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> 英語語法 > 李陽瘋狂英語口語突破之突破語法 >  第2篇





【超級現(xiàn)在完成時句型】 …the best…I've ever…;

(1)This is the best movie I've ever seen.;這是我看過的最好的電影

(2)This is the best book I've ever read.;這是我讀過的最好的書。

(3)He is the best guy I've ever known.;他是我認(rèn)識的最好的人。

(4)This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.;這是我去過的最好的地方

You're the most beautiful American girl I've ever met!;你是我一生中見過的最漂 亮的美國女孩!

【超級現(xiàn)在完成時句型】 I've never…;

(1)I've never heard of him.;我從來沒有聽說過他。

(2)I've never been late.;我從不遲到。

(3)I've never thought of such a thing.;我從來沒有想到過這樣的 事。

(4)I've never seen such a cute baby.;我從沒見過這么可愛的嬰 兒。

(5)I've never dreamed that I could see you again.;我從來沒想過還能再見到 你。

(6)I've never been so lucky in my life.;我一生中從來沒這么幸運 過。

(7)I've never been here before.;我從沒來過這兒。

(8)I've never been to America.;我從來沒去過美國。

(9)I've never been out of the country.;我從來沒有出過國。

(10)I've never met a better man before.;我沒有見過比他更好的人。

【三最短文突破語法】 我們可以用句子來突破語 法,用對話來突破語法, 更可以用短文來突破語法;

(1) Hi, my name is Sarah. I know we haven't met before but I'd like to;(1) 嗨,我是薩拉。 雖然我們以前沒見過面,

tell you about myself and the company where I have worked for the past year.;我還是想跟你們講講我自 己以及我工作了一年的公 司。

(2) I'm an employee of the World Publishing Company.;(2) 我是世界出版公司的 雇員。

This is a typical Friday afternoon at our office.;這是我們辦公室時一個典 型的星期五下午,

All the employees are working overtime.;所有的員工都在加班工作

We haven't gone home because we haven't finished our work yet.;我們還沒有做完工作, 所以我們還沒能回家。

Friday is always a very busy day.;星期五總是一個繁忙的日 子。

(3) The secretary still hasn't typed two important letters.;(3) 秘書還有兩封重要的 信沒打;

The accountant hasn't written all the paychecks.;會計還沒有寫完薪水支票

The office clerks haven't delivered all the mail.;辦公室職員還沒有發(fā)出所 有的郵件。

And the boss still hasn't spoken to three important people who are waiting to see him;老板還沒有跟三個等著見 他的重要的人談話。 【李陽瘋狂英語"一口氣"訓(xùn)練記錄為:2 口氣】

The editors haven't finished their articles.;編輯們還沒有編完他們的 文章。

The managers haven't turned in their work reports.;經(jīng)理們還沒有交上他們的 工作報告。

It's after six o'clock and we haven't even had dinner yet.;已經(jīng)六點多了,我們還沒 有吃晚飯。

(4) As for me, I'm the custodian, and I haven't finished my work yet either.;(4) 至于我,我是管理員 我也沒有做完我的工作。

I still haven't clean- ed all the offices because my co-workers haven't gone home yet!;我還沒有打掃所有的辦公 室,因為我的同事們都還 沒回家。

I'm not really surprised. Friday is always a very busy day at our office.;我并不怎么驚訝在我們辦 公室,星期五總是很繁忙 的。

Publishing is just a crazy business.;出版業(yè)就是一個瘋狂的事 業(yè)。

【對話突破時態(tài)】 A:Hi, I haven't seen you all week. Where have you been?;嗨,我整個星期都沒見到 你,你去哪兒了?

B:I've been really busy lately.This is the first free time I've had in a month.;我最近非常忙。一個月來 這是我第一次有空。

A:So, what are you going to do tonight? B:I'm not sure.;那你今晚準(zhǔn)備做什么? 我還不知道。

I really want to see a good movie. I haven't seen a good movie in a long time.;我真想看一場好電影。 我已經(jīng)很久沒看過好電影 了。

A:What movie are you going to see?;你想看什么電影?

