Fallen Majesty
Although crowds gathered once if she but showed her face, |
她的出現,總會立時聚來人潮, |
And even old men's eyes grew dim, this hand alone, |
吸引所有人的眼睛,卻唯有這只手啊 |
Like some last courtier at a gypsy camping-place |
如浪人營地里的前朝遺老, |
Babbling of fallen majesty, records what is gone. |
喋喋于失落的王權,記載歷史。 |
The lineaments, a heart that laughter has made sweet, |
那麗影,那顆被笑顏蜜住的心 |
These, these remain, but I record what's gone. A crowd |
仍在,但我只是記載歷史。 |
Will gather, and not know it walks the very street |
仍有人潮涌動,可誰知道,他們踏過的 |
Whereon a thing once walked that seemed a burning cloud. |
這條街道,她曾走過,如一朵燃燒的云。 |