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Smart 詞匯記憶組群77
declare vt.斷言,宣稱;聲明,表明
announce v.報告……到來;宣布,通告
mounce,nunci=to report(報告)
announcer n.播音員,報幕員
pronounce v.發(fā)音;宣判,宣布
pronunciation n.發(fā)音(方法)
pronouncement n.宣告
proclaim vt.宣告,宣布;表明
claim v.聲稱,斷言;對……提出要求,索?。皇故й櫥驕缤?;需要,值得
exclaim v.(因驚訝,痛苦,憤怒,高興等方面)呼喊,驚叫
roar vi.吼叫,怒號;轟鳴
scream vi.尖聲叫,發(fā)出刺耳的聲音
shout n./vi.呼喊,叫聲
call vt.把……叫做,把……稱為;打電話給;叫,喊,大聲說出;呼喚,召喚;
cry vi.哭,哭泣;叫,喊
sob vi./n.啜泣,嗚咽
tear n.眼淚,淚珠
sigh n.嘆息(聲)
weep vi.哭泣,流淚
weed v.除草,鏟除
straw n.稻草,麥桿;吸管
stem n.莖,干;詞干
bough n.樹枝
limb n.肢,翼;大數(shù)枝
branch n.樹枝;分部,分科
gum n.樹脂;口香糖
knot n.(繩的)結(jié),(樹的)節(jié)
root n.根(部);根本,根源
trunk n.樹干;大衣箱,皮箱
bush n.灌木(叢)
jungle n.叢林,密林
oak n.櫟屬植物,櫟木
pine n.松樹,松木
nut n.堅果,干果;螺母
bud n.芽,萌芽
bloom vi.開花
blossom vi.開花
flower n.花
seed n.種(子),籽,萌芽
rose n.薔薇花,薔薇科植物
wreath n.花環(huán),花圈
violet n.紫羅蘭
hay n.干草
lawn n.草地,草坪
leaf n.葉子;(書刊的)張,頁;金屬薄片
meadow n.草地
reed n.蘆葦,葦叢;蘆笛
thorm n.(植物的)刺
fruit n.水果,果實;成果
fruitful a.多產(chǎn)的;肥沃的
juice n.(水果等)汁,液
berry n.漿果(如草莓等)
strawberry n.草莓
cherry n.櫻桃,櫻桃樹
grape n.葡萄,葡萄藤
vine n.葡萄樹
lemon n.檸檬,檸檬樹
melon n.瓜,甜瓜
peach n.桃子,桃樹
pear n.梨子,梨樹
core n.果核;核心,中心

Smart 詞匯記憶組群78
pessimistic a.悲觀(主義)的
optimistic a.樂觀(主義)的
pleasant a.舒適的,令人愉快的
pleasure n.高興,滿足;令人高興的事,樂趣
please vt.使高興,使?jié)M意
amuse vt.逗……笑,娛樂,消遣
cheer n.喝彩,歡呼
cheerful a.高興的,令人愉快的
delight n.歡樂,高興;使人高興的東西
fun n.有趣的事;樂趣,娛樂
gay a.歡樂的;同性戀
joke n.笑話,玩笑
joy n.歡樂;樂事,樂趣
joyful a.十分喜悅的,快樂的
enjoy vt.享受,喜愛;享有盛名
laugh vi.笑
laughter n.笑,笑聲
merry a.快樂的,愉快的
miserable a.痛苦的,悲慘的;令人難受的

Smart 詞匯記憶組群79
repent vi.悔悟,悔改
regret v./n.懊悔,遺憾,抱歉
sorrow n.悲哀,悲痛;傷心事,不幸的事
sorry a.遺憾的,抱歉的;對不起的;可憐的,使人傷心的
unfortunate a.遺憾的,可惜的
fortunate a.幸運的,僥幸的
fate n.命運,天數(shù)
fatal a.致命的
dead a.死的;無感覺的
deadly a.致命的;不共戴天的;極度的,十足的
death n.死,死亡
die vi.死,死亡;消失,停止運動;渴望
dying a.垂死的,臨終的
drown vi.淹死,溺死
alive a.活著的,在世的;有活力的,活躍的
life n.生命;一生,壽命;生活,人生;生物;生氣,活力
living a.活(著)的,生活的;有生命力的,生動活潑的;在使用中的,現(xiàn)行
vivid a.生動的,逼真的;(顏色)鮮艷的
viv=to live(生存)
vital a.生死攸關(guān)的,極其重要的;有生命的,充滿生機的
survive vi.活下來,幸存
vitamin n.維生素,維他命
protein n.蛋白質(zhì)

