Death is no more than passing from one room into another.
Death is the grand leveler.
[注解]在莎士比亞的戲劇《辛白林》第4幕第2場中有句:Thersites' body is as good as Ajax' when neither are alive.貴人也好,賤人也好,死了以后,剩下的反正就是一副同樣的臭皮囊。Thersites是荷馬史詩《伊利亞特》中一名最丑陋、最會罵人的士兵;Ajax是特洛伊圍攻戰(zhàn)中的希臘英雄。
Death keeps no calendar.
Death pays all scores.
Death spares neither small nor great.
Death when it comes will have no denial.
Diligence is the mother of good luck. (or Industry is the parent of success.)
Discontent is the first step in progress.
Don't say that you have started too early, for many people are already on the way.
Dying is as natural as living.