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老友記第八季809 The One With The Rumor



嘿,菲比我和我爸今晚一起吃晚餐你要一起來嗎?當(dāng)然啦,他很性感呢哦,不,我和你一起的可以,那我們約定一個(gè)暗號(hào)如果順利的話,你可以先走不,菲比,我要你在那里支持我我還沒有告訴他我懷孕了。喔,為什么?因?yàn)槲抑浪欢〞?huì)為此而抓狂,我不想他發(fā)怒噢,瑞秋,“爸爸別說教”菲比,他是個(gè)可怕的人有一次我抽煙給他發(fā)現(xiàn),他說如果再給他看到我抽煙,他會(huì)讓我吃下整包煙哦好的,我會(huì)和你一起的好了我不會(huì)告訴他,讓他逼你吃掉你的孩子噢,那人是誰我應(yīng)該認(rèn)識(shí)他的不會(huì)的不,你不認(rèn)識(shí)哦,我的天莫妮卡,他是你單身聚會(huì)中的脫衣舞男她的什么?你的秘密單身聚會(huì)你有一個(gè)單身聚會(huì)?她用牙齒解開他的G帶找人制止我說下去!我想我們不應(yīng)該辦單身聚會(huì)我們都認(rèn)為那是個(gè)笨傳統(tǒng)吧!那是個(gè)古老的傳統(tǒng)抱歉他們嚇著我了我什么都不能做那,你應(yīng)該用手把它解開吧這很不公平呢我只想為我朋友辦場好的單身聚會(huì)但,哦,我不被允許只得到一頓無聊的西餐你和那女侍應(yīng)回家了哦,是啊,那晚很過癮呢你居然沒告訴我你知道婚姻的兩個(gè)支柱是公開和坦誠.讓你知道然后讓你咬我的屁股?我點(diǎn)的摩洛哥雞行了沒?哦,我-我不吃肉的那是雞是,我也不吃雞的我永遠(yuǎn)也猜不透你們同性戀那,寶貝,告訴我你有什么事嗎?好,實(shí)際上呢....你的74年份Lafitte紅酒,先生'74年份? 我點(diǎn)的是'75年份.這是很豪華的酒'74象潲水一樣你拿潲水給我干嗎?那是個(gè)很難的問題嗎?你是個(gè)白癡嗎?那是你永遠(yuǎn)是個(gè)侍應(yīng)的原因嗎?那是我告訴經(jīng)理我不再接待你的原因哦,不要那么幼稚了注意到了嗎?他很可怕吧但他說的對'74真的是垃圾這是個(gè)大誤會(huì)我不能告訴他,菲比,我不能,我..瑞秋,不,沒問題的要不這樣我等個(gè)兩年然后讓那孩子告訴他為什么?他會(huì)遷怒于那孩子的啊?嘿,那是...那孩子的問題哦,那侍應(yīng)怎樣了?我怎么知道,我去了洗手間那寶貝,告訴我,你有什么新聞?好..唔... 我得了TiVo什么是TiVo?那是懷孕的俗稱菲比!你真的懷孕了嗎?那,恩,是,也不是去掉不是總的來說,是的父親是誰?哦,不,不要告訴我 是她不,是羅斯的是羅斯,你喜歡羅斯哦,老爸,我希望你能接受這些想想這是好事你將要...這是你第一個(gè)孫子你快要成為爺爺了那倒是真的爺爺,,是啊我要變成爺爺了!哦!那婚禮什么時(shí)候進(jìn)行?恩?什么?婚禮。會(huì)有婚禮吧!小姐,不要告訴我我第一個(gè)孫子是個(gè)私生子瑞秋·卡林·格林 告訴我會(huì)舉行婚禮!2月2日你今天講課很好啊哦,謝謝夸獎(jiǎng)雖然你好象睡著了,,一點(diǎn)哦,不是,合起雙眼有助于集中還有,你知道,吸收是啊,我很多學(xué)生都是這樣的那,我得走的好的,今晚我找你好的,好的,拜拜哦..嘿,再次謝謝你給我看的化石標(biāo)本實(shí)在是太驚人了天啊,你床上工夫一定很好好了,你和羅拉...好一陣了發(fā)展的怎樣很好,發(fā)展的不錯(cuò)我意思是,我們相處的不錯(cuò)她,她很惹火?其實(shí)我想說很可愛,但,o恩o恩...她對瑞秋和那小孩沒意見嗎?恩,我還沒告訴她的我不想嚇跑她,知道嗎?但,你要對她誠實(shí)一點(diǎn)否則事情會(huì)慢慢變的無法挽回的我要拿起那本書扔死你哦,天啊,你太愛我了我對單身聚會(huì)那事很難過所以今晚...你將會(huì)有一個(gè)單身聚會(huì)什么?是啊,我從我工作的人手上得到這個(gè)號(hào)碼我請了一個(gè)脫衣舞娘來給你跳舞我是不是會(huì)被評為最佳妻子?!甜心,那太瘋狂了,我不要什么脫衣舞你能讓她說下去嗎?來嘛。來嘛,那會(huì)很有趣的那讓我好過一點(diǎn)我很感激,但是那有一點(diǎn)奇怪,你知道?我已不再是單身了那就不要當(dāng)它是個(gè)單身聚會(huì)當(dāng)它是..結(jié)婚兩月紀(jì)念日吧當(dāng)然,一年是紙婚,兩月是篝火舞拜托,我很不好過只要看著火辣女郎赤裸裸好啦,好啦!但我不是只為你這樣做啊太好了還有祖兒謝謝--你還想邀請誰呢?