Smart 詞匯記憶組群80
rub v.擦,摩擦;擦掉,擦去
delete vt.刪除,擦掉
wipe v.擦,抹
whip n.鞭子
wide ad.完全地
widely ad.廣泛地
widen vt.加寬
widespread a.分布(或散布)廣的,普遍的
width n.寬度
enormous a.巨大的,極大的,龐大的
giant n.巨人;才智超群的人
grand a.宏偉的,壯麗的;重大的,重要的;傲慢的,派頭大的;絕佳的,極
huge a.巨大的,龐大的
immense a.廣大的,巨大的
large a.大的;(數(shù)量)多的,眾多的
tremendous a.巨大的,極大的;精彩的,了不起的
vast a.廣闊的,浩瀚的;巨大的,大量的
abundant a.大量的,充足的;(in)豐富的,富裕的
enough a.足夠的
flock n.一大批,眾多;(鳥、獸等)一群,一伙人
many a.許多的,多的
more a.更多的,更大的
furthermore ad.此外,而且
moreover ad.再者,加之,此外
mass n.團,塊,堆;眾多,大量;(pl.)群眾,民眾;(物體的)質(zhì)量
numerous a.為數(shù)眾多的,許多的
number n.數(shù),數(shù)字,號碼
figure n.數(shù)字;外形;人物,要人
data n.(pl.)數(shù)據(jù),資料
digital a.數(shù)字的,計數(shù)的
zero n.零,零點,零度
little a.小的,幼小的,矮小的;(時間、距離)短的;瑣碎的,微不足道的;
與“小的,少的”相關(guān)的單詞tiny a.極小的,微小的
trifle n.瑣事,小事,無價值的東西
few a.(表示否定)很少(的),幾乎沒有(的)
least ad.最少
bit n.一點兒,少許;小片,小塊
rare a.稀有的,罕見的;珍奇的,出類拔萃的;(空氣等)稀薄的;(肉)煎
rarely ad.不常,難得
seldom ad.很少,不常,難得

Smart 詞匯記憶組群81
about ad.大約,差不多;在四周,各處;在附近
above prep.在……上訪;多于,大于;高于,優(yōu)于;超出,超過
below prep.(位置)在下面;(數(shù)量)在以下;(地位)低于
beneath prep.在下面,往下面;(地位)低于;在……掩蓋下;連……也不
down ad.向下;由高到低,由強到弱;向下游,往南
ahead ad.在前面;向前;提前,預(yù)先
along ad.向前的;一起
forth ad.向前,往外
behind prep.在……后面;隱藏在……后面;落后于
aside ad.在旁邊,到一邊;撇開不談
beside prep.在……旁邊;和……相比
left a.左邊的
right a.正確的,對的;正當(dāng)?shù)?,公正的;右邊的;合適的,恰當(dāng)?shù)模唤】档模?br /> 正常的;直角的
privilege vt.給予優(yōu)惠,特免

