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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第三冊unit10-a The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon




Section (A)

The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon

At 2 PM on December 5, 1945, five Navy aircraft took off in perfect flying weather from a naval air installation in southeastern Florida, on a routine training mission over the Atlantic Ocean. Less than two hours later, the flight commander radioed that he was "completely lost". Then there was silence.

A rescue plane was sent to search for the missing aircraft, and it, too, disappeared without trace. Despite one of history's most extensive search efforts, involving more than 300 planes and dozens of ships, the Navy found nothing, not even an oil stain floating on the water.

This is just one of the many frightening stories told of "the Bermuda Triangle";, a mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean roughly stretching southwest from Bermuda to the Florida coast and down to Puerto Rico. Among sailors, it is known as "the Graveyard of the Atlantic"; because of the strange weather found there. During the past 30 years, the triangle has claimed the lives of some 1,000 sailors and pilots.

When he entered this stretch of the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus noted curious glowing streaks of "white water". These mysterious patches of light are still visible today and so bright that they have been seen from U.S. spacecraft in orbit around the earth.

The triangle has aroused considerable public interest through three best-selling books, a television show and a special exhibition. None of these investigations has produced convincing answers to the mystery of the triangle, but there is no shortage of interesting theories.

Some scientists and popular authors go so far as to suggest that the triangle is a place where beings from outer space hunt human specimens for their "zoos". Whatever the truth may be, planes and ships regularly disappear in the triangle. On July 3, 1947, a U.S. Army airplane disappeared 100 miles off Bermuda without broadcasting any word of difficulty.

An immediate search over 100,000 square miles of sea failed to turn up a single piece of the missing plane. On January 30, 1948, a British airliner vanished over the triangle with 31 passengers and crew aboard. A year later, the missing airliner's sister plane disappeared. Seventy-two search planes, plus dozens of ships, failed to turn up any sign of the missing aircraft.

One of the largest ships claimed by the mysterious triangle was a 500-foot coal ship that disappeared on March 4, 1918. Investigations revealed no evidence of bad weather, no messages for help, no wreckage and no sign of the 309 men aboard. Stranger yet are the numerous "ghost" ships that have been found floating crewless within the triangle. On one weird occasion in 1881, the cargo steamer Ellen Austin discovered a small sailing ship, sails waving uselessly in the wind.

A look through the captain's telescope showed no one on deck. The boat had a full cargo of timber, but there was no sign of human life. The captain of the Ellen Austin installed a new crew to sail it, but two days later, during a rough storm, the two ships temporarily lost sight of each other. When the captain again boarded the boat, he found his crew had disappeared. After a second crew was assigned, the ship was again lost in a fog bank. This time, no trace of the boat — or the crew — was ever found.

Officially, the U.S. Navy does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone and is convinced that "the majority of disappearances in the triangle can be attributed to the unique features of the area's environment." These include the swift Gulf Stream current, the unexplored submerged valleys of the Atlantic and the often violent weather within the mystery zone.

Then too, the triangle is one of only two places on earth where a compass needle points to true north rather than magnetic north, causing problems in navigation. "There are mysterious and strange things going on out there," admits Richard Winer, author of The Devil's Triangle, a book that has sold 500,000 copies since its publication three
months ago. "But I believe that all the answers lie in human error, mechanical problems, strange atmospheric events, or unusual magnetic phenomenon."

On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, "no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings." Because of these uncertainties, private investigators have sought more fantastic explanations.

One author argues that beings from outer space have established a highly advanced civilization in the unexplored depths of the Atlantic inside the triangle. There, he believes, most of the missing vessels — and their crews — may still be on display for study by these higher intelligences. "It sounds weird," the author admits, "until you realize that it's the only explanation that covers all the facts."

These and other theories are all examined in Charles Berlitz's current volume The Bermuda Triangle. A man with an interest in Atlantis, the legendary lost island, Berlitz expands upon the theory that a giant solar crystal, which once was the power generator for Atlantis, lies on the ocean floor. From time to time, according to his theory, passing ships and planes set off the crystal, which confuses their instruments and sucks them into the ocean.

To test such theories, an institute is planning to take 300 psychics and scientists on a cruise into the triangle. The researchers hope to make contact with whatever "higher intelligence" may lie under the sea.