恩,不,沒有只有羅斯和喬伊已經(jīng)夠讓人尷尬了哦,實(shí)際上,對不起,我不能參加我今晚要見蒙娜我明白,我不會(huì)要你為了一個(gè)假單身聚會(huì)而取消約會(huì)很抱歉我要取消約會(huì)了,寶貝我很抱歉我不能參加你的“婚禮”了我那天很忙我要給一頭獨(dú)角獸洗禮我知道,我很害怕我不想他對我大呼小叫好象我是...'74 LaTour.那是La Fitte--實(shí)際上'74 LaTour很好喝他來了我要這樣做,我要告訴他,我要堅(jiān)強(qiáng)我剛打了個(gè)電話給我朋友是嗎?我想短期內(nèi)能訂下一個(gè)廣場真的嗎?一個(gè)廣場?哦,老爸哦,我的..好..老爸 我要談?wù)務(wù)堊裁茨兀?甜心不會(huì)有婚禮的羅斯和我不會(huì)結(jié)婚什么?很抱歉,老爸怎么可能!老爸 請冷靜點(diǎn)冷靜!我怎么能冷靜?。窟@很難接受,瑞秋我要知道原因是否那混蛋羅斯不要你?就是這樣,是嗎?是,是,他說我老壞事你對結(jié)婚很緊張?你在干嘛啊?瞧,我們假裝這是真正的單身聚會(huì)吧,好嗎?要知道,在你結(jié)婚之前要尋些樂子好的我無法相信明天是個(gè)大日子看,你感覺怎樣,要知道你...將不能和別的女人在一起了你將會(huì)每天起床看到同樣的臉孔每一天 直到你死亡你說的對~這比較有趣是她 好了 來吧!好嗎好哪個(gè)是叫錢德的幸運(yùn)兒?恩,是 是我是我喬伊·崔比昂尼你的觀眾那 那里是臥室嗎?是的,直走好啦, 隨時(shí)等你準(zhǔn)備好很奇怪呢。她為什么到臥室去呢?我在等著?。∧敲凑f,她是..是 是個(gè)赤裸的妓女我喜歡這里這是從哪里來的?這是從加爾各答來的18世紀(jì)的印度哦,喔那么..你不只有恐龍而已還有好多恩哦!哦 我的天啊哦,天啊 對不起恩 沒事這是個(gè)贗品對不起你以為你能搞過我女兒就算啦?我應(yīng)該殺了你知道嗎?我現(xiàn)在不方便那 來吧!蓋勒,解釋首先你讓我家瑞秋懷孕了你讓瑞秋懷孕了?誰干的?你干的!是是 是我做的 但 但只是一夜情而已那不代表什么哦?是嗎?那就是我女兒的價(jià)值嗎?毫無意義?不 不 她對我很重要我意思說 我緊張她 我愛她什么?哦 不是那種愛 我意思說...我意思是 我沒有愛上她我象對朋友一樣愛她哦 是嗎? 那是你待友之道嗎?你給她麻煩 然后拒絕娶她?嘿,我說過我要娶她什么?但不是我自愿的那 為什么?所以你就花時(shí)間陪這個(gè)賤女人?賤女人?對不起格林醫(yī)生。蒙納蒙納,這是格林醫(yī)生我無法相信那有個(gè)裸體妓女等等 等等可能她兼營妓女和脫衣舞但她不知道應(yīng)提供哪種服務(wù)有可能 我意思是 她是個(gè)脫衣舞娘我們 就這樣放棄吧嘿!你也是個(gè)脫衣舞娘嗎?恩,不 但是我可以假裝是但,那要額外收費(fèi)還有 我能裝成...殘疾的 激烈的....可能莫尼卡給你開個(gè)玩笑看 給她老公請妓女那很好玩呢很好玩可能在我生日那天她要?dú)⑷宋腋掖蛸€羅斯也是其中一個(gè)我意思是 他老是沒空你介意我在這吸煙嗎?哦 那個(gè) 我想...可以 隨便反正我們都要把那個(gè)房間燒掉你怎能隱瞞著我?我正準(zhǔn)備告訴你 但...但 什么?你告訴她你要什么然后拋棄她就好象你對瑞秋一樣嘿,我沒有拋棄瑞秋盡管我們沒在一起哦,恩我能..?干脆讓那機(jī)器回答他吧嘿,羅斯,我是祖兒有個(gè)妓女在這 我想你應(yīng)該知道一點(diǎn)吧不 不 不不 不是!我 我 我 我要暈啦今晚是個(gè)單身聚會(huì),是嗎?是啊 嘿 謝謝你給我那個(gè)女孩的號(hào)碼沒問題那 那是誰的聚會(huì)?。拷o我老公的你給你老公請妓女?她是個(gè)脫衣舞娘不 她是個(gè)妓女是否有時(shí)人們這樣稱呼脫衣舞娘?當(dāng)她們做妓女的時(shí)候哦 天啊 怎么可能我這樣做現(xiàn)在 你完全證實(shí)她是個(gè)妓女她是最出名的,那是我有過最貴的約會(huì)了可能她真的要給你一個(gè)妓女為什么她要這樣做可能她要你學(xué)些什么哈?那 你有沒有什么“弱項(xiàng)”?你知道..性方面?這是最最差的單身聚會(huì)你們怎么這么慢啊?很快很快?很快什么?好啦!好啦!或者,可能你就這樣叫她走為什么是我?嘿,這是你的聚會(huì)啊這是你的責(zé)任看,我不要你快去啊你來你來好,剪刀石頭布來決定吧!什么?讓人懷念呢。我不記得我和你猜過拳啊不不不不不 我懷念和你陷入困境好啦 我們還是在困境中的是的,不過情況沒有那么糟記得嗎?我們以前多么有趣而現(xiàn)在 只是就象有所不同你知道的。。有所不同.我已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了是,當(dāng)然 嘿 不要誤會(huì) 我很為你高興但 我只是.我懷念只是..我們兩人一起的時(shí)光你知道?