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老友記第五季The One Hundredth



Hi,你好,我是Phoebe Buffay。 我就要生孩子了。 好的,開始子宮攣縮沒有? 還沒有,恩,聽人說會(huì)很痛,是么? 其實(shí)啊...... 哦,上帝呀! 沒什么大不了的。 你們誰是孩子的父親? 歐,不,他們都不是 孩子的父親是我弟弟。 好的?!!! 我以后會(huì)很懷念你這種嚇唬人的方式的! 好的,Pheebs,快,看這里! 這是日后給出生的孩子看的, 在他們出生之前,你有什么想說的么? Oh,好的,孩子們,你們好! 是我,Phoebe阿姨 真想早點(diǎn)見到你們。 請(qǐng)別弄疼我哦! 嘿,你們?cè)趺锤愕?,這么長時(shí)間? 你們的出租車不是我們的一起離開的么? 恩,我們又回去了一趟,因?yàn)槲彝四猛庖隆?恩,就是。 可是你現(xiàn)在也沒穿外衣呀? MD! 又忘拿了! 好了,我們得把Frank和Alice叫來。 我媽想知道- Joey,你在干嘛?! 在他們出生之前我也要拍呀! Hi, Pheebs。 我們剛和護(hù)士談過, 你的醫(yī)生遲到是因?yàn)?..... 是因?yàn)樗齺聿涣肆恕?什么?! 實(shí)際上她在洗澡的時(shí)候摔破了頭。 哦,天哪,她怎么那么笨! 別急,Pheebs-Pheebs, 一切都會(huì)好沒事的。 你說起來到簡單, 你子宮里又沒有3個(gè)小孩等著出生。 親愛的,聽我說。 知道么?護(hù)士說這個(gè)醫(yī)生很不錯(cuò)的, 他是這個(gè)部門的頭兒。 好吧,歐!上帝,救救我! -怎么了? -我第一次子宮收縮開始了...... 不是吧? Ooh,還不錯(cuò)。 歐!耶!生命的奇跡就要開始了。 嘿,你還好吧? 歐,好疼呀! 心疼我都心疼到這個(gè)地步,你太好了。 哦?是么?我怎么不知道呢。 你好。 你好,Phoebe, 我是Harad醫(yī)生。 我來負(fù)責(zé)給你助產(chǎn)。 我想讓你知道,一切都會(huì)沒事的。 我干這一行好長時(shí)間了。 我等一會(huì)兒進(jìn)來替你檢查一下。 現(xiàn)在,你只需要放松下來就可以了,一切都很順利! 還有,我喜歡Fonzie。 他剛才是不是說他喜歡Fonzie? 聽起來好像是這么說的。 好吧。 嘿!嘿! 我來晚了么?晚了么?還沒生,是么? 還沒,還沒開始呢。Alice在哪兒? 哦,Delaware,她還在路上呢。 她沒來之前,我來當(dāng)你的教練吧。 別緊張,她把一切有關(guān)心理助產(chǎn)的東西都告訴我了。 如果孩子在這個(gè)月底以前出生的話, 他們會(huì)給你2%的財(cái)政補(bǔ)貼。 是吧。 Monica,你應(yīng)該為我驕傲才是! 我剛和兩個(gè)非??蓯鄣淖o(hù)士定了約會(huì)。 Oh 是么? 他們是男的。 我想的可不是。 不管怎樣,他們周六晚上帶我們出去玩。 你覺得怎么樣? 恩,我想可能不行。 什么?你這是什么意思? 是你告訴我要忘了Ross,繼續(xù)向前的。 我向前了,你得和我一起。 你說,給我一個(gè)好的理由,你為什么不去? 恩,要不你給我一個(gè)好理由, 然后我告訴你是不是對(duì)的。 什么? 比聽起來還難懂吧,不是么? 不管,你要和我一起去。 而且我還告訴他們,他們下班的時(shí)候我們還會(huì)在這里 到時(shí)候一起到咖啡廳吃點(diǎn)兒果凍。 耶!總能吃得下果凍的! Joey,你怎么把它弄得這么色情的? 恩,很簡單亞,不管什么我都可以,你看著: 外婆的小雞沙拉。 Ross! 拍一下這個(gè)。 嗨,孩子們! 這是你們出生那天的報(bào)紙頭條新聞。 好了,女孩們轉(zhuǎn)過頭去,男孩們 看看這兒! 這就是你們出生當(dāng)月的裸體封面女郎。 好的,我們直接跳到好東東上面去吧。 Oh,耶,又來了一次。 這個(gè)也不太疼,Ooh,好疼呀。 歐!歐!歐!歐!歐...... 好像沒了...... 嘿,Monica 和Rachel 到哪里去了? 有兩個(gè)護(hù)士約他們出去了,可能和他們?cè)谝黄稹?是么,男的? 是呀,我也很失望! 他們要約會(huì)了么?什么時(shí)候? 好像是周六吧。 他怎么了? 恩,同情的疼, 開始我還覺得他人很好呢, 可是現(xiàn)在我覺得他在搶我的風(fēng)頭。 好的,嘿。 讓我看看你怎么樣了。 你知道么,F(xiàn)onzie和3胞胎約過會(huì)呢。 你一直提到的那個(gè)叫Fonzie的人, 是不是另外一個(gè)醫(yī)生呀? 哦,不是,不是。 Fonzie 是Arthur Fonzerelli的昵稱。 the Fonz。 好吧! 這并不太奇怪,是么? 太奇怪了! 