Words: 896

New Words

 aircraft n. 飛行器
 naval a. 海軍的,戰(zhàn)艦的
 installation n. 1.設(shè)施;(軍事)基地 2.安裝
 commander n. 指揮官,司令官
 trace n. 痕跡,蹤跡 vt. 1.找到,查出 2.追究,追溯,探索
 stain n. 污點,污跡 vt. 沾污,染污
 southwest ad. 向西南 a. 西南方的,西南部的,來自西南的 n. 西南方,西南部
■graveyard n. 墓地
▲streak n. 1.條紋,條痕 2.個性,特征
 patch n. 1.與周圍不同的斑片 2.補丁,補片 v. 補,修補
 visible a. 看得見的,可見的
 spacecraft n. 宇宙飛船
 orbit n. (天體運行的)軌道 v. 環(huán)繞軌道運行
 investigate vt. 調(diào)查(研究),審查
 investigation n. 調(diào)查,研究
 outer a. 1.距里面或中心較遠的 2.外的,外邊的,外部的
 hunt v. 1.尋找,搜尋 2.打獵,狩獵 n. 1.捕獵,追捕 2.搜尋,尋找
 specimen n. 標(biāo)本;樣本
 airline n. 航空公司
 airliner n. 班機,客機
 vanish vi. 1.突然不見,消失 2.不復(fù)存在,絕跡
 crew n. 1.船上或飛機上的全體工作人員 2.一組(或一隊、一班)工作人員
◆crewless a. 沒有工作人員的
 aboard ad. 在(船、飛機、公共汽車或火車)上
prep. 在(船、飛機、公共汽車或火車)上
 missing a. 失蹤的,下落不明的,找不到的
 cargo n. 貨物
 steamer n. 汽船,汽艇, 輪船
 telescope n. 望遠鏡
 deck n. 甲板;層面
 timber n. 木材
 install vt. 1.任命,使就職 2.安裝
 fog n. 霧
 gulf n. 1.海灣 2.巨大的差距,鴻溝
 submerge v. (使)浸沒,(使)淹沒
 magnetic a. 1.有磁性的,磁的 2.有魅力的,吸引人的
 navigation n. 航行,導(dǎo)航
 error n. 錯誤
 mechanical a. 1.與機械有關(guān)的,機械的 2.機械的,呆板的,習(xí)慣性的
 atmosphere n. 1.大氣(層) 2.氣氛,氛圍
 atmospheric a. 大氣(層)的
 bureau n. 局,辦事處
 solar a. 太陽的,來自太陽的,太陽能的
 generator n. 發(fā)電機;發(fā)生器
 suck v. 1.吞沒,拉進 2.吸,吮,啜
■psychic n. 通靈的人,對超自然力敏感的人 a. (指人)有超自然力的
 cruise n. 航行 v. 旅游航行

Phrases and Expressions

 take off (飛機等)起飛
 search for 搜尋,探求,尋覓
 without trace 無影無蹤地,了無痕跡地
 tell of 講述,述說,告訴
 go so far as to 說或做到……強烈程度
 turn up 發(fā)現(xiàn),挖掘 發(fā)生,出現(xiàn),到來
 attribute sth. to 把... ...歸因于,把... ...歸咎于
 go on 發(fā)生
 on the contrary 恰恰相反,相反地
 to date 到目前為止,迄今
 on display 展覽,陳列
 expand on/upon (對故事、論據(jù)等進行)補充
 from time to time 不時,有時
 set off 引起,啟動
 make contact with 接觸,聯(lián)系,結(jié)識,會晤

Proper Names

 Florida 佛羅里達
 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
 the Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角
 Bermuda 百慕大群島
 Puerto Rico 波多黎各
 the Graveyard of the Atlantic 大西洋中的墓地
 Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗·哥倫布(意大利航海家,新大陸的發(fā)現(xiàn)者)
◆Ellen Austin "艾倫·奧斯丁"號
 U.S. Navy 美國海軍
 Richard Winer 理查德·文納
◆The Devil's Triangle 《魔鬼三角》
 Charles Berlitz 查爾斯·伯利茨
 Atlantis 亞特蘭蒂斯(傳說中的島嶼,據(jù)說位于大西洋直布羅陀海峽以西,后沉于海底)

