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劍橋少兒英語(yǔ)預(yù)備級(jí)字幕版下冊(cè) Unit13-Word list




Unit thirteen Who can do it? 1.Say it.;
sing a song dance jump high run fast;
draw a picture lift the chair blow the paper bounce the ball;
2.Ask and answer.;
Who can sing? I can. Who can dance? I can.;
3.Act it. Who can come here and sing us a song? I can.;
4.Chant it. Sing a song,sing a song,let's sing a song.;
Bounce the ball,bounce the ball,let's bounce the ball.;
Draw a picture,draw a picture,let's draw a picture.;
Run to the door,run to the door,let's run to the door.;
Sing a song,sing a song,let's sing a song.;
Bounce the ball,bounce the ball,let's bounce the ball.;
Draw a picture,draw a picture,let's draw a picture.;
Run to the door,run to the door,let's run to the door.;
6.Chant it. Puppy dog,Puppy dog, Wow Wow Wow .;
Kitty cat,Kitty cat, Meow Meow Meow . Sing along,sing along, Now Now Now .;
Puppy dog,Puppy dog, Wow Wow Wow .;
7.Say it.;
A cat has a fat dad with a big hat. A man has a fat hand with a big ham.;
8.Sing it. Where is Thumb King? Where is Thumb King? Here I am,here I am.;
How are you today,sir? I'm fine,thank you. See you later.See you later.;
Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer? Here I am,here I am.;
How are you today,sir? I'm fine,thank you. See you later.See you later.;
Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man? Here I am,here I am.;
How are you today,sir? I'm fine,thank you. See you later.See you later.;
Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man? Here I am,here I am.;
How are you today,sir? I'm fine,thank you. See you later.See you later.;
Where is Pinkie? Where is Pinkie? Here I am,here I am.;
How are you today,sir? I'm fine,thank you. See you later.See you later.;
Unit fourteen Let's count. 1.Say it.;
one apple two flags three heads;
four pencils five candles six bees;
seven bananas eight ducks nine flowers ten fingers;
3.Chant it.;
One,two,three,four, five. Fishermen caught a fish alive.;
5.Ask and answer. How many books have you got? Two.;
6.Sing it. One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow,;
One man and his dog, went to mow a meadow. Two men went to mow, went to mow a meadow.;
Two men,one man and his dog,went to mow a meadow.;
Three men went to mow, went to mow a meadow.;
Three men,two men,one man and his dog,went to mow a meadow.;
Four man went to mow, went to mow a meadow,;
Four men,three men,two men one men and his dog,went to mow,;
Five man went to mow, went to mow a meadow,;
Five men,four men, three men,two men,one man and his dog,went to mow a meadow.;
7.Act it. A:Hello,how are you? B:Fine,thank you. And you?;
A:Fine,thanks.Oh, excuse me,here's the bus.Good-bye. B:Bye-bye.;
