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老友記第三季The One With Frank Jr



怎么回事,森林惹到你了?我們一直說需要信件柜所以我就動工了,然后呢我決定更進(jìn)上一層樓你要蓋郵局?不是,是一個娛樂專用柜內(nèi)含信件柜最多一天干完你的褲子還真貼啊這是我的舊工作褲,“亞曼范倫鐵”牌的剛才電鋸有點(diǎn)失控菲此,你弟出現(xiàn)了嗎?還沒,不過他很愛遲到-你不是只見過他一次?-是啊這樣講有姐姐的派頭“法蘭克老是遲到”別急,他會來的我知道,我只是很緊張我媽死了,我不和我姐說話奶奶最近都在睡覺這是我擁有家人的最后機(jī)會你真好,還陪我等是阿甘叫我來的,杯子不能拿出來還有誰覺得大衛(wèi)考柏菲可愛?沒有,不過他告訴我他覺得你很帥珍妮絲喜歡他喜歡到把他放進(jìn)她的名人性愛名單里她的什么?我們說好每人可以挑五個名人上床另一個人不準(zhǔn)生氣這是健全男女關(guān)系的要素誠實(shí)、尊重、與名人上床你的名單有誰?金貝辛格辛迪克勞馥、荷莉貝瑞雅絲敏布麗絲和羅杰兔的老婆潔西卡你知道她是卡通人物而且和你不同掛吧?我知道,我是看看我能不能讓她的眼珠掉出來摩妮卡,你會選誰?我得先交男朋友,才能列名單只是好玩嘛,瑞秋,你呢?不曉得,應(yīng)該是克里斯歐唐納小約翰甘乃迪丹尼爾戴劉易斯、史汀和帕克史蒂文森蜘蛛人?哈第兄弟神探是彼得帕克謝謝(其實(shí)瑞秋才是對的)你呢?你會選誰?這種事需要深思熟慮我會先把可能人選分門別類怪人各位,這是法蘭克我同父異母的弟弟就是他們這是羅斯這是摩妮卡這是瑞秋我去點(diǎn)咖啡你們怎么做得了事?我們是沒做什么事你們有什么計劃嗎?有,我們要好好的聯(lián)絡(luò)感情我們會去時代廣場買幾個忍者娃娃我朋友賴瑞托我拍妓女的照片我們在紐約都白住了抱歉,我鉆到你了?沒有,你沒有鉆到我那是電鉆你要是鉆到我,我就死了別激動你要不要這個柜子嘛?我不要這個柜子你不早說,我又不會心電感應(yīng)沒有啤酒了,我要去對面好!你穿這樣要去哪里?對了,我在裝潢建材店看到名牌瓷磚在特價你可以重鋪浴室地板我的浴室地板怎么了?沒什么,只是又舊又暗沒有這回事你把籃子移開…就能看到瓷磚原來的顏色這樣我怎么住!怎么辦?別激動,拿著瓷磚一撬就掉,我弄給你看我沒想到你要撬它你看看,黏得多死啊撬也撬不完,我看你別管了怎么能不管你在我的舊地板上撬了個洞這樣就好了挺好的塞進(jìn)你的屁股里會更好我知道我要問什么了你會卷舌頭嗎?因?yàn)槲視俏覌尣粫蚁肽且欢ㄊ前值倪z傳等一下,你是說這樣?對,你也會你沒有卷啊好吧所以是我媽會,我不會我們這一點(diǎn)不一樣你的生日是哪一天?2月16日我認(rèn)識一個18日的人蠻近的你的生日呢?10月25日跟萬圣節(jié)同一個月你在家里喜歡做什么?燒東西-好,我已經(jīng)挑了三個-三個什么?可以上床的名人天哪,你還真慎重很難挑好嗎?我只剩兩個空缺你篩選出誰了?伊麗莎白赫莉大美女心胸寬大蘇珊莎蘭登她太熱衷政治了她可能會叫你先捐四個罐頭還有伊莎貝拉羅塞里尼很辣、很性感但是太國際化了她不會跑來美國的所以呢?所以你得掌握勝算挑一個會一直在國內(nèi)的人對啊,你之所以釣不到她是地理因素你說的“燒”就是燒這是藝術(shù)嗎?要燒藝術(shù)也可以可以借個電話嗎?-當(dāng)然,你要打給你媽?-不是,我想拿來燒現(xiàn)在不行我要去睡了,煙熏得我頭痛晚安,老弟晚安拿去以防萬一太好了那是什么空手道?什么都不是那是他自創(chuàng)的你們處得怎樣?蠻爛的我以為他會更有兄弟的感覺就像你和羅斯,親密融洽現(xiàn)在是很親,但是以前我們又吵又打,又拉又扯然后裙子就會被扯到頭上來我們還學(xué)舌去煩對方怎么學(xué)舌?-我在問你啊我沒空跟你鬧你放棄得真快有看到喬伊嗎?怎么了?就是這個其實(shí)是我不好,沙發(fā)就是用來放亮光漆的把瓷磚拿給我怎么回事?他在幫我重鋪地板泥水匠給我起來!