Smart 詞匯記憶組群82
stumble vi. ①絆倒,絆腳:I stumbled over a tree root. ②跌跌撞撞地走:A drunk stumbled past US.一個醉漢跌跌撞撞地從我們身邊走過。③(說話等)結(jié)結(jié)巴巴
[考]stumble across/on碰巧發(fā)現(xiàn):Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drug ring。警方在調(diào)查稅收欺詐案件時意外發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個販毒集團。
tumble v. ①跌倒,摔下:tumble down the stairs ②翻滾:The puppy was tumbling about thefloor.小狗在地上打滾。③(價格等)暴跌:Shave prices tumbled on the stockmarket.股市股價暴跌。④不由自主地卷入
n. 跌倒,摔倒:have a nasty tumble重重地摔了一跤
[考]tumble to(突然)明白,領(lǐng)悟:I tumbled to him when l saw the letter.看到信,我才知道他的為人。
slide v. ①(使)滑動,(使)下滑:The ship slid into the water.船滑入水中。②(使)悄悄地移動:She slid a coin into his hand.她悄悄把硬幣塞人他手中。
[考]let slide放任自流:She got depressed and began to let things slide.她情緒低落,一切聽之任之。
slip vi. ①滑(倒),滑落;②溜走:The thief slippedout.小偷溜了出來。
vt. 悄悄放進:slip the waiter a tip 悄悄給服務(wù)員小費
[考]slip up 失誤,出差錯:I slipped up and gave you the wrong number.我錯給了你電話號碼。
Slippery a. ①滑的:Don’t run on such a slippery floor.②狡猾的,不可靠的:Tell you the truth,he is a slippery man. 實話告訴你,他不可靠。
slipper n. 拖鞋
wear vt. ①穿著,帶著,留(須發(fā)):she was wearing sunglasses.她戴著墨鏡。②面帶,呈現(xiàn):The house wore a neglected look.這房子好象沒有人照管。
vi. ①穿破,磨損 ②耐穿,耐磨:You should choose a fabric that will wear well.你要挑條耐穿的褲子。
n. ①穿,戴②服裝,穿戴物③磨損,損壞
[考]wear away①磨損,磨去 ②消磨,流逝:The coin has been worn away by using.硬幣被用得磨損了。
wear off 漸漸減少,逐漸消失:The pain is slowly wearing off.痛苦正逐漸消失。
wear out①穿破,用壞:I wore out a pair of shoes.② (使) 疲乏, (使) 耗盡:They were worn out after a long walk.長途后,他們累壞了。
cloth n. 布,織物,衣料
clothe vt. ①給…穿衣 ②覆蓋:The sun clothed the hill with light.陽光覆照在小山上。
clothes n. 衣服,服裝:a suit of clothes
clothing n. (總稱) 衣服,衣著
coat vt. 涂上,覆蓋
n. ①外衣,外套 ②表皮,皮毛③覆蓋物,層:give sth. a second coat of paint給…上第二層顏料
overcoat n. 外衣,大衣
cloak n. 斗篷;覆蓋(物)
dress n. ①連衣裙 ②衣服,服裝
vt. ①給…穿衣:He takes ages to dress.他穿衣要用很長時間。②包扎(傷口):Nurse dressed the wounded man.護士為傷員包扎。③給…加作料
[考]dress up ①穿上盛裝,精心打扮:Children like dressing up. 孩子都愛打扮。②裝飾,修飾
jacket n. 短上衣,茄克衫
gown n. 長袍,長外衣
sweater n. 厚運動衫,毛線衫
robe n. 長袍
vest n. 汗衫;背心
skirt n. ①裙子 ②邊緣:We walk along the skirt of the river. 我們沿著河邊走。③郊區(qū)
cotton n. ①棉,棉花 ②棉線,棉紗:a needle and cotton 針和線
fabric n. ①織物,織品 ②構(gòu)造,組織:The entire fabric of the house needs renovation. 這座房子的全部結(jié)構(gòu)需要維修翻新。
fibre n. 纖維,纖維質(zhì)
linen n. 亞麻布;亞麻織物
nylon n. 尼龍
silk n. 蠶絲,絲,絲織品
velvet n. 絲絨,天鵝絨
textile n. ①紡織品:This factory produces a range of textiles. 這個工廠生產(chǎn)各種紡織品。②紡織業(yè):She got a job in textiles. 她在紡織業(yè)中找到了—份工作。
a. 紡織的:the textile industry 紡織工業(yè)
wool n. ①羊毛 ②毛線,毛織品:a ball of knitting wool 一團毛線
woolen a. 羊毛制的,毛線的
rag n. ①破布,碎布 ②(pl.)破舊衣服: I met a ramp dressed in rags and tatters in the street. 我在街上遇到了一個衣衫襤褸的流浪漢。
canvas n. 粗帆布;一塊油畫布
sock n. 短襪
stocking n. 長(統(tǒng))襪
boot n. ①靴 ②(汽車后部的)行李箱:Be sure to put the luggage in the boot. ③解雇:Tom got the boot because of his rudeness to the customer.
shoe n. 鞋
[考]in sb.’s shoes 處于…的地位(或境地):I would quit the job if I were in your shoes.
button n. ①扣子:lose a button ②按鈕
vt. 扣緊,扣上:Debby’s dress buttons at the back.戴比的裙子是在后面系扣的。
clasp n. 扣子,鉤子;別針
pin n. ①大頭針,別針 ②徽章,像覃:a tie-pin 一個領(lǐng)帶夾 ③銷子,閂
v. 別住,固定?。篕en pinned the papers together incase of losing it.
[考]pin down ①(使)明確說明:Jeff is a difficult person to pin down.杰夫這個人說話辦事沒個準兒。②確定,證實:There’s something wrong, but I can’t pin it down。
collar n. ①衣領(lǐng),領(lǐng)子:white collar ②(狗等的)項圈
pocket n. ①衣袋,小袋?、阱X,財力:I'm hard on the pocket now. 我現(xiàn)在手頭拮據(jù)。
vt. 把…裝入口 袋:She pocketed the paper,她把考卷裝進口袋.
a. 袖珍的,小型的:pocket book 小型記事本
sleeve n. 袖子,袖套
tie n. ①領(lǐng)帶,領(lǐng)結(jié) ②紐帶,聯(lián)系:the ties of friendship 友誼的紐帶 ③束縛
vt. ①拴,扎,捆 ②把…打結(jié),系上:tie an apron 系上圍裙 ③連接,使有關(guān)聯(lián)
vi. 不分勝負:The two teams tied.
[考]tie down 限制,牽制:I don’t like to be tied down by things.我不喜歡被事情所牽制。
tie in with 與…一致,配合:The report ties in with what we know.這個報道與我們所知的一致。
tie up ①拴住,捆牢 ②使(錢等)難以動用,阻礙:Most of Gill’s money is tied up in property.吉爾的大部分錢都投資在房地產(chǎn)上無法動用。
veil n. 面紗,面罩;遮蔽物
knit v. ①編織:We knitted a sweater for her son.②使緊密地結(jié)合,使緊湊:knit one’s brows ③(折骨)愈合:The broken bones have knitted well. 斷骨已愈合良好。
needle n. 針,編織針
sew v. 縫(紉):sew round the hem 縫邊
[考]sew up ①縫合:sew up a hole in a sock把襪子上的洞補好。②確保…的成功:By the end of the mooting everything, should be nicely sewn up.會議結(jié)束時一切應(yīng)妥善解決。
patch n. ①補片,補?。篐e wears a coat with patches on the elbows.他穿了一件肘部有補了的衣服。②斑:Lisa has a black dog with a white patch on its neck.③一小塊地:Jim has an onion patch.
vt. 補,修補:Lucy was patching a hole in her pants.
[考] patch up①解決(爭吵,麻煩等):It’s hard to patch up their differences. ②修補:They patched up their old car and sold it.
weave v. 織,編:I like the cloth woven from silk and wool.我喜歡用絲和毛混紡的料子。
stitch n. ①(縫,繡,編結(jié)等的)一針,線跡 ②縫法,針法,編結(jié)法:She is very good at chain-stitch.她很擅長鏈形縫法。③(跑步引起的肋部)突然劇痛:I got a stitch when running.
v. 縫,繡:She is stitching a shirt by candlelight,她正在燭光下縫襯衣。
tailor vt. ①裁剪,縫制:He got a well-tailored suit as his birthday present.他的生日禮物是一件做工考究的西裝。②使適應(yīng)(特定需要):These homes are tailored to the needs of the elderly.這些是專門為老人建立的養(yǎng)老院。
n. 裁縫
tail=to cut(割)
tail n. 尾巴,尾部
detail n. 細節(jié),詳情
v. 詳述 [同] specify
[考]in detail 詳細地(=at length)