B:I don't know. Have you seen any good movies recently?;我不知道。你最近有沒有 看過什么好電影?

A:Yes, I have. I saw a VERY good movie just last week.;是的,我上個星期剛看了 場非常棒的電影。

B:Really? What movie did you see?;真的嗎?你看的是什么電 影?

A:I saw Pearl Harbor. B:And you liked it?;我看了《珍珠港》。 你喜歡嗎?

A:I LOVED it! I think it's one of the BEST movies I've ever seen.;我太喜歡了!我想這是我 看過的最好的一部電影。

I'd even see it again if I had a chance.;如果有機會的話,我還想 再看一次。

Ben Affleck is the best actor I've ever watched on the screen.;本·艾夫瑞克是我在銀幕 上見過的最好的演員。

B:Well, do you want to go with me tonight? A:Sure! I'll call you after dinner, OK?;那你想今晚跟我一起去看 嗎? 當(dāng)然!我吃過飯打電話給 你,好嗎?

B:Sounds good.;聽起來不錯。

13、過去完成時--表示過 去某時前已經(jīng)發(fā)生的或尚 未發(fā)生的動作或情況 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1:By the end of the year,we had helped 50 000 homeless people;到年底,我們已經(jīng)幫了 50 000 個無家可歸的人。

Top 2: After talking to her again, I realized that I had been wrong.;再次跟她談話后,我認(rèn)識 到我錯了。

Top 3: I had never used chop sticks before I came to China;我來中國前沒用過筷子。

23.A:I had not even finished school when I got my first job.;我找到第一份工作時還沒 有畢業(yè)呢。

B:Wow! You're lucky. It took me a long time to land a job.;哇,你太幸運了!我花了 很長時間才找到一份工作

14、現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: I've been learning English for ten years.; 我學(xué)英語已經(jīng)十年了。

Top 2: I've been teaching in this school since I graduated.;自從我畢業(yè)以來,就一直 在這家學(xué)校教書。

Top 3: I have been dying to see you since I talked to you on the phone last week.;上周跟你通過電話以來, 我一直非常想見到你。

23.A:At last! Where on earth have you been? I've been waiting 40 minutes.;嘿!你到底去哪兒了? 我都等了40分鐘了。

B:Sorry. Traffic jam.;對不起,塞車了。

【李陽老師經(jīng)常掛在嘴邊 的一句話】;

☆I(lǐng)'ve been looking forward to meeting you for a long time.;我一直盼望著與你見面。


Top 1: He had been training for the marathon for ten years;他為馬拉松訓(xùn)練了十年之 久。

Top 2: At last I got the package I had been expecting.;最后我終于拿到了我盼望 以久的包裹。

Top 3: He had been working very hard until he got sick.;他一直努力工作到生病為 止。

25.A:Nobody knew what this rascal had been doing all these years.;沒人知道這個壞蛋這些年 做了些什么。

B:But we found out that he made a big fortune!;但我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他賺了大錢!

第二章 名詞的數(shù)

1、名詞的規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)--由 名詞+-s或-es構(gòu)成;

23.A:These are some photos of my family.;這些是我家人的相片。

B:Wow! They're lovely. I wish I had some photos of mine to show you.;哇!真可愛!我真希望我 也有些照片給你看。

(1)Many girls like to chat with friends on the phone.;很多女孩喜歡用電話跟朋 友聊天。

(2)We have six English classes every week.;我們一個星期有六節(jié)英語 課。

(3)I'd like to buy a pair of matching watches.;我想買一對情侶表。

(4)I hate washing dishes.;我討厭洗碗。

(5)The world needs heroes to look up to.;這個世界需要英雄讓人們 景仰。

(6)A: Why do we have potatoes for dinner every day?;我們怎么每天都吃土豆?