你要有始有終!是我先受害的灰姑娘,去釘柜子;灰姑娘,去鋪瓷磚大章魚天哪,我都忘了不能找別人嗎?但是我有客人沒關(guān)系,我去對不起,我得去工作我的一個熟客堅持要讓我做你在做什么工作?我是按摩師我?guī)涂腿税茨δ阍诎茨υ汗ぷ?我們不那樣叫,不過沒錯好勁爆我完全不知道好吧我過一會兒就回來除非你想跟我去你是說去看嗎?不是,你也可以接受服務(wù)而且是免費(fèi)招待不然要姐姐干什么?我并沒有這么想不…我不會親自招呼你那樣很奇怪我會請其它小姐來做;我?guī)涂腿税茨φ婧猛婧?,激動嗎?摩妮卡和瑞秋也在那里工作?好漂亮之前的地板好像一場噩夢你想進(jìn)去干什么?噓噓如何?再見好,我選好了這是最后名單對啊,好正式對,這是錢德用他的電腦印的誰拿去護(hù)貝的?是我拿來我看看烏瑪舒曼、薇諾娜瑞德伊麗莎白赫莉蜜雪兒菲佛桃樂絲漢彌爾?(溜冰名將)這是我的名單你知道她只有在冰上才會一直轉(zhuǎn)吧? “舒活之家”怎么了?她扭斷了我的手他摸我的屁股是她先摸我的那是我的工作什么意思?我可以上你,卻不能摸你?你不能上她你以為我是妓女?不,我知道你是按摩師;很好,我又不是警察你去請威佛先生等5分鐘好我不喜歡你你以為我是干那行的?天哪我不是干那行的你不是干那行的?不是你怎么會這么想?不知道,這里是紐約嘛我是說…我不知道隨便,好一個完美的周末完美的句點(diǎn)等一下你說得沒錯,真的很完美我居然把它搞砸了你覺得很完美?也許稱不上完美但很酷我們相處很愉快你覺得哪一次特別愉快?就是卷舌頭的事還有我告訴你我喜歡什么,討厭什么我喜歡燒東西,不喜歡不能燒的東西對,好我有話都能對你說因?yàn)槟闶俏医憬闶悄菢咏Y(jié)果我卻摸你朋友惹你生氣我也沒有氣到跳腳你有跳一、兩下我真的很抱歉算了我覺得現(xiàn)在這一刻最棒了現(xiàn)在?拜托,我們?nèi)チ藭r代廣場買到忍者娃娃,我差點(diǎn)被妓女扭斷手她不是妓女我跟朋友吹噓時,她就是數(shù)到三一,二為什么不直接到二?為什么二?這樣比較快要不是你嚕唆,早就數(shù)到三了好,但是以后…這個柜子很重,好嗎一,二所以要數(shù)到二嗎?喬伊,干得好哇好大可能是量尺有問題可能所有的量尺都有問題還好嘛,你的擋一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)我的擋一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)我有更好的主意干脆不要擋我的,都去擋你的先說一聲,那邊油漆未干我跟你確認(rèn)一下是咖啡因減半、中大杯少許榛果糖漿無脂無沫、加熱的咖啡,對吧?太好了變態(tài)謝謝一杯咖啡外帶是伊莎貝拉羅塞里尼不會吧?天哪該死!我居然把她刪掉怎么?不然你會行動嗎?搞不好騙人你不認(rèn)為我會行動?你花了十年承認(rèn)你喜歡我是嗎?你最好慶幸這份名單已經(jīng)護(hù)貝了這樣吧,你放馬過去就當(dāng)她是候補(bǔ)人選好,幫我拿你真的要讓他去?親愛的,他要去泡貝拉羅塞里尼耶可惜沒有爆米花可吃你好,我是羅斯你不認(rèn)識我但我是你的超級影迷我是說…《藍(lán)色夜合花》我能不能請你喝一杯咖啡?或是把錢給你你不是跟那個女生一對?算是啦但是沒關(guān)系,我們有共識我們都有一份五個人的名人錄你就在我的名單上所以我可以跟你上床這是恭維還是算了等一下嘛,伊莎貝拉先別急著否決這可是千載難逢的機(jī)會對你而言這就是名單?我可以看嗎?恩,不行我不在名單上這不是定案都護(hù)貝了對,好吧,你本來在名單上但是我的朋友錢德…指出你太國際化了所以我拿薇諾娜瑞德取代你,比較本土真是太諷刺了因?yàn)槲乙灿幸环菝麊瘟辛宋鍌€咖啡店蠢人就在昨天,那個人取代了你當(dāng)朋友就好了你知道嗎?我賭我塞得進(jìn)去我拿5元賭你塞不進(jìn)去掏支票吧,先生我有現(xiàn)金你太遜了我塞得剛剛好是啊,被你贏了我輸了5元大鈔拿去吧謝謝總統(tǒng)先生,你好祝你下次好運(yùn)酒錢由我出

