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Cambridge English For Children Unit 29--Unit 32 ;
Unit 29 What are they doing? ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Look at those boys. What are they doing there? ;
They are playing. Look at those women. What are they doing? They are swimming. ;
2.Let's practice. ;
What are they doing? They are swimming swimming watching TV playing soccer ;
running riding bikes drinking ;
3.Let's read. ;
It's a sunny and beautiful day. Some boys and girls are playing in the garden. ;
In front of a big tree,there are some boys.They are playing soccer. ;
Behind the tree, there are some girls.They are playing table tennis ;
Some men and women are watching.Wang Bing is talking with Li Ming. ;
Li Ming's cat is standing next to him. It's a very small cat. ;
4.Let's review. ;
Look at those boys. What are they doing there? They are playing. It's a sunny and beautiful day. ;
In front of a big tree,there are some boys. ;
Some men and women are watching. Wang Bing is talking with Li Ming. ;
Li Ming's cat is standing next to him.It's a very small cat. ;
Unit 30 Birthday At The Beach ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Today's Ben's birthday. Look at the sun. It's a beautiful day ;
Many children are playing here.Ben and Sue are playing with a ball in the water. ;
Sam is swimming. We've got a big birthday cake for Ben.And that's a new bike for him. ;
2.Let's practice. ;
Whose birthday is it today? It's Ben's. ;
Is it a sunny day? Yes, it is. Who are playing at the beach? ;
Some children are playing at the beach Who are playing with a ball in the water? ;
They are Sue and Ben Who's swimming in the water? Sam. Where's the cake? It's on the beach. ;
Whose is this new bike? It's Ben's. What are Ben's father and mother doing? They are talking. ;
Is Ben's mother drinking? Yes, she is. ;
3.Let's read. ;
1.play at the beach play with a ball play in the water play a ball with Bill ;
birthday birthday cake birthday song ;
2.in the water playing with a ball in the water ;
Ben and Sue are playing with a ball in the water. At the beach,Ben and Sue are playing with a ball in the water. ;
4.Let's review. ;
Today's Ben's birthday. Look at the sun.It's a beautiful day. Ben and Sue are playing with a ball in the water. ;
We've got a big birthday cake for Ben. Whose birthday is it today? ;
play at the beach play with a ball play in the water play a ball with Bill ;
Unit 31 Who,whose,which,what and how many. ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Who's having bath? That's Brown's baby. Whose house is this? ;
I'm sorry. I don't know. Which is Sam? Sorry,I don't know. ;
What are these? They're dogs. How many dogs are there? There're eight dogs. ;
2.Let's practice. ;
Who's in the car? He's...Who's in the big house?Sorry, I don't know. ;
Who's eating in the room?That's May. Whose dictionary is this? It's pat's. ;
Whose pencil is this? It's Sue's. Whose chair is this? ;
It's Zhang Ping's. Which is a dog? This one is. ;
Which is a pen? The red one is. What's she doing? She is walking. ;
How many ducks are there? There are three. How many cows are there? There are five. ;
3.Let's read. ;
Who's behind the tree? It's Pat. Who's singing in the room? It's Tom. ;
Whose house is yellow?It's Sam's. Whose book is red? It's Bill's. ;
4.Let's review. ;
Who's having a bath? That's Brown's baby. Whose house is this? I'm sorry. ;
I don't know. Which is Sam? Who's eating in the room? That's May. ;
