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新視野大學英語讀寫教程第一冊unit5-b The Last Dive at the Olympics




Section B

The Last Dive at the Olympics

I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air. Pushing off the diving board with my legs, I lifted my arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands. I tried to correct myself as I turned, spreading my hands wide apart. Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control. Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board.
Initially, I felt embarrassment. I wanted to hide, to get out of the pool without anyone seeing me. Next I felt intense fear. Had I cut my head? Was I bleeding? Was there blood in the pool? Swimming to the side, I noticed many shocked faces. People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening. An official examined my head. In haste, I pushed him away, and everyone else who approached me. "Don't touch me!" I felt like screaming. "Get away from me!"
These were the trials for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. Until this dive, I had been ahead. But now, something else was more significant than winning. I might have endangered other divers' lives if I had spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew — that few others knew — was that I was HIV-positive.
According to my mother, my natural parents were Samoan and only teenagers when I was born, so they gave me up for adoption. When I was only eighteen months old, I started gym classes. At ten, I explored doing gym exercises off the diving board at the pool.
Because of my dark skin, kids at school called me names; I often got mugged coming home from school. My diving made me feel good about myself when my peers made me feel stupid. In the seventh grade, I started taking drugs.
At sixteen, I knew I had a shot at the 1976 Olympics. At the trials, one month prior to the finals, I took first place on the ten-meter platform and on the springboard! This was surprising because I had trained mostly on the platform. In the finals, I won the silver medal for the platform. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy. Instead, I felt I failed because I hadn't won the gold. After that, I started training with Ron O'Brien, a well-known Olympic diving coach. Ron understood me and assisted my working more intensely. I soon became the international leader in diving. In the 1984 Olympics, I won two gold medals, one for platform, one for springboard. This was an enjoyable triumph.
No one knew then I was gay, except Ron and a few friends. I feared being hated if people found out. Four years later, while preparing for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, I learned my partner had AIDS. I had to accept I might be HIV-positive or have AIDS, too. When my HIV test results returned positive, I was shocked and confused. Was I dying? Was my shot at the '88 Olympics vaporized? What should I do? During this very difficult time, I couldn't tell anyone for fear I wouldn't be able to compete in the Olympics if people learned I was HIV-positive.
Everyone was alarmed when I hit my head on the board at the trials in Seoul. Regardless, I made it into the finals. When we practiced the next morning, my coach made me start with the dive I'd hit my head on. At first, I was scared, but Ron made me do it six times. With each repetition, I felt more confident.
During my last dive in the finals, I enjoyed for the last time the quietness underwater and then swam to the side of the pool. Afraid to look at the score-board, I watched Ron's face. Suddenly he leaped into the air, the crowd cheered, and I knew I'd won — two gold medals, one for the three-meter springboard, one for the ten-meter platform. None knew how hard it had been, except Ron and the friends I'd told I was HIV-positive.
AIDS forced me to stop diving; I had to quit diving professionally after the Olympics.

Words: 700


v. begin; start 開始

v. push with force and suddenly 推,沖

ad. 1. separate by a distance 分開地
2. (from) except for 除了……之外

a. which is at the beginning of 起初的,開始的

ad. at the beginning 開始地,起先

a. strong (in quality or feeling) 強烈的

vi. lose blood 流血

n. quick movement or action 匆忙

vt. come near to 靠近,接近
n. 1. [U] the act of coming near 靠近,接近
2. [C] a means or way of entering 途徑
3. [C] (to) a way or method of doing sth. 方式,方法

n. 1. (pl.)[體]預賽,選拔賽
2. (an act of) testing to find quality, value, or usefulness 實驗,檢驗
3. (an act of) hearing and judging a person or a case in a court 審判

a. of major importance 重要的

vt. cause danger to 危及,使遭受危險

vt. pour out 濺出,溢出

vt. 1. take into one's family and take on the responsibility as a parent 收養(yǎng)
2. use 采取,采用

n. 1. the act of adopting 收養(yǎng)
2. the act of using 運用,使用,采用

gym (gymnasium)
n. physical training; a hall for physical training 體操,體育訓練;體育館

vt. 1. travel into or through (a place) for the purpose of discovery 探索,探討
2. examine carefully 探討,仔細研究

vt. steal from and/or treat in a rough way 搶劫

a. earlier; coming or planned before 先前的;預先的

n. 1. a raised floor of boards for speakers, performers, etc. 講臺,舞臺
2. a board for jumping off to give height to a dive or jump 跳板

spring-board (springboard)
n. (游泳池)跳水板

ad. mainly; in most cases or most of the time 主要地

ad. with regret or sad feelings 不幸的是;遺憾地

n. a person who trains people in different sports for games, matches, etc. 教練
vt. train or teach; give instruction or advice to 訓練; 指導,輔導

v. help or support 幫助,協(xié)助

n. a person or a thing that leads or is in advance of others 處于領先地位的人或事物;領袖,領導

n. a complete victory or success 勝利,成功
vi. (over) win; beat 獲勝, 成功;擊敗

n. a homosexual person, esp. a man (尤指男)同性戀者

n. the person one is married to or having a loving or sexual relation with; the person one is doing sth. with 伴侶;伙伴