對,我也懷念對?我告訴你為什么從今以后 我們要騰時(shí)間來兩人相處好的來吧哦 天啊我差這么一點(diǎn)就要?dú)⑺滥銈兞怂羌伺?!她是妓女!她?.好嗎?我們電話里聊過了你爸來過他是個(gè)和藹的人呢哦 不會(huì)吧!我應(yīng)該走了只是到這里 我不想錯(cuò)過你們吵架羅斯 很對不起好的 我保證 我明天解釋清楚到他面前或電子郵件我不管他,我只擔(dān)心蒙納她當(dāng)時(shí)也在 她完全惱怒我了哦 可以 我會(huì)搞定她的她的電子郵件地址呢?瑞秋?好啦!我保證我會(huì)搞定的 我會(huì)跟她說的好的好的謝謝就這樣?你叫這種叫吵架?應(yīng)該“我們分手吧!”“我不要”你們兩個(gè)怎么搞的?很感謝你回來哦你在這是 我很擔(dān)心那會(huì)讓人很不舒服你要知道 蒙納只要聽我說第一 我很抱歉我爸對你呼喝但我聽到你能完全控制住自己你能告訴我怎么辦到的呢?重點(diǎn)!好 恩 但是 好的是 羅斯和我以前常約會(huì)還有 是 我們將會(huì)有個(gè)孩子但我們絕對不會(huì)再在一起我怎么能確定呢?哦 因?yàn)槲覀兌己芎迣Ψ绞前∥乙馑际恰∷加杏珡?qiáng)他妒忌心很強(qiáng)他太執(zhí)著于一些小事試著約會(huì)這個(gè)女人又怎樣但都不能和他善解人意、溫柔、和聰明相比可能你不要碰我好點(diǎn)你知道嗎 我-我只是我不想要卷入一些復(fù)雜的關(guān)系里面我知道 但 蒙納 什么關(guān)系不是復(fù)雜的呢?我是說 我們都有各自的包袱你也一定有你為什么還要孤單一人呢?我要走了我要為你開門嗎?(你要走嗎?)我還沒有確定不如你告訴我這一切?因?yàn)槿鹎镌鯓右膊粫?huì)影響我對你的感覺是的 但 你還是要告訴我我知道 我正要這樣做但....我想你最好從瑞秋的父親口中知道她的事看 我犯錯(cuò)誤了但那只是因?yàn)槲艺娴恼娴南矚g你真的好啦我想你能關(guān)上門了忘了拿手袋哦...你們和好了!他接吻很棒吧,是嗎?我要走啦!我發(fā)誓我不知道她是個(gè)妓女你讓她在這里抽煙啦?她的屁股印還在你祖母的被子上你還要談抽煙的事嗎?你知道嗎?我要這樣做我答應(yīng)過給你一個(gè)脫衣舞娘...現(xiàn)在你有一個(gè)脫衣舞娘了莫尼卡,等等什么?繼續(xù)吧歌:I had to figure outIt's only been a yearI'm, oh, so confidentAnd I ain't going nowhereGo on and let meAnd I'm going to take my time噢 這條褲子太緊了- Let me blow your mind我想我要把它脫下來你不要光用說的行嗎?好的 水手就因?yàn)槟悴粣鬯憔筒缓退Y(jié)婚?噢 你說真相給你爸嗎?大約一個(gè)小時(shí)以前要去看電影嗎?好的讓我告訴你 金錢遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)比愛情持久再見 爸愛情算什么鬼東西?婚姻比愛情重要的多嘿,我已經(jīng)想過我這決定的后果了誰給你權(quán)利去...去死吧!居然有笨蛋在我電話里
809 The One With The Rumor

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting as Rachel enters from her bedroom.]
Joey: Hey Rach listen, did you know that during pregnancy your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back.
Rachel: (looking at her fingers) Oh my…God! Let me see that! (Grabs the book from him.)
Joey: (laughing) You fall for it every time!
Phoebe: (entering) Hey!
Rachel: Hi!
Phoebe: I brought you my old maternity clothes! (Sets a bag on the counter.)
Rachel: Oh Pheebs that’s so sweet—(Grabs a pair of pants)—Ooh, those are so cute!
