Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.
Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.
Education has for its object the formation of character.
[注解]語出Herbert Spencer,英國哲學家斯賓塞。
Envy has no holidays.
[注解]語出Francis Bacon,英國哲學家培根。
Envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anyone's nature.
[注解]語出Oscar Wilde(王爾德),愛爾蘭作家。
Envy never enriched any man.
Every bean has its black. (or Every man has his faults. or Every man has his weak side.)
Every one's faults are not written on their foreheads.
[注解]語出英國自然主義作家John Ray(雷伊)。受人責備時常用此諺語反駁,暗示對方也有過錯,只是沒寫在腦門上,不被人知。Every (all) ... not這種結構表示部分否定。
Example is better than precept. (or Example is more powerful than precept.)
Extremes meet.