The One With Frank Jr.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯, there is lumber all over the apartment]

Chandler: (entering) Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Hey-hey-hey. So what happened? A forest tick you off?

Joey: No. Y'know how we抮e always saying we need a place for the mail.

Chandler: Yeah!

Joey: Well, I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step.

Chandler: You抮e building a post office?

Joey: No, an entertainment unit, with a mail cubby built right in. It抯 a one day job, max.

Chandler: Okay. (notices that Joey is wearing some really tight jeans) My word! Those are snug.

Joey: Oh yeah. These are my old work pants, Sergio Valente抯.

(Chandler goes to his bedroom and opens the door. However, only the top half opens, and he trips into his bedroom over the bottom half.)

Joey: Power saw kinda got away from me there.


[Scene: Outside Central Perk, Phoebe is pacing back and forth waiting for someone.]

Rachel: (joining Phoebe outside) Hey Pheebs.

Phoebe: Hey!

Rachel: Any sign of your brother?

Phoebe: No, but he抯 always late.

Rachel: I thought you only met him once?

Phoebe: Yeah, I did. I think it sounds y'know big sistery, y'know, 慒rank抯 always late.?br>
Rachel: Well relax, he抣l be here.

Phoebe: No, I know, I抦 just nervous. Y'know it抯 just y'know Mom抯 dead, don抰 talk to my sister, Grandma抯 been sleeping a lot lately. It抯 like the last desperate chance to have a family, y'know, kinda thing. You抮e so sweet to wait with me.

Rachel: Well, actually Gunther sent me. You抮e not allowed to have cups out here, it抯 a thing. (takes her cup and goes back inside)

[Scene: inside Central Perk]

Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?

Monica: No, but he told me, he thinks your a fox.

Chandler: All right, Janice, likes him. In fact she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list.

Joey: Her what?

Chandler: Well, we have a deal, where we each get to pick five celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can抰 get mad.

Ross: Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.

Monica: So, Chandler, who抯 on your list?

Chandler: Ah, Kim Basinger, Cindy Crawford, Halle Berry, Yasmine Bleeth, and ah, Jessica Rabbit.

Rachel: Now, you do realize that she抯 a cartoon, and way out of your league?

Chandler: I know, I know, I just always wondered if I could get her eyes to pop out of her head.

Joey: Hey, Monica, who would yours be?

Monica: First, I need a boyfriend, then I can have a list.

Joey: It抯 just a game Mon. (makes a 慍an-you-believe-her?face to the rest of the gang.) Rach, how about you?

Rachel: Oh, I don抰 know, I guess, Chris O扗onnel, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Daniel Day Lewis, Sting, and Parker Stevenson.

Ross: Spiderman?

Rachel: Hardy Boy.

Chandler: Peter Parker.

Ross: Thank you.

Rachel: What about you honey, who would be on your list?

Ross: Well I-I-I, that kind of thing requires some serious thought. First, I抣l divide my perspective canidates into catergories....