我不想讓別人告訴我 我是個(gè)dilatedamundo! 說實(shí)話,他看上去并沒在模仿Fonzie。 你在干什么? 你干嘛這樣維護(hù)他? 給我找另一個(gè)醫(yī)生! 找個(gè)沒瘋的,也不像Fonzie的來。 其實(shí),他并沒有...... 哦,嘿,原來你在這里。 嗯,聽我說,我想有些事情你應(yīng)該知道。 哦,是不是你和護(hù)士約會(huì)的事情呀? 嗯,Joey已經(jīng)告訴我了,我沒,沒什么呀。 我是說,你和我,其實(shí)什么也不算。 我們?cè)谝黄鹬皇谴蚍〞r(shí)間而已。 嗯,實(shí)際上我正要告訴你,我正準(zhǔn)備 取消約會(huì)的,但是,既然我們只是玩玩而已的話, 也許我真該和他出去。 好呀,說不定我也會(huì)的! 嘿,你們看,我在禮品店里面發(fā)現(xiàn)了什恩恩恩么。 起來,起來,起來! 好的,Phoebe, 這是Oberman醫(yī)生 他對(duì)Fonzie沒有強(qiáng)烈的感覺, 或者其他任何和“快樂的日子” 那一伙有關(guān)系的嗜好。 你好,你現(xiàn)在讀幾年級(jí)了? 哦,實(shí)際上我當(dāng)了一年見習(xí)醫(yī)生了。 不過,我很有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的,我提早畢業(yè)了。 哦,我也是,Ross。 也許我該說明白些,我需要一個(gè)成人醫(yī)生。 嗨,實(shí)際上我很合格的。 別說了,小子。 歐,到底有沒有人知道我就要生孩子了?? 唉!出去吧,出去吧,小伙子! 歐,你真行,把他都弄哭了! Tribbiani先生,恐怕你有腎結(jié)石了。 嗯。 有沒有可能是別的什么呢? 就是腎結(jié)石呀。 或者是? 腎結(jié)石! 好了,就快到了! 嘿,你知道么?這些孩子非常非常幸運(yùn), 是么?為什么? 他們正好在“The Fonz”半個(gè)生日的時(shí)候出生, 生日快樂! 只是說明一下, 我其實(shí)不是Fonzie。 親愛的,我正要告訴你, 我覺得你為Frank和Alice生這些孩子,太可怕了。 我知道,耶! 我能跟你說個(gè)小秘密么? 我想自個(gè)兒留一個(gè)。 Ohh,我要上新聞了。 Okay, Phoebe, 親愛的,你在開玩笑吧! 你知道你不能把他們之中的任何一個(gè)留下。 為什么不行?也許可以呢,而你不知道! 是的,是的,是的,我知道,我知道! Frank 和 Alice 想養(yǎng)育他們所有的孩子。 也許不是這樣呢?你知道么? 說實(shí)話,3個(gè)孩子很費(fèi)事的。 也許,他們正在找機(jī)會(huì)擺脫其中一個(gè)呢。 聽我說,我不想因?yàn)闆]有問而失去這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)。 Phoebe,不,這太荒唐了。 問一下就知道了! 我? 總不能讓我去問吧?你不覺的這會(huì)很不合適么? 我只是想你去和他談?wù)?,可以么?只是,試探一下他! 哦,算了!我不會(huì)去要Frank 把自己的一個(gè)孩子給你的。 你是對(duì)的。 告訴他是為你自己要的! 感覺好些了么?親愛的。 嗯,好一點(diǎn)兒了。 希望你沒看見我吐。 我也是。 嘿,我剛聽說,怎么了? 腎結(jié)石! 一般來說,Tribbiani先生, 我們要用震動(dòng)波震碎這些石頭。 但是它們太貼近膀胱了, 我們要不等你自己把它們弄出來, 要不就是從尿道伸進(jìn)去...... 什么?不不不不不??! 什么也不要伸進(jìn)去,好嗎? 說什么也不行!還有,什么是尿道? 你瘋了么? 你還沒問他么? 沒有,我還沒機(jī)會(huì)單獨(dú)和他談。 可是,我都急死了! 歐!Fonzie。 你知道我一直喜歡誰么?Mork 別說了,別說了,別說了! Fonzie碰到Mork時(shí), Mork酷到讓Fonzie感到可怕。 是的,可是,嗯, Fonzie已經(jīng)很酷了! 所以他沒什么事,對(duì)么? 嗯,那當(dāng)然了。 嘿! 怎么樣了? 醫(yī)生說隨時(shí)可能生。 嘿,你知道么, Alice馬上就來了。 你能不能再幫我一個(gè)忙,比如說: 先忍住別生。 對(duì)不起Frank,我還在上一次幫你忙之中呢。 嘿! Rachel Monica, 這是Dan, 就是我們周六一起出去的其中一個(gè), 嗨!Dan,這是Monica 很高興見到你! 你好,Dan! 我真的好期待周六晚上呀! 好期待,好期待! 嘿,Dan,你是護(hù)士而不是醫(yī)生吧? 好像有點(diǎn)兒女性化的職業(yè),不是么? Chandler! 不,這沒什么的。 我醫(yī)學(xué)院畢業(yè)以后就干了這個(gè)。 哦。 