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雙語詩歌|葉芝:1916年復(fù)活節(jié) Easter,1916







I have met them at close of day 黃昏時候我還見過他們,
Coming with vivid faces 一張張鮮活的臉,從
From counter or desk among grey 十八世紀(jì)的房間
Eighteenth-century houses. 桌子與柜臺的后面而來。
I have passed with a nod of the head 我們擦肩而過,我點點頭,
Or polite meaningless words, 或是扯上一些閑話,
Or have lingered awhile and said 或是耽擱片刻,交談
Polite meaningless words, 純粹出于禮貌。
And thought before I had done 而話未說完的時候
Of a mocking tale or a gibe 我突然想起一則趣聞,
To please a companion 可在俱樂部的爐火旁邊
Around the fire at the club, 給朋友講來開心,
Being certain that they and I 因我確信,他們和我
But lived where motley is worn: 無非如丑角一般生活:
All changed, changed utterly: 而一切都變了,徹底變了,
A terrible beauty is born. 一種可怕的美已經(jīng)誕生。
That woman's days were spent 那女人把白天都耗費在
In ignorant good-will, 無知的善意里面,
Her nights in argument 夜晚則與人爭辯,
Until her voice grew shrill. 直到嗓音發(fā)尖。
What voice more sweet than hers 而她也曾有年輕美麗的時候,
When, young and beautiful, 騎馬、打獵,
She rode to harriers? 語聲是動人的甜。
This man had kept a school 這男人曾經(jīng)辦過學(xué)校,
And rode our winged horse; 曾經(jīng)和我們共乘天馬;
This other his helper and friend 那一位是他的朋友,
Was coming into his force; 將助他仔細謀劃;
He might have won fame in the end, 他有顆敏銳的心,
So sensitive his nature seemed, 還有著大膽而嶄新的思想,
So daring and sweet his thought. 最終他也許能贏得名望。
This other man I had dreamed 我還想到一個人,
A drunken, vainglorious lout. 那個虛榮的粗野的酒鬼,
He had done most bitter wrong 他曾對我最愛的女人
To some who are near my heart, 做過最刻薄的事情,
Yet I number him in the song; 而我,卻仍在詩中提到他的名字;
He, too, has resigned his part 他已辭去了在那場即興喜劇中
In the casual comedy; 所扮演的角色;
He, too, has been changed in his turn, 改變了,在他上場的時候
Transformed utterly: 被深刻地改變了,
A terrible beauty is born. 一種可怕的美已經(jīng)誕生。
Hearts with one purpose alone 所有人目標(biāo)一致,
Through summer and winter seem 夏天與冬天過后,
Enchanted to a stone 似乎被魔法變成頑石
To trouble the living stream. 要阻攔活潑的溪流。
The horse that comes from the road, 大路上,奔馳的馬
The rider, the birds that range 還有騎馬的人,還有
From cloud to tumbling cloud, 飛翔在云層之間的鳥兒,
Minute by minute they change; 不住地變幻;
A shadow of cloud on the stream 溪流上,云影變幻,
Changes minute by minute; 不住地變幻;
A horse-hoof slides on the brim, 一只馬蹄陷在溪流邊上,
And a horse plashes within it; 一匹馬濺起了溪水,
The long-legged moor-hens dive, 雉鳥躍進了溪水,
And hens to moor-cocks call; 雌雞呼喚著雄雞;
Minute by minute they live: 不住變幻的它們的生活,
The stone's in the midst of all. 那頑石在這一切中間。
Too long a sacrifice 一場犧牲奉獻也太久了,
Can make a stone of the heart. 久得足以把心靈變成頑石。
O when may it suffice? 何時才能結(jié)束呢?
That is Heaven's part, our part 那是天意決定,而我們
To murmur name upon name, 只需低喚一個又一個名字,
As a mother names her child 像母親在呼喚她的孩子
When sleep at last has come ——當(dāng)沉沉的睡意終于降臨在
On limbs that had run wild. 跑累的肢體上的時候。
What is it but nightfall? 若不是夜色那會是什么?
No, no, not night but death; 不,不是夜色,是死亡,
Was it needless death after all? 而那死亡是否值得?
For England may keep faith 因為,對于所做和所說的一切
For all that is done and said. 英國可能守信。
We know their dream;enough 我們知道他們的夢,
To know they dreamed and are dead; 知道他們夢過,并已身死,
And what if excess of love 這就足夠;若過度的愛
Bewildered them till they died? 迷惑他們至死又如何?
I write it out in a verse— 我用詩筆記下一切——
MacDonagh and MacBride 麥克多納和麥克布萊德,
And Connolly and Pearse. 康諾利和皮爾斯等人,
Now and in time to be, 無論現(xiàn)在、將來,
Wherever green is worn, 只要有地方佩帶綠色,
Are changed, changed utterly: 他們都會改變,徹底改變,
A terrible beauty is born. 一種可怕的美已經(jīng)誕生。


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