Chandler: (coughing) What a geek!

Phoebe: (entering) Everbody this is Frank! This is my half-brother Frank.

All: Oh, hi.

Phoebe: This is everybody. This is Ross.

Frank: How are you?

Ross: Hey.

Phoebe: Chandler.

Chandler: Hi.

Frank: Hi.

Phoebe: Joey.

Joey: Hey-hey!

Frank: Hey.

Phoebe: This is Monica.

Frank: Whoa!

Phoebe: And this is Rachel.

Rachel: Hi!

Frank: Whoa!!

Phoebe: I抦 gonna get coffee.

Frank: Hey, how do you guys get anything done?

Chandler: We don抰, really.

Rachel: Well, so, now, do you guys have a lot of big plans?

Phoebe: Oh yeah! Yeah, no, we抮e gonna connect, y'know bond, and everything.

Frank: Yeah, I was thinking that maybe we could go down to Time Square and pick up some ninja stars. And, oh, um, my friend Larry, he wants me to take a picture of a hooker.

Chandler: You know, we don抰 really take advantage of living in the city.

Joey: I know.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯, Joey is drilling a hole in the wall and the drill comes out the other side really close to Chandler抯 head. Chandler then rushes out to talk to Joey.]

Joey: Oh, I抦 sorry. Did I get 憏a?

Chandler: No, you didn抰 get me!! It抯 an electric drill, you get me, you kill me!!

Joey: Calm down, do you want this unit or not?

Chandler: I do NOT want this unit!!

Joey: Well, you should抳e told me that before, I抦 not a mind reader. Hey, we抮e out of beer. I抦 going to Monica抯.

Chandler: Fine! (goes into his room and slams the door, then he slams the bottom half of the door.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel抯, Joey is entering]

Monica: Hey! Where 憏a headin?in those pants? 1982?

Joey: Oh Monica, listen, I ah, I saw down at the hardware store, they got those designer tiles on sale. If you ever want to redo the bathroom floor.

Monica: Why, what抯 wrong with my bathroom floor?

Joey: Nothing. It抯 just old and dingy, that抯 all.

Monica: I highly doubt that. (they both go to the bathroom)

Joey: Oh yeah. If you ah, move your hamper, you see what color the tile used to be. (Monica gasps) Yeah.

Monica: I can抰 live like this! What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?

Joey: Relax. Here hold this (hands her his beer). This old stuff just comes right off. (he bends down to try and lift some tile right in the middle of the floor, in his tight pants.)

Monica: That抯 a little more than I wanted to see.

Joey: (manages to pry off only a small piece) Aw! Look at that, every inch of this stuff is glued down. It抎 take forever to pry this up. You should ah, you should just leave it. (starts to walk away, but Monica grabs him)

Monica: I can抰 leave it! You gouged a hole in my dingy floor.

(Joey places the toliet brush and holder over the hole, which is in the middle of the floor.)

Joey: Eh! There you go.

Monica: You know that抯 nice, y'know we could put it back there after the surgeons remove it from your colon!

[Scene: Phoebe抯, Frank and her, are sitting on the counh, watching TV]

Phoebe: (sits up) Oh, ew!

Frank: What?

Phoebe: Yeah I know what I wanted to ask you. Um, can you roll your tongue? Because I can, and my Mom couldn抰, and I thought y'know, I figured that was something I got from our Dad.

Frank: What, wait, you mean like this? (does it)

Phoebe: Yeah, yeah. You can do it to. (tries to do it, but can抰)

Frank: Your not doing it.

Phoebe: Oh right, yeah okay, my Mom could, and I can抰. We don抰 have that....

Frank: When抯 your birthday?

Phoebe: Feburary 16th.

Frank: I know a guy who抯 the 18th.

Phoebe: Wow, that抯 close. When抯 yours?

Frank: October 25th.

b>Phoebe: That抯 the same month as Halloween. So, um, what kinda things do you like to do at home?

Frank: Melt stuff.

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is working on his list]

Ross: Okay, I抳e got three of my five.

Rachel: Three of your five, what?

Ross: Celebrities I抦 allowed to sleep with.

Rachel: Oh my God! You are giving this a lot of thought.

Ross: Yeah, it抯 hard okay, I only have two spots left.

Chandler: All right, so who do you got it narrowed down to?

Ross: Okay, Elizabeth Hurely....

