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NO BOOK英語口語極短句上p7 #2

所屬教程:NO BOOK英語口語極短句



Lesson 147 Be carefull!
1.Be careful!小心!
2.Be careful about what you say.你說話要當心。
3.Be careful of his feelings.關(guān)心一下他的情緒吧。
4.Be careful when crossing the road.你過馬路一定要當心。
5.Be more careful!多加小心!
Lesson 148 Who cares!
1.Who cares!誰會關(guān)心那個呀!
2.Goodbye,and take care!再見,多保重!
3.I don't care!我才不在乎呢!
4.Take care over your work.你對工作應該認真些。
5.I do care about you.我真的很關(guān)心你。
Lesson 149 Call me,please.
1.Call me,please.請給我打電話。
2.Call me at ten.十點給我打個電話。
3.Can I call you sometime?我能給你打電話嗎?
4.Any calls for me?有我的電話嗎?
5.I'd like to call a meeting.我想召開個會議。
Lesson 150 Please answer the phone.
1.Please answer the phone.請你接一下電話。
2.I'm on the phone.我正在打電話。
3.Did anybody phone me?有人打電話來找我嗎?
4.I'll phone them up now.我現(xiàn)在就給他們打電話。
5.A phone for you.有你的電話。
Lesson 151 I agree with you.
1.I agree with you.我同意你的想法。
2.Do you agree with me?你同意我的想法嗎?
3.Can we agree on a price?咱們能不能商定個價錢?
4.I couldn't agree more.你說得太對了。
5.I agree it is better.我承認這個比較好。
Lesson 152 It's to difficult!
1.It's too difficult!太難啦!
2.It's a difficult problem.這是個難題。
3.It's difficult for children.這對孩子們來說有難度。
4.Please don't be so difficult.別那么愛找碴兒。
5.Nothing is difficult to a man who wills.世上無難事,只怕有心人。
Lesson 153 It's a secret.
1.It's a secret.這是個秘密。
2.Keep it a secret!要保密喲!
3.Keep my secret!替我保密!
4.I have a secret to tell you.要我告訴你這個秘密。
5.What's the secret to your success?你成功的秘決是什么?
Lesson 154 Hot idea!
1.Hot idea!好主意1
2.It's hot today.今天挺熱的。
3.It's too hot to drink.太燙了,沒法喝。
4.Here is some hot tea for you.請喝點熱茶。
5.It's a hot opportunity.這是個搶手的機會。
Lesson 155 You're the best.
1.You're the best.你是最棒的。
2.This one is the best.這件最好。
3.I feel best in the morning.我早晨精神最好。
4.Try your best,please!請盡你的最大努力吧!
5.Give them my best.請向他們表示我最好的祝愿。
Lesson 156 I don't know.
1.I don't know.我不知道。
2.I do know.這確實知道。
3.You know well enough.你心里很明白。
4.I know him very well.我很了解他。
5.You never know.事情很難說。
Lesson 157 Quiet1
2.Be quiet,please!請安靜!
3.Keep quiet,please!請保持安靜!
4.Keep the children quiet,please!讓孩子們靜一靜。
5.Keep quiet about it.別聲張這件事。
Lesson 158 What's for dinner?
1.What's for dinner?晚飯吃什么?
2.Have you had dinner?你吃飯了嗎?
3.It's time for dinner.到吃飯的時間了。
4.They're at dinner.他們正在用餐。
5.Dinner's on me.這頓飯我請客。
Lesson 159 Let me introduce myself.
1.Let me introduce myself.讓我做一下自我介紹吧。
2.Let me introduce a friend.請讓我介紹一位朋友。
3.Please introduce him to me.請把他介紹給我。
4.Allow me to introduce my wife.讓我介紹一下,這位是我太太。
5.Introduce yourself,please.請介紹一下你自己吧。
Lesson 160 Please lt me pass.
1.Please let me pass.請讓我過去。
2.Pass me a cup of tea,please.請遞給我一杯茶。
3.Pass me a piece of paper,please.留言,就客氣地說:請遞給我一張紙。
4.Never pass up a chance to learm.永遠不要放棄學習的機會。
5.The days passed quickly.日子飛快地流逝。
Lesson 161 It's too stort.
1.It's too short.這太短了。
2.It's a short holiday.這個假期真短。
3.It's a short distance to school.這里到學校距離很近。
4.Are you short of money?你缺錢用嗎?
5.We are short of hands.我們?nèi)鄙偃耸帧?br /> Lesson 162 What's the point?
1.What's the point?重點是什么?
2.It's an important point.這是關(guān)鍵。
3.It's a turning point.這是一個轉(zhuǎn)折點。
4.Stop at this point.停在這里吧。
5.Your point is well taken.你的建議被采納了。
Lesson 163 I can't hear a word.
1.I can't hear a word.我一句也聽不見。
2.May I say a word?我可以說說看法嗎?
3.Can I have a word with you?我能和你聊聊嗎?
4.Any word on your promotion?有你的升遷的消息嗎?
5.In a word,the situation is serious.總而言之,形勢很嚴峻。
Lesson 164 Do you have a reservation?
1.Do you have a reservation?您預約了嗎?
2.Reservations are necessary on Sundays.星期日需要預訂。
3.Make a reservation for me,please.請給我預訂一下。
4.Make a reservation in the name of Tom.請以湯姆的名義預訂一下。
5.You'll have to make a reservation.你得事先預訂。
Lesson 165 Terrible!
2.It's really terrible.這可真糟糕。
3.What a terrible temper!脾氣真夠壞的!
4.It must be terrible.那一定很可怕。
5.I feel terrible.我感覺糟透了。
Lesson 166 It's hard work.
1.It's hard work.這是一項艱苦的工作。
2 It's so hard for me.這對我來說太難了。
3.I'm working hard now.我現(xiàn)在正在努力工作。
4.Hard luck!運氣真夠壞的!
5.Push hard!用力推!
Lesson 167 Really?
2.I really hate you.我真的很恨你。
4.Really good!的確很好!
5.A really cold day!真是個冷天!
Lesson 168 About what?
1.About what?是關(guān)于什么的?
2.It's about ten o'clock.現(xiàn)在太約十點。
3.Tell me something about you.告訴我一些關(guān)于你的情況吧。
4.It's a book about snakes.這是一本有關(guān)蛇的書。
5.Rumour is about.謠言四起呀。
Lesson 169 Piece of cake!
1.Piece of cake!易如反掌!
2.It's a piece of cake.這很容易。
3.Just a piece of cake.這簡直是太輕松的事啦 。
4.It's just a piece of cake.小意思而已。
5.This is just a piece of cake.這只是件小事。
Lesson 170 Don't worry!
1.What's worrying you?什么事使你煩惱?
2.Don't worry1別擔心!
3.Don't worry about me.不用為我擔心,
4.I have a lot of worries.我有很多煩心的事。
5.I'm worrying about you.我很為你擔心。
Lesson 171 It's sunny.
1.It's sunny.今天很晴朗。
2.It's bright and sunny.今天陽光燦爛。
3.She's a sunny girl.她真是一個陽光女孩。
4.It's a sunny room.這是個陽光充足的房間。
5.Look on the sunny side,please.請你用樂觀的態(tài)度來看等事情。


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