Phoebe: Yeah! And look, (Grabs the pants) see how they expand as the baby grows? (There’s a stretchy part in front.) And then after the baby’s born, they’re great for shoplifting melons.
Monica: (entering) Oh good you’re all here. Thanksgiving tomorrow, four o’clock. (To Rachel) Oh, guess who I invited. Remember that guy Will Colbert from high school?
Rachel: No.
Monica: He was in Ross’s class…marching band…kinda overweight? Well, really overweight. I mean I was his thin friend.
Rachel: Wow! I don’t remember him. Honey, are you sure you’re not talking about your imaginary boyfriend.
Monica: No that was Jarred! Wow! I haven’t thought about him in a long time… (Stares off into the distance lost in thought.) (Pause) Anyway, umm Will’s, Will’s here on business and he didn’t have a place to go so I invited him here.
Rachel: Oh that’s nice.
Monica: Oh, and by the way, he’s lost a bunch of weight. I mean he looks goo-ood! Okay, I mean really, really gorgeous! (Joey clears his throat.) I still love Chandler.
Joey: I just want you to say it once in a while.
Monica: All right okay, just so you know, I’m not gonna make a turkey this year.
Joey: What?!
Monica: Well Phoebe doesn’t eat turkey…
Joey: Phoebe!
Phoebe: Turkey’s are beautiful, intelligent animals!
Joey: No they’re not! They’re ugly and stupid and delicious!
Monica: All right! Okay, it’s just Phoebe. Will’s still on a diet, Chandler doesn’t eat Thanksgiving food, and Rachel’s having her aversion to poultry.
Joey: She is?
Rachel: Remember I had to leave the room the other day when you had that roast chicken?
Joey: Yeah. But I thought that was because I put the whole thing on my hand and made it walk across the table.
Monica: Anyway, it just doesn’t seem worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. Okay? It’s a lot of work.
Joey: But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! I mean, Thanksgiving with no turkey is like-like Fourth of July with no apple pie! Or Friday with no two pizzas!
Monica: All right fine! If it means that much to you! But just—there’s gonna be a ton left over.
Joey: No there won’t! I promise I will finish that turkey!