在海灣戰(zhàn)爭期間我也沒感到這只是女人干的活兒呀。 當(dāng)然了! 聽著,順便謝謝你為我們做的一切。 嗯,為什么等到周六,你明天有空么? 當(dāng)然了,我找人代班就是了。 哦,太好了! 你看這樣怎么樣?你和我,周六晚上? 不行! 好的,非常好! 哦,這個(gè)好痛呀,歐!歐!呀! 歐,快把它們弄出來吧! 呼吸,呼吸,忍住痛呼吸! 我要吃藥!Ross,我要吃藥! 我也要!我也要!歐,呀!歐, 呀! 恩,我愛你。再見! 嗨! 是Alice的母親,她說Alice五個(gè)小時(shí)前就走了。 她應(yīng)該馬上就來了。 哦,親愛的,別擔(dān)心,她會(huì)準(zhǔn)時(shí)來的! 耶! 耶! 嘿,F(xiàn)rank, 3個(gè)孩子, 喔,好像太多了一點(diǎn)兒吧? 對(duì)我來說一點(diǎn)兒也不多, 恩,不多就好 好了,只差十公分了! 就要開始生孩子了! 好的,只要孩子的父親留下來,好么! 再見,Dan! 再見,Monica! 再見,momi-moo。 好的,我要一個(gè)夾子,消過毒的毛巾,和31頻道! 那是什么? 哦,上帝呀! 不,不,不!這個(gè)臺(tái)挺好看的! Fonzie 敲著小鼓。 好了,你準(zhǔn)備好了么?要開始了。 你準(zhǔn)備好了么?要使勁尿尿了。 等,等,等,等一會(huì)兒,就快要 使勁尿尿了! 好的,使勁了! 使勁!注意力集中,用勁!加油! 好的! 我看見頭了! 是的,是頭! 好的! 繼續(xù)使勁!加油! 真不敢相信就要有人要從你身體里面出來了! 有人要從你身體里出來了,是么! 是的!是我的兒子! 好的! 這是你的第一個(gè)孩子! 太好了!我們有男孩了!太好了! Frank 二世.二世! 歐!他長得如何!長得如何? 一個(gè)大胖小子! 好的,你準(zhǔn)備好了么?要再使勁了! 我已經(jīng)有個(gè)孩子了,不要了吧! 好的,好的,加油,你能行的,你能行的! 好呀! 小Leslie 出來了!我們又有一個(gè)了! 哦,上帝呀!我不敢相信我有兩個(gè)-兩個(gè)孩子了。 這有多可怕呀! 加油,小Chandler,該你出世了! 加油!小Chandler! 加油! 好的,他出來了!出來了! 嗯?他的小弟弟呢? Chandler是個(gè)女孩! 哦,我的天!幼兒園的噩夢(mèng)又來了。 他們肯定看錯(cuò)B超圖了,因?yàn)?他們認(rèn)為是個(gè)男孩兒。 但是Chandler是個(gè)女孩, Chandler是個(gè)女孩。 好的,繼續(xù)說吧! 我是不是太遲了? 沒有,沒有,一切都很好! 每個(gè)孩子都很健康,一共有30個(gè)手指,還有30個(gè)腳趾。 我們有自己的孩子了!耶! 我們有自己的孩子了! 哦,上帝呀! 你做到了!好兄弟! 想看看它們么? 它們好小?。?我明天給你打電話。 好的! 你真的要和這個(gè)男護(hù)士一起出去么? 嗯,你和我只是玩玩而已, 我想為什么不和他玩玩呢? 嗯,我不知道你有沒有 在字典里查查玩玩這個(gè)詞呢? 我查過, 最精確的定義是: 兩個(gè)朋友,相互喜愛對(duì)方 并有過非比尋常的愛 而且想花更多的時(shí)間在一起。 但是如果你有更新的字典而讓你討厭我的話 那我們就的,你知道的, 以我原來的那個(gè)字典為準(zhǔn)了。 我為此感覺很糟糕。 我覺得你比你自己想的要好的多。 哦?真的么?那么...... 別來這套了! 其實(shí),我也覺得停停了。 那我們是不是和好了? 當(dāng)然了,我要去告訴Dan 我不去了。 -別跳舞! -好的! 我覺得你是我的最愛。 你抱的哪一個(gè)?? 無所謂哪個(gè)。 Hi, Hey, hi! 嗯,F(xiàn)rank 和 Alice 想讓我告訴你,他們還在外面打電話呢。 但是,我是說,你和他們談過了么? 嗯,還沒有,親愛的。 這可得做長遠(yuǎn)打算。 你們能讓我單獨(dú)和這些孩子們呆一會(huì)兒么? 是的,當(dāng)然可以啦。 嘿,你們好。 上次我對(duì)著小盤子里的你們講話的時(shí)候,就像昨天一樣。 他們說,生你們是最困難的??伤麄冨e(cuò)了,同你們分離才難。 你們給了我最大的快樂。 我真希望能把你們帶回家,每天看著你們。 算了,就讓我做你們最好的阿姨吧。 Alice的姐姐也有子宮,不過你們住在我這里。 這太酷了! 我們會(huì)是最好的。 伸出你們的小手。歐!歐!歐! 如果你們想哭的話...... Phoebe, 我們?yōu)槟阕院?!你太了不起? 我知道。 真的跟他們說的那么疼么? 當(dāng)然了,你肯定受不了的。 嗯, 小Chandler竟然是女的, 他們準(zhǔn)備給她起個(gè)什么名字呢? 他們就叫她Chandler呀! 這個(gè)名字太男性化了吧?你們不這么認(rèn)為么? 你都能用呀!

