers that he was “very confident that the North Koreans understand our definition of denuclearization” and that Pyongyang had agreed to denuclearize. 在參議院的聽證會(huì)上,龐皮歐對(duì)議員們表示,他“非常有信心朝鮮理解我們對(duì)無核化的定義”,而且平壤方面已經(jīng)同意無核化。

While the Trump administration has defined the term “denuclearization” as the elimination of the nuclear arsenal, North Korea means something far different, Lewis said. When North Korean officials talk about denuclearization, they mean reducing the role nuclear weapons play, he said. 劉易斯說,雖然特朗普政府將“無核化”這個(gè)詞定義為消除核武庫,但朝鮮方面抱持的涵義卻截然不同。他說,當(dāng)朝鮮官員談到無核化時(shí),他們指的是減少核武器的作用。

“They want the Israel deal: They will talk about them less, and we pretend they don’t exist,” Lewis said. Israel is not a globally declared nuclear power, and the government does not discuss its abilities, but its weapons are hardly a secret. 劉易斯說:“他們想要以色列那樣的協(xié)議:他們少談起它們,我們則假裝它們不存在。”以色列并不是一個(gè)向全球宣告的核國家,政府也不談?wù)撍暮四芰?,但是它有核武器并不是什么秘密?br />  


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