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傲慢與偏見6 A Young Man Refused





A Young Man Refused

Two days later Mr. Collins asked Elizabeth to behis wife. He was very orderly in his manner. One day,after breakfast, when he found Mrs. Bennet, Elizabethand Kitty together, he addressed the mother. "May Ihope, madam, for your approval when I ask toprivately speak with your fair daughter, Elizabeth? "

Elizabeth turned red with surprise, but before shecould say anything, Mrs. Bennet was already leadingKitty to the door.

"Oh, dear!" said Mrs. Bennet. "I am sure Lizzywill be very happy to speak with you. Come, Kitty, Iwant you upstairs. "

She was hurrying away with Kitty when Elizabethcalled out . "Dear mother , please do not go - I beg youto stay! Anything Mr. Collins has to say can be heardby you; he has no need to speak to me alone. I willleave with Kitty. "

"No. no, don't be silly. Lizzy. You stay whereyou are. I insist that you listen to what Mr. Collins hasto say. "After thinking for a moment, Elizabeth thought itwould be wisest to get it over as quickly and as quietlyas possible. She sat down again on the sofa, took upher sewing, and Mr. Collins began.

"Believe me, my dear Miss Elizabeth, your lack ofselfishness only adds to your other perfections. You canhardly doubt, I know, the reason why I want to speakto you. It's true my attentions toward you have beentoo strong to be mistaken. But before I talk about myfeelings, perhaps it will be better for me to explain myreasons for wanting to marry you."

The idea that Mr. Collins was weak against hisfeelings made Elizabeth almost laugh. She was not ableto stop him from speaking further.

" First , I think it is a good example for a man of thechurch to marry; secondly, I am convinced our marriagewill add to my happiness; thirdly, a very noble ladywhom I'm very grateful toward wishes me to marry. "

"Your reasons, sir, are clever and well thoughtout, " said Elizabeth hurriedly. "but I think you wouldbe - "

Mr. Collins held up his hand. "No, no, please donot speak. I have not finished yet. I have anotherreason. Because I am going to get this property afterthe death of your father, I have decided to marry one ofhis daughters. This way, you and your sisters will notlose very much. This is my main reason.

"Your reason, sir, is very kind and respectable,but -"

"Ah. I am glad that you approve of my ideas.Now I have only to convince you of how strong myfeelings for you are. I repeat, dear cousin, the strengthof my feelings for you "

It was absolutely necessary for Elizabeth tointerrupt him now.

"You are too quick, sir , " she answered. " Though Iam able to see the honor and necessity of your offer, Icannot accept it. "

"I know, dear cousin, " replied Mr. Collins, "it iscommon for young ladies not to accept a man's wishes.Sometimes their refusal is repeated a second or thirdtime. "

"Upon my word, sir," cried Elizabeth, "I am notspeaking in such a way - "

"Please believe me, dear cousin, that your refusaldoes not discourage me. "

" Your hope is quite amazing after what I have justtold you," interrupted Elizabeth. "I am perfectlyserious in my refusal. You cannot make me happy. Iam the last woman in the world who could make youhappy. I'm certain that your friend Lady Catherine, ifshe knew me, would not consider me suitable for thesituation. "

"I do not think Lady Catherine would disapproveof you," said Mr. Collins very seriously. "She said' Choose a gentlewoman and let her be both active anduseful. Make sure she has been raised not to expect toomuch so that she can make a small amount of money goa long way. ' "

"You give me too much praise, sir! "

"When I see Lady Catherine," continued Mr.Collins, "I shall speak about you in the highest terms. "

"Really, Mr. Collins," cried Elizabeth with somewarmth, "you confuse me! I have said nothing to youthat can be taken as an encouragement. I don't knowhow to express my refusal any more strongly. "

"Come, now! dear cousin. I know that yourrefusal is merely words. My offer is very worthy andyou can only accept it. No, no, you wish to make melove you more by not giving yourself to me too easily.This is common with traditional women of goodmanners."

Elizabeth was becoming desperate. "Truthfully, Isay to you, sir - I have no future plans to marry you.I thank you for the honor. but my feelings cannot allowme to accept your offer. Can I speak any plainer?"

"Oh, you are so charming!" he cried. "I am surethat when your father has given his approval, thematter may be considered settled. "

Elizabeth stood up and moved towards the door.Then she stopped and said, "Really, Mr. Collins, youmight do me the honor of believing what I say. Then,indeed, this matter would be settled! "

She closed the door behind her.

Mrs. Bennet was waiting in the hall for the end ofthe meeting. She saw Elizabeth walk quickly towardsthe stairs. Then she went in to Mr. Collins, smilingwarmly .

"So it is settled! " she cried. "May I be the first tocongratulate you, my dear Mr. Collins?"

"Thank you, dear ma'am." he replied, and gaveher a little bow. "I have every reason to be happy withmy dear cousin's refusal. "

"Refusal!' cried Mrs. Bennet, shocked.