Chandler: Oooh-hoo, very attractive, forgiving.

Ross: Susan Sarandon.

Chandler: Eh, y'know what, she抯 to political, she probably wouldn抰 let you do it, unless you donated four cans of food first.

Ross: And!! Isabella Rosselini.

Chandler: Ooh-hoo. Very hot, very sexy. But ah, y'know she抯 too international, y'know she抯 never gonna be around.

Rachel: So?

Chandler: So, you gotta play the odds, pick somebody who抯 gonna be in the country like all the time.

Rachel: Yeah, 慶ause that抯 why you won抰 get Isabella Rosselini, geography.

[Scene: Phoebe抯, Frank is melting a plastic spoon.]

Phoebe: Okay so, by melting, you meant melting.

Frank: Yeah.

Phoebe: So is it like art?

Frank: Yeah, you can melt art. Hey, can I use your phone?

Phoebe: Um, yeah sure. Why you wanna call your Mom?

Frank: No, I wanna melt it.

Phoebe: Oh, well um, not right now. Y'know I抦 just gonna go to bed, I think the fumes are giving me a headache.

Frank: (starts laughing) Yeah!

Phoebe: G抧ight, bro.

Frank: G抧ight.

Phoebe: Here. (gives him a fire extinguisher) Y'know, just in case.

Frank: Oh, excellent. (starts to melt the fire extinguisher抯 hose.)


[Scene: Monica and Rachel抯, Phoebe is eating breakfast with Monica while Frank is playing with num-chucks on the balcony]

Monica: What kind of karate is that?

Phoebe: No kind. He just makes it up.

Monica: So how抯 it going with you guys?

Phoebe: So far, it kinda blows. I don抰 know, I just thought y'know that he抎 feel more like a brother y'know, like you and Ross, just like close and connected and....

Monica: Oh honey, we抮e close now but you-you wouldn抰 believe the years of-of nugies, and wedgies, and flying wedgies, and atomic wedgies, and....(Phoebe shakes her head like she doesn抰 understand) That抯 where the waistband actually goes over your head.

Phoebe: Ah!!

Monica: Oh, we used to drive each other crazy playing the shadow game.

Phoebe: Oh, how do you play the shadow game?

Monica: Oh, how do you play the shadow game?

Phoebe: I just asked you.

Monica: I just asked you.

Phoebe: I don抰 have time for this.

Monica: No, that is what the game is.

Phoebe: Which you just gave up really quickly.

Chandler: (entering) Have you seen Joey?

Monica: What抯 the matter?

Chandler: Oh, just this! (turns around and has a paint lid stuck to the back of his pants.) Y択now what it抯 my fault really, because the couch is usually where we keep the varnish.

Joey: (yelling from bathroom) Hey, does somebody wanna hand me one of those tiles.

Chandler: What抯 going on?

Monica: He抯 retiling my floor. (they both run to the bathroom)

Chandler: Yo!! Spackel boy! Get up!

Monica: Ah-ah-ah, now you started this, you will finish it.

Chandler: He started mine first!

Phoebe: Build the unit Cinderelly, lay the tile Cinderelly.

[Scene: Phoebe抯, Phoebe and Frank are watching TV.]

Frank: Whoa! Big octopus.

Phoebe: Yeah. (phone rings and Phoebe answers it) 慔ello. (listens) Oh my God, I totally forgot! (listens) Well can抰 someone else do it. (listens) But, I have company. (listens) Yeah, no look, that抯 all right I抣l come in.?(hangs up phone) Um, Frank, I抦 really sorry but I have to go to work. It抯-it抯 one of my regulars and he抯 insisting that I do 憉m.

Frank: Hey, what kind of work do you do?

Phoebe: Oh! I抦 a masseuse. I give people massages and stuff.

Frank: You-you work at one of those massage parlors?

Phoebe: Well, y'know we don抰 call it that, but yeah!

Frank: (starts laughing) Wow! That抯 wild! No, I had no idea.

Phoebe: All righty. I抣l be back in-in a little bit. Unless you wanna come with me?

Frank: You mean like watch?

Phoebe: No, no, you can get one yourself. It抣l be on the house! Y'know what are big sisters for?

Frank: Well, I don抰 think this, y'know.