Smart 詞匯記憶組群83
scarf n. 圍巾,頭巾;領(lǐng)帶
scar n. 傷疤,傷痕;創(chuàng)傷
scare vt. 驚嚇,使害怕
vi. 受驚:He scares easily.他動不動就害怕。
n. 驚恐,恐慌:You gave me a scare.你嚇了我一跳。
scarcely ad. ①僅僅 ②幾乎不,簡直不 ③決不:I scarcely believe you.我決不相信你。
[考]scarcely...when 一…就:Scarcely did I go to sleep when the bell rang.我剛一睡下鈴就響了。
scarce a. ①缺乏的;不足的:The food is scarce.②稀有的
lack v. 缺乏:lack creativity 缺乏創(chuàng)造力
n. 不足,沒有:a lack of water 缺水
want vt. ①要,想要,希望 ②需要 ③缺少,缺乏:He wants the courage.他缺少勇氣。
vi. 缺少:I want for money these days.我最近缺錢花。
n. ①需要的東西:Nick is a man of few wants.尼克是個沒什么欲望的人。②缺乏
absence n. 缺席,不在場 ②缺乏,不存在:the absence of proof 缺乏證據(jù) ③缺席的時間:during his absence
absent a. ①不在場的:He is absent from meeting.他未到會。②缺乏的
presence n. ①出席,到場:No one noticed her presence at the meeting. ②儀表,儀態(tài):Nick is a man of great presence.尼可是一個很瀟灑的男子。
[考]in sh.’ s presence 當(dāng)著某人的面,有某人在場:Don’t mention her dead son in her presence.
presently ad. ①不久,一會兒:I’ll be here presently. ②現(xiàn)在,目前:They are presently discussing the plan.
present v. ①贈送,呈獻 ②介紹,引見[同]introduce ③提出(論點等)[同]advance:She presented her case to the committee.她提出了自己的理由給委員會考慮。
a. ①出席的,到場的:There are 50 people present at the meeting. ②現(xiàn)在的,目前的:I can solve the present problem.
n. ①現(xiàn)在,目前:The present belongs to youth. ②禮物
[考]at present 目前,現(xiàn)在:I can’t tell the reason why I leave at present.

Smart 詞匯記憶組群84
blaze n. 火;閃光
vi. 燃燒
flame n. 火焰,火舌:The house is in flame.
flash n. ①閃光,閃爍:A flash of lightning scared her.一道閃光嚇倒了她。②閃光燈:l need flash for this shot.我拍這張照片需要用閃光燈。
v. ①閃光,閃爍:A lamp was flashing in the dark. ②閃現(xiàn):Her eyes flashed joy.她的眼中閃爍著高興的表情。③飛馳
glow n. 光亮,光輝:The fireplace cast a warm glow on the wall.壁爐的火在墻上呈現(xiàn)出一片光。
vi. ①(臉)紅,(身體)發(fā)熱:Jane glows with health.珍尼紅光滿面。②發(fā)光
spark n. 火花,火星
vi. 放出火花:The fire is sparking dangerously.
vt. 觸發(fā),引起:The accident sparked off a chain of disasters.那個事故引發(fā)了一連串的災(zāi)難。
sparkle n. 火花
vi. 閃耀;發(fā)出火光
fire n. ①火 ②火災(zāi),失火 ③火力:The soldiers returned the enemy’s fire. ④熱情,激情:His speech lacked fire.他的演講缺乏激情。
vi. 開火,開槍:” Fire!” orderd the captain.
vt. ①放槍,射出子彈:He fired several shorts at the birds. ②開除,解雇:He was fired by his boss.
[考]catch on fire 著火:The hay caught on fire easily.干草很容易著火。
on fire 起火:The forest was on fire.森林著火了。
play with fire 玩火:Don’t play with fire.
set fire to 使燃燒,點燃:The thief was caught setting fire to the house.小偷在放火時被抓。
under fire 遭到攻擊,受嚴厲批評:The army is under fire from all sides.部隊四面遭受攻擊。
disaster n. ①災(zāi)難,大禍:Many people died in the disaster. ②徹底的失?。篐is career is a disaster.
drought n. 旱災(zāi),干旱
earthquake n. 地震[同]quake
earth n. ①地球:The moon goes round the earth.月球繞地球轉(zhuǎn)。②陸地,地面 ③土,泥:He filled a hole with earth.他用泥土把洞填起來。
[考]on earth 到底,究竟
typhoon n. 臺風(fēng)
volcano n. 火山
wreck v. ①破壞,毀壞:Some robbers wreck the bank. ②造成…失事,使遇難:The plane had been wrecked off the Pacific Ocean.飛機在太平洋上失事。
n. ①失事,殘骸:The car becomes a wreck in the accident.那輛車在事故中成了廢鐵。②精神或身體己垮的人:The illness left him a helpless wreck.那場病讓他不能自理。
collapse vi. ①塌下:The whole building collapsed. ②崩潰:He collapsed under the pressure of work.他被工作壓力壓垮了。
n. ①倒塌:The collapse of the building blocked the road. ②崩潰:The economy is in a state of collapse.經(jīng)濟處于崩潰狀態(tài)。
collision n. ①碰撞 ②沖突,抵觸:His activity brought him in to collision with the law.他的行為觸犯了法律。
crash vi. ①碰撞,墜落:The tree crashed to the window. ②發(fā)出撞擊聲:The vase crashed to the floor. ③破產(chǎn):The company crashed with so many debts.那個公司因為負債累累而破產(chǎn)。
vt. ①撞擊,撞碎 ②沖,闖:He crashed the party without a permission.他未受邀請就闖進了晚會。
n. ①沖撞:There is a crash in which two cars collided. 有一個兩車相撞的事故。②破碎聲:I heard the crash of dishes being dropped at night.晚上我聽到盤子破碎的聲音。
crush vt. ①壓碎,碾碎:Crushing grapes makes wine.葡萄酒是壓榨葡萄制成的。②鎮(zhèn)壓,壓垮:The army crushed the rebellion.軍隊鎮(zhèn)壓了叛亂。
grind vt. ①磨,磨碎:The farmer ground the corn into flour. ②壓迫,折磨:The landowner ground down the peasant. 這個地主壓迫農(nóng)民。
vi. 磨得吱吱作響:The old car ground and shuddered。那部舊車抖動著發(fā)出吱吱的聲音。
n. 苦差事:Marking exam papers is a real grind.批改試卷確實是個苦差事。
[考]grind out 生拼硬湊地寫出:David finally ground out a composition.大衛(wèi)終于寫出了一篇文章。
rack n. 掛架,擱架:a tool rack 工具架
v. ①使痛苦,折磨:rack one’s brains 絞盡腦汁 ②使緊張,使努力:be on the rack 受酷刑
torture n./vt. 折磨,拷打