B: I thought you liked potatoes.;我以為你喜歡土豆。

A:No, I hate potatoes. I like tomatoes!;不,我討厭土豆。我喜歡 西紅柿!

(7)Could you have those memos finished by five o'clock?;你能在五點之前完成這些 備忘錄嗎?

(8)Guangzhou is one of the most energetic cities in Asia.;廣州是亞洲最有活力的城 市之一。

(9)The leaves are gorgeous in Beijing during the fall.;秋天的時候北京的樹葉特 別漂亮。

(10)These are beliefs that all Americans and Chinese share.;這是美國人和中國人的共 同信仰。

2、集體名詞--本身表示 復(fù)數(shù)概念,所以不用加-s;

27. A: Say hello to your family. B:I will. Thank you.;向你家人問好。 我會的,謝謝。

28.A:I like to meet all kinds of people and I enjoy talking with them.;我喜歡結(jié)識各種各樣的人 并與他們交談。

B:No wonder you're so popular.;難怪你這么受歡迎。

(1)The Chinese are a great people.;中華民族是一個偉大的民 族。

(2)America is made up of many peoples.;美國是由很多民族組成的

3、抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞 --沒有單復(fù)數(shù)之分,如需 計數(shù),要使用數(shù)量詞;

29. A:Don't spend too much money on clothes. B:Don't worry.I won't. Thanks for your advice;別在衣服上花太多錢。 別擔(dān)心,我不會的。 謝謝你的忠告。

30.A:I am interested in music. B:What kind of music do you mean?;我很喜歡音樂。 你說的哪種音樂?

Two Bags of Groceries (1) Henry is at the supermarket and he's really upset.;(1)亨利現(xiàn)在超市,他真 的很心煩。

He just bought some groceries, and he can't believe he spent forty dollars!;他剛買了些食品,而他無 法相信他居然花了四十美 元!

He bought only a few oranges, a few apples, a little ice cream, and a few eggs.;他只買了一些橙子、一些 蘋果、一點冰淇淋和一些 雞蛋。

(2) He also bought just a little coffee, a few onions, a few bananas, a little rice,;(2)他還買了一點咖啡、 一些洋蔥、一些香蕉、一 點米、

a little cheese, and a few lemons. He didn't buy very much fish,;一點黃油和一些檸檬。 他沒買多少魚,

he didn't buy very many grapes, and he didn't buy very much meat.;沒買多少葡萄,也沒買多 少肉。

(3) Henry spent forty dollars, but he's;(3)亨利花了四十美元, 但他

walking out of the supermarket with only two bags of groceries. No wonder he's upset!;走出超市的時候只拿 了兩袋食品。難怪他這么 心煩。 【李陽瘋狂英語"一口氣"訓(xùn)練記錄為: 1 口氣】

Two Bags of Groceries (1) Henry is at the supermarket and he's really upset.;(1)亨利現(xiàn)在超市,他真 的很心煩。

He just bought some groceries, and he can't believe he spent forty dollars!;他剛買了些食品,而他無 法相信他居然花了四十美 元!

He bought only a few oranges, a few apples, a little ice cream, and a few eggs.;他只買了一些橙子、一些 蘋果、一點冰淇淋和一些 雞蛋。

(2) He also bought just a little coffee, a few onions, a few bananas, a little rice,;(2)他還買了一點咖啡、 一些洋蔥、一些香蕉、一 點米、

a little cheese, and a few lemons. He didn't buy very much fish,;一點黃油和一些檸檬。 他沒買多少魚,

he didn't buy very many grapes, and he didn't buy very much meat.;沒買多少葡萄,也沒買多 少肉。

(3) Henry spent forty dollars, but he's;(3)亨利花了四十美元, 但他

walking out of the supermarket with only two bags of groceries. No wonder he's upset!;走出超市的時候只拿 了兩袋食品。難怪他這么 心煩。

第三章 1、can--表示能力、許可 還可用來請求或提供幫助 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: She can speak three different languages.;她能說三種不同的語言。

Top 2: You can do anything if you try.;如果你嘗試,你可以做任 何事。

Top 3: Do you think you can pass the test?;你認(rèn)為你能通過考試嗎?