The One Hundredth

[Scene: The Hospital, Phoebe is arriving with Ross, Joey, and Rachel in tow.]

Phoebe: (to the nurse) Hi.

Nurse: Hi.

Phoebe: Hi, yeah, hi! I'm umm, Phoebe Buffay, and I have babies coming out of me.

Nurse: Okay. Have you started having contractions?

Phoebe: Not yet. Umm, I heard they really hurt, do they hurt?

Nurse: Well…

Phoebe: Oh my God!

Ross: It's all right.

Nurse: Now, which of you is the father? (Points to Joey and Ross)

Phoebe: Oh no, none of them are the father. The father is my brother.

Nurse: (not sure what to do with that) Okay…

Rachel: I am so gonna miss watching you freak people out like that!

Joey: Okay, uh Pheebs, quick. Look! This (His video camera) is for the babies to look at someday, so is-is there anything you want to say? Y'know before it all starts?

Phoebe: Oh, okay, umm, hi kids! Um, it's me, Aunt Phoebe. I can't wait to see you. Please don't hurt me!

(Monica and Chandler come running in.)

Ross: Hey, what took you guys so long? Your cab left when ours did!

(There's a pause as they figure out what to say.)

Monica: Well, we-we had to go back because I forget my jacket.

Chandler: That's right.

(Both Rachel and Ross stare at her for a moment.)

Rachel: You-you're not wearing a jacket.

Monica: Oh man! I did it again!

Phoebe: (standing up) Okay, so umm, somebody has to call Frank and Alice. (As she is talking Joey is sticking the camera under her skirt.) And then my mom wants to know-(notices Joey)-Joey, what are you doing?!

Joey: I gotta get the before shot!

(She shakes her head no.)

Opening Credits

[Scene: The delivery room, Rachel and Ross are entering.]

Rachel: Hi, Pheebs? Okay, so just spoke to the nurse and the reason that your doctor is late is because uh, she's not coming.

Phoebe: What?!

Ross: Apparently she fell in the shower and hit her head.

Phoebe: Oh my God, she's so stupid!

Ross: Look, Pheebs-Pheebs, it's gonna be okay.

Phoebe: That's easy for you to say, I don't see three kids coming out your vagina!

Rachel: Honey, listen, y'know what? The nurse said the doctor is wonderful.

Ross: Yeah, he's head of the department.

Phoebe: All right—Ooh! Oh dead God, save me!