purify vt. 使純凈,使?jié)崈簦簆urify air by filtration 用過濾法凈化空氣
purity n. 純凈;純潔;純度
pure a. ①純的,純凈的:The paper is pure white. ②抽象的:pure art 純藝術(shù) ③完全的,十足的:l do it out of pure habit.我完全是出于習(xí)慣而這樣做。
purely ad. 純粹地,完全地
extreme a. ①極度的,極端的:She is in extreme pain.她處在極度痛苦中。②盡頭的,末端的
n. 極端,過分:extreme of passion 感情的極端
extremely ad. 極端,非常
quite ad. ①相當(dāng),頗:He plays quite well. ②實際上,確實 ③完全,十分
utter vt. 發(fā)出聲音:utter a sigh發(fā)出嘆息聲
a. 完全的,徹底的,絕對的
[辨]entire(ly) 用于說話人持肯定態(tài)度的場合:We should work entirely in the interest of the people. utter(ly) 用于說話人持否定態(tài)度的場合:I am utterly dissatisfied.
whole n. 全部,整體:Four quarters make a whole.
a. ①全部的,全體的:The whole class are silent ②完整的,無缺的: swallow jujube whole 囫圇吞棗
[考]as a whole整個看來,作為一個整體
on the whole總的來說,大體上:On the whole, I agree with what you said.
wholly ad. 完全地,全部地:lt’s not a wholly good book.
altogether ad. ①完全,全然:I cannot altogether understand you.我不能全然理解你。②總而言之 ③總共:I earn 1000 dollars per week altogether.
together ad. 共同,一起
all a. ①全部的,整個的:He works all day long. ②一切的,所有的:All these letters must be answered.
③盡量的,極度的:He ran with all speed.他全速向前跑。
prep. 全部,整個:All of the girls are satisfied with the room.
ad. 完全地:Ray lives all alone. 雷一個人獨自生活。
[考]above all 首先,尤其是:He is a poet above all.
after all 畢竟:Don’t blame Lisa, after all, she’s just a little girl.
all but ①除了…都 ②幾乎,差不多:It's all but impossible to catch the train. 趕上車幾乎是不可能的了。
all in all 從各方面說,總的來說;All in all she is a good teacher.
all over 到處,遍及:My body ached all over.
at all 一點,絲毫:l don’t like dancing at all.
for all 盡管,雖然:He’s wealthy but still unhappy for all that. 他有錢卻不快樂。
in all 總共,合計:There are 17 people attending the meeting in all.
full a. ①滿的:a bag full of apples ②完全的:She told us a full story about the boy.
[考]in full 全部地:You should write your name in full.你要寫上全名。
entire a. 全部的,整個的:We are in entire agreement with you.
retire vi. ①退下,撤退:The stoop retired for 3 miles. 隊伍撤退了3英里。②退休:John retired early because of his health. ③就寢:I decided to retire early after dinner.
tire v. (使)疲勞,累:The heavy work tired me.
n. 輪胎
[考]tire out 使疲勞不堪:The long walk tired me out.
tired a. ①疲勞的 ②厭倦的:I’m tired of her boring story.
exhaust vt. ①使筋疲力盡 ②用盡:I’ve exhausted a money supply. 我把錢用光了。③詳盡論述:We try to exhaust the subject on pollution. 我們試圖詳盡論述污染問題。
n. ①排氣裝置,排氣孔 ②廢氣:The exhaust emitted by the cars are bad for people’s health. 汽車排放的尾氣危害人們的健康。
fatigue n. 疲勞,勞累:We all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey.
v. (使)疲勞:Writing is really a fatiguing work. 寫書的確是個累人的工作。
weary a. 疲倦的