Unit 32 Revision ;
1.Let's talk. ;
How many cars are there? There are three. How many mango are there?There are six. ;
How many children are there? There are eight. ;
Which is blue? Which is a dog? What's this? It's a bag? ;
What's that? It's a book. What are these? They are pens. ;
What are those? They are apples. ;
Who is she? She is Miss Brown. Who is he? He is Jane. ;
2.Let's practise ;
Are you Bill? No,I'm not. They are oranges, not lemons. ;
He's a small boy. Your face is very dirty. Put the tomato on the table. ;
Questions and Answers ;
1.Are there any monkeys in the zoo? Yes there are. 2.What are you doing? I'm reading a book? ;
3.Where is the blue bike? It's under the tree. ;
4.Have you got a radio and TV at home?Yes, I have. ;
5.What do you do at school? We read English and lean words. ;
6.Do you sing English songs? Yes, we do. ;
7.Are the flowers beautiful? Yes, they are. ;
8.Can you spell the word "house"? Yes.It's h-o-r-s-e. ;
9.What's your hobby? I like to listen to the radio. ;
10.What's your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is apple. ;
11.What's Ben doing? He is writing. 12.Whose handbag is this? It's Ann's. ;
13.What's your favorite colour? It's green. ;
14.What are these? These are pens. 15.How many children are there in your class? ;
16.Is this an apple or a pear? It's a pear. ;
17.Can you play football? Yes,I can. 18.Are you Bill? No, I'm not. ;
Word List ;
A add v. 把…相加 afternoon n. 下午 ;
again adv.再;再一次 alphabet n.字母 am v. 是 ;
an det.一,一個(gè) and conj.和;而且 animal n. 動(dòng)物 ;
Ann n. 安(女名) answer n.;v.答案回答 any adj.任何的 ;
apple n. 蘋果 are v. 是 arm n.臂 ;
armchair n.扶手椅 ask v.問;要求 at prep. 在;位于 ;
away adv. 遠(yuǎn)離 ;
B ;
baby n.嬰兒 badminton n.羽毛 bag n.包 ;
ball n.球 banana n.香蕉 baseball n.棒球 ;
basketabll n.籃球 bath n.洗澡 bathroom n.浴室 ;
be v.(系動(dòng)詞)是 beach n.海灘 bean n.豆子;豆類物 ;
beautiful adj.美麗的 bed n.床 bedroom n.臥室 ;
behind prep.在…后面 Ben n.本(男名) ;
between prep.在…之間 big adj.大的 ;
bike n.自行車 Bill n. 比爾(男名) ;
bird n. 鳥 birthday n.生日 ;
black adj.黑色的 blue adj. 藍(lán)色的 board n.木板;牌子 ;
boat n.船 body n. 身體 book n.書 ;
bookcase n.書柜 bounce v.彈;彈回 box n.盒子 ;
boy n.男孩 bread n.面包 breadfast n.早飯 ;
brother n.哥哥;弟弟 brewn adj.褐色的 burger n. 漢堡包 ;
bus n.公共汽車 but conj.但是 bye(-bye) inter.再見 ;
C cake n.蛋糕 camera n.照相機(jī) ;
can/cannot/can't v.能/不能;會(huì)/不會(huì) car n.小汽車 ;
carrot n.胡蘿卜 cat n.貓 catch v.抓住 ;
chair n.椅子 chicken n.小雞 ;
child/children n.孩子;孩子(pl.) class n.班;課 ;
classroom n.教室 clean adj.干凈的 clock n.鐘 ;
close v.關(guān)上 clothes n.衣服 coconut n.椰子 ;
colour n.顏色 computer n.計(jì)算機(jī) correct adj. 正確的 ;
cow n.奶牛 cross n.;v. 叉;穿過 cupboard n.壁櫥 ;
D dad(dy) n.爸爸 day n.天;日 ;
desk n.課桌 dining room n. 餐廳 dirty adj.臟的 ;
do/don't v. 做/不做 dog n.狗 doll n.洋娃娃 ;
door n.門 draw v.畫 drawing n. 繪畫 ;
dress n. 連衣裙 drink n.;v.飲料;喝 duck n. 鴨子 ;
E ear n. 耳朵 eat v.吃 ;
egg n.雞蛋 eight num.八,八個(gè) elephant n. 大象 ;
English n. 英語 enjoy v. 喜歡 eraser n. 橡皮 ;
every adj.每個(gè) example n. 例子 eye n. 眼睛 ;
F face n. 臉 family n. 家庭 ;
farm n. 家場(chǎng) father n. 父親 ;
favourite adj.最喜歡的 find v.找到;發(fā)現(xiàn) ;
fish n.魚 fishing n. 釣魚 five num.五,五個(gè) ;
floor n.地面 flower n.花 fly v.飛 ;
food n. 食物 foot/feet n.腳;腳(pl.) ;
for prep.為;給;替 four num.四,四個(gè) ;
French fries n.炸薯?xiàng)l friend n.朋友 ;
frog n.青蛙 fruit n.水果 ;
G game n.游戲 garden n.花園 ;
giraffe n.長頸鹿 girl n.女孩 give v.給 ;
glasses n.眼鏡 go v.去 goat n.山羊 ;
good adj.好的 good-bye inter.再見 ;
grandfater祖父 grandmothern.祖母 ;
green adj.綠以的 grey adj.灰色的 guitar n.吉他 ;