Monica: What?

Phoebe: I'm having my first contraction!

Chandler: Oh no.

Phoebe: Ooh, it's not bad.

Chandler: Okay.

Joey: Oh! (In an announcer type voice) And so the miracle of life begins, and aaiiyyyeeee! (He grabs his side and doubles over in pain.)

Chandler: Hey! You okay?

Joey: Ooh, something hurts!

Phoebe: Ooh, it's sympathy pains. Ohh, that's so sweet!

Joey: Are they? I didn't know I cared that much.

(The doctor, Dr. Harad, enters.)

Ross: Hello.

Dr. Harad: Hi! Phoebe, I'm Dr. Harad, I'm going to be delivering your babies. I want you to know, you're gonna be in good hands. I've been doing this for a long time. I'll be back in a minute to do your internal, in the meantime, just relax because everything here looks great. And also, I love Fonzie. (Exits)

Chandler: Did he just say, he loves Fonzie?

Monica: That's what it sounded like.

Chandler: All right…

Frank: (entering) Hey!

All: Hey!

Frank: (To Phoebe) Hey! Am I late? Am I late? Nobody came out yet, right?

Phoebe: No-no-no! We haven't started yet. Where's Alice?

Frank: Uh, Delaware. She's on her way though, so until she gets here, I'm gonna be your coach. But don't worry, she told me all about the la-Mazada stuff.

Chandler: Yeah, that's when if you get the babies out by the end of the month, they give you 2% financing.

Frank: Yeah.

[Scene: The waiting room, Monica and Joey are sitting there.]

Rachel: (entering) Monica? You gonna be very proud of me. I just got us dates with two unbelievably cute nurses.

Joey: Oh my!

Rachel: They're male nurses.

Joey: Not in my head.

Rachel: Anyway, they want to take us out Saturday night! What do you say?

Monica: Umm. (Looks at Chandler who is using the phone.) Umm. Umm. I don't think so.

Rachel: What? What are you talking about?! You-you're the one who's been telling me to get over Ross and move on. I'm moving on, and you're moving on with me. Come on, give me one good reason why you don't wanna go.

Monica: Umm, why don't you give me something that would be a good reason and-and then I'll tell you if it's true.

Rachel: What?

Monica: Harder than it sounds. Isn't it?

Rachel: Okay, you're coming with me, and I also told them that if we're still here when they get off that we'll go down to the cafeteria and have some Jell-O with them.

Joey: (in a sexy voice) Yep! There's always room for Jell-O…

Rachel: Joey, how do you make that dirty?

Joey: Oh, it's easy. Yeah, I-I can do it with anything. Watch uh, (snaps his fingers and in a sexy voice) Grandma's chicken salad…

[Scene: The delivery room, Chandler, Frank, and Ross are with Phoebe.]

Joey: (entering) Ross! Get a shot of this. (He's carrying an issue of the USA Today and hands Ross the camera.) Hey babies! These are the headlines on the day you were born! Okay, now girl baby turn away and boy babies… (Throws the paper away to reveal a copy of Playpen, which is the TV version of Playboy Magazine.) Check it out, huh?! This is what naked women looked like the month you were born. All right, now let's dive right into the good stuff. (Joey opens the magazine and Ross sticks the camera in it.)

Phoebe: Oh, okay, I'm having another one! This one doesn't hurt either—Ooh, yes it does! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ooh! (Checks under the blanket.) Oh, I was kinda hoping that was it.

Ross: Hey, where are Monica and Rachel anyway?

Joey: Oh, a couple of nurses asked them out. Maybe they're with them.

Chandler: Really? Male nurses?

Joey: Yeah, I was bummed too.

Chandler: So they're going on dates? When?

Joey: I think Saturday—(groans in pain again).

Frank: (To Phoebe) What's with him?

Phoebe: Umm, sympathy pains. I thought it was really sweet at first, but now I think he's just trying to steal my thunder.

Dr. Harad: (entering) Okay!

Phoebe: Hey.

Dr. Harad: Let's see what we got here. Ohh, y'know, Fonzie dated triplets.

Chandler: This-this Fonzie person you keep referring too, is that uh, is that another doctor?

Dr. Harad: Oh no-no-no. Fonzie is the nickname of Arthur Fonzerelli. The Fonz.

Chandler: All right.

(Dr. Harad exits.)

Frank: It's not that weird, is it?

Phoebe: It's very weird! I don't want some guy down there telling me, I'm y'know, dilatedamundo!

Ross: To be fair, he doesn’t seem to be impersonating Fonzie…

Phoebe: (interrupting) What are you doing?!! Why are you defending him?! Just get me another doctor! One who is not crazy and who is not Fonzie!