rebel vi.①反叛,起義[同]revolt ②反對[同]disobey, resist
n. 反叛者,起義者[同]opponent
[考]rebel against 反對,反叛:The people have rebelled against their foreign rulers.
rebellion n. 叛亂,反抗,起義
revolt vi./n. 反抗,造反
[考]revolt against 反抗,造反:The people revolted against their king.
loyal a. 忠誠的
[考]be loyal to 忠于
faithful a. ①忠實的:be faithful to 忠實于 ②真實的,正確的[同]accurate,exact
honest a. 誠實的,正直的
faith n. ①信任,信心[同]belief,confidence ②信仰[同] religion
[考]have faith in sb. 相信某人:Have you any faith in what he says?
in good faith 真誠的,誠意的:The government has acted in good faith.
keep/break faith with sb. 對某人守信剛/不守信用
[辨]belief 指一般意義上的信仰;faith 指宗教上的信仰
frank a. 坦白的,直率的[同]blunt
[考]to be frank 坦率地說
truly ad. ①真誠地[同]sincerely ②真正地[同]genuinely
truth n. ①真實性 ②事實 ③真理
true a. ①真正的,真實的:come true 成為現(xiàn)實 ②忠實的[同]faithful
sincere a. 誠摯的,真實的 [同]hearty
trust n. 信任
vt. ①信任 ②托付 [同]entrust ③希望
[考]trust to 依靠:Don’t trust to luck.
trust sth. to sb. 把…委托給:When I am out,I trust my cat to our neighbor.
reliance n. (on) ①依靠[同]dependence ②信賴:put reliance on sb.’s promise
reliability n. 可靠性 [同]dependability [反] unreliability
reliable a. 可靠的[同]dependable
confident a. 確信的,自信的:He is confident of victory.
confidence n. ①(in)信任②(in)信心,自信 ③秘密,機密
[考]in confidence 秘密地

credit n. ①信用,聲望[同] prestige:He quickly acquired credit with in the field of education. ②功勞:The credit for the success goes to Mr. Smith. ③貸款,賒款:The bank refused further credits to the company. 銀行拒絕再貸款給那家公司。④贊揚[同]approval
vt. 信任[同]trust:He could not credit his explanation.
[考]on credit 賒帳
a credit card 信用卡
loan n. ①貸款 ②暫借
vt. 借出
borrow vt. 借,借人
[辨]borrow…from 借人;lend...to 借出,借給
give vt. ①送給 ②授予[同]bestow,confer ③交給 ④舉行
[考]give away ①贈送 ②泄露
give oneself away 露馬腳
give back ①歸還[同]return ②恢復(fù)[同]recover
give in ①交上[同]turn in ②屈服[同]yield
give off 釋放,放出:The eggs were giving off a bad smell.
give out 分發(fā)[同]deliver:give out the exam papers.
give up停止,放棄
give oneself up投降,自首:The murderer gave himself up to the police.
give way(to) ①給…讓路②被…代替
give oneself to專心于,迷戀
grant n. 授予物
vt. ①授予[同]award②承認[同]admit ③假定
[考](granted) granting that假定…
take it for granted that認為…想當(dāng)然
hire vt. 租借
n. 租用,雇用
rent n. 租金
v. 租借[同]hire,lease
[考]rent out出租
rent...to sb. 把…租給某人
interest n. ①興趣,關(guān)心[同]concern,care ②(pl.)利益,利害關(guān)系[同]advantage ③利息[同] profit:with interest at 5 percent 以5%的利息
vt. 使感興趣[同]fascinate,attract
[考]have/take (an) interest in 對…感興趣
be interested in 對…感興趣
interest sb. in sth. 使某人對…感興趣:He interested me in chess.
lose (an) interest in對…失去興趣
interesting a. 有趣的,引人人勝的
funny a. ①有趣的②滑稽的[同]humorous③古怪的[同]odd, queer
ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒謬的

