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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第四冊unit4-c Section C Privacy in the Information A




Privacy in the Information Age

Imagine a small plastic card that holds all manner of information about you on a tiny memory chip (芯片): your date of birth, Social Security Number, credit and medical histories. And suppose the same card lets you drive a car, get medicine, get cash from machines, pay parking tickets, and collect government benefits.

One version of this so-called smart card is already in use. Some insurance companies issue medical history cards of customers, who need them to get medicine. This type of technology evolves out of convenience, says Evan Hendricks (伊萬·亨德里克斯), editor of the Privacy Times (《私密時(shí)代》) newspaper, but "the dark side is that landlords, employers, and insurance companies could say we won't do business with you unless you show us your card."

Personal information gets harder to protect as more companies and government agencies build computerized databases (數(shù)據(jù)庫) that are easily linked. "You can go from one database to another the way people go from one bar to another," says Hendricks. "The information superhighway will probably be developed by corporations, but the government is always willing to associate itself with these things. Companies develop databases to better target customers and then the government uses these databases for investigating crimes."

According to writer Simson L. Garfinkel (辛姆森·L. 加芬克爾), the database trend started with Ronald Reagan's stories of people on welfare cheating the government. "It was called Operation Match (匹配行動(dòng))," says a privacy expert, "and it matched databases of people who owed money to the government with other databases of people who received money from the government. Operation Match went after government employees who had not paid back student loans the government had given them for college, and welfare clients with large unreported incomes."

Saving the public from cheats and criminals has been an effective excuse for cutting back everyone's personal privacy. The government has been pressing for computer makers to include a special chip in their machines to allow police agencies to listen to electronic communications. The administration claims that failing to do so would be begging terrorists and criminals to plot together via the information superhighway.

That may still seem like something from a spy movie; more troubling is the growing ease with which everyday information can be accessed. Take the computerization of medical records. As one writer points out, "your video renting habits are better protected by law than your medical records." That's because there's more money in your medical records. A privacy expert says insurance companies generate "lists of individuals with certain kinds of medical problems and then turn around and sell those lists to medicine companies and other businesses."

Medical records are used to make a whole host of decisions about you that aren't related to your health. According to a 1991 government report, "50 percent of employers regularly use medical record information for hiring and promotion purposes. Of those who use this information, nearly 20 percent… do not inform their employees that their medical records have been used for such purposes." One company won't hire smokers, and another fired an employee after finding out he drank heavily at parties.

Employers and landlords often buy this information from companies that are in the business of creating data profiles. Besides criminal history, workers' insurance claims, and civil court records, one of their core products is credit information, which isn't always accurate. One of the country's largest credit bureaus paid out a huge amount of money a few years ago after settling a court case filed by 19 states claiming the company's reports were full of errors.

But the biggest information gatherer of them all is the Department of Motor Vehicles (汽車管理部門), or DMV, of each state, according to Garfinkel. "The DMV is a one-stop shop for state agencies that want to reach out and affect our lives," he writes. Given the existing system, which links together all 51 U.S. motor vehicle agencies, "no other state agency tracks the movement of people more accurately."

Nor is DMV data used solely for matters related to driving. "The state of Oregon (俄勒岡州) has 109 different offenses that can result in the temporary loss of a driver's license; 50 of them have nothing at all to do with driving," writes Garfinkel. Residents of the state of Wisconsin (威斯康星州), he notes, can lose their license for not paying library fines, neglecting to shovel snow away from the walk in front of their house, or failing to trim a tree whose branches hang over a neighbor's property. In the state of Kentucky (肯塔基州), students who drop out of school, have nine or more absences without being excused, or whose grades are below a given standard, lose their driving privileges "unless they can prove family hardship".

It's hard to avoid being seen on the DMV computer screens, but there are ways to keep a low profile in other areas. One health official recommends that when you sign a medical form you change it to make it clear "that you do not consent to having information re-released or sold to a second party without your direct, written consent".

Lots of other advice is available in publications listed in the Whole Earth Review (《全球評論》)(Fall 1993). Two of the most intriguing books on the list are Privacy for Sale (《出賣隱私》) by Jeffrey Rothfeder (杰弗里·羅斯費(fèi)德) and Your Right to Privacy (《你的隱私權(quán)》)by Evan Hendricks of Privacy Times newsletter. Another well-known and useful periodical is the monthly Privacy Journal (《隱私月報(bào)》).

