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成長(zhǎng)的煩惱第四季Growing Pains 420 Second Chance




Ben: Citizens run for you lives. The monster lives. Its geekzilla. Hey!
Mike: No, its geek spit, geek spit. He Ben, you've been contaminated.
Carol: Mike!
Mike: And besides Carol, shouldn’t you be saving your drool for your date tonight?
Jason: Will you just stop bothering your sister.
Maggie: In fact, if you are both through with dessert, why don’t you just clear out of the
Ben: Mum, if I clear out of the kitchen, I won’t be able to get Carols boyfriend on tape.
Carol: Sandy is not my boyfriend.
Maggie: He's not?
Jason: Well but from the amount of time you've been spending with...
Carol: He has never said that I’m his girlfriend, so I’m not going to say that he’s my boyfriend
first. I mean, if he hears that I think he's my boyfriend, and he doesn’t think that I should
think that I’m his girlfriend, I’d sound pretty silly wouldn’t I?
Mike: Hope you're rolling on that one Ben.
Sandy: Hi.
Carol: hello.
Mike: Hello.
Maggie: Mike!
Mike: Hey, I was just being polite. How do I look Bennie?
Ben: Great.
Mike: Yeah. Camera loves me.
Jason: How are you this evening Sandy?
Sandy: Fine Doctor Seaver, and yourself?
Jason: All very good. So, do you two have something fun planned tonight?
Carol: Dad!
Maggie: Jason!
Jason: Oh, I’m sorry. Ok, it’s none of my business. I'm only the father here. Go ahead Sandy,
take my daughter, go anywhere and do anything. Enjoy.
Sandy: Wow, thanks.
Jason: I was kidding Sandy.
Sandy: So was I sir.
Maggie: Can you two stay for dessert before you go?
Sandy: Oh that would be..
Carol: Terrible mistake. I mean we're going to a party and there is going to be lots of very fine
dessert served. Right Sandy?
Sandy: Uh, right.
Carol: And we should go right now before all the best desserts are eaten. You know how I love
Mike: Sure do.
Jason: You'll be home by midnight?
Carol: Uh hu.
Mike: You know it’s a very wise thing sandy, cos uh, carol turns into a porker at midnight.
Carol: I said let’s go.
Mike: Hey Ben, come on. Something really embarrassing could happen on the way to Sandy’s
car and it would be a shame not to get that on tape.
Ben: You're right.
Maggie: You know Jason, I’ve really gotten to like Sandy.
Jason: Uh hu.
Maggie: He's polite, he's bright, he's ideal for Carol.
Jason: Uh hu.
Maggie: You know I bet no matter how perfect the guy was that she brought home, you'd still
be suspicious.
Jason: Uh hu. Sure glad they didn’t get that on tape.
Ben: Cut!
Sandy: Mike was wrong.
Carol: What?
Sandy: At midnight you turn into a sex maniac.
Carol: I should go.
Sandy: Oh. Yeah.
Carol: Ok, you talked me into it. I'll stay one more minute.
Sandy: That’s me. One smooth talker.
Carol: Shut up sandy. I had such a wonderful time tonight.
Sandy: Me too.
Carol: You know I’ve never been to a college party before.
Sandy: They're not much different than high school ones. Just more people with facial hair.
Carol: Guys.
Sandy: If you're lucky.
Carol: And that restaurant was so romantic.
Sandy: Shindigs? It’s a bar with sawdust on the floor.
Carol: Well yeah. They didn’t card me. I guess I look older when I’m with you.
Sandy: It’s probably the bare shoulders. Listen carol, I know its probably short notice, but
there's this Deans List Luncheon tomorrow and, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?
Carol: Oh, I’d love to. But my whole family is going into the city to have brunch with my
grandma and her fiancée. I've got o be there. I mean if I don’t show up, I’ll be dead.
Sandy: Oh right. Ok, well I understand. Just would have been kind of nice to have my
girlfriend there with me.
Carol: Girlfriend?
Sandy: Yeah.
Carol: I'll be dead.
Sandy: Hu?
Carol: I mean I’ll work it out. I'll talk to my parents. I'd hate to miss something that my
boyfriends invited me to.
Sandy: Great. You know....
Sandy: I sure do, and that’s why I’m going in. On the other hand (kiss)
Ben: Oh nuts!
Carol: Ben!
Ben: Just as its getting hot, I ran out of tape.
Carol: You little donut eating scum. You give me that tape back right now.