behave vi. ①舉動,舉止 ②運轉(zhuǎn)
vt. ①使舉止合宜:behave oneself 舉止合宜 ②使運轉(zhuǎn)正常
behavior n. ①行為,舉止 ②(機器的)運轉(zhuǎn)情況
behalf n. 利益
[考]on one’s behalf/on behalf of代表,為了:I’m writing to you on behalf of my family.
beneficial a. 有益的[同]advantageous, favorable
[考]be beneficial to有益于
benefit vt. 有益于[同]avail, profit
vi. (from)受益(于)
n.恩惠,好處[同]blessing, favor
[考]benefit from/by 從……中受益
for the benefit of 為了……(利益)
advantage n. ①好處②優(yōu)點
[考]take advantage of 利用
have/gain/get an advantage over比……有利
be of advantage to(+n./doing)有利于
favor n.①好感:He worked hard to get back in the manager’s favor.他努力工作,使經(jīng)理重新看好他. ②恩惠:Do me a favor and turn off the radio!
vt. 贊同:Did she favor your suggestion?
favorite a.特別喜愛的
favorable a.①有利的:The company will lend you money on very favorable terms. ②贊成的:I hear favorable accounts of your work.
useful a.有益的,有用的 us,uti=ro use(利用)
utilize vt.利用
utility n. ①效用,實用②公共事業(yè)(指水,電,公交等事業(yè))
abuse vt./n.①濫用[同]misuse②虐待[同]mistreat
usage n.①使用,對待[同]treatment②慣用法
use vt.①使用[同] employ ②消耗[同]consume
n.①使用[同]application ②功能 ③價值,益處④習(xí)慣[同]custom
[考]come into/be in use(開始)被使用
be/go/fall out of use被棄用:That expression has gone out of use.
make use of利用[同]take advantage of put to use投入使用:She put her knowledge of German to good use.
use up用盡,耗盡:Try not to use up all the flour.
used v.過去常常[同]would:used to do sth. 過去常常干某事;a.習(xí)慣的:be used to doing習(xí)慣于
a. 用過的,用舊的
[辨]used to do過去常做某事,但現(xiàn)在已停止,可用于故事開頭;be used to doing習(xí)慣做某事,現(xiàn)
useless a.無用的,無價值的
user n. 用戶,使用者
unusual a. ①不平常的[同]uncommon ②獨特的
unusually ad. 不平常地,非常
usual a. 通常的,平常的
usually ad. 通常
normally ad. 通常,正常地
abnormal a. ①反常的:an abnormal phenomenon 反?,F(xiàn)象 ②變態(tài)的 ③不規(guī)則的
normal a. ①正常的,普通的[同]average ②正規(guī)的,標準的[同]standard
average n. 平均數(shù);a.①平均的②通常的,一般
的;vt.平均為:My mail averages 20 letters a day.
[考]on the/an average平均,一般來說
ordinary a.平常的,平凡的
common a. ①普通的,平常的②共有的,公用的
[考] common to①對…覺得普遍②是…共有的
in common共有,共用
commonly ad.普通地,—般地
mutual a. 相互的;共同的

freely ad.①自由地[同]liberally ②直率地[同] frankly ③免費地
freedom n. 自由,自主[同]liberty,independence
free a.①空閑的,空余的②自由的③免費的④無.....的;vt.(from,of)使自由,解放[同]release
[考]be free to do sth.自由地做某事
be free from免于……
set free釋放
[辨]free 指沒有受到束縛的狀態(tài);release指免除困難,苦痛,憂慮,債務(wù),囚犯等
idle a. ①空閑的②懶散的;v. ①游手好閑 ②(發(fā)動機)怠速運轉(zhuǎn)
[考]idle away(one’s time)消磨時光
idle about閑逛
leisure n.①空閑②悠閑,安逸[同]ease
[考]at leisure閑暇的
at one’s leisure當(dāng)某人空閑時
lazy a. 懶惰的,懶散的[同]slack
busy a. 忙的,繁忙的
[考]be busy at/with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
industrious a. 勤奮的

industrial a. 工業(yè)的,產(chǎn)業(yè)的
industrialize vt.使工業(yè)化
industry n.①工業(yè),產(chǎn)業(yè)[同]business ②勤勞
mill n.①工廠,制造廠[同]works②磨坊
workshop n.①工場,車間②創(chuàng)作室
work n. ①(pl.)工廠②(pl.)著作品③工作④<物理>功
[考]at work在工作(=on the job)
go/set about one’s work開始工作
in/out of work就業(yè)/失業(yè)
work up鼓動,使激動[同]excite,stir:The actor is good at working the audience up.那個演員很會鼓動觀眾.
work out①制訂,設(shè)計[同]plan,design②解決,算出
labor n.①勞動②工作③勞工
v. ①勞動 ②努力干
boss n. 老板,上司
vt.指揮[同] direct,supervise
slavery n. ①奴隸制度②苦役
engage vt.①使從事于②聘用③占用(時間等) [同]occupy④訂婚
[考]be engaged in (doing) sth.忙于,從事于
be engaged to與……訂婚
occupy vt.①占用,占領(lǐng)②使忙碌[同]absorb
[考]be occupied with/in 忙于(某事)
occupation n.①職業(yè),工作[同] employment②占領(lǐng)[同] possession,takeover
business n. ①商業(yè),生意②事務(wù),職責(zé)③職業(yè)
[考] on business 因公出差
It’s none of your business.不關(guān)你的事。
commerce n. 貿(mào)易,商業(yè)
[考] a chamber of commerce商會
commercial a.商業(yè)的,商務(wù)的
n. (廣播、電視的) 廣告
merchant n.商人[同] dealer
trade n.①貿(mào)易,生意②手藝,行業(yè)[同]profession
[考]trade...for... 用……換……
trade in 做……買賣
trade...with sb. 與某人交換……