Ross: Again, it's not that he…

(Phoebe fakes pain to get Ross looking for another doctor.)

[Scene: The waiting room, Chandler is looking for Monica.]

Chandler: (spotting her) Oh-hey-hey-hey! There you are!

Monica: Umm, listen there's something I think you should know.

Chandler: Oh, is this about you-you dating the nurse? Yeah, Joey already told me, and I am so-so fine. I mean, you and I we're just, y'know, we're nothing, we're goofin' around.

Monica: Umm, actually I was about to tell you that I was, I was going to get out of it, but hey, if we're just goofing around then uh, maybe I will go out with him.

Chandler: Fine! Maybe I will too!

Joey: (entering from the elevator caring gifts for the kids) Hey, you guys! Look what I found in the giiiiiiift shop. (He doubles over in pain in front an old man in a wheel chair.) Get up! Get up! Get up! (The old man waves him away.)

[Scene: The delivery room, Ross has returned with another doctor. This one, is well, younger.]

Ross: Okay, Phoebe, this Dr. Oberman. He has no strong feelings about Fonzie or any of the Happy Days gang.

Phoebe: Hi! And you're going into what grade?

Dr. Oberman: Umm, I'm actually a first year resident, but I get that a lot, you see, I-I graduated early…

Phoebe: (interrupting) Uh-huh, me too. Ross, maybe I should've specified that I'd be needing a grown up doctor.

Dr. Oberman: Oh no, I'm fully qualified to…

Phoebe: Shh! Doogie, shh! Doesn't anybody understand that I'm gonna be having babies soon? Huh? Go! Go little boy, go!

(He runs out and Frank watches him go.)

Frank: Oh cool! You made him cry!

[Scene: Another hospital room, Joey has now been admitted and his doctor is about to break the bad news to him, Monica, and Chandler.]

Joey's Doctor: Mr. Tribbiani, I'm afraid you've got kidney stones.

Joey: Umm, well, what else could it be?

Joey's Doctor: It's kidney stones.

Joey: Or?

Joey's Doctor: Kidney stones!

[Scene: The delivery room, Dr. Harad is back and checking on Phoebe.]

Dr. Harad: All right, you're getting there. Oh, and y'know, these babies are very, very lucky.

Phoebe: They are. Why?

Dr. Harad: They have the honor of being born on The Fonz's half-birthday.

Phoebe: Happy birthday!

Dr. Harad: Just-just to clarify, I'm not Fonzie. (Phoebe nods in agreement as he leaves.)

Rachel: Honey, y'know I just gotta tell you, I think this is such a terrific thing you're having these babies for Frank and Alice.

Phoebe: I know, it is.

Rachel: Yeah!

Phoebe: Can I tell you a little secret?

Rachel: Yeah!

Phoebe: I want to keep one. (Giggles in excitement.)

Rachel: Ohh, I'm gonna be on the news!

Commercial Break

[Scene: The delivery room, continued from earlier.]

Rachel: Okay, Phoebe, honey, you gotta be kidding. I mean, you know you cannot keep one of these babies!

Phoebe: Why not?! Maybe I can, you don't know!

Rachel: Yes! Yes! Yes, I do! I do know! Frank and Alice are gonna want to keep all of their children!

Phoebe: Maybe not! Y'know? Seriously, three babies are a handful maybe they're y'know, looking for a chance to unload one of them. Listen, I-I hate to miss an opportunity just because I didn't ask! Y'know?

Rachel: Phoebe, no! This is, this is insane.

Phoebe: Oh, just ask him!

Rachel: Me?!

Phoebe: I can't ask him! Do you have any idea how inappropriate that would be?! All I'm saying is just talk to Frank. Okay? Just, y'know, feel him out!

Rachel: No! Forget it! I am not gonna ask Frank to give you one of his kids!!

Phoebe: You're right.

(There's an awkward silence then suddenly Phoebe gets an idea.)

Phoebe: Tell him it's for you.

[Scene: Joey's room, his doctor, Chandler, and Monica are there.]

Monica: Feeling a little better sweetie?

Joey: Well, maybe a little. I wish you hadn't seen me throw up.

Monica: Me too.

Ross: (entering) Hey! I just heard. What's up?

Joey's Doctor: Kidney stones! Now, ordinarily Mr. Tribbiani, we try to break up the stones up with shock waves, but they're to close to the bladder now. Which means we can either wait for you to pass them or else go up the urethra…

Joey: (interrupting) Whoa-whoa! No-no-no-no-no, nothing is going up! Okay? Up, up is not an option—what's a urethra? (Monica whispers what it is in his ear.) Are you crazy?!

[Scene: The delivery room, Rachel and Frank are there.]

Phoebe: (To Rachel) So did you ask him?