Ben: Shhhh! You wouldn’t want to wake mum and dad up, would you? Especially not at twelve
forty six in the morning.
Carol: If that tape is not in my hands in three seconds, I’m going to wake mum and dad and
tell them where dads missing medical journals are.
Sandy: And I’m pretty sure I don’t have them.
Carol: One. Two..
Ben: Nuts.
Carol: Thank you.
Ben: You know, you take all the fun out of being your little brother.
Carol: Good. Get inside this instant.
Ben: Fine.
Sandy: Ah, could I borrow that cassette?
Carol: Mum, I can explain.
Maggie: Explain what?
Carol: Why its way passed midnight and I’m just getting in.
Maggie: Oh, is it that late?
Carol: You didn’t notice?
Maggie: No, I’m completely unaware that its forty seven minutes passed twelve.
Carol: Well you see I can explain why I’m coming home late.
Maggie: You didn’t come home late. You just came in late. You were on the porch by eleven
fifty two. Right when I sent your dad up to sleep.
Carol: You knew I was outside the whole time?
Maggie: Uh hu. Is Ben still out there?
Carol: Well he ...
Maggie: Climbed up the trellis?
Carol: Yeah.
Maggie: What happened? Did he run out of tape?
Carol: Do you guys know everything we do?
Maggie: Mike trained us very well.
Carol: So, am I punished.
Maggie: Well that depends. How are you going o explain coming in late?
Carol: Well, we were just talking. Or mostly talking. You want to see the video tape?
Maggie: No. Well, no, no.
Carol: Well can I go to bed?
Maggie: Sure.
Carol: Thanks mum.
Maggie: Did I mention that I ran into Mrs. Kussman today?
Carol: No.
Maggie: Yeah. She must have gone on about an hour bragging about how she and her
daughter have no secrets. How they talk about everything, and I of course said...nothing.
Carol: You want to talk?
Maggie: No honey. Not if you are too tired.
Carol: Mum, does this guilt stuff work with Mike?
Maggie: Like a charm.
Carol: Ok. Well what do you want to talk about?
Maggie: Guess.
Carol: Yes mum. I really like sandy.
Maggie: Oh, he seems like such a nice boy.
Carol: Oh he is. And tonight, he called me his girlfriend.
Maggie: Oh Carol, that’s wonderful.
Carol: Mum, I know I’ve liked other boys before, but..its never been like this. I mean I’ve
thought it was like this, but now I just see I was being a silly teenager.
Maggie: And now you are a..
Carol: mature teenager.
Maggie: Of course.
Carol: And mum, he's on the deans list.
Maggie: I didn’t know that.
Carol: he asked me to go with him to meet the dean.
Maggie: Oh Carol honey. This is serious.
Carol: Yeah. But its tomorrow. So can I miss the brunch with Grandma Urma and Wally?
Unless you want me to risk alienating a boy we both agree is...very right for me.
Maggie: Does this guilt stuff work with your dad?
Carol: Like a charm.
Jason: We were having a nice brunch at a nice restaurant. That noise was totally
Ben: Well in some countries it's considered the highest compliment.
Mike: Yeah, well find out where and go there.
Ben: Wally laughed.
Jason: Yeah, well that’s because Wally's..
Maggie: Going to be your step grandfather very soon.
Carol: Don’t anybody touch that phone.
Jason: Carol, what are you doing here?
Carol: Alright, Sandy is two and a half hours late. Must you rub it in. That phone has not rung
once since you left the house. Are you happy now?
Ben: Oooh. Let me go get the camera.
Mike: So. Carol. Any messages?
Maggie: Mike.
Mike: Hey, if I didn’t say that, it wouldn’t have been me.
Carol: And I would have been fine. Alright, is there any chance that the phone might be
Jason: I don’t think so. I can call the phone company and check.
Carol: No. Sandy might call and get a busy signal.
Jason: Honey, we have call waiting.
Carol: Well not if the phone is broken.
Jason: And we won’t find out if I don’t call.
Carol: Why are these men tormenting me?
Maggie: Jason.
Jason: What, I just.. Alright. Come on Mike. I say you and I ought to head on into the living
room. Think that’s the best idea for everybody. Especially everybody wearing boxer shorts.
Mike: Dad, are they all crazy?
Jason: I'll tell you....No!
Carol: I know why sandy hasn’t called. I mean, he just didn’t mean to call me his girlfriend
yesterday and he's trying to figure out an easy way to let me down. Well, I’ll show him. When
he calls, if he calls, I’ll refuse to talk to him. That swine.