vt. cause to be mistaken; fail to tell the difference between 弄錯,使困惑;混淆

n. a form like a gas which is made up of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air 蒸氣

vi. (cause to) change into vapor 變成蒸氣

vi. take part in (a game, a match, etc.) 競爭,比賽

vt. cause sudden fear to 嚇壞,使驚恐

n. saying or doing again 重復

a. having belief in one's power or ability 自信的,相信的

n. a board on which the score of a game is recorded as it is played (體育比賽)記分牌

vi. jump through the air, often landing in a different place 跳躍

vt. stop (doing sth.) and leave 放棄,停止
vi. give up one's job 離職,辭職

a. relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training 職業(yè)的

ad. 職業(yè)地;專業(yè)地


in haste
in a hurry 匆忙

prior to
before 在……之前

make it
succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事

start with
begin with 從……開始

assist (sb. with) sth.
help sb. do sth. 幫助做某事






Ron O'Brien

     我登上梯子,聽到起跳的指令,便開始做躍入空中的動作。 我用腳蹬跳板,臂膀向后舉起,但馬上意識到身體下落時可能會靠近跳板,碰傷手。轉動身體時,我努力糾正動作,盡量把胳膊張開。 接著我聽到一種奇怪的響聲,身體就失去了控制。很快我便意識到自己的頭部碰到了跳板。
     開始時我覺得很尷尬。想藏起來,想離開游泳池,而又不讓別人發(fā)現。 接著便感到十分恐懼。頭碰破了嗎?流血了嗎?游泳池里有沒有血? 我游到池邊,注意到許多張驚愕的臉。人們都擔心我頭部是否受傷,而我卻擔心著比這更為可怕的事情。 一位官員查看了我的頭部。我趕忙把他和其他任何接近我的人推開。"別碰我!"我想大叫一聲。"走開!"
     這是在韓國漢城舉行的1988年奧運會的預賽。 在這一跳之前,我的成績名列前茅。但現在,另外有一件事情比獲勝更重要。 要是我的血濺到了游泳池里,就會危及其他跳水選手的生命。因為我知道--而其他很少有人知道--我是陽性艾滋病毒攜帶者。
     母親告訴我,我的生身父母是薩摩亞人,我出生時他們才十幾歲,所以他們把我送給別人撫養(yǎng)。 我18個月大的時候便開始接受體操訓練。十歲時我便在游泳池的跳板上練體操。
     由于我膚色黑,常常遭到學校里孩子們的辱罵。放學回家時常常遭到欺負。盡管同齡孩子們讓我覺得自己不如別人,但跳水卻使我對自己有了信心。 上七年級時,我開始吸毒。
     記得在1976年奧運會上我參加比賽十分努力,那時我十六歲。 在決賽一個月前舉行的預賽中,我獲得了十米跳臺和跳板的第一名! 這是驚人的,因為我主要只是進行了跳臺訓練。 在決賽中我獲得了跳臺銀牌。遺憾的是,我并不感到快樂。相反,我覺得自己失敗了,因為我沒有能獲得金牌。 之后,我就跟著著名的奧運跳水教練羅恩·布賴恩訓練。 羅恩了解我,更加用心地幫助我訓練。 我很快成了國際跳水的頂尖選手。在1984年奧運會上我奪得兩枚金牌: 一枚跳臺金牌,一枚跳板金牌。這是可喜的勝利。
     除了羅恩和幾個朋友外,那時沒有人知道我是同性戀者。 我害怕如果人們知道了這一情況會對我感到厭惡。 四年之后,當我為1988年漢城奧運會準備時,了解到我的伴侶得了艾滋病。我可能也是艾滋病毒陽性或染上了艾滋病,我得接受這一現實。 當我知道自己的艾滋病檢驗結果是陽性時,我感到震驚和困惑。我會死去嗎?我想在88年奧運會上再鑄輝煌的心愿會化為泡影嗎? 我該怎么辦?然而在這艱難的時刻,我卻不能把這些告訴任何人,因為一旦人們知道我是艾滋病毒陽性,我便不能參加奧運會比賽了。
     漢城奧運會預賽時我頭部碰到了跳板,大家都很吃驚。 盡管如此,我還是進入了決賽。第二天早晨訓練時,教練讓我從頭部碰到跳板時的跳水動作開始練。 起先我很害怕,但羅恩讓我做了6次。每重復一次,我的信心就更增強一分。
     在決賽的最后一跳時,我最后一次領略了水下的寧靜,然后我游到池邊。 我不敢看計分牌,我看著羅恩的臉。突然他跳了起來,人群歡呼了起來,我知道自己贏了--兩枚金牌,一枚三米跳板金牌,一枚十米跳臺金牌。 除了知道我是艾滋病毒陽性的羅恩和幾個朋友,沒有人知道這是多么的不容易。


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