So,the day come,and the three monks went off into the night to indulge in all manner of sin.
The first monk sauntered in at 1:00 in the morning, and tried to sneak upstairs to bed. But the head abbot,who was waiting up for the three,stopped him and demanded that he relate his doings.
"No, head abbot,”the first monk said,"it’s too evil for me to admit!”
"'The deal was for you to tell me everything you did,otherwise you will not receive absolution!” said the abbot.
So the first monk agreed to tell what he did. "I-I-I drank! And I did all manner of drugs! And 1 smoked marijuana, cocaine and. . .”
"Enough!”said the head abbot,enraged. "Those are evil sins, but I promised to forgive you. Go out back,drink some Holy Water, say some prayers and you will be forgiven in the morning.”
The first monk thankfully went off to follow the abbot’s instructions.
The second monk wandered in at 2:00 AM. "What did you do last night?" demanded the head abbot.
"I can’t say! It's much too evil!”
"The agreement was that you must tell me everything you did!”
"Okay,”agreed the second monk." I had all kinds of meat. l had port,beef ,chicken,horse,and even a dog...”
Enough!” cried the head abbot. "That is a truly great sin. But I promised to give you absolution. Go out back and drink some Holy Water. “Then say some prayers and you will be forgiven in the morning.”
The second monk sauntered off to do just that.
And the third and final monk crawled in at 3:00 in the morning.
"What ," asked the head abbot, "did you do this evening?"
"No, head abbot, it's too great a sin to admit. I cannot tell!"
"The agreement, monk! You must tell me!"
The third monk bowed his head and nodded. "All right, head abbot. Last night I…I…"
"I pissed in the Holy Water."