A:Hi!I'm Wang Dong. B:Hi!I'm Xie Fei. A:Glad to meet you. B:Glad to meet you.;
Exercises 2.Listen and tick.;
Unit fifteen We are friends. 1.Say it.;
Hello,I'm Dong Dong. I'm Xiao Ming. He is my friend. Yes,we are friends.;
2.Stand up and join them.;
We're friends. Who wants to be our friend?;
I'm your friend. Good!We're friends. I'm your friend.;
3.Chant it. Friends!Friends! Friends!We are good Friends!;
5.Ask and answer. Who is you best friend? Wang Tong.;
Li Ping,who is you best friend? Ma Xin.;
7.Say it.;
Ted let the hen's leg get onto the bed. Ben fed the hen with bread on the bed.;
8.Sing it.;
Happy new year,happy new year. Happy new year to you all.;
We are singing,we are dancing. Happy new year to you all.;
Happy new year,happy new year. Happy new year to you all.;
We are singing,we are dancing. Happy new year to you all.;
Exercises 1.Sing it.;
The more we get together,together, together.;
The more we get together,the happier we'll be.;
For your friend is my friend,and my friend is your friend.;
The more we get together,the happier we'll be.;
The more we get together,together, together.;
The more we get together,the happier we'll be.;
For your friend is my friend,and my friend is your friend.;
The more we get together,the happier we'll be.;
2.Read it.;
Today I've got a new friend.His name is Wang Jun. He's seven years old.;
Now we can play together and study together.We're very happy.;
Unit sixteen Where is it?;
1.Point and say. on in under behind;
2.Look and say.;
Where's the dog? In the bag. Under the tree. In the tree.;
4.Ask and answer. Where's Ming Ming? He's behind the table.;
Where's Ping Ping? She's under the tree. Where's Tom?;
He's in the house. Where's Mary? She's on the mat.;
5.Chant it. Cat,cat,my little cat, where is my little cat?;
In the bag,in the bag, your cat is in the bag.;
Dog,dog,my little dog, where is my little dog?;
In the box,in the box, your dog is in the box.;
Cat,cat,my little cat, where is my little cat?;
In the bag,in the bag, your cat is in the bag.;
Dog,dog,my little dog, where is my little dog?;
In the box,in the box, your dog is in the box.;
6.Say it. One,two,pick up the stool.;
Three,four,put down the fork. Five,six,wash the dish.;
Seven,eight,go ot the gate. Nine,ten,do it again.;
7.Read it. bat hat ham map fan man mat tank hand cat;
8.Sing it. I am a boy and you are a girl.;
I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl.;
Do you want to be my friend? Yes,I want to be your friend.;
La La La La... Yes,I want to be your friend.;
I am a boy and you are a girl.;
I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl.;
Do you want to be my friend? Yes,I want to be your friend.;
La La La La... Yes,I want to be your friend.;
Words list a 一(個(gè),只,把...) ace (紙牌子或骰子)A, 幺點(diǎn);
