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WASHINGTON — A day after a senior administration official described President Trump as amoral, impetuous, petty and ineffective in an anonymous essay, the denials from the upper echelon of the administration started to roll in. 華盛頓——在一名政府高級官員的一篇匿名文章述稱特朗普總統(tǒng)無德、草率、小氣、不稱職一天后,政府高層的否認開始滾滾而來。

The mystery writer is not Vice President Mike Pence, a spokesman said Thursday. “Our office is above such amateur acts,” the vice president’s spokesman, Jarrod Agen, said in a morning Twitter post, referring to the Op-Ed published on Wednesday in The New York Times. 一位發(fā)言人周四說,那名神秘作者不是副總統(tǒng)邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)。“我們的辦公室不屑于做出這種業(yè)余行為,”副總統(tǒng)的發(fā)言人賈羅德·阿根(Jarrod Agen)在上午的一條推中這樣提及周三發(fā)表在《紐約時報》上的那篇專欄文章。

“It is not mine,” Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, said. “那不是我寫的,”美國國務(wù)卿邁克·龐皮歐(Mike Pompeo)說。

“Patently false,” said Dan Coats, the national intelligence director, responding to rumors that he or his principal deputy wrote the piece. “We did not.” “顯然是假的,”國家情報局局長丹·科茨(Dan Coats)回應(yīng)該文章是由他或他的主要副手撰寫的傳聞時說。“我們沒有。”

Press officers for the secretaries of the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Treasury and Housing and Urban Development also issued denials on behalf of their bosses.


The author, whose identity is known to The Times editorial page department, describes him or herself as one of many senior officials in the Trump administration who are “working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.” 《紐約時報》社論部知道作者的身份,稱作者是特朗普政府里“從內(nèi)部不懈努力,以挫敗他的部分議程和最糟糕的傾向”的許多高級官員之一。

Since the piece was published, there has been a scramble to identify the anonymous official, prompting text analysis and speculation about motive. Mr. Trump demanded that The Times “turn him/her over to government at once,” citing national security concerns. 自從文章發(fā)表以來,人們爭相辨認這位匿名官員的身份,進行文本分析和動機猜測。特朗普以國家安全為由,要求時報“立即把他/她移交給政府部門”。

And what was to be an important week in Washington marked with nomination hearings for a new Supreme Court justice and Republican efforts to maintain their majority in the House with the midterm elections just weeks away, instead evolved into a week of denials. 這周本該是華盛頓很重要的一周,參議院正在對新任最高法院大法官候選人進行提名聽證,共和黨也在為了幾周后的中期選舉中能維持眾議院多數(shù)席位而努力,但這周卻發(fā)展成了各種否認的一周。

First, Mr. Trump and his aides pushed back against allegations in a new book about his presidency by Bob Woodward of The Washington Post. And now similar denials arrived from senior administration officials who want to assure the president that they are not the “gutless” anonymous person whom Mr. Trump suggested might even be treasonous. 先是特朗普及其助手們對《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)的鮑勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)在一本新書中關(guān)于特朗普總統(tǒng)任職以來的種種說法進行反駁。而為了向總統(tǒng)保證自己不是特朗普所說的“沒勇氣的”匿名者(特朗普甚至暗示那可能算叛國),政府高級官員現(xiàn)在又紛紛出面做出類似的否認。

Mr. Trump and his aides are placing blame on a favorite scapegoat, the news media, for the startling details about some of the president’s closest aides doing end-runs around him to stave off what they considered dangerous policy decisions. 特朗普及其助手們正在把新聞媒體報道的一些令人震驚的細節(jié)——比如一些與總統(tǒng)最接近的助手們繞開他迂回推進,以避免他們認為危險的政策決定——歸咎于他們最喜歡用的替罪羊:新聞媒體。

At one point, the anonymous official wrote, there was talk of the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to declare Mr. Trump unable to discharge his duties, but no one wanted a constitutional crisis. 這位匿名官員寫道,有人曾考慮讓內(nèi)閣援引第25修正案,宣布特朗普無法履行其職責,但沒人想引發(fā)一場憲法危機。

The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, tweeted the main phone number of The Times and directed those who wanted to know the identity of “this gutless coward” to call. 白宮新聞秘書薩拉·赫卡比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)在Twitter上發(fā)布了《紐約時報》的主要電話號碼,讓那些想知道“這個沒膽量的懦夫”身份的人給《紐約時報》打電話。

The president spent much of Wednesday afternoon and evening fuming at the media. And on Thursday morning, he resumed his venting, and thanked the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for continuing to have faith in him. 總統(tǒng)把周三下午和晚上的大部分時間都花在對媒體泄憤上。周四一大早,他又開始發(fā)泄,還感謝了朝鮮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人金正恩繼續(xù)對自己抱有信心。

The anonymous official also wrote that the president “shows a preference for autocrats and dictators,” and mentioned Mr. Kim. 那位匿名官員在文章中也提到了總統(tǒng)“對專斷者和獨裁者的偏愛”,并提了金正恩的名字。

“The Deep State and the Left, and their vehicle, the Fake News Media, are going Crazy — & they don’t know what to do,” Mr. Trump said in another tweet on Thursday. “深暗勢力和左派們,以及他們的工具、假新聞媒體都快瘋了——他們不知道該怎么辦了,”特朗普在周四的另一條推文中說。

With the denials came a renewal of vows of sorts. 否認變成了各種形式的重申誓言。

Traveling in India, Mr. Pompeo said if he felt he was not able to “execute the commander’s intent,” he would resign. 正出訪印度的龐皮歐表示,如果他覺得他已無法“執(zhí)行指揮官的意圖”的話,他會辭職。

“And this person instead, according to The New York Times, chose not only to stay, but to undermine what President Trump and this administration are trying to do,” he said. “I have to tell you, I find the media’s efforts in this regard to undermine this administration incredibly disturbing.” “而據(jù)《紐約時報》說,那個人不僅選擇留在政府里,還要破壞特朗普總統(tǒng)和本屆政府的努力,”龐皮歐說。“我不得不告訴你,我認為媒體在這方面做出的削弱本屆政府的努力令人非常不安。”

Mr. Coats said, “From the beginning of our tenure, we have insisted that the entire IC remain focused on our mission to provide the president and policymakers with the best intelligence possible,” using an acronym to refer to the intelligence community. A spokesman for Kirstjen M. Nielsen, the Homeland Security secretary, said Ms. Nielsen did not write the essay. She was busy “protecting the homeland — not writing anonymous and false opinion pieces for The New York Times,” the spokesman, Tyler Q. Houlton, said. “These types of political attacks are beneath the secretary and the department’s mission.” Similar denials were issued on behalf of Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, and Ben Carson, the secretary of housing and urban development.


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