31.A:Can I use your telephone please? B:Sure.Go right ahead.;我能用一下你的電話嗎? 當(dāng)然啦,盡管用。


下面這篇短文中有很多地 方用到了can來表示能力, 你可以換上你自己來說說 你的能力!;

(1) Roy, Susan, Lana, and Tina are sitting in the reception room at the Ace Employment;(1)羅伊、蘇珊、蘭娜和 天娜正坐在愛斯職業(yè)服務(wù) 公司的接待室里。

Service.They're all looking for work, and they're hoping they can find jobs today.;他們都在找工作。他們都 想今天能找到工作。

(2) Roy is looking for a job as a superintendent. He can paint walls.;(2)羅伊正在找一份管理員的工作.他能粉刷墻壁,

He can fix motors. And he can repair locks.;能修發(fā)動機,還能修鎖。

In fact, he can do any job that needs to be done.;事實上,他能做這份工作 所需要的一切事,

He can take care of a building with no problem.;他可以毫無困難地管理一 幢大樓。

Susan is looking for a job as a secretary. She can type. She can file.;蘇珊在找一份秘書的工作她能打字,能整理文件,

And she can speak well on the telephone. She can also speak three languages.;還能很好地接答電話。 她還會說三種語言。

Lana and Tina are looking for jobs as actresses. They can sing.;蘭娜和天娜正在找女演員 的工作。他們會唱歌,

They can dance. And they can act.;會跳舞,還會表演。

(3) Good luck, Roy! Good luck, Susan! Good luck, Lana and Tina!;3) 羅伊,祝你好運! 蘇珊,祝你好運!蘭娜和 天娜,祝你們好運!

We hope you can find the jobs you're looking for.;我們希望你們能找到你們 想找的工作。 【李陽瘋狂英語"一口氣"訓(xùn)練記錄為: 1.5 口氣】

【超級否定句型】 (1)I can't believe it. (2)I can't make it. (3)I can't help you.;我不相信。 我做不到。 我?guī)筒涣四恪?/p>

(4)I can't eat anymore (5)I can't promise. (6)I can't finish it. (7)I can't hear you.;我再也吃不下了。 我無法保證。 我無法完成。 我聽不到你說什么。

(8)I can't help it. (9)I can't stand his lies.;我無能為力。 我不能忍受他的謊言。

(10)I can't lend you any money. (11)I can't find my wallet.;我不能借錢給你。 我找不到錢包。

(12)I can't understand what you mean.;我不懂你說什么。

2、could--表示具有的能 力,表示可能發(fā)生的情況 ,也可表示一個可行的提 議 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: He could do better.; 他能做得更好。

Top 2: I could help you with your English if you'd like.;如果你愿意,我可以幫助 你學(xué)英語。

Top 3: That could be a good solution.;那可能是個不錯的解決辦 法。

32.A:What do you want to do this evening? B:We could go to the movies.;你今晚想做什么? 我們可以去看電影。

33.A:Could you do me a favor? B:Sure! No problem.;你能幫個忙嗎? 當(dāng)然,沒問題。

【瘋狂說明】 (1)Could/Can you lend me your mobile phone?;你能把手機借我用一下嗎

(2)We can/could go swimming this afternoon.;今天下午我們可以去游泳

(3)He couldn't/can't be over fifty.;他不可能超過五十。

(4)This can't/couldn't be true!;這不可能是真的。

3、could have--表示能 夠或可能但沒有發(fā)生的動 作或事件 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: I could have done a lot better.;我本來能夠做得更好的。

Top 2: I could have helped you, but I didn't know you were in trouble.;我本來能夠幫你的,但我 不知道你有麻煩。

Top 3: I could have been anything. I could have been a doctor;;我本來可能成為任何人。 我本可以是個醫(yī)生,