act 表演 after 在...之后 afternoon 下午 again 再,又;
alien 外星人 alive 活的 all 都 along 向前地;沿著;
am 是,在 an 一(個(gè),只.把) and 和 animal 動(dòng)物;
another 另外的,又一 answer 回答 ape 猿 apple 蘋果;
are 是,在 arm 胳膊 around 環(huán)繞, 在...周圍;
ask 問,提問 at 在,向,往 away 在遠(yuǎn)處,離開 baa 羊叫聲;
baby 嬰兒 back 向后 bag 包,袋 ball 球;
banana 香蕉 band 樂隊(duì) basketball 籃球 bat 蝙蝠;
be 是,在 beat 敲,打 beautiful 美麗的 bed 床;
bee 蜜蜂 beef 牛肉 behind 在......后面 bend 彎曲;
best 最好的 between 在....之間 big 大的 bike 自行車;
bird 鳥 black 黑色;黑色的 blackboard 黑板 blow 吹;
blue 藍(lán)色;藍(lán)色的 body 身體 book 書 boot 靴子;
bounce 拍(球), (使)彈跳 box 盒子 boy 男孩;
bread 面包 brother 兄弟 brown 棕色的;棕色 burger 漢堡包;
bus 公共汽車 busy 忙的 but 但是 butterfly 蝴蝶;
bye 再見 cab 出租車 cake 蛋糕 call 把......叫做;
can 能夠 candle 蠟燭 cap 帽子 car 小汽車;
carry 帶著 cat 貓 catch 接住,捕捉 chair 椅子;
chant 唱 children 孩子,孩子們 choose 選擇 circle 畫圈;圓圈;
clap 拍(手) clock 鐘 close 閉上,關(guān)上,臺(tái)上 cluck 母雞的叫聲;
cock 公雞 colour 涂顏色;顏色 come 來 conduct 指揮;
cook 廚師 copy 抄寫 count 數(shù) cow 奶牛;
crayon 蠟筆 crocodile 鱷魚 cross 劃叉 crow 公雞叫;
cup 杯子 dad 爸爸 dance 跳舞 dark 黑的,暗的;
day 天;白天 dear 親愛的 desk 書桌 dish 盤子;
dive 跳水 diving-platform (跳水用的)跳臺(tái) do 做,干;
dog 狗 doggie (兒語(yǔ))小狗,狗 doll 洋娃娃;
dolphin 海豚 door 門 dot 點(diǎn),圓點(diǎn) down 向下;
dragon-fly 蜻蜓 draw 畫 drive 駕駛 drum 鼓;
duck 鴨子 ear 耳朵 early 早 Easter 復(fù)活節(jié);
eat 吃 egg 蛋 eight 八 elbow 肘,肘關(guān)節(jié);
elephant 大象 eraser 橡皮 evening 晚上 everyone 每個(gè)人,人人;
excuse 原諒 exercise 練習(xí);鍛煉 eye 眼睛 face 臉;
fan 扇子 farm 農(nóng)場(chǎng) fast 快速地 fat 肥的,胖的;
favourite 喜歡的 feather 羽毛 fed 喂養(yǎng) feel 摸;
feet 腳 fill 填 find 找出 fine 好的;
finger 手指 finish 完成 first 第一,首先 fish 魚;
fisherman 漁夫 five 五 flag 旗 flower 花;
fly 飛 food 食物 foot 腳 for 代表,為了;
fork 叉子 four 四 friend 朋友 front 前面,前部;
fun 有趣的; 有趣的人或事 garden 花園 gate 大門;
gem 寶石 germ 細(xì)菌 German 德國(guó)人 get 得到;
get off 下(車) get on 上(車) giraffe 長(zhǎng)頸鹿 girl 女孩;
glad 高興的 go 去 goat 山羊 good 好的;
got get 的過去式 green 綠色的;綠色 greet 問候 greeting 問候,招呼;
guess 猜 hair 頭發(fā) ham 火腿 hamburger 漢堡包;
hand 手 happy 快樂的 harp 豎琴 has have的第三人稱;
hat 帽子 have 有 have fun 玩得很高興 he 他;
head 頭 heel 腳跟 hello 喂,你好 hen 母雞;
her 她,她的 here 這里 hi 嗨 high 高的;
high jump 跳高 hill 小山 him 他 his 他的;
hold 舉起,握住 hop 單腿跳 hopscotch 跳房子 horse 馬;
hot 辣的,熱的 hot dog 熱狗 house 房子 how 怎樣;
how many 多少 hut 小屋 I 我 ice 冰;
ice cream 冰淇淋 icon 肖像 in 在.....里面;
in front of 在.....前面 Indian 印第安人 indigo 青色的;青色;
inside 在......里面; 在里面 into 到.....里面 is 是,在;
it 它 its 它的 jacket 夾克衫 jeep 吉普車;
jingle bell 鈴鐺 join 加入,參加 jump 跳,躍 kangaroo 袋鼠;
kettle 壺 key 鑰匙 kick 踢 kite 風(fēng)箏;
kitty 小貓 know 知道 lamp 燈,臺(tái)燈 later 較晚的;
leaf 樹葉 learn 學(xué)習(xí) left 左面地; 左面的;左面;
leg 腿 lemon 檸檬 let 讓 let's 讓我們 ;
letter 字母,信 lift 舉起 like 像;喜歡 line 隊(duì),列,行;
listen 聽 little 小的 long 長(zhǎng)的 look 看,看起來;
love 愛,熱愛 lucky 幸運(yùn)的 macaroni 通心粉 make 構(gòu)成,制作;