Rachel: No, I haven't had a chance to be alone with him yet.

Phoebe: Well, I'm kinda on a clock here.

Dr. Harad: (laughing) Oh Fonzie.

Rachel: Y'know who I always liked? Mork.

(Dr. Harad drops what he's doing and stares at her.)

Phoebe: Undo it. Undo it. Undo it.

Dr. Harad: Fonzie met Mork. Mork froze Fonzie.

Rachel: Yeah, but umm… Yes, but, Fonzie was already cool, so he wasn't hurt, right?

Dr. Harad: Yeah, that's right.

Monica: (entering with Chandler) Hey!

Phoebe: Hi!

Monica: (To Phoebe) How are you doing?

Phoebe: Okay, doctor says any minute now.

Frank: Hey, y'know, Alice is gonna be here so soon, you couldn't just like do me a favor and like, like hold them in?

Phoebe: Sorry Frank, I'm kinda in the middle of the last favor you asked me to do.

(A male nurse enters.)

Male Nurse: Hey!

Rachel: Hi!

Male Nurse: Rachel.

Rachel: Monica, this is Dan (points to him), one of the guys that we're gonna be going out with on Saturday. (Mouths "He's yours." to her.) Uh Dan, Monica.

Dan: Nice to meet you.

Monica: Hello Dan! I'm really looking forward to Saturday night! Really, really!

Chandler: So Dan, nurse not a doctor huh? Kinda girlie isn't it?

Monica: Chandler!

Dan: Nah that's okay. I'm just doing this to put myself through medical school.

Chandler: Oh.

Dan: And it didn't feel so girlie during the Gulf War.

Chandler: Sure. (Pause) And listen, thanks for doing that for us, by the way. (Retreats in defeat.)

Monica: So, why wait 'til Saturday, are you free tomorrow?

Dan: Sure! I'll get somebody to cover my shift.

Monica: Oh, great!

Chandler: (to another female nurse) Hey, how 'bout it? You, me, Saturday night?

Delivery Room Nurse: No.

Chandler: All right. Very good.

Phoebe: Oo, this is a big one. Eww! Arghhhh!!

[Cut to Joey's room, who's going throw his own contractions. Plus, he has Ross in a headlock.]

Joey: Ohh, get these things out of me!

Ross: Breathe! Breathe! Breathe throw the pain.

(Joey starts breathing hard)

Joey: I want the drugs Ross, I want the drugs! (He starts rocking back and forth, taking Ross with him.)

Ross: I do too! I do too!

Joey: Argh!

Ross: Argh!

Joey: Argh!

Ross: Argh!

[Scene: The waiting room, Frank is on the phone as Rachel approaches.]

Frank: Yeah, I love you. Okay, bye! (To Rachel) Hi!

Rachel: Hi!

Frank: That was Alice's mom, she said she left five hours ago. She should be here by now!

Rachel: Oh, honey, don’t worry. She's gonna make it on time.

Frank: Yeah.

Rachel: Yeah. So Frank, three babies. Whew, that just seems like a lot, huh?

Frank: (laughs) Not to me.

Rachel: Yeah, fair enough.

[Scene: The delivery room, later on, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, and Frank are there as Dr. Harad is checking out Phoebe.]

Dr. Harad: Okay, you're at ten centimeters. Time to start having some babies. All right, I want only the father in here please.

(They all kiss her and wish her luck.)

Monica: Bye Dan!

Dan: Uh, bye Monica.

Chandler: Bye, momi-moo.

(Everyone except Frank leaves.)

Dr. Harad: All right, I need a clamp, sterile towel, and channel 31.

Phoebe: What is that?

(Dan turns on the TV and the Happy Days theme song comes on.)

Phoebe: Oh my God!

Dr. Harad: Oh, no-no-no, it's a good one! Fonzie plays the bongos. All right, are you ready? It's time to start pushing.

[Cut to Joey's room, his doctor and Ross are there.]

Joey's Doctor: Are you ready? It's time to try peeing. (Joey makes a face like he is trying to pee.) Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! It's almost time to try peeing. (Points at the bottle Joey is to pee into.)

[Cut to the delivery room.]

Dr. Harad: Okay, now push! That's it push! Just concentrate on pushing! Yeah, here we go!

Dan: I see the head.

Frank: Yes, it has a head!

Dr. Harad: All right. Keep pushing! Come on!

Frank: I can't believe there's somebody coming out of you right now. There's somebody coming out of you! Is it? Is it? It's my son.

Dr. Harad: All right. Here's your first baby.

[Cut to the waiting room, a triumphant Frank rushes in.]

Frank: YESSSSS!!!!! We got a baby boy!!

Chandler: Yes!

Frank: Frank Jr. Jr.!!