Phoebe: No, no, no, I wouldn抰 do you myself, I mean that would be weird. Yeah, no, I抣l get one of the other girls to do it. Oh, this will be so much fun! Hey! Are you excited?

Frank: Yeah! Hey, do Monica and Rachel work there?

[Scene: Monica and Rachel抯 bathroom, Joey and Monica are admiring the new floor.]

Monica: It抯 beautiful! It抯 like the first bathroom floor there ever was. (Chandler tries to go to the bathroom) Whoa! Are you going in there for?

Chandler: What, like a number?

Ross: (entering) Hey!

Chandler: Hi! Bye! (runs to the bathroom)

Ross: Okay, I抦 done with my choices, these are final. (holds up a little card)

Rachel: Well, it抯 about time.

Joey: Ooh, very official.

Ross: Oh, yeah, well y'know Chandler printed it up on his computer.

Monica: And who laminated it?

Ross: That would be me.

Rachel: All right let me see. (grabs the card) Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder, Elizabeth Hurely, Michelle Pfieffer, and Dorothy Hammel?

Ross: Hey, it抯 my list.

Rachel: Okay honey, you do realize she only spins like that on ice.

[Scene: Healing Hands Inc. (Phoebe抯 work), Frank is being ushered in, by the arm, to the room Phoebe is in by another girl.]

Frank: Ow!-Ow!-Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Y'know, ow!

Phoebe: Hey!-Hey! What抯 going on?

Frank: She broke my arm.

Girl: He touched my fanny.

Frank: No, she touched mine first!

Girl: That抯 my job!

Frank: So wait, what抯 the deal here, I can have sex with you, but I can抰 touch you?

Phoebe and Girl: Ewww!!!

Phoebe: You can抰 have sex with her!

Girl: What抎 you think I was, a hooker?

Frank: No, your a masseuse, it抯 cool, I抦 not a cop.

Phoebe: Okay, Jasmine, can you, can you ask Mr. Whiffler if he can wait for like five minutes.

Jasmine: Fine. (starts to leave, and points at Frank) I don抰 like you!! (leaves)

Phoebe: (turns around and hits Frank) So that抯 what you thought I did!! God! That抯 not what I do!

Frank: Wait that抯-that抯, what that抯 not what you do?

Phoebe: Nooo! Why would you think that?

Frank: I don抰 know, I mean, y'know, this is the city y'know, I just, I mean, I don抰 know.

Phoebe: Whatever, it抯 the perfect end to the perfect weekend anyways.

Frank: Oh, wait, no your right, no it was perfect and I can抰 believe that I screwed it up so bad.

Phoebe: You really thought it was perfect?

Frank: Well, no, maybe-maybe it wasn抰 perfect, but y'know it was pretty cool, y'know, 慶ause we had all those great talks y'know.

Phoebe: Yeah, um, which ones in particular were great for you?

Frank: Well y'know about the tongue thing, y'know, and how I told you about my likes and my dislikes...

Phoebe: I don抰....

Frank: How-how I like to melt stuff, and how I dislike stuff that doesn抰 melt.

Phoebe: Right, okay, um-mm.

Frank: Yeah, y'know I feel like I can really talk to you 慶ause y'know you抮e my sister, y'know.

Phoebe: Yeah, I guess I do, yeah.

Frank: Then I go feel your friend up and make you mad at me.

Phoebe: Well, I-I wasn抰 hopping mad, y'know.

Frank: You hopped a little bit. Yeah, I really sorry.

Phoebe: Okay. All right, this is my favourite part of the weekend, right now, this.

Frank: This?

Phoebe: Uh-huh.

Frank: Oh come on we went, we went to Time Square, we found ninja stars, I almost got arm broken by a hooker...

Phoebe: She wasn抰 a hooker.

Frank: Well, when I tell my friends about her she will be.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯, everyone is there, helping to lift the entertainment center into place]

Chandler: Okay, on three. One....Two....

Joey: Why don抰 we just go on two.

Chandler: Why two?

Joey: Because it抯 faster.

Chandler: Yeah, I coulda counted to three like four times without all this 憈wo?talk.

Rachel: Oh!

Joey: All right, but in the future...

Ross: Okay!! Okay!!

Rachel: Come on!

Ross: Heavy thing, not getting lighter!

Chandler: Okay, one...two...

Joey: So we are going on two?

All: All right!! (they lift it into place, however there is one small problem, the unit is so long that it blocks some of both of their bedroom doors.)