(Phone rings)
Carol: Hello Sandy. Sandy!
Ben: Carol, over here. Looking for this?
Carol: Ben!
Maggie: Ben, that's enough. Carol why don’t you pick up the call in the living room.
Carol: Hey!
Mike: Looking for this?
Carol: Yeah.
Mike: What’s the magic word?
Carol: Mike!
Mike: That’s it.
Ben: Great stuff mike.
Carol: Hello Sandy. Dugg. What? How bad is Sandy hurt? Really. Yeah. Ok. That was Sandy’s
room mate. Sandy was in a car accident last night and hurt really bad.
(At the hospital)
Carol: Dug!
Dugg: Carol.
Carol: How is he?
Dugg: Well this doc said he's not out of the woods yet, but I don’t get it. I mean he seems ok
to me. Oh sure, he's banged up and everything, but we were just talking, even joking. He said
that I look worse than he does. Probably do. I mean like Sandy said, at least he got some
sleep last night. Look, I’ll be honest with you. I've been here since three am. I've had fifteen
cups of coffee. Are you Carol’s parents?
Maggie: Yes. Maggie Seaver.
Dugg: Hi.
Jason: Jason Seaver.
Dugg: Hi. Dugg Wallet. Sandy's room mate. Nice to meet you.
Jason: Yeah. I'll see what I can find out.
Carol: My dad's a doctor.
Maggie: Are his family here?
Dugg: No, no. His folks are out of town. I talked to his dad. He said they're flying back and
supposed to be here tonight.
Carol: Can I see him?
Dugg: Maybe, if you play your cards right. Carol, see they only let relatives in to intensive care.
I told this nurse, who by the way looks exactly like Larry Bud Melmum, that uh, I was Sandy's
brother, so you could just tell her you're his sister. Alright, I'll go get her. Anyone beside me
need some coffee?
Maggie: I think you should get some food too Dugg.
Dugg: Food. Great idea.
Carol: I still can’t believe this is happening mum. I mean Sandy's going to be ok. He's got to.
Maggie: We will all think good thoughts sweetheart.
Carol: He missed the Deans luncheon today. He's really going to be upset.
Jason: They tell me Sandy's hemoglobin is stable at this point.
Maggie: What does that mean?
Jason: Well, that means he's alright for now.
Maggie: Honey, sometimes a friendly face can do more good than any medicine can. Right
Jason: Right.
Nurse: You're friend, Mr. Coffee, tells me someone's here to see Sandy Calison.
Carol: Yes, I am. I'm his sister, these are my parents and they'll vouch for me.
Nurse: So, you're Sandy's parents.
Carol: No. Oh. Alright, I’m not very good at lying.
Nurse: We restrict visitors to immediate family.
Carol: I'm his fiancée.
Jason: Fiancée!
Carol: It’s true.
Maggie: She's not lying.
Jason: You have our word.
Nurse: You're still her parents?
Jason: I think so.
Maggie: Look, we ought to know if our daughter is engaged.
Nurse: Follow me. Now remember, this has to be quick.
Carol: Sandy.
Sandy: Carol.
Carol: Hi.
Sandy: hi. You'll forgive me if I don’t get up.
Carol: well, you don’t look so bad.
Sandy: well, to tell you the truth I don’t feel so hot. I got so many tubes and wires in me. I
got HBO now.
Carol: Are you in a lot of pain?
Sandy: Not as much as I’m going to be in when my dad gets here.
Carol: Sandy, I am so sorry this happened to you.
Sandy: Carol, don’t worry. I'm going to be ok. My car on the other hand, that’s who you
should worry about.
Carol: What happened last night?
Sandy: Well this big tree ran right out in front of me. And I’m going to be charged with drink
Carol: But I don’t understand. I mean it’s not like we had that much to drink.
Sandy: I know. I mean there've been plenty of times I’ve put away a lot more than that, and
nothing happened. I guess I just ran out of luck last night.
Carol: Are you kidding? I mean when you think of what could have happened. You were really
lucky. So you lost a car. The important thing is that you are going to be alright. You got a
second chance now and you are never going to do anything like that again. Right?
Sandy: Right. Listen, could you do the talking when my dad gets here? I mean you could
probably get me a new car.
Carol: So how long do they say they are going to keep you here?
Sandy: I don’t know. The nurse says these internal injuries can be pretty tricky. Don’t you
think she looks a little like..?