Monica: All right, you’re telling me you can eat an entire turkey in just one sitting?
Joey: That’s right! ‘Cause I’m a Tribbiani! (To Rachel) And this is what we do! I mean we may not be great thinkers or world leaders, we don’t read a lot or run very fast, but damnit! We can eat!
Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is watching football, and it’s actually the right game Green Bay at Detroit (although not this year’s), as Monica is getting everything ready.]
Monica: Hey, isn’t weird to think about how next year at this time they’ll be a little baby at the table? (Chandler turns around in horror.) (Seeing him) Rachel’s! But good to know where you’re at!
Phoebe: (entering) Hey!
Monica: Hey!
Phoebe: Happy Thanksgiving!
Monica: You too!
Phoebe: Anything I can do to help?
Monica: Actually there is. Chandler usually helps me with this, but he’s really into the game so I don’t want to bother him. Could you help me fold these napkins? (Hands her a stack of them.)
Phoebe: Sure!
Monica: I’m gonna go across the hall to check on the yams.
Phoebe: Okay. (She starts folding the napkins in half.)
Monica: No! No! No! No sweetie! No! Not like that! We’re not at a barn dance. You’ve gotta—you wanna fold them like swans. Like I showed you at Christmas time, remember?
Phoebe: Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me. (Monica exits.) (To Chandler) So how’s the game?
Chandler: I have no idea.
Phoebe: What?
Chandler: Yeah! I’m just pretending to watch the game so I don’t have to help out with stuff.
Phoebe: I don’t believe you! That is…brilliant! And Monica has no idea?
Chandler: Nope! Every once and a while I just scream stuff at the TV.
(Monica enters and Chandler screams stuff at the TV.)
Monica: Is your team winning hon?
Chandler: Yeah! Anderson just scored again! (To Phoebe) There’s no Anderson.
Phoebe: Well I want to get in on this. Hey Mon? I don’t think I can help you after all, I didn’t realize this game was on.
Monica: Oh, I didn’t know you liked football.
Phoebe: Well normally I don’t, but y’know…(looks at the TV)…Green Bay is playing.
Monica: You like Green Bay?
Phoebe: Well it’s only like my favorite bay! {Actually, it’s not bad. It just gets a little cold in winter, but in Wisconsin winter only lasts from August to June. J }
(Phoebe joins Chandler on the couch as there is a knock on the door which Monica answers.)
Monica: Hey!
Will: Hey!
(Oh, I should point out that the live studio audience at this point goes absolutely wild. And I had absolutely no idea that this Will character was that popular! Maybe they should make him the seventh friend. Which would work out just fine since he’s already married to one of them. Will is played by some guy named Brad Pitt, I guess he’s some sort of actor.)
Will: Happy Thanksgiving!
Monica: Aww thanks! God Will I’m so glad that you came! You look great! You must’ve lost like…
Will: 150 pounds. Yeah, I’m gonna be in one of those Subway sandwich commercials.
Monica: A pie! (Will brought a pie.)
Will: Oh right. All right, it’s no fat, it’s no sugar, it’s no dairy…it’s no good. Throw it out.
Monica: You wanna meet some people? This is uh; this is my husband Chandler. Chandler, this is Will.
Will: Hey.
Chandler: Oh hey. I’d shake your hand but uh; I’m really into the game. Plus, I think it’d be better for my ego if we didn’t stand right next to each other.
Monica: This is Phoebe.
Phoebe: (nonchalantly glancing) Hey. (Turns back around.) Wow! (Looks up.) Well done.
Monica: (to Will) Wanna give me a hand?
Will: Sure! Monica, I can’t get over how great you look! You look stunning!
Monica: Well you look incredible too! You’re just—you’re so fit!
Chandler: I’m watching the game, but I’m not deaf!
Monica: Oh umm, I meant to tell you, Ross is coming.
Will: Ross is coming. Great! I love Ross!
Monica: Good. And Rachel Green too. (Will stops suddenly.)
Will: Oh.
Monica: Is there a problem?
Will: Nope. Uh, it’s okay. It’s just uh, God I hated her.
Monica: What?
Will: Yeah, I hated her. She was horrible to me in high school. But hey, it was a long time ago, I’m in a good place, it might be actually fun to see her again. You got any cakes or cookies or something? (Starts looking.) No Will no!
Chandler: (To Phoebe) Y’know, it’s been a while since we’ve screamed something. Maybe we should.
Phoebe: Oh okay.
Chandler: Oh come on!
Phoebe: Noooo!! Damn you ref! You burn in hell!!!