H hair n.頭發(fā) hall n. 廳;大廳 ;
hand n.手 handbag n.手提包 happy adj.快樂的 ;
hat n.帽子 have (got) v.有 he pron.他 ;
head n.頭 helicopter n.直升飛機(jī) ;
hello inter.喂;你好 her pron.她 here adv.這里 ;
him pron.他 hippo n.河馬 his pron.他的 ;
hit v.擊;打 hobby n.愛好 hockey n.曲棍球 ;
horse n.馬 house n.房屋 ;
how many int.多少 how old int.多大年齡 ;
I I pron.我 ice cream n.冰淇淋 ;
in prep 在…里面 in front of 在…前面 ;
is v.是 it pron.它 ;
J jacketn.夾克衫;外衣 jeans n.牛仔褲 ;
juice n.果汁 jump v.跳;跳躍 ;
K kick v.踢 kim n.基姆(男名) ;
kitchen n.廚房 kite n.風(fēng)箏 know v.知道;認(rèn)識(shí) ;
L lamp n.臺(tái)燈;燈 learn v.學(xué)習(xí) ;
leg n.腿 lemon n.檸檬 lemonade n.檸檬水 ;
lesson n.課 let v.讓 letter n.字母 ;
like v.;prep. 喜歡;像 lime n.酸橙 ;
line n.線 listen v.聽 live v.居?。簧?;
living room n.起居室 lizard n.蜥蜴 long adj.長的 ;
look v.看 look at 看(某物) ;
love v.熱愛;喜歡 lunch n.午飯 ;
M man/men n.男人/男人(pl) ;
mango n.芒果 many adj.許多 mat n.小塊地毯 ;
May n.梅(女名) me pron.我(賓格) meat n.肉 ;
milk n.牛奶 mirror n.鏡子 monkey n. 猴子 ;
monster n.怪物 mother n.母親 motorbike n.摩托車 ;
mouse/mice n.老鼠/老鼠(pl.) mouth n.嘴 ;
mum(my) n.媽媽 my det.我的 ;
N name n.名字 mew adj.新的 ;
next to 與…相鄰的 Nick n.尼克(男名) night n.晚上 ;
nine num.九 no det.不 nose n.鼻子 ;
not adv.不;沒有 now adv.現(xiàn)在 number n.數(shù)字 ;
O of prep. 屬于…的 oh inter.阿;呀 ;
OK adj.行;可以 old adj.老的 on prep.在…上面 ;
one num.一;一個(gè) onion n.洋蔥 open v.打開 ;
or conj.或者;否則 orange n.桔子 our pron.我們的 ;
P page n.頁 paint n.v.顏料涂顏色 ;
painting n.畫 pardon inter.請(qǐng)?jiān)?part n.部分 ;
Pat n.帕特(男名) pea n.豌豆 pear n.梨 ;
pen n.鋼筆 pencil n.鉛筆 phone n.電話 ;
photo n.照片 piano n.鋼琴 pick up 拾起;撿起 ;
picture n.圖片 pineapple n.菠蘿 pink adj.粉色的 ;
plane n.飛機(jī) play v.玩 please inter.請(qǐng) ;
point v.指(向) potato n.土豆 ;
purple adj.紫色的 put v.放;擱 ;
Q question n.問題 ;
R radio n.收音機(jī) read v.讀;閱讀 ;
red adj.紅色的 rice n.大米 ride v.坐車;騎(車) ;
ritght adj.正確的 robot n.機(jī)器人 ;
room n.房間 ruler n.尺子 run v.跑 ;
S sad adj.傷心的 Sam n.山姆 ;
sausage n.香腸 say v.說 school n.學(xué)校 ;
sea n.海 see n.看見 sentence n.句子 ;
seven num.七,七個(gè) she pron.她 sheep n.綿羊 ;
shirt n.襯衣 shoe n.鞋 short adj.短的 ;
show v.展示;給…看 sing v.唱 sister n.姐姐;妹妹 ;
sit(down) v.坐下 six num.六 skirt n.裙子 ;
sleep v.睡覺 small adj.小的 snake n.蛇 ;
so adv.這樣;如此 soccer n.足球 sock n.襪子 ;
sofa n.沙發(fā) some det.一些 song n.歌曲 ;
sorry adj.對(duì)不起 spell v.拼寫 spider n.蜘蛛 ;
sport n.體育運(yùn)動(dòng) stand v.站立 start v.開始 ;
stop v.停止 story n.故事 street n.街道 ;
Sue n.蘇(女名) sun n.太陽 ;
supper n.晚飯 swim n.游泳 ;
T T-shirt n.T 恤 table n.桌子 ;
table tennis n.乒乓球 talk v.談話 ;
teacher n.教師 television n.電視臺(tái) tell v.告訴 ;
ten num.十,十個(gè) tennis n.網(wǎng)球 text n.測(cè)試 ;
thank you 謝謝你 that det.;pron. 那,那個(gè) ;
the det. 指這個(gè)那個(gè)(這冠詞) their pron. 他們的;她們的它們的 ;
them pron.他們;她們; 它們(賓格) ;
then adv.那時(shí);那么 there adv.那里 these det.;pron.這些 ;
they pron. 他們;她們;它們 this det.; pron.這,這個(gè) ;
those det.;pron.那些 three num.三,三個(gè) throw v.扔 ;
tick v.打勾 tiger n.老虎 time n.時(shí)間 ;
to prep.去某個(gè)方向 today adv.今天 Tom n.湯姆(男名) ;
tomato n.西紅柿 toy n.玩具 ;
train n.火車 tree n.樹 ;
trousers n.褳子 try v.試一試 two num.二,二個(gè) ;
U ugly adj.丑的 under prep. 在…下面 ;
understand v.明白 us pron.我們(賓格) ;
V very adv.很,非常 ;
W walk v.走路 wall n.墻壁 ;
want v.想要 watch v.觀看 water n.水 ;
watermelon n.西瓜 we pron.我們 wear v.穿;戴 ;
well inter.好 what int.什么 where int.在哪兒 ;
which int.哪一個(gè) white adj.白色的 who int.誰 ;
whose int.誰的 window n.窗戶 ;
with pron.和 woman/women n.女人;女人(pl) ;
word n.詞 write v.寫 ;
Y yellow adj.黃色的 yes adv.是,是的 ;
you pron.你;你們 young adj.年輕的 your pron.你的;你們的 ;
Z zoo n.動(dòng)物園 ;

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