Rachel: Oh, how does he look? How does he look?

Frank: So gross! (He runs back to the delivery room.)

[Cut to the delivery room, Phoebe is about to give birth to the middle kid.]

Dr. Harad: Okay. You ready to push again?

Phoebe: I already had a baby. Leave me alone.

Frank: Okay, okay, come on, you can do it. You can do it!

(Phoebe screams in pain, and Frank screams with her.)

[Cut to the waiting room, a twice triumphant Frank returns.]

Frank: Yeah!! Little Leslie is here! We got another one! Oh my God, I can't believe I have two-two children. How scary is that? (He returns to the delivery room.)

[Cut to the delivery room, Phoebe is at it for the last time.]

Frank: Come on little Chandler, it's time to be born. Come on little Chandler! Come on!

Dr. Harad: All right, he's coming. He's coming!

(They both stare at the newborn.)

Frank: Hey, where's his thing?

[Cut to the waiting room, a thrice triumphant Frank returns again.]

Frank: Chandler's a girl!

Chandler: Oh God, kindergarten flashback.

Frank: They musta read the sonogram wrong. 'Cause they, 'cause they thought it was a boy, but Chandler's a girl! Chandler's a girl!

Chandler: Okay, keep saying it!

Alice: (running in from the elevator) Am I too late?!

Frank: No-no ah, everything's okay. Everybody's healthy there's 30 fingers and 30 toes.

Alice: We have our babies?

Frank: Yeah.

Alice: (Starting to cry) Oh, we have our babies.

(They hug. And quickly that hug turns into a heated make out session, right there on the waiting room couch. Chandler, Rachel, and Monica quickly make their exits.)

[Scene: Joey's room, he is recovering from his birth.]

Joey: Oh my God.

Ross: You did it, man.

Joey's Doctor: Would you like to see them? (He hands Joey a little jar.)

Joey: They're so small! (Both he and Ross look at them with satisfied looks on their faces.)

[Scene: A hallway, Monica and Dan are talking.]

Dan: So, I'll call you tomorrow.

Monica: Great!

(Dan leaves as Chandler enters.)

Chandler: So, are you really gonna go out with that nurse man?

Monica: Well uh, you and I are just goofing around, I thought, why not goof around with him.

Chandler: Y'know, I don't know if you've ever looked up the term goofing around in the dictionary… Well, I have, and the technical definition is, two friends who care a lot about each other and have amazing sex and just wanna spend more time together. But if you have this new fangled dictionary that gets you made at me, then we have to, y'know, get you my original dictionary. I am so bad at this.

Monica: I think you're better than you think you are.

Chandler: Really? Okay, so…

Monica: (interrupting) Know when to stop.

Chandler: Y'know, I sensed that I should stop. So we're okay?

Monica: Yeah. All right, I'm gonna go tell Dan that it's not gonna happen. (They kiss and as she starts to leave, Chandler starts to dance. Without turning around.) Don't do the dance.

Chandler: Right!

[Scene: The delivery room, everyone except Rachel is there. Phoebe, Monica, and Ross are holding the babies.]

Monica: I think you're my favorite.

Phoebe: Which one do you have?

Monica: I don't care.

Rachel: (entering) Hi. (To Phoebe) Hey, hi! So uh, Frank and Alice wanted me to tell you that they're still outside making phone calls.

Phoebe: But umm, I mean, did you talk to them about, y'know…

Rachel: Yeah, umm, no honey.

Phoebe: Oh. It was a long shot. Hey, you guys can I just like have a second alone with the babies.

All: Yeah, sure yeah. Yeah.

(They hand her the babies and leave them alone.)

Phoebe: So, here you are. It seems like yesterday I was talking to you in that little petri dish. Everyone said labor was the hardest thing I'd ever have to do, but they were wrong this is. Oh, I had the most fun with you guys! I wish I could take you home and see you everyday. Okay, I'll settle for being your favorite Aunt. I know Alice's sister has a pool, but you lived in me. Okay, so we're cool. Yeah, we're gonna be great. Little high fives! (Imitates the high fives.) Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! (One of the babies begins to cry.) Well, if you're gonna cry. (She starts crying.)

Ending Credits

[Scene: The delivery room, everyone is hanging out with Phoebe. Frank, Alice, and the kids aren't there.]

Monica: Phoebe, we are so proud of you! You're amazing!

Phoebe: I know.

Rachel: So does it really hurt as bad as they say?

Phoebe: Yeah. You won't be able to take it.

Chandler: So uh, now that little Chandler turned out to be a girl, what are they gonna name her?

Phoebe: They're gonna call her Chandler.

Chandler: That's kind of a masculine name, don't you think?

Phoebe: Works on you.



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