白羊座 3.21-4.19
You would be wise to socialize with as many people as possible. You will earn recognition for the work you are doing. Too much work and no play will not only result in fatigue and frustration but also loneliness, too. Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting.
Your lucky day this week will be Friday.
金牛座 4.20-5.20
You can make new friends if you get involved in group activities. You are best to work at home if you can. You're best to channel your energy into work. Overexertion and negligence will be your worst enemies.
Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.
雙子座 5.21-6.21
Uncertainty regarding your mate may emerge; reevaluate what you see in each other. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Social events will be plentiful.
Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.
巨蟹座 6.22-7.22
You are best not to say too much to colleagues. You can make profitable investments if you purchase an art object for your home. Creative endeavors will give you somewhat of an outlet. Change will be required to make your life more harmonious.
Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.
獅子座 7.23-8.22
Pleasure trips or friendly get-togethers will be satisfying and intellectually stimulating. Someone you live with will get angry if you are neglecting your duties. Finish those changes you've been talking about making to your residence. You could lose money or precious belongings if you aren't careful.
Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.
處女座 8.23-9.22
Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Pleasure trips will induce exciting and passionate encounters with those of foreign extraction.
Your lucky day this week will be Friday.
天秤座 9.23-10.22
You may find it difficult to communicate. You may not be that popular at home but you should be able to shine at social gatherings. You are best to keep your money tied up in a safe and secure place. Build on friendship rather than starting out in an intimate encounter.
Your lucky day this week will be Monday.
天蝎座 10.23-11.21
Hassles with female colleagues may lead to problems with your boss. Make sure that new mates live up to your high standards. Your determination may make you a little overbearing when dealing with others. Take care of your personal needs.
Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.
射手座 11.22-12.21
Don't turn down an invitation or a challenge that could enhance your chances of meeting someone special. You can develop your creative talents if you take the time to practice your art. Don't bother getting even; they'll make themselves look bad. A need to be in love may fool you.
Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
摩羯座 12.22-1.19
Don't start any arguments unless you're prepared to accept irrevocable results. Don't bother complaining, do the work yourself. Be prepared to make changes to your personal documents. You will have splendid suggestions for fund raising events.
Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.
水瓶座 1.20-2.18
You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. Don't upset elders in your family who don't understand your present situation. Uncertainties regarding your love life will surface if you have neglected your mate.
Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
雙魚座 2.19-3.20
This day was meant for love. Make creative changes to your residence. Advancement can be yours if you put your efforts into work related matters. You may find that doing odd jobs around the house will be successful and appreciated by loved ones. You can enhance your reputation by making contributions to worthwhile causes.
Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.