I could have been a lawyer; but I chose to be a teacher.;本可以是個律師,但我選 擇了做老師。

34.A:You are so late. I could have been there and back by now.;你太遲了,我都可以去那 里再回頭了。

B:Sorry, I got tied up in traffic.;對不起,我遇上交通堵塞 了。

4、can't have/couldn't have--表示覺得過去不可 能發(fā)生的事;

35. A: Has Jim left for home? I can't find him in the office.;吉姆回家了嗎?我在辦公 室沒找到他。

B:He couldn't have left so soon. He must be somewhere else in the company.;他不可能這么快就走了, 一定在公司其他什么地方

5、Would you--表示客氣 的請求 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: Would you give me a hand? Top 2: Would you pass me the salt?;你能幫我個忙嗎? 你能把鹽遞給我嗎?

Top 3: Would you please repeat that?;請你再重復(fù)一次,好嗎?

36. A: Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.;你能不能安靜一點? 我正想要集中思想呢。

B:This is my house! I can do whatever I like.;這是我的房子,我想做什 么就做什么。

6、may, might--表示可 能發(fā)生的事;

37. A:I might have gotten straight A's this semester.;這學(xué)期我很可能得全A。

B:Really? When will you know for sure?;真的嗎?你什么時候能肯 定?

A:I may know by this afternoon. I'll keep you posted.;今天下午可能就知道了, 我會通知你的。

B:Good luck! I hope you are right.;祝你好運!我希望你是對 的。

7、May I--請求許可 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: May I use your computer? Top 2: May I smoke here?; 我能用你的電腦嗎? 我能在這兒吸煙嗎?

Top 3: May I ask you something? 38.A:May I have your business card?;我能問你點事嗎? 可以給我你的名片嗎?

B:Sure. Here you are 39. A:May I take off a little early today?;沒問題,給你。 今天我能早點走嗎?

B:No, I really need you to stay until 10:00.;不行,我需要你呆到10點 再走。

8、should--表示"應(yīng)該" 做或發(fā)生的事,可用于建 議、命令等 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: You should study hard.; 你應(yīng)該努力學(xué)習(xí)。

Top 2: You should think twice before you make a decision.;做決定之前你應(yīng)該三思。

Top 3: I think you should try again. Top 4: You should be more careful.;我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該再試一次。 你應(yīng)該更仔細(xì)點。

Top 5: You should respect your parents.; 你應(yīng)該尊重你父母。

Top 6: You should save more money for the future.;你應(yīng)該存點錢以備將來之 用。

Top 7: You should take good care of yourself. Top 8: You should go and see a doctor.;你應(yīng)該好好照顧你自己。 你該去看個醫(yī)生。

40.A:We should leave early tomorrow to avoid rush hour.;我們明天應(yīng)該早點走, 以免碰上交通高峰時間。

B:That's a good idea. 7:00 should be OK.;這主意不錯。 7點應(yīng)該可以。

41.A:I am serious this time.You should be ashamed of yourself.;這次我是認(rèn)真的,你應(yīng)該 為自己感到羞愧。

B:You just don't understand how hard it is to do well in school!;你就是不知道要在學(xué)校里 做好有多難!

9、should have--表示本 應(yīng)該做某事,但沒做,主 要用于責(zé)備他人或表示自 責(zé);

42. A:You should have worn warmer clothes. It's cold in Beijing These days.;你應(yīng)該穿暖和一點的衣服 最近北京很冷。

B:Well you should have told me it was cold before I left home.;

The weather is still warm in Guangzhou.;廣州的天氣還很暖和。 那你在我離開家之前就應(yīng) 該告訴我。

10、have to--表示 "必 須"、"不得不" 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1:I have to go now Top 2:I have to change my plans.;我得走了. 我得改變計劃。

Top 3: I have to get some sleep. I'm too tired.;我得睡會兒,我太累了。

43. A:Why can't I speak English like you do?;我為什么不能象你一樣說 英語呢?

B:You have to practice more.;你得多加練習(xí)。

Applying for a Driver's License;