(Joey enters eating potato chips.)
Monica: Hey, what are you doing? You gotta save room, you’ve got almost an entire turkey to eat.
Joey: Let me explain to you how the human body works. I have to warm my stomach first. Eatin’ chips is like stretching.
Monica: All right.
Joey: Don’t worry, Tribbianis never get full.
Will: I actually know what you’re talking about. I’m here to tell you something my friend, you can eat and eat and eat but nothing will ever fill that void.
Joey: (To Monica) Who the hell is this guy?
Monica: Will! From high school.
Joey: Oh hey!
Monica: (to Will) Joey.
Will: Hello.
Ross: (entering) Will!
Will: Ross!
Ross: Hey-hey you came! Man you look incredible! Hot stuff! (They hug and Ross realizes what he said.) Hot stuff?
Will: It’s good to see you man.
Ross: Yeah, you too. Man, so-so what are you up to?
Will: I’m a commodities broker.
Ross: Really? Yeah that-that sounds interesting.
Will: Yeah, it’s not. But I’m rich and thin.
Ross: Oh! Man I don’t think I’ve seen you since uh, Lance Davis’ graduation party.
Will: That was such a fun night!
Ross: Yeah. It would’ve been good if we had gotten in, but still real fun.
Will: Yeah.
Ross: Yeah.
Will: God we were lame back then. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were?
Ross: (laughs) Yeah.
Will: So what do you, what do you do now?
Ross: So how long are you in town?
Rachel: (entering, carrying a baking dish) Hi!
Monica: Hey sweetie. Oh good. (Takes the baking dish from her.)
Will: (glaring at Rachel) Rachel Green.
Ross: Aw—oh, that’s right. Are-are you gonna be okay?
Will: Oh, I’ll-I’ll be fine. Just God I hate her Ross! I hate her!
Ross: Will, high school was-was a long time ago.
Will: Look at her standing there with those yams! My two greatest enemies Ross: Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates.
Rachel: (sees Will) Oh my God Monica, who is that?
Monica: That’s Will from high school!
Rachel: Oh! I do not remember him! Wow! He's really got that sexy, smoldering thing going on. (We see Will angrily staring at Rachel.) Oh my God, he’s… Look at the way he’s just staring at me. I think he’s trying to mouth something to me, but I can’t make it out. (Will mouths, "I hate you.")
Monica: Okay, dinner’s ready!
Chandler: Good game!
Phoebe: Yeah.
Chandler: Yeah. Solid effort. Solid effort.
Monica: Oh, so who won?
Phoebe: (simultaneously) Green Bay.
Chandler: (simultaneously) Detroit.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: Well the Lions technically won, but it was a moral victory for the Green Bay…Mermen.
(They sit down at the table and Will goes to talk to Rachel.)
Rachel: Hi! Will, right?
Will: Right.
Rachel: Hi! I’m Rachel Green.
Will: Oh I-I remember you.
Rachel: Really?! Aren’t you sweet! I gotta tell you though, I am, I am having the hardest time placing you. Oh-oh hang on! Did we umm, did we fool around at Lance Davis’ graduation party?
Will: You are unbelievable.
Rachel: Thank you!
Monica: (breaking it up) Uh Rachel? Rachel, why don’t you sit here? (Next to Joey) And Will you sit way over there. (The other side of the table.)
(Monica sets something on the table and removes the cover. It kinda looks like turkey.)
Joey: That’s it?! Even if nobody helps me I can eat that no problem. At least give me a challenge!
Monica: (laughs) This is Chandler’s chicken. This is the turkey. (Sets down a huge turkey.)
Joey: (quietly) Oh. How-how big is that?
Monica: About nineteen pounds.
Joey: (To Rachel) It’s like me when I was born.
Rachel: All right, who would uh, like some yams? Will?
Will: Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t ya?
Rachel: What? (Joey starts offering Ross some turkey.) Oh y’know what? Can we please keep the chicken and the turkey and everything on the other side of the table? The smell is just yuck!
Will: (sneeze talks) Typical.
Rachel: I’m sorry. What?
Will: I said it was typical. Typical of you, Rachel Green, Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in little Rachel land. (Does a fake hair flip.)
Joey: (To Monica) Seriously, who is this guy?
Rachel: Umm, I’m sorry. Do you-do you have a problem with me?
Will: I don’t know? Do I? Do I?
Phoebe: I think you do.
Monica: (To Rachel) Apparently you were umm, a little mean to him in high school.
Will: A little mean? You made my life miserable!