man 男人,人 many 許多 map 地圖 mat 墊子;
match 配對(duì) me 我 meado 草地 meow 貓叫聲;
middle 中間 mirror 鏡子 miss 遺漏 monkey 猴子;
moo 牛叫聲 moon 月亮 more 更多的 morning 早晨;上午;
mountain 山;山脈 mouse 老鼠 mouth 嘴 move 移動(dòng);
mow 割,收割 mug 大杯 mum 媽媽 my 我的;
name 名字 near 在......的旁邊 neck 脖子 neigh 馬叫聲;
net 網(wǎng) new 新的 next 下一個(gè) next to 緊挨著;
nice 好的,好看的 night 夜晚 nine 九 no 不;
noodles 面條 noon 中午 nose 鼻子 not 不;
now 現(xiàn)在 number 數(shù)字 nurse 護(hù)士 of ......的;
off 離開 oink 豬叫聲 old ......歲, 年老的,舊的;
on 在......上面 one 一 onto 到......下面 open 打開;
opener 起子 or 或者 orange 橙子; 橙色的,橙色;
our 我們的 oval 卵形的, 橢圓形的 over there 在那邊;
panda 熊貓 paper 紙 pass 傳遞 pat-a-cake 拍手游戲;
pea 豌豆 pear 梨 pen 鋼筆 pencil 鉛筆;
pencil-box 鉛筆盒 pick 撿起 pick up 撿起 picture 圖片;
pig 豬 pineapple 菠蘿 ping-pong 乒乓球;
pink 粉紅色; 粉紅色的 pinwheel 紙風(fēng)車 pizza 比薩餅;
plane 飛機(jī) platform 平臺(tái) play 彈(琴) please 請(qǐng);
point 指,指出 pony 小馬 potato 土豆,馬鈴薯 pupil 學(xué)生;
puppy 小狗 purple 紫色的;紫色 put 放 quack 鴨叫聲;
queen 王后,女王 question 問題 queue 行列,長(zhǎng)隊(duì) quick 快地;快的;
quilt 被子 rabbit 兔子 rain 雨;下雨 read 讀;
red 紅色;紅色的 relay 接力 repeat 重復(fù) ribbon 帶子;
rice 米飯 ride 騎 right 右面的;右面地; 右面;正確的;
road 路 rocket 火箭 roll 卷起 row 排;
ruler 尺子 run 跑 sail 帆;航行 sandwich 三明治;
say 說 school 學(xué)校 see 看,看見 seek 尋找;
serve with 供應(yīng) seven 七 she 她 sheep 綿羊;
ship 船 short 矮的,短的 show 展示, 給......看;
sing 唱(歌) sister 姐妹 sit 坐 six 六;
sky 天空 slide 滑梯;滑 small 小的 snail 蝸牛;
snake 蛇 sock 短襪 some 一些 song 歌;
spider 蜘蛛 spin 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng) square 正方形 stand 站,立;
star 星星 start 開始 stool 凳子 stop 停止;
straighten 伸直 stuck 粘 study 學(xué)習(xí);
sun 太陽(yáng) swing 蕩秋千 table 桌子;
tail 尾巴 take 拿走 tall 高的;
tank 坦克 taxi 出租車 tea 茶 teacher 老師;
teeth 牙齒 ten 十 thank 感謝 that 那;那個(gè);
the 這(那)個(gè) them 他們 there 在那里 these 這些;
they 他們 thing 東西 this 這;這個(gè) those 那些;
three 三 tick 打勾,劃對(duì)號(hào) time 時(shí)間 to 向,到;
today 今天 toe 腳趾 together 一起 too 也;
touch 摸 town 城鎮(zhèn) toy 玩具 train 火車;
travel 旅行 tree 樹 try 嘗試,努力 turn 轉(zhuǎn),轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng);
TV 電視 two 二 under 在......下面 unit 單元;
up 向上 us 我們 van 有篷貸車 vase 花瓶;
very 很,非常 vest 背心 video 錄像機(jī),錄像 village 村莊;
vine 葡萄藤 violin 小提琴 volleyball 排球 want 想要;
wash 洗 waterfall 瀑布 we 我們 week 星期,周;
went go的進(jìn)去式 whale 鯨 what 什么 wheel 輪子;
where 在哪里 which 哪個(gè) white 白色的;白色 who 誰(shuí);
why 為什么 windmill 風(fēng)車 window 窗戶 with 用,同,和;
wood 木頭 woof 狗叫聲 word 單詞 write 寫;
x-ray X光 xylograph 木刻, 木版畫 xylophone 木琴;
year 年 yellow 黃色的;黃色 yes 是,是的 you 你,你們;
young 年輕的 your 你的,你們的 zebra 斑馬 zero 零;
zoo 動(dòng)物園 Name List Ben 本(男名) Bill 比爾(男名);
Frank 弗蘭克(男名) Jack 杰克(男名) Jane 簡(jiǎn)(女名) Lily 莉莉(女名);
Mary 瑪麗(女名) May 梅(女名) Nick 尼克(男名) Pat 帕特(女名);
Peter 彼得(男名) Sam 山姆(男名) Sue 蘇(女名);

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