Carol: Larry Bud Milmen. Yeah. You know Sandy, I didn’t know how much I liked you until I
found out you were hurt. Maybe that’s hwy it happened. I mean they say everything happens
for a reason. Right. I mean maybe this accident was a good thing for both of us. Sounds dumb,
doesn’t it?
Sandy: No. But now that you've found out that I’m going to be ok, do you like me any less?
Carol: I'm thinking.
Sandy: So, have you ever kissed a guy with tubes up his nose before?
Carol: Up his nose, no.
Sandy: Careful, they are monitoring my heart rate.
Carol: Can I get you anything?
Sandy: I wouldn’t mind a beer.
Carol: What! How can you...
Sandy: Carol. That was a joke. Believe me, its going to be a long time before I bend my elbow
Carol: Obviously. Ha ha ha.
Sandy: Carol, let your boyfriend get the laughs. Please.
Carol: Ok. Your girlfriend will just sit here and be quiet.
Nurse: Miss. You'll have to go.
Carol: Just one...
Nurse: I don’t care if he is your fiancé.
Sandy: Fiancée!
Carol: Oh yeah. That’s what I said so they'd let me in to see you. Not that it’s a lie. Or he
truth either.
Jason: I hate hospitals.
Maggie: Jason, you are a doctor.
Jason: I know. Keep it quiet. Don’t tell Carol this, but I really like Sandy.
Maggie: Jason, I really like you.
Jason: Every parent’s nightmare isn’t it?
Maggie: You know, you live in your own little world, and everything seems so safe. But I guess
right outside, there's always...
Jason: There's plenty of it too. Carol.
Maggie: Well?
Carol: he's feeling great. He looked good. He looked good. He was laughing and making jokes.
I'm sure he's going to be fine.
Maggie: Thank goodness.
Carol: You said it.
Jason: Did he tell you how it happened?
Carol: How what happened?
Jason: The accident carol.
Carol: What’s going on?
Carol: Ok, I might as well tell you. You'll find out anyway with the police and everything.
Jason: The police?
Maggie: What happened?
Carol: Last night Sandy and I went to a place.
Maggie: A place?
Carol: Kind of a restaurant that serves drinks.
Jason: A bar?
Carol: that’s it.
Jason: Were you drinking?
Carol: Yes.
Maggie: Was Sandy?
Carol: Yes. And driving.
Maggie: Carol, we have talked about this.
Carol: Mum.
Jason: I don’t believe what I’m hearing Carol. I mean I thought you had more sense than to
get into a car with a guy like that.
Carol: I do.
Jason: Well it doesn’t sound like that to me.
Carol: Well dad. You don’t have to get mad. We know it was wrong. We've learned our lesson.
Sandy's got a second chance now and he's never going to do it again.
Jason: But right..
Carol: And I’m never going to do it again either.
Jason: Carol look. Honey, I love you so much. The idea of you lying in there.
Carol: Dad.
Dugg: I bought the entire cafeteria. We're talking liver, tuna, egg salad, pecan pie, I got some
apples and some bananas..
Nurse: (slips on banana) Ahhhh!
Dugg: It’s a good thing we're in a hospital. Hu? Look, you haven’t broken anything have you?
Nurse: Not yet.
Dugg: Och!
Maggie: So Sandy's parents are going to be in around six?
Carol: Yeah. I'm going to go back to the hospital at seven. Sandy thinks an hour should be
enough time for his dad to stop yelling.
Jason: Speaking as a parent carol, I’d say two hours as a minimum. Better make it eight o
Maggie: Hi Mike.
Mike: Hi. Ah, listen carol. That guy Dugg just called from the hospital.
Carol: Uh hu.
Mike: Well he told me that uh, he said that,,
Jason: What is it Mike?
Mike: Carol, Sandy just died.
Maggie: Oh my god.
Mike: Yeah, he said it was just a few minutes ago.
Carol: Michael Seaver, that is the sickest joke that I have ever heard and I am never going to
forgive you.
Mike: Carol, I...
Carol: But that's impossible. I mean we were just down there. I saw him, he looked good. He
was laughing and joking and sorry that this happened. He wouldn’t dare die.
Maggie: Honey.
Carol: No!
Mike: Hey the doctors said that he was just um, bleeding inside or something. Internal
Carol: Mum, this has to be some mistake. I mean Sandy's going to be fine. He told me.
Maggie: Honey.
Carol: This isn’t fair. What happened to his second chance? What happened to his second


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