Rachel: I’m-I’m—I had no idea. I’m sorry. I…
Will: Well you should be. Screw it! Bring on the yams!
Monica: Oh Will. But you-you’ve worked so hard…
Will: Yams!!!!
Monica: Okay. (Chandler grabs the dish from Monica and hands it to Will who starts dishing out a large helping.)
Rachel: Uh Will umm, I just want to say that I’m real sorry for whatever I-I did to you in high school…
Will: Oh, it wasn’t just me. We had a club!
Rachel: You had a club?!
Will: That’s right, The I Hate Rachel Green Club!
Rachel: Whoa! My God! So what, you all just joined together to hate me?! Who else was in this club?
Will: Me and Ross. (Points at Ross.)
Ross: No need to point, she knows who Ross is.
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, scene continued from earlier.]
Rachel: (To Ross) So you were in an I Hate Rachel club?
Will: Yes he was. (Holds up his hand for a high-five.)
Ross: No. No.
Rachel: So who else was in this club?
Ross: Uh actually, there-there was also that exchange student from Thailand but I-I don’t think he-he knew what it was.
Rachel: So Ross, we went out for two years, and you never told me you were in an I Hate Rachel club.
Will: You went out with her?! We had a pact!
Ross: That was in high school! It’s not like it was binding forever.
Will: Then why did it have the word eternity in it?
Rachel: Okay Monica, did you know about this?!
Monica: I swear I didn’t. (To Ross and Will) Hey! Is that why you guys used to go up to your bedroom and lock the door?
Ross and Will: Yeah.
Monica: Hmm, a little relieved, I gotta say.
Ross: Look Rach I-I’m sorry, okay? I…I was a stupid kid, okay? The only reason I joined…
Will: Co-founded!
Ross: …co-founded. Co-founded the club was because I was insanely in love with you. Obviously I didn’t handle it very well. But if you think about it the I Hate Rachel Club was really the I Love Rachel Club.
Will: Uh, except that it was really the I Hate Rachel Club.
Rachel: Okay. So what? You guys would just like get together and like just say mean things about me?
Will: Well, we did a little more than that.
Ross: No-no! No-no. No-no.
Phoebe: What?! What else did you do?
Will: We started a rumor.
Rachel: What rumor?
Phoebe: Oh, come on Will! Just take off your shirt and tell us!
Rachel: Ross!
Ross: It was no big deal. We-we…said that the rumor was…that umm…you had both…male and female reproductive parts.
Rachel: What?!
Will: That’s right! We said your parents flipped a coin, decided to raise you as a girl, but you still had a hint of a penis.
Rachel: (shocked) Oh my God!
Monica: You started that?!
Rachel: What?! You heard that?! (Goes and stands behind Joey.)
Monica: Everyone at our school heard it!
Chandler: Everybody at my school heard it! You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader from Long Island?!
Rachel: Oh no!!!! Oh my God!! This is all making so much sense to me now! This is why Adam Carter wouldn’t go out with me! This is why Billy Tratt would just stay in this region! (Motions to her breasts.) (Joey has turned around.)
Ross: Actually, Billy Tratt is gay now. So-so that one’s not really our fault.
Rachel: Monica, how come you never told me this?!
Monica: I thought it might be true. And I was afraid that you were gonna cry and then show it to me.
(Joey is now looking at Rachel, and since Rachel’s standing and he’s sitting down and he’s not looking at her face… You get the picture.)
Rachel: Joey stop staring! There’s nothing there! It’s not true!
Joey: I’m afraid I’m gonna need proof.
Rachel: Oh! (Hits him and storms out.)
[Time Lapse, dinner has ended for everyone except Joey who looks like to have finished the turkey, until he turns the plate around and reveals he only ate one side.]
Joey: You are my Everest.
Monica: Joey, you don’t have to finish that.
Joey: Oh yes I do. Otherwise what’s next? Today I’m just a guy who can’t finish a turkey, but tomorrow I’m the guy who eats half a Powerbar, wraps up the rest, and puts in the fridge? No! No, I just…I just—I gotta change my pants. (Gets up and heads for the door.) Jeans have no give. (Exits.)
Rachel: (entering carrying a book) Okay! Okay! Listen to what Sean McMahon wrote in my yearbook senior year, "Dear Rach, you’re such a good person." Not girl! Person!
Ross: Rach, I think you’re reading a little too much into it.
Rachel: (reading what he wrote again) "Dear Rach, you’re a great person. Sorry about your tiney-wienie." (Will laughs.)
