Caller: _____________, I _____, since I was __ till I was about ___,____, just learning how to do things by myself. And when I ____________ it's just...I dunno, it was just understood, if you see something _____________, you just do it. I mean these guys who think, oh, I shouldn't do the ________, that's wimp. I'm a wimp, whoever does that is a wimp, baloney! I mean, uh...
Male Presenter: But do you _____, Bob?
Bob: Yes, I do. I love to _____. _______________, my wife loves it in the summer because _________________________ and I cook everything _______________________________, so...
Female Presenter: Uh, by the way, Bob, I just want to ___________________________. Barbecuing is _______. I don't look at you as a wuss if you're ________. If you're in the kitchen _______________________________, you're a wuss.