Smart 詞匯記憶組群89
velocity n.速度,速率
speed n. ①(廣義)速度②(狹義)快,迅速
v.① (up)(廣義)加速[同]hasten,accelerate②(狹義)迅速前進,急行
[考]speed up使加速
accelerate v.①(使)加快②促進[同]promote [反]decelerate
acceleration n. ①加速②<物>加速度
haste n.①急速,急忙②草率[同]rashness
[考]in haste急忙地(=in a hurry)
[辨]haste指人的動作迅速,匆忙或做事欠考慮; hurry的意味更強烈,含混亂,焦急和忙亂的意思.
hasten vt. 催促
[考]hasten sb.to do 催促某人做
hasty a.①匆忙的,倉促的②草率的[同]rash
hurry vi.趕緊
[考]hurry sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事
hurry up(使)趕快
in a hurry匆忙地
prompt a. 及時的;敏捷的[同]immediate
quick a.①快的,迅速的②敏捷的,靈敏的
[考] be quick of... 在……方面能力強
be quick at...在……方面敏捷
rapid a.快的,迅速的
rapidly ad. 迅速地
soon ad.①早,快②不久
[考]as/so soon as剛…就
no sooner...than...剛……就……(no sooner放句首,句子用倒裝)[同]hardly...when, scarcely...before
sooner or later遲早
swift a. ①快速的②反應(yīng)快的,敏捷的
[考]be swift to (do) sth.易于……(常接表示人感情或心理活動的名詞或動詞):She is swift to take offence.她動不動就生氣。
immediate a.①立即的②直接的[同]direct ③最接近的[同]close
immediately ad. ①立刻地[同] right now ②直接地,緊密地[同]directly
fast a. ①快的②緊的,牢固的[同]firm
[考]be fast asleep正酣睡
stand fast站穩(wěn)
fasten v.①拴緊,扣緊②(on,upon)固定,集中
n. or a.+ -en ="使成......”
brighten vt.①使發(fā)光[同]illuminate②使快活
[同] cheer up:Her face began to brighten.
bright a. ①明亮的,光亮的②聰明的,伶俐的③快樂的[同]cheerful
deepen vt. 加深,深化[同]intensify:The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.
depth n.深度,深厚
[考]in depth①深度:The river is six feet deep/in depth. ②深入的:He discussed the subject in depth.
deep a. ①深的[反]shallow ②深奧的 ③深情的
lessen v.①減輕,減少[同]decrease ②縮小 [同]shrink
less a.更少的
ad. 更少地
[考]no less than 不少于
loosen vt.使變松 free
[考]loosen up 減輕,放松
loose a.①松的[反]tight ②自由的 ③散漫的
ripen v.(使)成熟
ripe a.①熟的,成熟的[同]matured ②(for)時機成熟的:Time is ripe for setting up our own band.
sharpen vt.①使尖銳 ②使敏銳:sharpen a knife
sharp a.①鋒利的,銳利的[同]keen ②輪廓分明的,鮮明的 ③敏銳的,機警的[同]alert,keen ④急轉(zhuǎn)的,突然的:a sharp turn急轉(zhuǎn)彎 ⑤刺耳的[同]harsh
ad.(指時刻)準時地(常放在時間后):at 8 o’clock sharp在八點整
sharply ad.銳利地,敏銳地
stiffen vt.使變硬,使僵硬
stiff a.①硬的,僵直的[同]hardened ②拘謹?shù)?,呆板?br /> strengthen vt.加強,鞏固
strength n.實力,力量[同]power,force
[考]threaten sb.with sth.
threaten to do sth.
threat n.①威脅 ②兇兆
wooden a.①木制的 ②呆板的
wood n. ①(pl.)樹林 ②木材
weaken vt.削弱
vi.變?nèi)?br /> weakness n. ①虛弱,軟弱 ②弱點[同]flaw
weak a.①弱的,衰弱的 ②懦弱的[同]irresolute ③薄弱的
[考]be weak in 在……方面差,不擅長
faint a.①微弱的[同]feeble,dim ②將要昏倒的 (只作表語)
feeble a.虛弱的,微弱的
[辨]feeble 指說話者帶有同情,可憐之意;weak泛指人的身體,聲音,力氣等,是一般用語。
brittle a.脆弱的,易碎的
broken① a.被打碎的;骨折的
broken② a.①壞的,破的②斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的
break v.①打碎,打破②打斷③破壞,違反④打破紀錄
n. ①打斷,終止②休息
[考]break away from脫離,逃跑
break down①破壞②發(fā)生故障
break in①強行闖入②打斷,插嘴
break out突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā)
break off①斷絕,結(jié)束:Those two countries have broken off relations.②改掉(某種習(xí)慣)
break through突破,突圍
break up ①終止,結(jié)束 ②打碎,拆散
ruin v. (使)毀滅
n.①毀滅,崩潰[同]downfall ②(pl.)廢墟,遺跡
[考]be in ruins 是一片廢墟
bring/come to ruin 使毀滅
spoil vt.①損壞 ②寵壞,溺愛
damage vt.毀損,損害
n. ①(pl.)損害賠償費②損害,毀壞
[考]do damage to 對……損害:The storm did damage to the crops.
hurt n.傷害,損害
vt. ①使受傷 ②傷害(感情);
vi. 傷痛
harm v./n.傷害,損害
[考]do harm to 損害,對……有害
harmful a. 有害的
[考] be harmful to 對……有害的


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