Ross: Look, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to call everyone in the entire school and tell them it wasn’t true?!
Rachel: Yes!
Will: Could you also tell them I’m skinny now?
Monica: Oh! Me too!
Ross: Well look-look I’m not calling anybody! Okay? It was like a million years ago!
Rachel: I don’t care how long ago it was! You told people that I was half and half! Y’know what? I just want to point out I never did anything to hurt you in high school.
Monica: That’s not totally true.
Rachel: What?
Ross: What?
Monica: Well you-you did start that rumor about Ross making out with Mrs. Altman, our 50-year-old librarian.
Ross: (shocked) (To Rachel) How did you know that?!!!!
Monica: It’s true?!!
Ross: No.
Rachel: Yes it is! I saw you guys going at it behind the card catalog!
(Ross is at a loss for words.)
Will: Mrs. Altman? She also made out with Takaka Ci-Kek the night before he went back to Thailand.
Chandler: I’m sorry. When you were in high school you made out with a 50-year-old woman?
Ross: Hey! She didn’t look 50!
Chandler: Did she look 16?
Rachel: Ohh, there’s a picture of her in the yearbook actually.
Phoebe: Oh! (They all look.) Wow!
Ross: She didn’t photograph well!
Chandler: Well, she probably wasn’t familiar with the process having spent most of her life sitting for oil paintings!
Phoebe: So how did this happen? Did she, did she lure you to an early bird dinner?
Ross: I was working late in the library one afternoon. It was just the two of us. She needed some help with her word jumble. And one thing led to another. If you must know, Anita was very gentle and tender. May she rest in peace…
Monica: Didn’t she walk with a cane?
Ross: Only when it was damp!! (To Rachel) I can’t believe you-you told people about this?! Everybody knew?! Y’know what? (To Will) I’m back in the club!
Will: Yeah! (They high-five.)
Phoebe: I wanna join!
Rachel: Wh—Phoebe!!
Phoebe: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I never got to be in a club. I-I didn’t go to high school, but three of us would meet behind a dumpster to learn French. Bonjour.
Rachel: All right, y’know—Fine! You guys have your stupid little club, but I would just like to say is what you did to me is way worse than what I did to you! You gave me a tiney-wienie! (Will laughs.)
Monica: All right, listen you’re just being silly. Rachel, even with that rumor you were one of the most popular girls in school and everyone wanted to be like you. One girl wanted to be like you so much she stuffed her pants with a Tootsie Roll!
Rachel: Wow…
Monica: And Ross, if it weren’t for Rachel’s rumor I mean no one in high school would even know who you were. She put you on the map!
Ross: As a romancer of the elderly.
Monica: Hey! Mrs. Altman was the kind of woman you could tell she used to be pretty.
Ross: The eyes…did still sparkle.
Monica: Hey guys this stuff is just so way in the past. You-you’ve been through so much since then. And right now you’ve got so much more important stuff going on in your life. Can’t you just let this go?
Rachel: She’s right.
Ross: Yeah. I mean we are having a baby together.
Will: Hold on! You got her pregnant?
Ross: Yeah.
Will: Are ya getting married?
Ross: Nope.
Will: So you knocked her up but you’re not gonna marry her. Dude! (Wants another high-five and Ross ignores him.) Anybody?
Phoebe: Okay. (Goes over and hugs him.) It’s exactly how I’d imagined it would be.
Joey: (entering, wearing the maternity pants from earlier) All right where’s that turkey!
Phoebe: Joey! Those are my maternity pants!
Joey: Not now! These are my Thanksgiving pants!
Closing Credits
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Will has left and the rest of the gang is watching Joey finish the turkey.]
Joey: Well that’s it. I’m done. Whew! (Wipes his forehead.) There come the meat sweats. (Chandler hands him a towel and he wipes his face.)
Monica: Well Joey, we’re all…we’re all very proud of you.
Chandler: Yes, I believe we can expect a call from the President any moment now.
Phoebe: Is there anything we can do for you?
Joey: No just, nobody press on my stomach.
Rachel: You can keep those pants by the way.
(Joey notices Monica has gotten a pie.)
Joey: Whoa—hey—wh-wh-what do you got there? What is that? Pie?
Monica: Yeah, you want some?
Joey: Ah, just cut me a little sliver. (Monica prepares to cut a little sliver.) A little bigger. (Monica prepares to cut a bigger piece.) Little bigger. (Monica moves the knife again.) What?! Are you afraid you’re gonna run out?! Cut me a real piece!

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