"Yes, indeed, ma'am, " said Mr. Collins happily."She told me that she would not have me. I'm sure shemeans to encourage me.

"Mr. Collins, if only this were true! But that isnot Lizzy's manner. She must have meant what shesaid. "

Mr. Collins looked surprised. "Is it possible thatshe would refuse me?"

"Please forgive her, Mr. Collins, but she is a veryfoolish girl and has too strong of a will. She does notknow about her own interests. But don't worry - shewill be made to be reasonable. She shall be made to -"

"Pardon me for interrupting you, madam," saidMr. Collins, "but if it's true that she is really toowillful and foolish, she will not be a suitable wife forme. You must consider my situation. "

"Sir, you misunderstand me," said Mrs. Bennet,worried. "She is as good-natured a girl as ever lived.It's only in these manners that she can be willful. I willspeak directly to Mr. Bennet. We shall very soon settleit with her. I am sure. "

Not giving him time to reply, she hurriedly wentto her husband, in the library.

"Oh, Mr. Bennet, you must make Lizzy marryMr. Collins. She says she will not marry him. If youdo not hurry, he will not have her. "

"I'm afraid I do not understand what you aretalking about," said Mr. Bennet calmly. "Whom areyou talking about? "

"Mr. Collins and Lizzy, of course! Lizzy says shewill not have Mr. Collins, and Mr. Collins is nowbeginning to say that he will not have Lizzy. "

"What do you want me to do? It seems hopeless. "

"Tell Lizzy that you command her to marry him. "

"Call her in. I'll tell her my opinion.

Mrs. Bennet rang the bell, and Miss Elizabethwas called into the library.

"Come here, child," said her father. "I hear fromyour mother that Mr. Collins has made you an offer ofmarriage .

" Yes. Papa. "

"And have you refused this offer? "

" I have , sir . "

"Well, your mother insists that you accept thisoffer. Is this not so, Mrs. Bennet?"

"Yes, or I will never see her again. "

"You have an unhappy choice, Elizabeth Fromthis day on, you must be a stranger to one of yourparents. Your mother will not see you again if you donot marry Mr. Collins; and l will not see you again ifyou do! "

"Mr. Bennet! " cried his wife very angrily.

"Oh, thank you. thank you, Papa," criedElizabeth. Then she gave him a very loving hug andleft.

"Why, Mr. Bennet, did you talk in that way?You must insist that she marry him."

"I have two small favors to ask of you, my dear, "replied her husband. "First, please allow me to havemy own judgment; and, secondly, let me use my roomas I please. Right now, I'd be most happy if you let mehave the library to myself. "

Mrs. Bennet left the library, but she did not giveup on Mr. Collins' offer. She talked to Elizabeth againand again , hoping to make her change her mind.

While the family were in this confusion. CharlotteLucas came to visit. Immediately Mrs. Bennet askedher to help convince Lizzy to listen to the wishes of herfamily.

"Please speak to her, dear Charlotte."she added,sadly. "Nobody is on my side, and nobody takes mypart . "

Just then Kitty and Lydia came into the room.

"Oh, Mama, what is going to happen to us?"cried Lydia.

"What are we to do?" screamed Kitty.

"Good heavens! " cried Mrs. Bennet. "Don't shoutlike this, girls. My head is ready to blow open!"

"But, Mama!" cried Lydia. "Our officers areleaving! They have been ordered to go next week toBrighton. Oh, Mama, what is to become of us"

"My heart will break ! " screamed Kitty.

Mrs. Bennet put her hands to her head. "This istoo much for me! "

Just then the door opened. It was the maid,carrying a letter.

"A letter, ma'am." the maid told Mrs. Bennet,"for Miss Jane. One of the men from Nethertfield hasjust left it . "

"For me?" said Jane. embarrassed. She took theletter and walked towards the window.

"It must be from Bingley," Mrs. Bennetwhispered to Charlotte. She watched hungrily whileJane opened the envelope and began to read the letter.Elizabeth saw her sister's face change as she read theletter.

"Well, what does he say?" cried Mrs. Bennet."Thank heavens, there is still Mr. Bingley for us! "

" The letter, Mama, is from Miss CarolineBingley, " answered Jane, sadly.

"Why, what is it, my love?" said Mrs. Bennet,coming toward her. "You've gone all white. "

"I - l am surprised by this news, Mama. Thewhole family has left Netherfield. They are on theirway to Mr. Darcy's house in town. They will notreturn this winter.

"This is Mr. Darcy's doing," said Elizabeth.

"Oh, my poor Jane!" cried Mrs. Bennet. "Youhave lost him forever ! "

Jane quickly hurried from the room.

"And my poor Kitty and Lydia," continued theirmother, "you are soon to lose your officers! My poordaughters ! "

Mrs. Bennet sat down onto the sofa, her handsraised to her head.


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