Chandler: Oh, good job Joe.

Joey: Wow, it抯 big!

Chandler: Yeah-yeah, so big that it actually makes our doors look smaller!

Joey: Maybe, my ruler抯 wrong.

Phoebe: Maybe all the rulers are wrong.

Joey: Look it抯 not that bad. So what, it blocks a little of your door, a little of my door.

Chandler: Yeah, y'know what I got a better idea. How-how 慴out it blocks none of mine door and a lot of yours? (throws his shoulder into the center to try and move it, but it doesn抰 move.)

Joey: Yeah, listen, before I forget that side is still wet.

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving some guy coffee.]

Rachel: Okay sir, um-mm, let see if I got this right. Ah, so this is a half-caf, double tall, easy hazel nut, non-fat, no foam, with whip, extra hot latte, right? (the guy nods) Okay, great. (she starts to walk away and under her breath) You freak.

(Isabella Rosselini enters)

Ross: (to Gunther) Thank you.

Isabella: (to Gunther) Um, coffee to go, please.

(Ross recognises her and goes over to the couch, mouthing 慜h my God?br>
Ross: Isabella Rosselini. (points to her)

Monica: Are you serious? (they all look) Oh my God.

Ross: Damn! I can抰 believe I took her off my list.

Monica: Why? 慍ause otherwise you抎 go for it?

Ross: Yeah, maybe.

Rachel: Oh-oh, you lie.

Ross: What you don抰 think I抎 go up to her?

Rachel: Ross, it took you ten years to finally admit you liked me.

Ross: Yeah, well missy, you better be glad that list is laminated.

Rachel: You know what honey, you go ahead, we抣l call her an alternate.

Ross: Okay, hold my crawler.

Rachel: Okay.

Monica: Rach, are you really gonna let him do this?

Rachel: Honey, he抯 about to go hit on Isabella Rosselini. I抦 just sorry we don抰 got popcorn.

Ross: (to Isabella) Hi! Hi, I抦 Ross, you don抰 know me, but I抦 a big, big fan of yours. I mean, Blue Velvet, woo-oo hoo! Um, I was wondering if I could um, maybe buy you a cup of coffee? (Gunther hands her change) Or maybe reimburse you for that one?

Isabella: Aren抰 you with that girl over there? (points at Rachel, who waves back)

Ross: Well, yeah, kinda. Um, but that抯 okay, see we have an understanding, um, see we each have this list of five famous people, (gets his out) so I抦 allowed to sleep with you. No, no, no, it抯 flattery.

Isabella: I抦 sorry. (starts to leave)

Ross: Oh no, no, no, wait, wait, Isabella. Don抰, don抰 just dismiss this so fast. I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity...

Isabella: Yeah, for you. Is that the list?

Ross: Um, yeah.

Isabella: May I see it?

Ross: Um, no.

Isabella: Come on! (grabs the list)

Ross: But, okay.

Isabella: (reading it) I抦 not on the list!

Ross: Um, see, but that抯 not the final draft.

Isabella: It抯 laminated!

Ross: Yeah, um, okay see, you were, you were on the list but my friend, Chandler (Chandler waves) brought up the very good point that you are international, so I bumped you for Wynona Rider, local.

Isabella: Y'know it抯 ironic...

Ross: What?

Isabella: ...because I have a list of five goofy coffee house guys and yesterday I bumped you for that guy over there. (points at a guy and leaves)

Ross: (to the rest of the gang) We抮e just gonna be friends.


[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯, they are admiring the entertainment center]

Joey: Y'know what?

Chandler: Umm?

Joey: I bet 憏a ya I could fit in there. (points to a hole in the center)

Chandler: I抳e got five bucks says you can抰.

Joey: Get out your checkbook, mister.

Chandler: Oh, I think I have the cash.

(Joey successfully enters the entertainment center, and Chandler closes the door on Joey.)

Joey: You are dogged man! I totally fit!

Chandler: Yeah, you got me. (picks up a 2x4 and puts it through the handles so that the doors won抰 open) I抦 out five big ones! (puts the money in the crack between the door and frame) Here you go.

Joey: Thank you. Cha-ching! (Chandler starts to leave) Oh, well hello Mr. Lincoln. Better luck next time buddy. (Chandler leaves and closes the door) And the drinks are on me!



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