(1) Stone has been wanting to get a driver's license for a long time,;(1)石頭一直想獲得駕駛 執(zhí)照,

but he doesn't know how to do it! One day Kim takes him;但他不知道怎么才能得到 !有一天Kim帶他

to the Motor Vehicle Department, but Stone is annoyed by all the steps required.;去了汽車交通部門,但所 需要的步驟讓石頭煩惱不 已。

(2) First, he has to go to the Motor Vehic- les Department and pick up an application;(2)首先,他得去汽車交 通部門取一張申請表。

form. He can't ask for the form by telep- hone, and he can't ask for it by mail.;他不能打電話要一張表, 也不能要求郵寄一張表。

He has to go downtown and pick up the form in person.;他得去市中心自己拿一張 表。

(3) He has to fill out the form in duplicate. He can't use a pencil. He has to use a pen.;(3)他必須一式兩份填寫 那張表。他不能用鉛筆,

He can't use blue ink. He has to use black ink.;他得用鋼筆。他不能用藍(lán) 墨水,得用黑墨水。

And he can't write in script. He has to print.;他不能用手寫體寫,他得 用印刷體寫。

(4) He also has to attach two photographs to the application.;(4)他還得在申請表上貼 兩張照片。

They can't be old photographs. They have to be new. They can't be large.;照片不能用舊的,得用新 的;不能用大的,

They have to be small. And they can't be black and white. They have to be color.;得用小的;不能用黑白的 得用彩色的。

(5) Then he has to submit his application;(5)然后他得去遞交申請 表。

He has to wait in a long line to pay his application fee.;他得排長長的隊去交申請 費,

He has to wait in another long line to have an eye examination.;然后又得排另一個長 隊去檢查眼睛。

And believe it or not, he has to wait in ANOTHER long line to take a written test!;信不信由你,他還得再排 一個長隊去參加書面考試

(6) Finally, he has to take a road test. He has to start the car.;(6)最后,他得參加路試。 他得發(fā)動汽車,

He has to make a right turn, a left turn, and a U-turn.;然后左轉(zhuǎn)一次,再右轉(zhuǎn)一 次,還得轉(zhuǎn)個U形彎。

And he even has to park his car on a crowded city street.;他還得在擁擠的市區(qū)街上 停車。

(7) No wonder Stone is annoyed! He's applying for his driver's license,;7)難怪石頭這么煩惱! 他是在申請駕駛執(zhí)照,

and he can't believe all the things he has to do.;而他無法相信他得做這么 多的事。

(1)You don't have to come. (2)You don't have to remind me.;你沒必要來。 你不必提醒我。

(3)You don't have to decide now. (4)You don't have to tell her.;你現(xiàn)在不必決定。 你不必告訴她。

(5)You don't have to yell at me. I didn't do it on purpose.;你不用對我大喊大叫。 我又不是有心的。

(6)You don't have to go abroad to learn English.;你不用出國去學(xué)英語。

11、had better--表示建 議,意為"最好做……" 王牌經(jīng)典句;

Top 1: You'd better not waste time. Top 2: You'd better practice more.;你最好不要浪費時間。 你最好多加練習(xí)。

Top 3: You'd better get going or you'll be late.;你最好現(xiàn)在就走,要不然 你會遲到的。

44.A:You'd better not eat so many sweet things, or you will gain weight.;你最好不要再吃這么多甜 食,要不然你會長胖的。

B:You're right. Let me just eat my last ice cream.;你說得對,讓我吃完最后 這個冰淇淋吧。

12、would--表示意愿 45. A: I would never talk to him again.;我再也不要跟他說話了。

B:What did he do to make you so angry?;他做什么讓你這么生氣?

46.A: I would try Chinese medicine to cure your cold.;我要試試用中藥來治你的 感冒。

B: OK. I'll try.I just want to feel better.;好吧,我試試。我只想舒 服點。


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