    1945年12月5日下午兩點,天氣非常適合飛行,五架海軍飛機從佛羅里達州東南部的一個海軍飛行基地起飛,在大西洋上空作一次例行飛行訓(xùn)練。 不到兩小時,飛行指揮官用無線電報告說,他已"完全迷失了方向"。 接著是一片寂靜。 一架救援飛機被派出去搜尋失蹤的飛機,但同樣,它也消失得無影無蹤。 盡管美國海軍發(fā)動了有史以來范圍最大的一次搜尋,動用了300多架飛機和幾十艘戰(zhàn)艦,依然一無所獲,甚至沒發(fā)現(xiàn)一點油跡漂在水上。
    這僅是眾多有關(guān)"百慕大三角"的恐怖故事之一。"百慕大三角"是大西洋的一處神秘地帶,大致范圍從百慕大朝西南沿佛羅里達海岸再至波多黎各。 由于這里的天氣異常,水手當(dāng)中傳說它是"大西洋中的墓地"。 在過去的30年中,該三角已吞噬了近1,000名水手和飛機駕駛員的生命。 當(dāng)年克里斯托弗·哥倫布進入這片大西洋的水域時,注意到"白色的海水"泛起一道道奇特的光。 這些神奇的光帶如今仍然可見,而且明亮得連在繞地球軌道飛行的美國飛船里都可以看到。
    這個三角地帶通過三本暢銷書、一部電視片和一個特別展覽引起了公眾極大的興趣。 這些研究之作都未能令人信服地解答百慕大三角之謎,但其中不乏有趣的理論。 有些科學(xué)家和通俗作家居然猜測此三角地帶是外星人為他們的"動物園"捕捉人類標(biāo)本之地。
    不論真相如何,飛機和船只仍常常消失在這個三角地帶。 1947年7月3日,一架美國空軍飛機消失在百慕大附近100英里的地方,事先沒有任何遇難警示。 隨后立即展開了范圍寬達100,000平方英里的海面搜索,但沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)一片失蹤飛機的殘骸。 1948年1月30日,一架英國飛機消失在該三角地帶上空,機上有31名乘客和機組人員。 一年后,失蹤飛機的姊妹機也消失了。 72架搜索飛機加上幾十艘船,都沒能找到失蹤飛機的任何蹤影。
    被這神秘三角吞噬的最大的船只之一,是一艘500英尺的運煤船,它于1918年3月4日消失。 調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有惡劣天氣的跡象,沒有求救信號,沒有船只殘骸,也沒有船上309人的蹤跡。 更怪的是,無數(shù)"鬼船"被人發(fā)現(xiàn)漂浮在三角區(qū)域內(nèi),船上卻杳無人跡。 1881年一個詭異的日子里,貨輪"艾倫·奧斯丁"號發(fā)現(xiàn)了一艘小帆船,帆在風(fēng)中無望地飄動。 船長通過望遠鏡看見甲板上沒有人。 船上載滿了木材,但沒有人類生命的跡象。 "艾倫·奧斯丁"號的船長組織了一組新的船員去開船。 可是,兩天以后,一場暴風(fēng)雨使兩艘船一時間失散了。 當(dāng)船長再次登上那艘船時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的船員都失蹤了。 他又派去了一組船員,之后這船又在大霧中迷失了方向。 這一次,除了船員,連船也不見了蹤影。
    而美國海軍官方并不承認此三角區(qū)為危險地帶,他們相信"(三角地帶的)大多數(shù)失蹤事件,都應(yīng)歸咎于該地區(qū)獨特的環(huán)境特征"。 這其中包括墨西哥灣的湍急海流,尚未探測的大西洋海溝,以及該神秘區(qū)域經(jīng)常變幻莫測的惡劣天氣。 除此之外,此三角是地球上惟一的兩個羅盤指針指向真正北方而不是磁極北方的地段之一,這就造成了航行上的麻煩。 "那里的怪事、奇事層出不窮,"《魔鬼三角》的作者理查德·文納說。他這本書從三個月前出版以來,已經(jīng)售出了50萬冊。 "但是我相信,所有的答案都歸于人為失誤、機械故障、怪異的大氣活動或者異常的磁場現(xiàn)象。"
    與此相反,另一家政府部門的官員報告:"迄今為止,還沒人對失蹤事件做出合理的解釋。 "由于這些不確定的因素,個人調(diào)查者往往尋求較為荒誕的解釋。 一名作者認為,外星人在三角區(qū)內(nèi)尚未被考察的大西洋海底建立了高度發(fā)達的文明。 他相信大部分失蹤的船只和船員可能依然被陳列在那里,供那些高級智能生命研究。 該作者指出,"這聽起來很荒唐,除非你意識到它是惟一能涵蓋所有事實的解釋。"
    所有這些和其他理論都在查爾斯·伯利茨的新書《百慕大三角》里得到研究。 伯利茨對傳說中消失的島嶼亞特蘭蒂斯很感興趣,他擴展了這一學(xué)說,認為曾是亞特蘭蒂斯發(fā)電機的巨型太陽能水晶現(xiàn)在就在海底。 按照他的理論,過往的船只或飛機時不時會觸動那塊水晶,于是它會干擾它們的儀器,把它們吸入海底。
    為了檢驗這些理論,有一家機構(gòu)計劃派遣300名通靈人士和科學(xué)家前往百慕大三角。 這些研究人員希望能與任何可能居住在海底的"高級智能生命"接觸。



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