Words: 887

    設(shè)想一下一張小小的塑料卡,在微小的記憶芯片上存有關(guān)于你的所有信息: 出生日期、社會(huì)保障號(hào)、信用記錄和病史。 想一想,這同一張卡能使你駕車、就醫(yī)、從取款機(jī)中提款、付停車費(fèi)、領(lǐng)政府補(bǔ)助。
    這種所謂的智能卡已有一款正在使用。 有些保險(xiǎn)公司發(fā)行了客戶的醫(yī)療記錄卡,客戶憑這些卡才能就醫(yī)。 《私密時(shí)代》報(bào)紙編輯伊萬·亨德里克斯說,為方便起見產(chǎn)生了這門技術(shù),但是,"其不便之處就是房東、雇主或保險(xiǎn)公司等會(huì)說,我們不會(huì)與你談?wù)碌? 除非你出示該卡。"
    隨著更多的公司與政府機(jī)構(gòu)建立了電腦管理的、可隨時(shí)聯(lián)網(wǎng)的數(shù)據(jù)庫,個(gè)人信息更難保護(hù)了。 "你可以從一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫進(jìn)入另一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫,就像人們從一間酒吧到另一間酒吧一樣," 亨德里克斯說。 "信息高速公路很可能由大企業(yè)開發(fā),但政府總喜歡參與這些事情。 企業(yè)開發(fā)數(shù)據(jù)庫以更好地定位客戶,然后政府就用這些數(shù)據(jù)庫來調(diào)查犯罪。"
    據(jù)作者辛姆森·L·加芬克爾說,這種利用數(shù)據(jù)庫掌握情況的趨勢始自羅納德·里根關(guān)于領(lǐng)救濟(jì)金的人對政府有欺騙行為的說法。 一位隱私權(quán)方面的專家說:"這被稱作'匹配行動(dòng)', 它將那些欠有政府款項(xiàng)的人的數(shù)據(jù)庫與那些從政府獲得款項(xiàng)的人的數(shù)據(jù)庫一一對應(yīng)。 '匹配行動(dòng)'跟蹤記錄那些未歸還政府助學(xué)貸款的政府雇員,以及隱瞞大筆收入的福利救濟(jì)對象。"
    保護(hù)公眾不受欺騙和侵害一直是降低個(gè)人隱私程度的有效借口。 政府一直在敦促電腦制造商在機(jī)中加裝一塊特殊的芯片以使警方能接聽電子通信。 政府稱不這樣做就等于讓恐怖分子和犯罪分子通過信息高速公路來共同策劃陰謀。
    這仍感覺像是間諜片中的場景;更使人不安的是日常信息可以越來越容易地被獲取。 以醫(yī)療檔案的電腦化管理為例。 正如一位作者所指出的那樣,"你租借錄像帶的習(xí)慣都能比你的醫(yī)療記錄得到更好的法律保護(hù)。" 那是因?yàn)獒t(yī)療檔案涉及到更多的錢。 一位隱私權(quán)專家說,保險(xiǎn)公司列出"有某些健康問題的人員名單,又轉(zhuǎn)而將這些名單賣給制藥公司和其他的企業(yè)"。
    醫(yī)療檔案被用來做出很多與你相關(guān)的決定,而這些決定卻與你的健康無關(guān)。 據(jù)一份1991年的政府報(bào)告稱:"50%的雇主經(jīng)常用醫(yī)療檔案里的信息來決定是否雇用或提拔某人。 那些利用這種信息的人中,約20%的人……不會(huì)告訴雇員他們的醫(yī)療檔案曾被用于此種目的。 "某公司不雇用吸煙者,另一家則在發(fā)現(xiàn)雇員在晚會(huì)上酗酒后將其解雇。
    雇主、房東們常向開發(fā)數(shù)據(jù)檔案的公司購買這類信息。 除了犯罪記錄、勞工保險(xiǎn)索賠、民事法庭記錄外,這些公司的核心產(chǎn)品之一是信用信息,而這種信用信息卻并非總是準(zhǔn)確的。 幾年前,19個(gè)州指控國內(nèi)一家大型信用機(jī)構(gòu)的報(bào)告錯(cuò)誤百出,這家公司因此付了一大筆錢。
    不過據(jù)加芬克爾說,最大的信息收集機(jī)構(gòu)還是各州的汽車管理部門,簡稱DMV。 他寫道:"對想要影響我們、管得過寬的政府機(jī)構(gòu)來說,DMV正是它們獲得所需信息的一站式供應(yīng)處。 "現(xiàn)有的系統(tǒng)將美國所有51個(gè)汽車管理部門連接起來,在這一點(diǎn)上,"任何其他的政府機(jī)構(gòu)都不可能比它更準(zhǔn)確地跟蹤人們的行為。"
    DMV的數(shù)據(jù)也并非僅用于與開車有關(guān)的事情。 加芬克爾寫道:"俄勒岡州有109種不同的違規(guī)行為可導(dǎo)致暫時(shí)吊銷駕駛執(zhí)照,而其中50種與開車毫無關(guān)系。"  他提到,威斯康星州的居民可能會(huì)因未付圖書館罰款,未將門前步道上的積雪清除,未將伸到鄰家宅院上的樹枝修剪掉而失去駕駛執(zhí)照。 在肯塔基州,退學(xué)的學(xué)生,無故曠課達(dá)9次以上的學(xué)生,或分?jǐn)?shù)達(dá)不到某一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的學(xué)生,都會(huì)失去駕駛執(zhí)照,"除非他們能證明其家庭有困難"。
    很難使自己的信息不出現(xiàn)在DMV的電腦屏幕上。但還是有辦法在其他方面使自己的情況少為人知。 一位衛(wèi)生官員建議,當(dāng)填寫醫(yī)療表格時(shí),你可改變一下,清楚地表明"你不同意在沒有你的直接書面同意的情況下將你的信息泄露或出賣給第二方"。
    《全球評論》(1993年秋季號(hào))列出了一些提供了很多其他建議的出版物。 這一書單上兩本最令人感興趣的書是杰弗里·羅斯費(fèi)德所著的《出賣隱私》和通信刊物《私密時(shí)代》的伊萬·亨德里克斯所寫的《你的隱私權(quán)》。 另一本著名而實(shí)用的期刊是月刊《隱私月報(bào)》。


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